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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - firesilver - 03-31-2024

Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy, First Fleet

Lieutenant Darren Barnes


-- Begin Report --

Today began as any other day, you log your ID in the flight plan system, review the orders for the next patrol, run through any outstanding maintenance reports then complete preflight checklists. For once, it actually seemed I was getting a patrol outside of Liberty's back yard and potentially out to Colorado to check out the northern quadrants. Some may say not the most exciting, but more often than not New York and it's immediate surroundings are the hot spots where the top brass wants you to patrol the most.

After completing all of the above, I started out heading to Colorado. Before I even left Norfolk I had bumped into a pilot from the 46th Squadron who seemed to have just been introduced to a newer Bomber class Navy ship, practically identical to the one I had just left behind in order to get back to my trusty heavy fighter. He was talkative, so I checked in with him and we discussed what was going on in Liberty space currently. After a brief weapons check, I accompanied him to Detroit Munitions so he could pick up his new service pistol and other gear. We then went past Fort Bush, onto the typical Manhatten sight seeing tour to see if we could locate any of the usual civilian traffic, although this proved to be uneventful.

This unexpected interaction meant my scheduled trip to Colorado would have to wait, as New York was once again the place to be, it seemed. We encountered a Liberty Navy 1st fleet Cruiser, I forget the name of the vessel but it's always a pleasure to watch one of those things fly by. Man I'd give anything to be trusted as captain of one of those things. One day Barnes.. One day..

My assigned patrol time was getting close to expiring, so I did a quick recap past West Point and Fort Bush, then returned back to Norfolk Shipyard before I got in trouble with the crew chief for not sticking to the assigned routes and time allocations. Luckily he didn't seem to think anything was out of order upon my return, and I had still completed a decent patrol zone that I could attach to my report.

Next patrol, I hope I get assigned to Colorado again and manage to complete a patrol out there. Sometimes you just gotta get out your comfort zone and see what's outside the norm, a change of scenery from the usual New York/Texas/California zones is always a welcome change.

-- End of Report --

Lieutenant Darren Barnes

Liberty Navy

Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - firesilver - 04-02-2024

Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy, First Fleet

Lieutenant Darren Barnes


-- Begin Report --

There's an age-old adage - "Be careful what you wish for" - and I should've been careful what I wished for. Today the Colorado patrol was back on the books, "Fantastic" I thought, finally some time out of the New York sector and out into the backalley of Liberty that is Colorado. The start of the patrol was peaceful, I visited the major waypoints on the assigned route, checked in with some local police forces at each of the main stations and there wasn't much going on, almost too quiet, or so I thought.

I had contact with some of the other Navy ships in New York, explaining to them about my relief being assigned a patrol outside of the usual areas, when there was a report that there were some hostile capital vessels that had just come up on scanners in Colorado, at the New York jumpgate. At first I thought it was a false report, I had just been there and saw nothing of interest and was now past Planet Denver, with again no substantial activity to report back on. I immediately turned around and made a beeline back to the New York gate, almost expecting to find nothing.

To my surprise, I would find myself quite mistaken. I cut the tradelane about 15 clicks from the gate, immediately noticing 3 large hostile contacts repeating on the scanner, I checked the IFF return, Outcast vessels, and not fighters either, these contacts consisted of one Gunboat class and two Battlecruiser class vessels. In my very heavy fighter, I didn't like the look of this situation. I noticed the Gunboat took note of my presence, and started to approach my location with speed, so I kept distance and observed the vessels from about 10 clicks out, reporting the information up the chain of command to nearby Liberty Navy capital vessels which were already responding to the reports in the New York system.

The Liberty Navy response fleet was gathering at the Colorado jumpgate in New York, so I ran the gauntlet managing to slip past the hostile capitals, back into New York to the reassuring sight of Navy capital vessels awaiting my attendance. I gave them the updated intel, and as the final ships gathered I was commanded to take point. I obliged, being first into the Colorado system once again, met with the same sight I had just flew past to regroup.

Things started fast, with the Navy ships getting stuck into the fight right away, I kept my distance observing the battle unfold, feeling less than useful in my heavy fighter watching these behemoth vessels exchange blows. The next period of time feels like a blur, I hardly had time to notice what ship was where amongst my own strafing runs of Outcast capital ships and exploding blue novas of light. After noticing several of these explosions, I noticed new hostiles on the scanner. Liberty Rogue destroyers had noticed the confrontation and decided to join the fray, this was not good for us after all. I was bought back to reality when I witnessed a 46th fleet prototype capital ship explode in a blinding blue light, I got some distance to protect myself from the explosion but it was little use, the damage was done to my morale and the ship was the least of my concerns.

One by one, our Navy capitals faltered under the immense firepower, outmanouvered by the Rogue destroyers that came in to assist. The scanner now read an overwhemling amount of hostile contacts, and the remaining Navy capitals were hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned. I managed to get some distance, and reluctantly disengaged with another Navy vessel - a gunboat class. We managed to get to the New York jump gate and got ourselves safe, both of us feeling defeated and demoralized from what we had just seen unfold before us.

I returned to Battleship Missouri, and immediately began uploading this report, partially shaken by the entire ordeal I had witnessed. All in all, lessons must be learned from this confrontation so that Liberty's enemies are not victorious once again.

-- End of Report --

Lieutenant Darren Barnes

Liberty Navy

Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - CO. Slate - 04-05-2024

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]
[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Department of War Operations Planning
Department of War Operations Planning

The Department of War Operations Planning has predicted war with Kusari to be imminent. Projections[1] indicate Kusari industrial capacity to be equal to or greater than our own in the event of total war. DSE has recently accepted[2] a wartime ship production contract but the new warships are not expected to be combat-ready for another six weeks. The Kusari Jump Drive field tests[3] have indicated that the Myoko battlegroup can now directly threaten Manhattan with little to no warning, and with Samura and Kishiro corporate assets as well as Kusari's own domestic terrorists brutalizing DSE civilian miners[4], it is likely that Kusari will resort to more overt measures to seize a monopoly over the Platinum held within Galileo.

The DOWOP Emergency Defense Readiness Assessment has yielded the following results:

Effective immediately, the following zones have been deemed at risk of a surprise attack by the Kusari Naval Forces:
  • Planet Denver
  • Pueblo Station
  • Fort Bush
  • Detroit Munitions
All battlegroup commanders in the following systems are hereby advised to expect a surprise attack from the Kusari Naval Forces.
  • Colorado
  • Galileo
  • New York

Further bulletins to follow.

  1. Kusari Industrial Capacity At Full Mobilization Predictions (Dept. of War Operations Planning, 834)
  2. ibid
  3. Threat Assessment of Myoko Battlegroup (Anoke, Adeneur, et al., 834)
  4. Deep Space Engineering Quarterly Shareholder Report (Quarter 1, 834. A.S.) (DSE, 834)

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Cypher - 06-06-2024


COMM ID:Captain John Hemmingway
TARGET ID:Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT:Returning to active duty

[Image: RIYxbWe.jpg]

Afternoon, Command.

After a brief period of being marked as inactive, I would like to be reinstated back to the active duty roster along with my cruiser, the Aventine. Could this be arranged as soon as possible?

Signing out,
Commander John Hemmingway
Liberty Navy, First Fleet

[Image: latest?cb=20110801072539]

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Sarawr!? - 06-07-2024

[Image: lAYqP1N.png]

[Image: P9AnuNd.png]
Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy, 1st Fleet
Admiral Rachel A. Baker

John Hemmingway

1st Fleet High Command has reviewed your service record and re-activation request. Upon review, High Command has authorized your re-activation as a Naval Officer in the 1st Fleet, at the rank of Lieutenant Commander, not Captain, given the current needs of the Navy.

Given your past experience, you will be permitted to remain in command of capital ships up to and including the LABC, as long as you receive authorization prior to assumption of command on any given vessel.

If these conditions are agreeable, we can finalize your reactivation and transfer back into the 1st Fleet.

Rachel A. Baker
Admiral, 1FLT
Liberty Navy

Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Cypher - 06-08-2024


COMM ID:Lt Commander John Hemmingway
TARGET ID:Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT:Returning to active duty

[Image: RIYxbWe.jpg]

Afternoon, Command.

I feel that I have earned my position of Captain, however if the needs of the fleet so dictate that I must be lowered in rank in order for re-activation to proceed, then such is within reason. I accept a demotion, given current needs. Now, who do I bug in order to maintain the LABC I was previously, and graciously, provided by high command?

Signing out,
Lt Commander John Hemmingway
Liberty Navy, First Fleet

[Image: latest?cb=20110801072539]

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Anna Rafferty - 07-03-2024

Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy
First Fleet

LCDR Anna Rafferty

Reporting for duty.

I've finished my stint at Herbert Beeler Naval Hospital and have been given a clean bill of health. Despite the Eighth Fleet's objections to my return to service, Admiral Baker has gifted me something of a second chance, and so I hope to live up to her expectations in service to the First Fleet.

Requisitions has assigned me a BDR F-11 "Executioner" for patrol and light duty use, which will suit my needs plenty as I re-acquaint myself with the throttle and stick once again. I'll be spending off hours in the sim banks if anyone is interested in some adversarial training. Otherwise, I look forward to meeting and serving alongside all of you.

For the Republic,

Anna Rafferty
Liberty Navy

Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Anna Rafferty - 07-04-2024

Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy
First Fleet

LCDR Anna Rafferty

Reporting in.

I was joined on combat patrol by Admiral Jones through New York, where we immediately sighted a Black Market "Longsword" flying to Manhattan and then to the Pennsylvania gate. When we arrived at the gate, we were greeted by the sight of the "ZCV Dragostea's Lament", a Zoner Fearless-class destroyer. The Lament was immediately belligerent and began firing on myself and the Admiral, and we called for backup while engaging the craft as it escaped through the Jump Gate.

The Lament fled toward Tyrone orbit and was quickly reinforced by several Militant and TFP vessels, while we received our own reinforcements in the form of the LNS Daring and Gold Wing. Although the Daring was operationally disabled, we managed to rout the Militant vessels with minimal First Fleet losses. I will be entering my "Executioner" fighter for repair & refit aboard the Alma. Further reports to follow.

For the Republic,

Anna Rafferty
Liberty Navy

Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Perfect Gentleman - 01-01-2025

Incoming Transmission
Liberty Navy
First Fleet

Lieutenant Matthew Austin

Report of 01/01/835.

Since December 19, 834 A.S., I was assigned to redeploy to the California system due to increased traffic of the new drug Slog into Liberty space. I was assigned to patrol the Magellan Jump Gates and nearby locations where, according to Navy intel, there was a high chance of encountering a smuggler ship.

During my time on patrol, smugglers have attempted to smuggle illegal cargo under various pretexts. They have also tried to offer me a bribe on more than one occasion. Since the captains of these ships have not once attempted to choose any other course than to obey Liberty law, they and their contents have often been destroyed. Because of the dramatic increase in drug trafficking, about a few dozen attempts to smuggle contraband have been interrupted and accompanied by the destruction of illegal ships. It has come to the attention of HQ that some of the ships have been marked as belonging to the Order or Outcasts.

The smugglers activities also drew the attention of Liberty's illegal groups, such as the Rogues, Outcasts, Xenos, and Lane Hackers. This often led to localized battles, during which I made every effort to prevent the smuggling of contraband deep into Liberty House. I will attach photo-material, scan data and black box information to outline the scope of the new drug threat to our Republic.

I would like to specifically thank LSF agents Oliver Moss and Marcus Reed for all their help in finding and catching smugglers and confronting Liberty's criminal gangs. I am petitioning the command to reward them for their work.

Attachment files:

Matthew Austin
Liberty Navy

Important: This communication remains the property of the Libertonian Armed Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807 A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.