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Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Printable Version

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Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Jack_Henderson - 03-29-2012


**** SENDER: [color=#FFCC99]Julia Morrow, IMG Transport Captain #11847
**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]IMG / Lost Star

** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: julia.jpg]


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Combat / Transport Report:

This is transport captain Julia Morrow, and I am too excited to post a rational and cool report. Just wanted to say: I defeated my first enemy target today. It was a Farmer Allience, Gaian built gunboat.

There were 2 Gunboats that interrupted me in the lane from the New Tokyo gate to Planet Kyushu. I was already getting ready to pay, when the IMG|Sea}{Brutal.Swing, an IMG Defense Gunboat came in and later IMG|Barthelemew:Black, in a Roc Bomber, came in, too.

With the pirates not assessing the strength of my heavily armored and armed transport correctly, and likely overestimating their killing power, they forgot that they were weakly armored. Universal 8 was not what this engagement needed.

Quote:[29.03.2012 21:18:52] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: I stopped my engines. And I am not looking for trouble
[29.03.2012 21:19:09] [AFA]Rice.Reaper: what are you doing here with this people?
[29.03.2012 21:19:18] Ohosha_Ki_Detza: Cheetah (a trader they had stopped before me) you'd better be fast
[29.03.2012 21:19:18] [AFA]Rice.Reaper: *hip* *drink*
[29.03.2012 21:19:24] Ohosha_Ki_Detza: I don't have all day
[29.03.2012 21:19:40] SAAF_Cheetah_D: may i go
[29.03.2012 21:19:44] Ohosha_Ki_Detza: Ok, you are on my white list for toyday
[29.03.2012 21:19:55] SAAF_Cheetah_D: Thamks
[29.03.2012 21:19:55] Ohosha_Ki_Detza: Call us if you have any problem

[IMG gunboat arrives]

[29.03.2012 21:19:56] IMG|Sea}{Brutal.Swing: Ohayoo!
[29.03.2012 21:20:01] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: Hm. That changes the situation a bit. *smiles*
[29.03.2012 21:20:08] [AFA]Rice.Reaper: *smiles
[29.03.2012 21:20:08] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: May we pass?
[29.03.2012 21:20:13] [AFA]Rice.Reaper: no
[29.03.2012 21:20:16] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: As I said, we are not looking for problems
[29.03.2012 21:20:19] [AFA]Rice.Reaper: if you pay a donation for our people you can pass like the others
[29.03.2012 21:20:30] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: Give me a number. And I will think about it
[29.03.2012 21:20:45] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: And you better take a look at my hold. And decide whether you are a brutal murderer
[29.03.2012 21:21:11] [AFA]Rice.Reaper: 3,6mill
[29.03.2012 21:21:25] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: I will not pay more than 2.
[29.03.2012 21:21:32] [AFA]Rice.Reaper: *laughs* *drink*
[29.03.2012 21:21:42] [AFA]Rice.Reaper: 3,6 mill
[29.03.2012 21:21:51] Ohosha_Ki_Detza: and you can pass all day with our protection. you just need to call us
[29.03.2012 21:21:59] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: This is my last run today

[IMG bomber arrives]

[29.03.2012 21:22:10] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: See.
[29.03.2012 21:22:21] Ohosha_Ki_Detza: 1'5 and you can make a single trip
[29.03.2012 21:22:23] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: We fly now. And you make your decision. IMG, if anybody fires at me. Take them out
[29.03.2012 21:22:30] IMG|Falling.Teardrop: The AFA goes first if needed
[29.03.2012 21:22:40] [AFA]Rice.Reaper: open fire
[29.03.2012 21:22:53] IMG|Bartholemew:Black: opening fire

So when I flew off, they opened fire and we returned it. Bartholomew and Brutal Swing took on the Farmer and I took the other one. The gunboat that targetted me could not stand the punishing fire of the Akegata's rear guns. After it blew, I rejoined the Defense wings and we took down the other gunboat, too. We left a beacon at the site for the Kusari officials to clean up the mess and look for survivors.

The engagement ended soon, with minor damage to IMG vessels and the destruction of the Farmer gunboats.

I'll be celebrating my first solo kill in the Corona bar. You are invited to come! Will be a great night out for me, I bet!

See you there!


[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - SpaceTime - 03-30-2012

Comm ID: [color=#FF6666]Guild Master Takeshi Ogawa
Recipient ID: Mara Arin
Source: Roppongi Station, New Tokyo System
Encryption: Standard
Subject: Award Ceremony

Ms Arin, I heard you made it back in Jakarta. Excellent!

We would like you to attend in a ceremony in Deck B, Room 10 at 2100 hours.

[font=Monotype Corsiva][color=#FFFFFF]
Guild Master Takeshi Ogawa

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Ganimed - 03-30-2012

*** From: Mara Arin, stationed at Battleship Hood

*** *** [color=#CC6600]To:
Takeshi Ogawa

*** *** *** Affiliation: IMG, Research and Exploration Division, Member rank

I have arrived about three days ago and I must say this little vacation let
me visit some friends of planet Kyushu as well as join some convoys going
to Omegas which lend me some more funds to continue my research. You
should have told me I was invited to a ceremony before I left the Hood, as
most of my clothes are there now, but I'll mend that problem soon
enough. I'll be coming with an escort, just to let you know, composed of
pilots from the Paramilitary division.

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - psychotrix - 03-31-2012

**GuildComm Active**

To: Mining Department
From: Recruit Andy Austin of the Hegemon class mining ship 'Lithovore', currently stationed at Java Station
Subject: Mining Operations of yesterday

Dear Sirs,
I am now reporting relevant events during my mining operations yesterday.

We stationed at Tau-23 northwest fields for yesterday, and witnessed they were being heavily mined.
There was an IDF Barge repeatedly broadcasting advertisements for their own niobium business.
In the meantime, a GC bomber dropped by and taxed a nearby IC transport, leaving all others alone.
She teased me a bit due to the niobium deposits I was dropping nearby floating in space, but she left a short while after.

IDF advertisement and GC Bomber '.:Reaver:.'

Eventhough I tried to sell my mining services to one of the nearby transports, he claimed he got a better deal with a nearby miner.
For the sound of it, they were selling the niobium ore to the IDF.

Miner affiliated with IMG
Transport affiliated with IC

Attempt to persuade him to me pt.1
Attempt to persuade him to me pt.2

The unusual event that marked the morning for me was the ship MNS-Ravnos's captain contacting me on a secure channel regarding "outcast rebels".
At the time, I had no idea of what he was talking about. Since I am still a recruit and am not yet familiarized with much of the internal affairs of IMG, I suggested he contacted higher ranks.
The nature of the speech was quite friendly for an Outcast. I was pleasantly surprised.

MNS-Ravnos chat pt.1
MNS-Ravnos chat pt.2
MNS-Ravnos chat pt.3
MNS-Ravnos chat pt.4
MNS-Ravnos chat pt.5

As for the business I conducted myself, here is the list:

Load to '.:Skyline:.'
Payment from '.:Skyline:.'

Load to 'IMG|Porcupine'
Payment from 'IMG|Porcupine'

I managed to hail 2 Ageira Bison transports to retrieve the remaider of my ore.

Payment from 'Ageira|Olympus' for 4090 units of ore
Payment from 'Ageira|Thunderbolt' for 4000 units of ore
Load to 'Ageira|Thunderbolt'

I then went to Planet Denver on my Miner, via Kusari Space to sell additional niobium ore.
I later returned to Java Station with a shipment of pharmaceuticals and med supplies from Planet Denver

This concludes my report on my mining operations for yesterday.
Austin out.

**Message End**

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Zytahar - 04-05-2012

[font=Century Gothic]
*** Incoming message ***

*** Recipient: Freistadt "Special assignments" Office ***

*** Subject: Delivery ***

*** Level of encryption: high ***

*** Loading decryption matrix ***

[color=#33CC00]#### 25% complete #
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*** Message successfully decrypted ***

*** Audio only ***

This is the captain of the Requiem, reporting. We have successfully delivered the goods to our friends. Payment for our services has been forwarded to the Guild's bank accounts in Rheinland, with an extra bonus, due to the difficulty in obtaining Super Alloys, which are only sold by our competitors.

The excess cargo that we brought with us awaits at Freistadt, should anyone request our services again.

Captain Z. out

*** Message ended ***

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*** Y ***

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - SpaceTime - 04-05-2012

C[color=#FBFBFB]omm ID: Guild Master Alan Smith
Recipient ID: Jack Henderson , IMG GuildMastery
Source: Cardiff Mining Facility
Encryption: Very High

[Image: alansmithgaryoldman.jpg]

Mr Henderson we should inform you that the Guild Mastery has already started making contacts with the Bretonian Admiralty as you can see in this encrypted channel.

I believe that it will be appropriate to discuss all matters in the upcoming meeting in Planet Cambridge, rather than doing it here with the agents. If you wish to participate, I'd like to know.

Yours faithsfully,
[font=Viner Hand ITC]Alan Smith

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - SpaceTime - 04-05-2012

[Image: 264px-ImgLogo.png]

[color=#33CCFF]IMG Promotion Center

[font=Agency FB]Mr Andy Austin, with your detailed reports in the Guild Comms, you are promoted to a Guild Member. Well done sir!

[color=#FFFFFF]Irene Thompson, Secretary of the Guild Masters

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - SeaFalcon - 04-06-2012

[Image: 2gsplp0.jpg]
Automated message

The following supplies have been delivered to Kameyama Outpost:
A report was forwarded to the consignee. <here>

Commodity: Super Alloy
Quantitie: 12475
Time of Delivery: 2012-04-06 13:28:40 SMT
[Image: 1687520_tb.jpg] [Image: 24xe59i_tb.jpg] [Image: abtid3_tb.jpg]

Commodity: Industrial Materials
Quantitie: 4745
Time of Delivery: 2012-04-06 01:37:26 SMT
[Image: 68es1l_tb.jpg]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . End Report

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Zytahar - 04-08-2012

[font=Century Gothic]
*** Incoming message ***

*** Recipient: Freistadt "Special assignments" Office ***

*** Subject: Delivery ***

*** Level of encryption: high ***

*** Loading decryption matrix ***

[color=#33CC00]#### 25% complete #
#### 47% complete ##########
#### 79% complete ##################
#### 100% complete #############################

*** Message successfully decrypted ***

*** Audio only ***

Captain Z. flying the Clairvoyant, reporting. The robotics shipment requested was successfully delivered. The Clairvoyant and the Calora.Gold made their way to the dropping point without any notable incidents and the cargo was unloaded on time. Both ships are now back in Omega-7, awaiting further instructions.

Captain Z. out

*** Message ended ***

*** Downloading attachments ***

[Image:] [Image:] [Image:]

*** Delete message? ***

*** Y/N ***

*** Y ***

Independent Miners Guild Comm System (GuildComm) - Jack_Henderson - 04-09-2012


**** SENDER: [color=#FFCC99]Julia Morrow, IMG Transport Captain #11847
**** TO: [color=#FFCC99]IMG

** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G ** ** ** ** C O N N E C T I N G **

[Image: julia.jpg]


[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]
This is Julia Morrow reporting the successful completion of the Ship Hull Panels order.

Attached you find the report:

[Image: 2gsplp0.jpg]

Transport Captain: [color=#FFFFFF]Julia Morrow
Ship: [color=#FFFFFF]Titanic Civilian Transport
Delivered Commodity: Ship Hull Panels
Number of deliveries: 4
Proof of delivery:
Julia Morrow
Transport Captain

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#CCFFFF]*** TRANSMISSION STANDBY FOR ANSWER ***