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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - shemkel - 01-02-2013

[Image: santacana_trans.png]


We need an update of data on our main routes.
I offer a bonus of 10.000.000 sc for every report you write regarding said routes.
I will require following data to be included in the report:
- Route name
- Type of the ship you used with exact cargo space
- Time taken to complete the route
- Total profit made on the route
- Description of each leg of the route with time taken, cargo prices (buying and selling) and total profit made.
- Notes regarding safety etc (optional)

The bonus will only be paid for the first full report on each route.

Thank you for your assistance

Jaimie Santacana,
Director of Operations
Omicron Supply Industries

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Kerrigan - 01-09-2013

[Incoming transmission]
[From: Planet Mayenne, Maine System]
[Comm ID: Oniyuushi Kerrigan]
[Ship ID : OSI-Libresari]
[Target: Jaimie Santacana, D.O]
[Subject: Re:Update on trade routes]

Hi there Director,

I would like to register a new trade route for the company. And I take this opportunity to thank you in person for my recent acceptance into the Omicron Supply Industries. I just moved to Gran Canaria, where I already feel at home. I pretty much lived aboard my ship for the past ten years, so it feels so good to actually be waken up by a warm sunrise (and I mean not some omicron gamma radiation for a change, but a real nice sunrise above the horizon).

Now, for the trade route. I call it the Galzon run. Yeah, I just invented that bit. Just put Gallia and Zoners together, and you got Galzon. I'm actually kinda proud of that name. I ran the circuit twice to be sure, and my ship was a civilian Firefly. Now, I know it's only 3500 cargo space, so you'll see I used per-unit-of-cargo benefit in the details of the trade route to avoid any confusion.

- Route name : The Galzon run (it's probably very egotistic, I probably didn't invent it, but you know... That's just how I like to do things)

- Type of the ship you used with exact cargo space : Firefly transport, 3500 cargo hold (in fact more like 34xxish)

- Time taken to complete the route : 76 minutes (it's pretty long I agree, but it's so profitable you won't care, plus I personaly like long and exotic routes, space is my friend)

- Total profit made on the route : 9324 credits per-unit. That's 46.6 million credits for a 5K cargo, for me it was 32M, still pretty decent for a Firefly.

- Profit per hour (the most important thing for a trader) : 36M/hours for a 5K cargo.

- Description of each leg of the route with time taken, cargo prices (buying and selling) and total profit made.

First leg :
Maine - Planet Mayenne -> Omicron Delta - FP11. Item : Cryocubes. Gain : 4880 credits per-unit. Time : Took me 38 minutes, then I stopped the clock to smoke a cigarette. Yes that's one of my vice.

Maine - Planet Mayenne : Cryocubes bought for 500 per-unit /
Omicron Delta - FP11 : Cryocubes sold for 5380 per-unit.

Second leg :
Omicron Delta - FP11 -> Ile-de-France Beaumont Base. Item : Iridium. Gain : 3973 credits per-unit. Time : 33 minutes.

Pretty much the same as above but in the opposite direction, but just stop at Beaumont.

Omicron-Delta - FP11 : Iridium bought for 2000 per-unit / same as firt leg but opposite direction /
Ile-de-France - Beaumont Base : Iridium sold for 5973 per-unit.

Third leg (optional) :
Ile-de-France - Beaumont Base -> Maine - Planet Mayenne. Item : Petrochemicals. Gain : 471 credits per-unit. Time : 5 minutes tops.

Ile-de-France - Beaumont Base : Petrochemicals bought for 200 per-unit /
Maine - Planet Mayenne : Petrochemicals sold for 671 per-unit.

I say optional because the gain is almost zero, it's just to reach Maine and start the circuit again. It doesn't affect the gain per second very much, so you can just stop after the second leg and try a different circuit if you know some starting in Ile-de-France.

- Notes regarding safety etc :

Now, it's kind of tricky. You don't run accross many enemies, except from your usual Nomads in the Omicrons. BUT you do have to cross twice the gallian border, that means you have to know your way in the minefields (twice in Lorraine and twice in Omicron-80, that's 4 minefielfs the the circuit, I personaly don't cut my cruise engine and have some fun). If you don't, that means your first run won't be 76 minutes, more like 90 in my opinion. Which stays somewhat profitable.

- Notes :

Obviously you can start the circuit at Freeport 11 and go backwards.

Kerrigan, out.

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Tyler - 01-27-2013

[Image: paulson_trans_zps73b03883.png]

Bob here, latest report on deliveries for the jump drive module.

Total of Basic alloys: 9,980 units.
Total of Gate/Lane Parts: 2,500 units.
Total of Superconductors: 14,970 units.
Total of Silver: 4,990 units.
Total of Industrial Materials: 4,990 units.

Database proof for the BA's, G/L Parts & Superconductors: X
Database proof for the Silver: X
Database proof for the Industrial Materials: X

Notes: The cam shot on the latest delivery of the superconductors got lost, however, I notified Voncloud through the neuralnet and he acknowledged the delivery.

[Image: transmissionbottomf_zpsd06b3676.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Kerrigan - 01-28-2013

[Image: kerrigan_trans.png]

Kerrigan, reporting deliveries for the jump drive module as well.

Silver : 9,480 units
Industrial Materials : 9,480 units

Proof (Well, only for half of the delivery, CEO can vouch for the rest) :

- Updated

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Major_Mayhem - 02-06-2013

[Image: kelly.png]

For the project JD40113

My fleet has delivered:
  • an unknown quanity of IMs
  • 9970 units of silver
  • 9970 units of High temparature alloy

Proof: link

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mahagadz - 02-09-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
---ID: Alexander "Maha" Anata---
---Location: Omega 49---
---Subject: Deliveries for Docking Module---

Alexander "Maha", Reporting deliveries for Docking Module.

Total of Polymers: 8,200 units.
Total of Ship Hull Panels: 3095 units.

Proof for the deliveries:

---Transmission Terminated---

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Major_Mayhem - 02-09-2013

[Image: kelly.png]

Director of Human Resources here.
Just to show how things should be done - Director style. At that point, however, I would like to thank the captains of my ships for putting in some extra effort to get this build done in the shortest amount of time possible.

For the project Docking Module DM0213 (1&2)

My fleet has delivered:
  • 29'990 Units of industrial materials
  • 4984 Ship Hull Panels
  • 4985 Units of Super Alloy
  • 14'955 Robotics

Proof: link
Note: I guess the proof for one delivery of IMs is missing, however, both Doking modules have been built, which should be proof enough.

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mahagadz - 02-10-2013

---Incoming Transmission---
---Signal Strength: 95%---
---ID: Alexander "Maha" Anata---
---Location: Omega 49---
---Subject: Deliveries for HSM MK2---

Alexander "Maha", Reporting deliveries for Hyperspace Survey Module MK2.

Total of Industrial Materials: 22,060 units.

Proof for the deliveries:

---Transmission Terminated---

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Major_Mayhem - 02-17-2013

[Image: kelly.png]

Dear Independant contractors, employees, ladies and gentlemen

I appologize for the delay but due to a delay of a significant payment we were not able to hand out the bonus payments. On the same note we have made significant changes in the bonus system and buying prices of Nichols, which now both perfectly mirror the time invested for getting them to our base.

Quote:We have produced:
  • 2 Doking modules
  • 1 Jumpdrive MkIV
  • 1 Hyperscanner module MkII

Quote:Bonus Payments:
  • Mr. Kerrigan has eaned himself a Bonus of 73,944,000SC
  • Mr. Paulson has eaned himself a Bonus of 136,303,710SC
  • Mr. Anata has eaned himself a Bonus of 146,634,270 SC

Please contact me personally to which - special or not - account you would like to have your boni wired. Also my staff will answer you any question you might have about the possibility of tax deduction.

Best regards
Jason Kelly
Director of HR
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Tyler - 02-17-2013

[Image: paulson_trans_zps73b03883.png]

He burps loudly as the transmissions opens.

About time...

He picks a spinach leave from his teeth and the chicken grease stains are visible on his shirt.

I was becoming underfed here with the lack of cash. Please send the bonus to OSI-Persona.



[Image: transmissionbottomf_zpsd06b3676.png]