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GC Tea House - Altan - 10-14-2010

How much time ? So long since... Since the last time any of his ships came in Kusarian space. Memories of the past. A time that could not be forgotten. Ties that had been made and then the “accident”, the crash, and then nothing. There is times to play dangerous games and other to stay out of the way. He did not made things the right way and was nowhere to be seen for month, his crew knew his where about but stayed out of activity as well...

Does the docking codes still works ? Can he just come across Ainu and act as if nothing happened at all ? The Virage, his personal fighter seems to be identified correctly. Which means that he still has permission to dock and their deals may as well still be going on.

* It feels... familiar and yet... unfamiliar. *

Even-though he docked a few times in the past he never visited the GC Tea House. Why did he not take the time in the past ? Who knows... Anyway that's not really important is it ? Right now we're not talking about the long gone days but about the present days.

A Gaijin male of Caucasian origins and with the cardi scent in the eyes enters the Tea House and leave an old gun to the guards, he himself is wearing an old-fashioned burgundy raincoat and uses a walking stick to walk.

Looking in the room he speak to the barman robot.

“Do you have Gallic wine here ?”

The robot seems to understand, did the GC have any connection with the newly discovered house ? He never asked and never thought so, any other visitor may have given such a gift to the GC which must be why the robot gave him one fine glass of red wine.

* A lonely woman... Never saw her anywhere before *

He thought as he was looking the lonely Kusarian woman wearing a crimson dress. Surely Golden Chrisantemum. Nothing much to say.
He sits alone with his glass as if waiting for something in particular.
The other two... speaking a certain matter of no interest to him, or so he thought. Still the woman, even-though he never saw her face seemed familiar to him. Something in her voice. Wait and see. Listening to the conversation. Subtlety. Smile. A name. Miss Sei. Miss Sei.

*Sei ? Have I known such a one ? Would it be ? Let's see.*

Looking Sei's directly in the eyes.

“Osugi-san ?”

GC Tea House - Chase - 10-14-2010

[font=Lucida Console]
Sei's gaze drifts.
[color=#FFCCCC]You... You've gotten me what I've been wanting for some time then? The ship to replace that goddessawful bulk transport? Is it already being made, what color will it be, how did you..
Sei drifts off seeing the smile on Ozei's face. She grins grins back, content in the knowledge that Ozei has done right by her.
[color=#FFCCCC]Here I thought I would never get something so beautiful! Had I known when I first spoke with you in the Seiran Cloud that you would do so much for this sisterhood... My my my. Oh! Here, I do hope that this will cover any expenses that you might have incurred above and beyond the worth of the ship we'll be providing you.
From her pocket she pulls a small card and places it on the table, between her and Ozei. As he goes to reach for it Sei places her hand on his, Ozei looks up startled.
Arigatou. Domo arigatou, Ozei-kun.
She lets go as abruptly but gently as she had taken hold. Several moments pass by as Sei enjoys her drink in small sips.

Sei leans back and grabs her drink again to take the last sip and she catches someone looking at her from across the room from the corner of her eye. She blushes for a moment, as if she was caught doing something embarrassing but she quickly loses the color which flushed over her. She makes eye contact with a man sitting close at another table. He has a confused look on his face but is still looking directly at Sei. He then mouths Sei's last name "Osugi-san?" with a tilt of his head. Raising an eyebrow, she nods slowly, placing her hand at her side with her thumb on the clasp of her holster.
Quite loudly Sei speaks, almost to the whole room.
Come, have a seat. I wish to know who you are.

GC Tea House - Sand_Spider - 10-14-2010

After some time of speaking, Sei reaches into her pocket and places a small card on the table. Assuming it to be payment for the transport, Ozei hesitates for just a moment, reaching out for the card slowly. As his hand neared the card, looking down at the thing, Sei's hand finds itself on top of Ozei's, causing him to look up in a slightly startled expression.

*Errm... What is she...?*

Ozei's question was answered by Sei rather quickly. "Arigatou. Domo arigatou, Ozei-kun." Causing him to shut his mouth rather quickly, Sei's hand leaves his as quickly as it had come. His eyes shifted down and off to the side as he completed the reach for the card, slowly sliding it to his end of the table before placing it in his own pocket.

Clearing his throat, Ozei spoke to Sei again. "Really Miss Sei, it was nothing.. The Sisterhood has shown much hospitality towards myself as a man, allowing my living here. It is the least I can do..." He proceeded to look away again.

Ozei found himself looking down to the floor mostly, shifting his eyes to Sei for just a few times, if but only for a second or two at a time. *Does she...? Is she...?* A few thoughts swam around Ozei's head. *Now that I take a good look at her...* Ozei turns his head to look at Sei for a moment *She -is- kind of, dare I think it...*


As he is looking Sei over with a slightly blank expression, mouth slightly opened, she looks back at him and tilts her head with a slightly troubled look on her face. Gaining a slight blush, Ozei quickly looks downward, hands clenched resting on his thighs below the table, his face in a slight scowl and his mouth flat and wide. This causes Sei to giggle at him softly, a bit embarrassing to Ozei. *Bet I looked pretty ridiculous right then and there... Smooooth Ozei...*

As Ozei fiddly farted around in his chair, he suddenly heard a strange man's voice aimed in their direction. Quite loudly, Sei in essence ordered the stranger over, wishing to know who they were. *Well, I suppose I could stick around a bit longer, the deal seems set in stone anyway.* Ozei quietly sat, looking at the stranger as he came over.

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 10-14-2010

Saigo's expression was blank, a lack of emotion was shown- as though her mind was drifting.. Memories of her sisters... Asami... Katsumi... Mika. All gone, It was her fault.

Saigo then promptly smashed her cup into the table in fury which then snapped her back to reality.

"You fool, you need to control your emotions, This is what got you into this cool..." Saigo muttered under her breath

She stood up and started to stride towards the bar, going for a cloth to clear up her mess.

GC Tea House - Altan - 10-14-2010

She nods ? Then it's her.

* Strange. To meet one I've spoken to a few times before in this place *

She invited him to come and sit on the same table, somehow she seemed to be curious about him. Well one could understand that, you don't hear a total stranger saying your name loudly everyday, do you ? While standing up he looks at Sei Osugi, well to tell you the truth he looks her hand and her holster. Enigmatic smile.
Altan - as he does name himself - takes his walking stick and reveal his own holster - which is empty.

“I wouldn't come without my gun if I wanted to hurt or even kill anyone, wouldn't I ?”

Or he may have a hidden weapon but that's not something you should show to anyone, instead hidden weapons should only be used to save your own life in desperate situations. As if agreeing with the Kusarian woman he once knew he walks to her table – with his glass of wine of course – sitting between those two.

“As a matter of fact Osugi-san it may be the first time you meet me in person but you already spoke with me before.”

As if thinking, going a back while, long gone memories come out loudly. To him these memories are not meant to be forgotten.

“Did you aver met a Border World Transport on your way ? Yes you did. You were, at the time, commanding a Pirate Transport named Masuran. It was our first approach with the Golden Chrisanthemums. Did it convince us to search further contact with the Sisterhood ?”

Did it or did it not ? Is it that important ? It may not.

“You also command a Hachiman from time to time, it's name though does not wish to come back to my rotten memories. And still it does not answer your question...”

He paused himself to take a sip of wine.

“That's a lovely one... Where was I ? Oh yes I was about to answer you. The ship's name is Mare Nostrum, rings a bell ? I'm the captain of this lovely trading ship. And this one would be named Altan.”

// Remember that english is not my native language, hope it's not too bad =)

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 10-15-2010

As Saigo approached the bar she decided to properly take in her surroundings, several traders dotted around the room, discussing their trade or just relaxing quietly. A few looking nervous and awkward, whilst others looked on in awe of a group of the GC pilots giggling and generally unwinding.

"Well some things definately do not change..."

Saigo thought back to the past again... of her sisters, of the ordeals that she and her sisters had been through... "I need to make things right..." she promised herself that, it was time to make a difference again. but unsure of where to start.

She picked up the table cloth from the bar and started to make her way back to her table.

GC Tea House - Shikyo - 10-25-2010

Obsevant yet unnoticed by many, as is almost always her way, she watched, she listened, and she remained vigilant as always. The quiet conversation between Sei and her guests was some what informative, nothing there was threatening to the anyone or to the Sisterhood yet, so she only stayed in the background while it seems that Sei was almost finished and may even be flirting a little. She smiled a bit to herself at that, remembering quiet well how Sei and Chi both arrived on Ainu and thier first meeting with her, to which it is likely they still do not know her name,much less what she represents for the Sisterhood.

However, one of the other Sisters in the Tea House is of considerable interest to her and she pays closer attention to her, watching what she does and says without seeming to be impolite towards her. The occasional comments from the Sister make her tilt her head slightly but she remained in the background until after the Sister broke her glass and went to the Bar to get something to clean it up with. As the Sister headed back to her table, she slips out of the corner booth that for the most part had been both ignored by the younger rookie sisters and the bar bot.

Unlike many of the Sisters here, and even the one Sister whom she starts to make her way towards, she is openly armed with the traditional Daisho set of swords. Her attire is a very modern cut of the traditional Kimono with an Obi sash, to which the swords and tucked under properly, that clings to and shows her lithe form off nicely now that she is standing and walking slowly towards the Sister. An occasional glimps of her legs show off her thighs and lower legs nicely, yet hint at something more or less, and draw the attention of a few of the visiting traders that are allowed to come to Ainu and the gaze of some of the Younger Sisters. Either way those who now notice her presence also can not see her eyes at all, since unlike anyone else, she is wearing a set of Black Shades that hide her eyes completely.

Nearing a point where Saigo is about to reach her table, she stops and smiles in the slightest of ways, one that should be seen by the Sister at close range but missed by anyone else further away, Konichiwa Sister, One is pleased to see you after such a long time. She hopes you are well? Is there anything this one can do for you Sister?"

GC Tea House - Diabolicus - 10-29-2010

Coy Ote lands his Bloodhound on the station after having escorted a Crysanthenum transport from New-York. The smell of the landing bay reminded him Roppongi's for some reason. He had been invited to rest on the station for the night, an offer he gladly took. It wasn't his first time in Kusari, he would come through once or twice to get supplies as he was employed by Planetform, but it was his first time in Hokkaido, let alone a Golden Crysanthenum installation. Unaware of Kusarian costums, though, he was hoping he wouldn't offend anyone. Unsure if he had the right to look anyone the eyes, he snakes his way to the bar, silently greeting everyone on his way there. He finally recognized the smell, one that he dreads: Cardamine. But, he was a guest and it wasn't his job to criticize, but rather to enjoy his stay. The smell was overwhelming, as he entered the bar, and he was hoping he wouldn't be intoxicated by it. He hasn't been questioned yet about his affiliation, so he assumed that they were informed about it. He takes a seat by an empty table, next of a table where people were having a conversation in their native language. Coy wasn't a japanese speaker at all, so he didn't pay much attention to them. He hadn't even had time to make himself comfortable that, already, he was served some hot water, with a pouch in it containing an orange substance. ''A--Arigatou'', he babbled, completely unsure about if he was using the correct formula or not. Cardamine tea? He had never even thought of such a concept before. He hated cardamine, but he didn't want to be rude, either. He nervously looked around as he was going to take a sip.

GC Tea House - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 11-06-2010

Somewhere, in a dark corner or the Tea House, a person with a hood around it's head is sitting, watching Coy Ote as he swallows his first sip, and immediatly starts coughing.
It seems as if the persons starts to grin a bit upon that happening.
Then, the person continues to observe the others, to listen carefully to what appears to be of interest to it, and to drink some Cardamine flavoured kabusecha tea.

GC Tea House - Sand_Spider - 11-06-2010

*Then again, my business here is done. I may as well take my leave now, before all these women begin to question myself being here.*

Getting up from his chair, Ozei's butt was numb, but he ignored it as best he could.

"My many arigatous, Miss Sei. I must take my leave now, for I have a few things to take care of. I can see you are about to have your hands full with this newcomer, so I shall not keep you from that. I do hope to see you in space again, hai?" He smiled and winked, then left before she could say anything else. *Always leave them wanting more,* Ozei thought, smirking to himself, heading off to the hangar bay where his Eagle was waiting.

*Man, that thing is a piece of junk.. I need a new fighter craft, maybe a Falcon.. Or a Griffin...* As he thought this over leaving the bar, he got a strange look from a figure in a corner, a hood over their face.

*What's their deal?* Ozei raised a brow, looking over for just a split second. *Probably just one of those types that keep to themselves..* And in all honesty, Ozei felt an ominous feeling that emanated from the hooded stranger. *Best if I watch my back, I do not want anything of ill fortune to happen*

He left the bar and its situations, just glad to be out of there. *Blech, I shall have to wash these clothes twice..* Sniffing the collar of his jacket, it reeked heavily of Cardimine, causing him to reel his head away in disgust. *Still, I have to hand it to these women. This system they have with interweaving a drug into their lives; it seems to root out any would-be double agents and the like.*

Ozei continued to muse over some thoughts all the way to the hangar. He concluded that it would be best to think on them another day, when things were more quiet.