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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Major_Mayhem - 02-20-2013

[Image: kelly.png]

Dear emoloyes, independant contractors, ladies and gentlemen

All boni for the month of January have been wired and the first 2 projects of February have already been built. Therefore I invite all participants of the February projects to report their deliveries in order to get a liltle something extra.

For those, who think they don't need the money, please contact my stuff and ask about our company pension scheme and the possibility to raise your monthly pension by a significant amount by investing in our retirementPlus-found.

Best regards
Jason Kelly
Director of HR
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mahagadz - 03-03-2013

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mahagadz - 04-07-2013

[Image: eN8hJbB.png]

Reporting deliveries for HSM Mk III and JDMk IV:

These are the deliveries and proof as well:

Delivered Industrial Materials : 30,000 Units
Delivered Robotics : 5000 Units
Delivered Optronics : 16,500 Units
Delivered Silvers : 10,000 Units
Delivered Superconductors : 10,000 Units

Other Deliveries:

Delivered Optronics : 9,700 Units
Delivered Robotics : 15,000 Units

[Image: RwAI3x4.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Doria - 04-11-2013

--- Incoming Message ---
From: David Starr, Planet Gran Canaria
To: OSI Board of Directors
Subject: A little incident with a Bretonian battlecruiser

--- Message Starts ---

Greetings my friends at OSI headquarters,

A few days ago I had my Wasupu fighter damaged when I came out too hot off the tradeline just as a Liberty Navy fleet was blowing up some base right at the side of Freeport 2. There I found out that it was dificult to find replacement parts for the Kusari made fighter, so the mechanic at FP2 convinced me too buy a used Cutlass bomber that was at sale there, a more expensive ship but with a far more easy and cheap maintenance - and much more powerfull. As I was due to a meeting with Mr. Kelly for a final job interview at OSI, i decided to head directly to Gran Canaria, even with the ship needing some updating in its avionics systems, and leave the ship for upgrading while I waited for the meeting.

As Mr. Kelly was quite busy this week our talk was postponed, so I took the Cutlass for a ride around Omega-49 as I needed to rebuild my nav data base. When I came back from my 'walk around the block' I encountered a Bretonian battlecruiser, identified as BIC2', in orbit around Gran Canaria just at the side of Nichols station. He did not responded to hails, it just sat there, probably scanning the planet from orbit and the station. When I scanned the contents of its cargo bay (it was empty), it turned about and headed away, perhaps in the direction of the Dublin jumphole.

Thats when the 'little' incident happened. The brits cap ship was intercepted by a Corsair squadron, and they managed to blow that thing up in flames. The battleship received heavy damage and was still adrift when I landed back in Grand Canaria.

All this happened yesterday. Today I went out just to look for it but the brits already have rescued the ship. Man they are fast!

Well, I'm just sending you all this 'cause an incident like this in your front door can result in trouble for OSI and other Zoners. I don't know if it was in a official mission, nor even if it was a renegade ship acting without orders. I just thought you guys should know...

Best regards to y'all,

David Starr
Commander of the Zoner freighter Shooting Starr

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RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Doria - 04-11-2013

--- Incoming Message ---
From: David Starr, Planet Gran Canaria
To: OSI Board of Directors
Subject: A little incident with a Bretonian battlecruiser again

--- Message Starts ---


Today I found that battleship again... It must have been hiding in one of the nebula clouds undergoing repairs, 'cause I encountered it again during another test flight on my Cutlass... It was trying to leave the system I think, but again it stoped to fight off some corsair gunboats that appeared to ambush it...

But this time my guncam was operational, as the mechanic had already finished with the weapons upgrade...

BIC2' GunCam

After the battleship had put those gunboats running, I called him again on the open frequencies, and this time he answered me... I asked him, politely, what he was doing, and I got static in response... Then I remembered its captain that he was too close to several Zoner bases and he could put Gran Canaria in danger 'cause of his "patrol" and asked him to cease hostilities in the O-49 system. He answered me "Ok" and proceeded to dock with Lanzarote base (!!) where he loaded up with bots/bats and fuel and headed for the Dublin system. I watched from about 8 to 10K distance until he jumped away, then returned to Gran Canaria.

I don't know what to think. Maybe you guys know how to proceed.

Best regards,

David Starr
Commander of the Zoner freighter Shooting Starr

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RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Major_Mayhem - 05-01-2013

[Image: kelly.png]

Dear emoloyes, independant contractors, ladies and gentlemen

Another successful month for Omicron Supply Industries has ended. With a turnover of over 2 billion credits for Kosenayr Tech. Inc. alone and with promising estimation both for Omicron Security Inc. and Omicron Supply Inc. it may be well the start to a record-breaking quarter for OSI.

With that said, I expect reports from all participants in KTI's projects within a week to finalize the bonus payment.

As usual unclaimed bonus go to equal parts to: the Bretonian fund for war-affected civilians, the Gallic fund for war-affected civilians, the Libertonian fund for war-affected civilians, Social fund for disadvantaged children of Cran Canaria as well as OSIs retirement fund.
Please see the Director of Human resources if you would like your payment in another form than credits.

Best regards
Jason Kelly
Chief of Operation of Omicron Supply Indsutries
CEO of Kosenayr Technologies Incorporated
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Tunicle - 05-05-2013

--- Incoming Message ---
From: Tunicle, OSI-Posenia
To: OSI Board of Directors
--- Message Starts ---

Sadly I have had a major camera malfunction so I am only reporting project deliveries when other OSI "witnesses" were about.

Delivered : Basic Alloy 25,000 Units
Delivered Industrial Materials : 30,000 Units
Delivered Quantum Multiplexers : 5000 Units
Delivered Robotics : 25,000 Units
Delivered Silver : 5,000 Units

My equipment has been serviced and should function from now on.


--- Message Ends ---

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Major_Mayhem - 05-10-2013

[Image: kelly.png]

Dear employees, independent contractors, ladies and gentlemen

The reports for both Omicron Supply Inc. and Omicron Supply Inc. have been reported and the bonus for this month has been calculated.

As employe of the month Mr Anata gets a bonus of 171'091'200 SC. Congratulations.

Mr. Tunicle comes in as close second with a bonus of 127'740'000 SC

The last place and honorable mention is one of our newest employes: Averix Ishmene with a bonus of 11'276'266 SC (including the deduction for not submitting a report).

I ask all people entitled to a bonus to contact the department of Human Resources about the account and form of the payout.

Best regards
Jason Kelly
Chief of Operation of Omicron Supply Industries
CEO of Kosenayr Technologies Incorporated
[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Doria - 05-26-2013

[Image: sHof2sk.png]

Hello there, friends. A few things happened today...

FIrst, after talking with Mr. Kelly on the subject, I finally decided to upgrade to a Zoner Whale. As much as I love the Firefly, the 5K cargo hold is tempting... A few months ago I had applied for a 'buying option' on a ZBT-100Z-2 transport being built at Livadia. So I decided to get all the credits I had made this past few months and consolidate that option.

So, last night I sent a message to the Livadia Sales Office telling them my decision. They replied the Whale would be ready in 48 hours. Good enough. So I took the wings off my Osprey and fitted it inside the Firefly's cargo hold - that ramp door is really useful! First thing in the morning today I sailed to Cambridge, where I have bought the ship, which was partially financed by the Cambridge Bank.

I sold the ship back to the bank, and altough a bad bussiness (got only 19 million out of 40 of the original price) it was instant money. Then I made an electronic transfer of the first payment to Livadia Shipyards and went back to the repair shop. By noon the Osprey had his wings back in place and was ready to fly. So I went back to Gran Canaria, were I would wait until the Whale was ready.

When I arrived at the OSI HQ I met Mr. Kelly who was going to do a few supply runs and was looking for an escort...
So I tagged along with him for a while, in a few uneventfull runs. Until we met a Corsair gunboat just outside the Leeds gate in New London. After the negotiation attempt went south I engaged the Corsair while Kelly escaped with his Whale... Then I runned away also... But the guy wouldn't give up! He chased us down the tradelanes but Mr. Kelly is very able in the command of his transport and soon he was left behind by us...

So we made a few more deliveries, including a couple food loads to Crete, and then Mr. Kelly called it a day. He stayed at FP 9 while I went to Livadia to see how my ship's prep was going. It will be ready tomorow morning.
It will be nice to be flying this brand new Zoner Whale.

That's about it, folks. Too bad my guncam was not in 'auto' mode, so I don't have pics to show you. Lets hope Mr. Kelly posts some images here for our amusement...

David Starr signing out.

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]

RE: Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Doria - 06-06-2013

[Image: sHof2sk.png]

Hello OSI Board of Directors. Pilot David Starr reporting:

After my Whale was finally delivered, I took it for a ride to Gallia and back. Quite a while on the road. When I was back at Gran Canaria I heard news of an open firefight on Omicron 74. You all know what I'm talking about. Then I received a comm from Director VonCloud stating all security pilots should report at Livadia Shipyards for defense purposes. So I prep'd my Osprey and departed.

Next morning, the Order was barricading the ZA station near the Kappa jump hole. Then I received word that a Zoner Alliance ship appeared around Livadia wanting to negotiate a cease-fire. So I launched.

In space I found a great number of ships, from fighters to battleships, from the Order, Phoenix and several others. They all surrounded the ZA gunboat. After some conversation, in which VonCloud tried to convince the ZA pilot to try to get sense from his group mates, but with no success, he asked the pilot to get away from Livadia to avoid any hostilities around the station.

When the ZA ship was 10K away, Admiral Golanski appeared on the scene. Then I had the honor to witness the Admiral's amazing negotiation skills:

--- Attachment: Guncams - #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 ---

After that, it was open war. Three ZA Nephlims appeared in sequence. One after the other, the Falcon, the Drummer and the Hydra were destroyed by the combined forces leaded by the Order. I had nothing to do but watch.

After that, dialog was opened again. The Alliance agreed to deactivate and dismantle its defense turrets near the jumpholes. Later that day I went to check that. The Kappa jumphole platforms were removed, the station set to neutral defensive mode. On the Theta jumphole all was set to neutral also, but the weapons platforms were still there.

This morning all was calm when I got out for a little patrol of the system to see if the cease-fire was really in place. Then I saw this interesting moment: a [XXL] marked Barge (don't know from what group is that tag) called Flying Barrel was delivering a full load of water supplies to the ZA station. May not mean anything, but I would keep an eye open to see what's really going on with those guys.

That's it. Pilot David Starr signing off...

[Image: transmissionbottom.png]