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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 06-12-2021 ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient: Xeno Alliance communications Subject: Posterity For some of you this may come as a surprise. The Alliance has been around for a long time, and through the use of a structured chain of command, elections for the foremost post of said chain, commitment and loyalty to our cause - we've accomplished a lot of things that would have otherwise been impossible for a group like ours. In times of hardship and uncertainty, we are the beacon the rest of our fellow men look to for guidance, a path to something more than just rebellion for the sake of it. Our eventual mission is the emancipation of all other people in Liberty exactly like us, and to then carve out a place to call our own and live the way we intend. There's always been talk of reaching after the pipedream of a Liberty Free Republic, but that's all it's even been - talk. Nobody's actually given it their best shot at trying to chase after it. But it's something I want to do. The underlying reasons for why are all self evident, even the name reflects it. To do this isn't going to be easy, I think everyone's well aware of that and if they aren't then I have to burst the bubble and say that's a deluded line of thought. But it is possible. And if it's possible, I want to try. But I need help, because it takes all sorts to make a Nation. It'll take all of us, at our best to even come close to pulling off such a grand ambition within our lifetimes. This isn't the Liberty Navy, there's not going to be an imposing standing order that compels you into training and hard service. No, I'm just going to ask you to help me and to commit yourself to being better. Anyone ready and willing can request transfers to Fort Ramsey. To become the image of what we want to create is going to involve hard work and discipline. Championing the rugged self reliance and stoicism of the truest incarnation of Liberty was never going to be an easy ride. And it has to be your choice, you have to be the one driving. If it wasn't up to you, then would we really be chasing the dream of an unshackled existence? Decide, neither me or this idea will live forever. "Liberty or death." -"Cobra" ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 06-23-2021 ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient: Xeno Alliance communications Subject: Free men The call for aid I put out was answered by an individual many of you might see as controversial. But somebody willing to relinquish former allegiances and instead swear loyalty to the idea of our Free Republic is one of us. And I expect you will all treat him like he really is one of us. To prevent any undue accidents, and yes I'm looking at you Ridgenose, take note of his ship's ID "von.Stuerer" and also of the fact that he will likely be seen onboard or in orbit of Fort Ramsey. He'll also spend most of his time in Camp Gore on Blezard screaming at idiots with guns. That is all. "Liberty or death." -"Cobra" ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - von Stürer - 06-24-2021 ![]() » To: Xeno Alliance communications » From: Inspector General von Stürer » Subject: Camp Gore: Preliminary report Good day,
Firstly, I believe I should introduce myself to the greater Xeno Alliance. I am Sigmund Erich von Stürer, Major a.D. and newly appointed Inspector General of the Free Republic Militia. It is my duty to train your ground troops and turn a mostly worthless rabble into a proper, effective fighting force. Speaking of which, Commander "Cobra," I am afraid you were correct in regards to expectations. I spent several hours at Camp Gore today, collecting first impressions of the men and women you have so far recruited and the training - if you can call it that - that they have been and are so far receiving. To say that it is disappointing would be a criminal understatement. The "fighters" are undisciplined, difficult to corral, and disinclined towards obeying commands. Frankly, these people would have washed out of any proper bootcamp on the first day. But, I am not a man to turn away from a challenge. I am certain that I can make something of these patriots yet. The current supply situation, I am afraid, is looking similarly bleak. Weapons of all kinds are in short stock, and most of the armament we do have is outdated and poorly maintained. Ammunition stores and medical supplies are also nearly depleted. Procuring additional equipment should be a top priority. A fighting force, no matter how well trained and how numerous, cannot fight a war with empty hands. With your leave, Commander, I would like to reach out to a number of retired soldiers whom I served with, whom I believe would serve us well as drill instructors. I will personally vouch for any one of them who chooses to join us. That is all for now. Hochachtungsvoll, Sigmund Erich von Stürer. Inspector General of the Free Republic Militia Generalinspekteur der Freien Republikanischen Miliz RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 06-24-2021 ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient: Xeno Alliance communications Subject: Camp Gore: Preliminary report The part I take personal offense to is the shortage of guns. A Xeno without a piece might as well be nothing, I'll rectify that immediately by having the Mojave bring in shipments of questionably procured firearms. You'll maybe recognize quite a few of the models as they were probably fired at you during your service history. Goes without saying that this'll include ammo to fire said guns, the medical supply problem is difficult though, but I'll try and remedy this with "procurements" so that we don't run into shortages as often anymore. As for your outreach, go ahead. Just as long as they're on the same page as you are. "Liberty or death." -"Cobra" ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - von Stürer - 07-17-2021 ![]() » To: Xeno Alliance communications » From: Inspector General von Stürer » Subject: Camp Gore: Report #01 Good day,
The past three weeks have proven to be enlightening on the fact that mere belief in a soldier's cause does not a soldier make. However, the militia's men and women are surprisingly receptive to foreigners' instructions and have taken well to their new training regimens. Recent shipments of weapons and corresponding munitions have allowed us to conduct a number of exercises, including basic firearm training and close-quarters drills. Your people are sloppy and it will take some time to make even remotely competent soldiers of them, but they certainly do not lack motivation - as evidenced by the volume of fire they are willing to put down range. If only it would hit its mark. There have, of course, been a number of injuries and - I am sorry to inform you - half a dozen fatalities. If medical supplies could, perhaps, be prioritized for the next shipment, we may begin with first aid and advanced triage instructions. I singled out several dozen militia members with prior military, police, or mercenary experience and promoted them to a first batch of squad leaders and officers. Under the tutelage of my instructors and myself, they should soon make for cunning leaders. That is all for now. Hochachtungsvoll, Sigmund Erich von Stürer. Inspector General of the Free Republic Militia Generalinspekteur der Freien Republikanischen Miliz RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 07-17-2021 ![]() ☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient: Xeno Alliance communications Subject: Camp Gore: Report #01 Cunning leaders, good to hear. And as for medical supplies, I struck a deal with a source today and you'll be getting three consistent shipments a month. Since they're being shipped upstream from Nome, there will be small delays but I don't foresee them as being as horrific as they have been. I'm also happy to inform you that the XAF workshops have successfully scaled up their manufacturing capabilities in the past few days and are now more than capable of producing weapons for personnel, provided they have a template to work with. I'll see about producing a few original designs to circulate and test, but this will likely be as extensive of a process as instilling competency into the militia is turning out to be. Despite that fact, you do good work. I'm glad I made the right choice. "Liberty or death." -"Cobra" ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Wesker - 07-18-2021 ![]() ☠ Signal source: Ouray Base, Colorado ☠ Opening audio recording... ![]() Sender: Ramiel Kincaid Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications Subject: First day underway. Wow. .... This is a lot more relaxed than the report system I'm used to seeing, I like it though. Straight to the point, cut and dry with no need for specificity unless it's appropriate. Still, I'll oblige you with a brief summary: I decided to try and pull my own weight from the get-go. There were a lot of adversaries out in New York today, our boss -Cobra- swung by and we went on a little spree of revenge. One or two targets might have evaded us, but they're probably going to be spending more money than they'd like fixing their stuff up. Kill Kill #2 Kill #3 Kill #4 Kill #5 Kill #6 Y'Know the CTE Eagle isn't that bad compared to the Guardian. Ramiel Kincaid ....Attachments: None ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Wesker - 07-23-2021 ![]() ☠ Signal source: Ouray Base, Colorado ☠ Opening audio recording... ![]() Sender: Ramiel Kincaid Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications Subject: Lane Hackers. Yo. .... Take a look at this. Some Lane Hackers did a fly-by near Houston, there wasn't much there except me. Those guys are scumbags, they took advantage of the war to hurt our guys out in the field in Magellan. They even bombed a squad of our guys out in California when the Gallics pushed in. They pull the strings, you could say I have a grudge against them. Kill Unfortunately the other was a gunship, I'm not outfitted to take on stuff like that alone, so I dipped right after. Ramiel Kincaid ....Attachments: None ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Wesker - 07-24-2021 ![]() ☠ Signal source: Ouray Base, Colorado ☠ Opening audio recording... ![]() Sender: Ramiel Kincaid Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications Subject: Kusarians. Yo. .... You might like this one Cobra, some Kusarians decided to come to New York. Maybe as backup for our Lane Hacker adversaries, I arrived as the fight had lit off. Just a Navy goon I had taken down earlier this week and a LOT of those Kusarians. I started fighting, and, well... it was fun for the most part. Guess you'll just have to see it for yourself. I pushed my luck a bit far though, didn't come back for repairs, and tried to two-up that navy pilot again. He got lucky. Also our gunship, the "Retribution" might need looking at. It ended up being damaged by the Lane Hacker Gunship from yesterday. Ramiel Kincaid ....Attachments: None ☠ Transmission signal lost. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 07-24-2021 ![]() ![]() ☠ Signal source: Fort Ramsey, Ontario ☠ Opening video feed... ![]() Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra" Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications Subject: Kusarians Kincaid.
You're right, but what amuses me most about your footage is one of the last two remaining ships bailing on the fight and leaving somebody behind. It's not the first time I've seen it happen and it's not the first time that it's made me realize why we're better than them. If these spoiled, drug abusing, self indulgent, pompous and glorified whores think they can walk through Liberty and deal with the Junkers on Rochester. Then they've got another thing coming. Show them what that's going to be - by any means necessary and as many times as you need to. So long as our message is as straight, bright and clear as the bolt from a Tarantula's barrel then I'm satisfied. Good work so far, your peers will be talking about this for a while. Enjoy the fame. "Liberty or death." -"Cobra" ☠ Transmission signal lost. |