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World of Tanks - Printable Version

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World of Tanks - Fletcher - 05-01-2012

It is a pain in the engine to kill.

World of Tanks - ryoken - 05-01-2012

I have never really had an issue with the T50-2. I just aim low, and ahead with HE round, and poof! I hit it, or close enough it takes damage, and usually track gone. Then a team mate finish's it after tracked.
You just need to stop, take your time to aim, and poof. It does little damage, so just be patient.
Only time i got pissed at it, was when my LOWE bounced 2 shots off it's side 1 game. Or i should say, i got that "It went right through" BS. That is the worst thing to hear in my oppinion in any game. Because it means you hit it dead on, and penned it, but RNG decided to screw you.

World of Tanks - Bloody Reverb - 05-01-2012

I was trying to hit it. But no chance....He avoided most of my shots, the rest bounced. I tried to go somewhere where he couldnt hit my engine..and then just wait.. but no..he hit my tracks..then engine..then the other track...and again..left, engine, right, left, engine, right....
I stopped to aim on him..just to wait..he stopped too!
Then my 2 friends arrived. Me in T34-80 and KV3 friends. He...destroyed...all of us! Except one friend...the other one hit him when he tried to aim at that thing and killed him.

World of Tanks - Fletcher - 05-02-2012

Bad things happened.

Then I happened.

World of Tanks - Dashiell - 05-02-2012

T20, excellent taste sir.

World of Tanks - Fletcher - 05-02-2012

Indeed, in the right situation it is an extremely deadly 'pop-up' tank, I can hide behind a hill and fire on them with the great 90mm cannon before they have a chance to scope me.

Not got the best engine yet, but I'm making pretty reliable matches with this beast.:) Just wish that cannon was a touch faster.

Need that crew at 100% asap... I'm using the Vertical Stabilizer, Rammer and Vents. Works nicely so far.

World of Tanks - Dashiell - 05-02-2012

Im using cheats. Way more reliable


World of Tanks - sindroms - 05-02-2012

Reported 8|

World of Tanks - Dashiell - 05-02-2012


World of Tanks - Valinor - 05-02-2012