RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Hemlocke - 07-26-2021
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Milford Base, Pennsylvania
☠ Opening audio recording...
Sender: Joseph King
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: An Unlikely Ally
....General update on recent operations, Bush and Velveteen stumbled upon my patrol around Fontana in California the other day, I was locked in combat with a Hellfire Insurgent in a gunship. I had it basically handled but being the turncoats they are, naturally they lack the moxy to die like men and he ran for the freeport so they jumped in to expedite the process of elimination.
....Not long after the incident outside Fontana, I returned to my patrol duties and headed West through the system with the intent of entering Cortez to see what scum floated to the surface while I was away. Turns out the Core have been drastically increasing their activity in and around Liberty as of late, as Velveteen and Bush can attest we've ran them into hiding quite a few times already. I caught this transport at the ice field in the process of stealing the local resources and two Auxesian bomber units had beaten me to the punchline. Target's dead. On my return trip I caught a Junker carrying Manifolds into Cortez, he thought the lanes would save him from our wrath, I showed him how wrong he was.
....Lucky me, I actually managed to pull the Sector Overseer out on a hunt for the damn Core again. The transport gave up some good resistance but was forced to run for cover under our combined firepower. Cobra you were there for my encounter with that Rheinlander. It's a bit of an interesting situation really, the Rheinlander and I went to the bar and we talked a bit, I managed to talk her out of joining the Traitor Republic and the Guild that takes it. Her name is Freya with some added complications to the tongue. We talked about her returning to Liberty and finding work by way of Bethlehem as Barrier just isn't that friendly of a place for someone down on their luck. She deemed it necessary to pledge her aid to us should we require it, I didn't set anything in stone because that isn't my place, she also gave me her neural net code should we need to contact her for any reason. She was in the process of changing papers and vessel the last time we spoke so I'm unable to provide anything further.
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Wesker - 07-27-2021
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Ouray Base, Colorado
☠ Opening audio recording...
Sender: Sidewinder
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: More Kusarians.
.... Logging our raid on Shikoku today, not the same Kusarians but I guess we got a bonus. We ended up dropping some famous Maltesian or something, hope this retaliation was worth the effort to the boss - because it sure was awesome. I can get used to flying this new "Rebel", it handles like a faster Guardian or something - even feels a bit more at home. Only a few Kusarians show up, if we want to hit the ones that came to New York it might be worth looking into where they live.
Kusari was pretty, give me a yell if we decide to go back there on any sort of business.
....Attachments: None
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Hemlocke - 07-29-2021
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Milford Base, Pennsylvania
☠ Opening audio recording...
Sender: Joseph King
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Insurgents
....Striker-One and I went on the prowl through New York and into Texas, I was sitting at the gate still waiting for Striker when my scanners caught two unknown contacts coming from the northern scrap field. When I moved in to investigate I was met with a shocking sight of one incredibly ugly gallic ship, that both of these gauls were flying. I didn't recognize their group and their trajectory had suggested they had come from the Junker's sh*t shack before we found each other. Their ships were christened the [FLG]NT-Tatou and [FLG]NT-Carapace respectively, each with a full load of hull segments.
....Since our last incident with foreigners I decided to be more careful and attempted to make first contact and establish who I was about to kill before I actually committed the act. They were interested in talking a ton, without saying much at all, I managed to learn that they were some group of freedom fighters from Gallia. I tried to establish who they got their goods from and what they were doing moving them through Liberty. One of them let it slip it was the base in the field behind them, and other than that they entirely dodged my questions. Needless to say I lost my patience and decided to send the horribly ugly Tatou and his loose lipped twin Carapace packing with an explosive welcome to Liberty.
[29.07.2021 18:32:42] XA-Bull.: What the hell?
[29.07.2021 18:32:44] XA-Bull.: Excuse me?
[29.07.2021 18:32:48] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Bonjour!
[29.07.2021 18:32:52] [FLG]NT-Carapace: Lavigned: Boucher, do you know this guy?
[29.07.2021 18:32:57] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Non!
[29.07.2021 18:32:57] XA-Bull.: Who in the hell, and what in the hell are you?
[29.07.2021 18:32:59] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Must be a local
[29.07.2021 18:33:12] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Oh we are humble traders Monsieur, returning home
[29.07.2021 18:33:20] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Don't think we had the pleasure!
[29.07.2021 18:33:22] XA-Bull.: Traders, you're gallics.
[29.07.2021 18:33:33] [FLG]NT-Carapace: Lavigned: We are the Maquis. We fight with the Union.
[29.07.2021 18:33:35] XA-Bull.: Looks like you just came from the junker's house.
[29.07.2021 18:33:38] [FLG]NT-Tatou: You got us. We are looking for supplies here
[29.07.2021 18:33:53] XA-Bull.: You're taking supplies from Liberty, to fund your efforts in Gallia.
[29.07.2021 18:34:06] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Oui - for our money, you might say that
[29.07.2021 18:34:17] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Your people do not want their goods purchased?
[29.07.2021 18:34:52] XA-Bull.: So you're just going to pass it off as innocent business.
[29.07.2021 18:34:55] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Perhaps economics work differently in Sirius Lavigned? This place puzzles me
[29.07.2021 18:34:59] XA-Bull.: You're either stupid, or you think I am.
[29.07.2021 18:35:05] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Not sure what you mean
[29.07.2021 18:35:07] [FLG]NT-Tatou: we are an open book
[29.07.2021 18:35:15] [FLG]NT-Tatou: We struggle against an all mighty enemy
[29.07.2021 18:35:17] XA-Bull.: You bought those segments from the Junkers yes?
[29.07.2021 18:35:26] [FLG]NT-Tatou: We need to get supplies away from our homeland as they control many a place
[29.07.2021 18:35:31] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Who?
[29.07.2021 18:35:56] XA-Bull.: The "people" that fly scrap metal ships, sell out anyone to turn a profit. Got bases in scrap fields.
[29.07.2021 18:35:59] [FLG]NT-Tatou: We came from bering Monsieur
[29.07.2021 18:36:06] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Oh those!
[29.07.2021 18:36:09] Striker-One: Cavalry has arrived.
[29.07.2021 18:36:11] [FLG]NT-Carapace: Lavigned: And who is that now?
[29.07.2021 18:36:12] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Oui we've seen them around Gallia
[29.07.2021 18:36:16] Striker-One: Sorry to keep you waiting Bull.
[29.07.2021 18:36:18] XA-Bull.: Bering you say?
[29.07.2021 18:36:24] XA-Bull.: So you got these from the Unioners then?
[29.07.2021 18:36:32] [FLG]NT-Tatou: We went through bering Oui!
[29.07.2021 18:36:35] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Who?
[29.07.2021 18:36:35] Striker-One: What in tarnation...
[29.07.2021 18:36:39] Striker-One: is that monstrosity...
[29.07.2021 18:36:47] XA-Bull.: I'm about to blow a fucking gasget they're talking in circles.
[29.07.2021 18:36:50] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Lavigned - do you know who he talks about?
[29.07.2021 18:37:00] XA-Bull.: Where. Did you get. Those segments.
[29.07.2021 18:37:10] [FLG]NT-Carapace: Lavigned: On that base behind us.
[29.07.2021 18:37:12] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Some Sirians sold them to us
[29.07.2021 18:37:18] XA-Bull.: On that base behind you.
[29.07.2021 18:37:19] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Oui, some base
[29.07.2021 18:37:24] XA-Bull.: Exactly as I thought.
[29.07.2021 18:37:30] XA-Bull.: You seen enough Striker?
[29.07.2021 18:37:33] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Is there a problem?
[29.07.2021 18:37:39] [FLG]NT-Carapace: Lavigned: Enough for what?
[29.07.2021 18:37:48] [FLG]NT-Tatou: *confused*
[29.07.2021 18:37:53] [FLG]NT-Tatou: and you are ?
[29.07.2021 18:37:58] XA-Bull.: Tatou dies first, lyres and solaris
[29.07.2021 18:37:59] [FLG]NT-Tatou: We have answered all these questions Sirians
[29.07.2021 18:38:04] [FLG]NT-Tatou: perhaps you would Indulge us
[29.07.2021 18:38:11] [FLG]NT-Tatou: I do not believe we have ever met your kind before
[29.07.2021 18:38:20] Striker-One: Neither do we.
[29.07.2021 18:38:23] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Are you local Corsicans or some such?
[29.07.2021 18:38:25] Striker-One: And we would like your kind out of Liberty.
[29.07.2021 18:38:29] XA-Bull.: You should've made it a point to meet us before trespassing.
[29.07.2021 18:38:36] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Seeing as you are armed to the teeth in a hidden area *laughs*
[29.07.2021 18:38:46] XA-Bull.: Did he just call us Corsicans?
[29.07.2021 18:38:50] XA-Bull.: Fucking hell these people.
[29.07.2021 18:38:51] [FLG]NT-Tatou: Well we had no idea of your existence had we
[29.07.2021 18:38:56] XA-Bull.: Weapons free.
[29.07.2021 18:38:59] Striker-One: The feeling is mutual.
[29.07.2021 18:39:00] Striker-One: Oh!
[29.07.2021 18:39:03] XA-Bull.: Kill these scum.
[29.07.2021 18:39:09] Striker-One: With pleasure.
[29.07.2021 18:39:13] XA-Bull.: Welcome to Liberty!
[29.07.2021 18:39:14] [FLG]NT-Carapace: Lavigned: What? Returning fire!
[29.07.2021 18:42:04] Red.Snake: Need help there?
[29.07.2021 18:42:08] XA-Bull.: We got it
[29.07.2021 18:43:08] XA-Bull.: Thanks for the response Red.
[29.07.2021 18:43:17] Red.Snake: Sorry if I was late
[29.07.2021 18:43:18] XA-Bull.: Thanks for the assist Striker. ☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Wesker - 08-15-2021
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Ouray Base, Colorado
☠ Opening audio recording...
Sender: Sidewinder
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Rheinlanders again?
Logging in an odd little encounter on the eastern border in Hudson. On my way by there I ran into another Lane Hacker hanging out in Texas, they must have a base or something hidden away there... might be worth looking into in the future.
Anyways, I went to log in some time in Hudson and see the area when a bunch of Rheinland ships turned up out of nowhere. All of them were military, most of them vacated the area, thankfully there were no bismarcks around. Those things are terrifying, maybe a bit scarier than the valor.
One fighter tried to stick out his stay and taunt me, it didn't end well for him. After that, some Unioner turned up and tried to do the same thing, it ended the same way for him as well.
Something interesting to note in this weird turn of events is a comment some Rheinland Cruiser captain dropped - might be useful in the future. Even we knew to watch our mouths out in public when the Gallics were on the rise.
Rheinland Captain's comment.
....Attachments: None
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Goddess Astra - 08-28-2021
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Barrow Base, Hudson
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Personable Anarchist
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Sh$t the Liberty Navy Says
Went roaming from Hudson today. Sorry not sorry, I didn't put in a day's notice, but I did come back at the end of the day, so y'can't really get that mad at me. Can't say I killed anyone in the name of the cause or whatever, but I did meet two people worth mentioning.
First of all was the Freelancer on the lane from Texas to New York. Knocked 'em outta lane, saw they were flying an Executioner of all f$cking things, but had a buncha our favorite enemies hanging out in the hold. Maybe I'm a bit soft to kill someone right off the bat for flying the wrong ship, but I put 'em on a different road. Told 'em about the military-industrial complex and suggested they pick up a different choice of bird if they wanted to stay outta my gunsights. Fair compromise, I'd say. Comms log attached.
[28.08.2021 06:45:50] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Heya.
[28.08.2021 06:45:53] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Slow down a second.
[28.08.2021 06:45:55] Kori: hey
[28.08.2021 06:46:14] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Whatcha doing flying around in an executioner, huh?
[28.08.2021 06:46:19] Kori: hm?
[28.08.2021 06:46:37] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Don't see too many freelancers flying Navy hardware.
[28.08.2021 06:47:49] XA-Personable:Anarchist: *She lets out an audible sigh.*
[28.08.2021 06:47:56] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'wanna do this the easy way, or the hard way?
[28.08.2021 06:48:06] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Easy way, y'answer my questions, don't waste my time. Hard way, well...
[28.08.2021 06:48:09] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'can prolly guess.
[28.08.2021 06:49:02] Kori: "no need for violence at all"
[28.08.2021 06:49:10] XA-Personable:Anarchist: I can respect that you're taking out the trash. But your choice of ship's a little suspect.
[28.08.2021 06:49:35] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'follow me there?
[28.08.2021 06:50:11] Kori: "yea i do what ship should i get then? "
[28.08.2021 06:50:37] XA-Personable:Anarchist: 's less about the ship and more about supporting an oppressive military-industrial complex, if y'get my drift.
[28.08.2021 06:51:02] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Some folks'd shoot you on sight for that kinda thing. I'm feeling a little more patient today, so I'm gonna give you a tip.
[28.08.2021 06:51:09] Kori: "never thought about it that way.."
[28.08.2021 06:51:36] XA-Personable:Anarchist: There's a ship company, they're called Ceres. And they make a little fighter called the Beetle.
[28.08.2021 06:51:53] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Can't remember where they sell 'em. But y'can find 'em somewhere in Colorado, I think.
[28.08.2021 06:52:15] XA-Personable:Anarchist: If y'don't have an executioner next time I see you, I'll forget I ever saw it.
[28.08.2021 06:52:19] Kori: "alright i will take your advice "
[28.08.2021 06:52:24] XA-Personable:Anarchist: But if y'-do-, then I ain't gonna be so kind with you, y'hear?
[28.08.2021 06:53:03] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Cool, now get outta here.
[28.08.2021 06:53:17] Kori: "i will aswell"
[28.08.2021 06:53:35] Kori: "system malfunction this thing is crap"
[28.08.2021 06:53:39] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Yeah it is.
Second, in New York. Ran across a pilot with the name of James Liberon flying from Manhattan to West Point. That one I woulda gladly shot, but he had me outgunned--Avenger against a Roc ain't a matchup I'm too keen on, 'specially not when I'm kitted for hunting bigger fish. So I get to talking instead. Tried to open his eyes to the reasons why Liberty sucks, but apparently he wasn't too interested in actually hearing them, despite him saying otherwise. One point for not shooting me down while he had the chance, minus one point for saying teenagers shouldn't be allowed to vote, minus fifteen billion points for being a willing cog in the gears of a military-industrial complex protecting the status quo of an awful corrupt police state.
Next time I see him he's dead. Logs attached.
[28.08.2021 07:10:54] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Nice.
[28.08.2021 07:11:01] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'here to shut me up or something?
[28.08.2021 07:11:16] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Nice? I wouldn't think you would find it nice to see a Navy Officer on patrol.
[28.08.2021 07:11:35] XA-Personable:Anarchist: That's just stereotyping.
[28.08.2021 07:11:59] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'don't seem too eager to come mess me up, I gotta say.
[28.08.2021 07:12:08] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: I mean, I am pretty sure that destroying you here is part of my job.
[28.08.2021 07:12:14] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Yeah, prolly.
[28.08.2021 07:12:18] XA-Personable:Anarchist: But how much do you actually care about it?
[28.08.2021 07:12:25] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'll not blow you up if you don't make a run for it now.
[28.08.2021 07:12:45] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Mmmm, hmm.
[28.08.2021 07:12:58] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'know, back in the day, they used to require probable cause for this sorta thing...
[28.08.2021 07:13:03] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Or well, I'd say I would take you in for interrogation but I've yet to see a member of the Alliance agree to anything like that
[28.08.2021 07:13:05] XA-Personable:Anarchist: But I guess I am flying a certain -flag-.
[28.08.2021 07:13:46] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Standard procedure is to eliminate you on the spot or take you in for interrogation, but you're already about 6 clicks out.
[28.08.2021 07:13:49] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: 9 now, even.
[28.08.2021 07:13:51] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Yeah we ain't big on that whole talking thing.
[28.08.2021 07:13:53] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: There's no way I'd catch up.
[28.08.2021 07:13:54] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Apparently.
[28.08.2021 07:14:17] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Sounds like y'don't really wanna try.
[28.08.2021 07:14:26] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Oh maybe you aren't, but I've seen other people under your flag talk for hours on end, just not about the stuff I'd want to hea
[28.08.2021 07:14:27] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: r.
[28.08.2021 07:14:37] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Yeah that's how it tends to be, doesn't it.
[28.08.2021 07:14:42] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: If you approach me like that then you realistically don't leave me a choice.
[28.08.2021 07:14:45] XA-Personable:Anarchist: We got lots to say, y'just don't wanna hear it.
[28.08.2021 07:14:59] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: If it would be more than the same old for once, I'd actually listen, you know.
[28.08.2021 07:15:10] XA-Personable:Anarchist: What d'you consider to be same old?
[28.08.2021 07:15:11] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: At this point we get it, you dislike Liberty.
[28.08.2021 07:15:25] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Isn't it like... time for something fresh?
[28.08.2021 07:15:45] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'know -why- we dislike Liberty, right?
[28.08.2021 07:16:14] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: I get the gist of it, but not that I agree or relate.
[28.08.2021 07:16:15] XA-Personable:Anarchist: But I will admit, the whole rhetoric tends to be a little bit...what would y'call it...
[28.08.2021 07:16:19] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Antagonistic, right?
[28.08.2021 07:16:42] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: To me? For sure. Probably not to the other Xeno's that believe they're being patriotic by destroying the ships that
[28.08.2021 07:16:49] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: protect civilian and coorperations alike.
[28.08.2021 07:17:09] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Well, y'gotta think about it this way.
[28.08.2021 07:17:35] XA-Personable:Anarchist: The house of Liberty is in a kinda...state of self-destruction.
[28.08.2021 07:17:52] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Is that because you've placed bombs on 'Hatten or something?
[28.08.2021 07:17:56] XA-Personable:Anarchist: What no.
[28.08.2021 07:17:56] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Don't tell me you did.
[28.08.2021 07:18:06] XA-Personable:Anarchist: No, f$ck's sake...
[28.08.2021 07:18:15] XA-Personable:Anarchist: That would be pointless, why would I do that?
[28.08.2021 07:18:28] XA-Personable:Anarchist: What message would that send other than "raaah I'm a f$ckin' bad girl!"
[28.08.2021 07:18:36] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Doesn't do anything for anyone.
[28.08.2021 07:18:44] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: I don't know, it would fit the terrorist agenda though.
[28.08.2021 07:18:50] Death: High_Lord_Tamigin was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[28.08.2021 07:19:10] Rules Tip: Pirates can issue only one cargo or monetary demand per encounter. Telling the trader to stop is not a demand, however, if they ignore the request, they can be shot down without issuing further demands.
[28.08.2021 07:19:31] XA-Personable:Anarchist: -Real- terrorism is trying to send a message. What you're talking about is called indiscriminate murder.
[28.08.2021 07:19:49] XA-Personable:Anarchist: I don't see the point in it, really, but then again I'm kinda new to this whole being a terrorist thing.
[28.08.2021 07:20:08] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: What message are you trying to send by literally destroying the people that protect Liberty, though?
[28.08.2021 07:20:15] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Ah, right! Yeah.
[28.08.2021 07:20:16] XA-Personable:Anarchist: So.
[28.08.2021 07:20:17] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Surely not that you care for the Republic or its people, right?
[28.08.2021 07:20:37] XA-Personable:Anarchist: The problem with the Navy is that it's protecting a system that's flawed.
[28.08.2021 07:20:49] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Flawed how exactly?
[28.08.2021 07:20:49] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Worse than flawed, it's actually -awful-.
[28.08.2021 07:20:55] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Now you're just being rude.
[28.08.2021 07:21:01] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'see, y'got this kinda...corporate police state thing going on.
[28.08.2021 07:21:09] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: You mean the LPI?
[28.08.2021 07:21:11] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Yep.
[28.08.2021 07:21:21] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Terrible bunch, hell yeah. But they get the job done.. sometimes, I guess.
[28.08.2021 07:21:23] XA-Personable:Anarchist: The LPI is basically legalized slavery.
[28.08.2021 07:21:31] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Or, really, they're -enforcing- it.
[28.08.2021 07:21:56] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: I am sure they're being paid, just not as much as they'd like.
[28.08.2021 07:22:00] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Ha.
[28.08.2021 07:22:10] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Everyone refers to themselves as slave these days just beause their salary doesnt suit them.
[28.08.2021 07:22:47] XA-Personable:Anarchist: 's slavery. Y'do something that people think is wrong, and then y'get to spend the rest of your life on board a station where -
[28.08.2021 07:23:06] XA-Personable:Anarchist: - the air doesn't work, the food's sh$t, and y'get paid less than minimum wage for the pleasure of getting your teeth kicked in
[28.08.2021 07:23:14] XA-Personable:Anarchist: I'd call that slavery.
[28.08.2021 07:23:38] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: That just sounds like the average Outcast childhood to me.
[28.08.2021 07:23:48] XA-Personable:Anarchist: So Liberty's as good as Outcasts now?
[28.08.2021 07:23:55] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'-want- Liberty to be like Malta?
[28.08.2021 07:24:07] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: I wish it would make these people as efficient pilots as the Outcasts are.
[28.08.2021 07:24:14] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Of course not, I wouldn't want to end up like that.
[28.08.2021 07:24:25] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Exactly. Nobody wants to live like that.
[28.08.2021 07:24:31] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: The people there are prisoners, they've commited every crime known to man.
[28.08.2021 07:24:45] XA-Personable:Anarchist: That's what people tell themselves so they can sleep at night, yeah.
[28.08.2021 07:24:54] XA-Personable:Anarchist: But they don't deserve that. Nobody does.
[28.08.2021 07:24:56] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: I'm sure their victims didn't want to be raped, killed, extorted.. the list goes on, either.
[28.08.2021 07:25:16] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: You can't just scream into a cave and not expect an echo to come back, you know.
[28.08.2021 07:25:16] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Yeah, so. Why do you think people do that kinda stuff?
[28.08.2021 07:25:28] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Cause its easier.
[28.08.2021 07:25:35] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Easier than what?
[28.08.2021 07:25:45] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Why take a Nine-to-Five when I can just rob someone of his money and live off of that.
[28.08.2021 07:25:58] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: They're bad people.
[28.08.2021 07:26:06] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Inherrently evil.
[28.08.2021 07:26:19] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Hmm.
[28.08.2021 07:26:29] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Never thought about it, maybe I'm just inherently evil, huh?
[28.08.2021 07:26:48] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Perhaps. You did join the Alliance, after all.
[28.08.2021 07:26:50] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Ha.
[28.08.2021 07:26:53] XA-Personable:Anarchist: No.
[28.08.2021 07:26:55] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Maybe you've just been mislead by that Moretti fellow, though.
[28.08.2021 07:27:15] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: The man can sugarcoat being a terrorist, I'll give him that.
[28.08.2021 07:27:27] XA-Personable:Anarchist: I joined 'cuz I see that they're trying to make something that actually makes -sense- with that Free Republic.
[28.08.2021 07:27:42] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: There is no place in Sirius better than Liberty.
[28.08.2021 07:28:00] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: You're trying to change something that works perfectly well for 99% of the population.
[28.08.2021 07:28:06] XA-Personable:Anarchist: That's a stretch.
[28.08.2021 07:28:21] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Which part of it?
[28.08.2021 07:28:36] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'think only one percent of the population joins the Rogues, the Xenos, the Hackers, hell even the -Junkers-?
[28.08.2021 07:28:56] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: There's many small movements on the planets surfaces too, but yeah I think that's about it.
[28.08.2021 07:29:34] XA-Personable:Anarchist: And how many more just ain't saying it 'cuz they think they don't got another choice?
[28.08.2021 07:29:38] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: I'm from New London, I don't believe there can be that many people being upset about life in Liberty.
[28.08.2021 07:29:55] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: These cannot be counted, and in the first place they don't have the guts to make a move, so they're not relevant.
[28.08.2021 07:29:59] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Wow.
[28.08.2021 07:30:08] XA-Personable:Anarchist: So they don't count just 'cuz they're not killing people.
[28.08.2021 07:30:21] XA-Personable:Anarchist: They're either compliant little drones or they're evil.
[28.08.2021 07:30:22] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: They don't count for this discussion, no.
[28.08.2021 07:30:38] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: The whole black and white mentality makes my job much easier, you see.
[28.08.2021 07:30:47] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Of course I'd think like this, don't you think it makes sense?
[28.08.2021 07:30:55] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Your perspective doesn't really do much for that whole idea that you're -not- just a cog in the gears of a -
[28.08.2021 07:31:10] XA-Personable:Anarchist: - military-industrial complex protecting the status quo of an awful corporate police state.
[28.08.2021 07:31:32] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: I've never said I'm more than a tiny gear in the giant machine that is Liberty now, did I?
[28.08.2021 07:31:39] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: I don't pretend to be someone of importance.
[28.08.2021 07:31:47] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: I'm but a mere Navy Pilot, doing their job.
[28.08.2021 07:31:48] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Nah. But I'm tryina give myself reasons -not- to shoot you, here.
[28.08.2021 07:32:04] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: You could run far enough away where I would be unable to destroy your ship, really.
[28.08.2021 07:32:05] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Y'ain't making it easy, I gotta admit.
[28.08.2021 07:32:08] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: That would be the best solution.
[28.08.2021 07:32:21] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Yeah but then the status quo goes unchallenged.
[28.08.2021 07:32:42] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: You can always challenge it another day.
[28.08.2021 07:33:08] XA-Personable:Anarchist: I'll admit I'm kitted more for military hardware than gnats like you.
[28.08.2021 07:33:15] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Oh, I can see that.
[28.08.2021 07:33:21] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: It would make me feel awful to shoot you down.
[28.08.2021 07:33:37] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Of course purely because of the equipment you've got with you, not because you're a nice person or anything.
[28.08.2021 07:33:45] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Hey, I'm being plenty nice.
[28.08.2021 07:33:57] XA-Personable:Anarchist: I didn't even shoot you on sight, doesn't that make me like, exceptional?
[28.08.2021 07:34:23] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: It makes you special indeed, if good or bad is left for your boss to decide I assume.
[28.08.2021 07:34:36] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Nah, my boss doesn't like making decisions like that. Tells me to make my own.
[28.08.2021 07:34:49] XA-Personable:Anarchist: That's why I like 'em more than you.
[28.08.2021 07:35:07] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: So he isn't really much of a boss
[28.08.2021 07:35:11] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Nah, not really.
[28.08.2021 07:35:19] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: What is he then, a political figurehead?
[28.08.2021 07:35:30] XA-Personable:Anarchist: A better leader than yours, I reckon.
[28.08.2021 07:35:30] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: The elite pilot of the Alliance? #1 Terrorist of Liberty, maybe?
[28.08.2021 07:35:40] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: A leader unable to make decisions is not a leader.
[28.08.2021 07:35:49] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: That is what we call a teenager.
[28.08.2021 07:36:03] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Wow, rude, all the teenagers out there better be listening closely.
[28.08.2021 07:36:22] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: They sure can, but knowing the teens these days they're already plenty mad about something else.
[28.08.2021 07:36:42] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Maybe y'should count 'em in the people who ain't happy with the system, then.
[28.08.2021 07:36:53] XA-Personable:Anarchist: I'll take a raincheck on that whole blowing you up thing, by the way.
[28.08.2021 07:37:01] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Maybe I'll come back with something better for it.
[28.08.2021 07:37:17] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Can you imagine a world in which teenagers actually get to have a say in politics?
[28.08.2021 07:37:23] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Now THAT would make me join your lot.
[28.08.2021 07:37:23] XA-Personable:Anarchist: I imagine it every day.
[28.08.2021 07:37:40] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Imagine how much more might get -done- if teenagers had a say.
[28.08.2021 07:37:41] 46th|James.Liberon[R]: Indecisive brats running a government, have mercy on my soul.
[28.08.2021 07:37:57] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Don't have to run it.
[28.08.2021 07:37:59] XA-Personable:Anarchist: Just gotta have a say.
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Hemlocke - 10-20-2021
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Ouray Base, Colorado
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Joseph "Bull" King
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Defense of Ames
We went on a minor patrol into Kepler and then sat at the freeport while Cobra had a little chat with someone unfortunately impaired with a strong sense of superiority and vague talking patterns. The only thing of note, and that is a major "note", is that it seems the lowest of the low have stooped even lower and have begun attacking the Freeport and its occupants in favor of their strange fangirling over "The Mighty Cobra".
Ridgenose and I aided Cobra in the removal of Sam Gorski and his upholder wingman Tony Storn without much effort. Cobra then pulled off to give the fangirl some private time with his "big snake" as the man put it.
[20.10.2021 17:43:32] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: We gon enemies on our scanner.
[20.10.2021 17:43:33] 46th|Tony_Storn: Hello there
[20.10.2021 17:43:34] A/)-Revenant: [murmurs] Doesn't appear to be similar composition of the others, hmm.
[20.10.2021 17:43:42] A/)-Revenant: Oh, look, more guests.
[20.10.2021 17:43:44] XA-Ridgenose:.: See?
[20.10.2021 17:43:46] XA-Cobra: Defensive formation, fire only if fired upon.
[20.10.2021 17:43:46] 46th|Sam;Gorski: Well then thats alot or red i see.
[20.10.2021 17:43:49] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: All hands, stand by. Sysops, prepare to cloak on my mark.
[20.10.2021 17:44:00] A/)-Revenant: Running already, Hawkins?
[20.10.2021 17:44:07] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: What is this? The union of Rejects?
[20.10.2021 17:44:10] 46th|Tony_Storn: Indeed
[20.10.2021 17:44:18] XA-Bull: Rejects of the navy calling us rejects?
[20.10.2021 17:44:20] XA-Bull: How nice.
[20.10.2021 17:44:20] A/)-Revenant: Rejected from where?
[20.10.2021 17:44:33] A/)-Revenant: What does that even mean?
[20.10.2021 17:44:33] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: From society itself.
[20.10.2021 17:44:39] XA-Ridgenose:.: Walk on.
[20.10.2021 17:44:40] A/)-Revenant: But we're all different societies.
[20.10.2021 17:44:41] 46th|Sam;Gorski: Funny Xeno.
[20.10.2021 17:44:48] XA-Ridgenose:.: Save us all the trouble.
[20.10.2021 17:44:53] 46th|Tony_Storn: Oh Xeno has jokes
[20.10.2021 17:44:55] XA-Bull: We said "no" willingly, keep sucking up to your paycheck, pig.
[20.10.2021 17:44:58] A/)-Revenant: How can you be a reject if you are within another society?
[20.10.2021 17:45:03] A/)-Revenant: It doesn't make sense.
[20.10.2021 17:45:04] XA-Cobra: Literally teenagers, all of you.
[20.10.2021 17:45:11] A/)-Revenant: Are Libertarians rejects of Kusari society?
[20.10.2021 17:45:13] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: As if I'd ever walk on from the likes of you.
[20.10.2021 17:45:13] XA-Cobra: Not one good bit of smack talk.
[20.10.2021 17:45:30] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Oh the mighty Cobra is here.
[20.10.2021 17:45:40] XA-Ridgenose:.: Aw, you have a fan.
[20.10.2021 17:45:43] XA-Ridgenose:.: How adorable.
[20.10.2021 17:45:44] 46th|Tony_Storn: Indeed he is
[20.10.2021 17:45:46] XA-Cobra: Nothing migthy about me, I'm just a man in a ship.
[20.10.2021 17:45:48] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Navy vessels, I strongly advise you vacate the area.
[20.10.2021 17:46:02] A/)-Revenant: Why should they? They're funny.
[20.10.2021 17:46:08] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Do you feed your lackies these days... I heard you people are struggling.
[20.10.2021 17:46:15] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: I would like to avoid unnecessary bloodshed.
[20.10.2021 17:46:27] XA-Cobra: So original.
[20.10.2021 17:46:27] XA-Ridgenose:.: Someone hasn't noticed the new ships.
[20.10.2021 17:46:37] XA-Ridgenose:.: Then again we don't exactly leave survivors too often.
[20.10.2021 17:46:44] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: It's the reality.
[20.10.2021 17:46:45] XA-Cobra: Tell me, are you sore from being a puppet?
[20.10.2021 17:46:50] XA-Cobra: There's ointments for it.
[20.10.2021 17:46:58] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Never been a puppet, I am my own man.
[20.10.2021 17:47:05] 46th|Tony_Storn: As am I
[20.10.2021 17:47:17] XA-Ridgenose:.: So you claim.
[20.10.2021 17:47:18] XA-Cobra: I'll call your bluff there, incompatible hardware.
[20.10.2021 17:47:24] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: We all chose what path we follow.
[20.10.2021 17:47:26] XA-Ridgenose:.: Who ordered you out here?
[20.10.2021 17:47:44] XA-Cobra: "We all choose our paths!" Moments prior. "Rejects!"
[20.10.2021 17:47:44] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Just a usuall patrol on this freak system.
[20.10.2021 17:48:00] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Was not expecting company that's for sure.
[20.10.2021 17:48:40] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: *whistles*
[20.10.2021 17:48:55] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: How about it Cobra, ready for some fire works?
[20.10.2021 17:48:58] 46th|Sam;Gorski: Its always with us Bennet, we always need to come across these freaks.
[20.10.2021 17:49:07] XA-Cobra: If you fire inside the zone, I will defend the Freeport.
[20.10.2021 17:49:21] XA-Cobra: That's a mistake only you can make, greenhorn.
[20.10.2021 17:49:23] 46th|Sam;Gorski: Funny a Xeno defending a Freeport.
[20.10.2021 17:49:28] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Navy vessels, attacking would be foolish. You are outgunned.
[20.10.2021 17:49:41] 46th|Tony_Storn: Yeah since when do Xenos care about freeports
[20.10.2021 17:49:51] XA-Cobra: Since the last three hundred years of us coming here.
[20.10.2021 17:49:56] 46th|Sam;Gorski: Outgunned ? I see 3 Xenos and 3 Navy officers.
[20.10.2021 17:49:57] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: This station is a freeport?
[20.10.2021 17:50:05] XA-Ridgenose:.: Well this confirms he is blind.
[20.10.2021 17:50:11] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Three fighters against two bombers and a fighter.
[20.10.2021 17:50:15] A/)-Revenant: Well.
[20.10.2021 17:50:15] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: That is suicide.
[20.10.2021 17:50:16] A/)-Revenant: Four.
[20.10.2021 17:50:30] XA-Cobra: If you fire inside the zone, I will happily see all of you gutted and then paraded as fools.
[20.10.2021 17:50:30] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Lets fly away from your precious then.
[20.10.2021 17:50:37] 46th|Sam;Gorski: Really now the Auxo choosing a side, Took u long enough
[20.10.2021 17:50:46] A/)-Revenant: Erm - ... You did declare war on us, no?
[20.10.2021 17:50:50] XA-Ridgenose:.: They seem to be doing the parading all by on their own.
[20.10.2021 17:50:57] A/)-Revenant: I suppose I would have to do the whole "war" thing too, no?
[20.10.2021 17:51:07] XA-Cobra: Oh please, your comeback lines are so weak you'd need help having a child, go down your lane lackey.
[20.10.2021 17:51:28] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Can't say that one impressed me, either.
[20.10.2021 17:51:30] XA-Cobra: Now this fucker shows up.
[20.10.2021 17:51:30] A/)-Revenant: Oh my.
[20.10.2021 17:51:41] XA-Ridgenose:.: So I am not the only one dealing with him?
[20.10.2021 17:51:42] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: A Gaul?
[20.10.2021 17:51:43] XA-Bull: What the hell!?
[20.10.2021 17:51:45] XA-Ridgenose:.: Fucking hell.
[20.10.2021 17:51:49] Ark|Sariel: ?: Oh... never expected this...
[20.10.2021 17:51:52] 46th|Tony_Storn: What's a gual doing here
[20.10.2021 17:51:56] XA-Cobra: Me neither mister question mark.
[20.10.2021 17:51:59] XA-Ridgenose:.: Just go back to doing what you always do.
[20.10.2021 17:52:04] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: How many times do we have to dissasemble that ship for you to learn.
[20.10.2021 17:52:08] XA-Ridgenose:.: And save everyone the time.
[20.10.2021 17:52:39] A/)-Revenant: Anyhow.
[20.10.2021 17:53:19] A/)-Revenant: Not declaring hostilities against me is normally a good way of convincing me not to do anything against you.
[20.10.2021 17:53:32] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Beat it.
[20.10.2021 17:53:35] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: This is getting more and more interesting, Wait a second i will get another package of popcorn *goes into kitchen gigling*
[20.10.2021 17:53:39] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: No one is interested in you.
[20.10.2021 17:53:43] XA-Ridgenose:.: You beat it.
[20.10.2021 17:53:46] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Make me.
[20.10.2021 17:53:59] A/)-Revenant: Oh, I can make you interested in me, if you so desire.
[20.10.2021 17:54:05] XA-Ridgenose:.: You are the ones who barged in talking a bunch of crap without following up.
[20.10.2021 17:54:06] A/)-Revenant: Would that appease you?
[20.10.2021 17:54:07] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: I'd gladly demolish that piece of junk your flying.
[20.10.2021 17:54:12] XA-Cobra: If you fire in the zone..
[20.10.2021 17:54:14] A/)-Revenant: Ohoho.
[20.10.2021 17:54:19] A/)-Revenant: Demolish eh?
[20.10.2021 17:54:26] XA-Ridgenose:.: Just go back down the lane.
[20.10.2021 17:54:27] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: Okay im back
[20.10.2021 17:54:41] XA-Ridgenose:.: And tell your superior officer you had an uneventful patrol.
[20.10.2021 17:54:43] 46th|Sam;Gorski: Looks like they are scared of you Dayvon.
[20.10.2021 17:54:44] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: I'm no interested in lackies
[20.10.2021 17:54:52] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: I want the big snake.
[20.10.2021 17:54:58] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: Myoshomi
[20.10.2021 17:55:00] A/)-Revenant: You are very -- ...
[20.10.2021 17:55:05] A/)-Revenant: ... intriguing.
[20.10.2021 17:55:09] A/)-Revenant: Well.
[20.10.2021 17:55:12] XA-Cobra: Dayvon Bent'over.
[20.10.2021 17:55:12] A/)-Revenant: Good luck to you then, Cobra.
[20.10.2021 17:55:25] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Dayvon benemover rather.
[20.10.2021 17:55:36] XA-Cobra: Say that again, slowly.
[20.10.2021 17:55:43] XA-Cobra: And in a language sane people can understand.
[20.10.2021 17:55:48] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Oh I'm about to say something alright.
[20.10.2021 17:55:58] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Weapons primed and ready.
[20.10.2021 17:56:00] XA-Cobra: Tough talk from a limp man.
[20.10.2021 17:56:04] XA-Bull: Here they go.
[20.10.2021 17:56:06] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: I forgot how much Libertonians behave like juveniles.
[20.10.2021 17:56:08] XA-Ridgenose:.: About time.
[20.10.2021 17:56:10] 46th|Dayvon.Bennet: Engaging.
[20.10.2021 17:56:12] XA-Bull: Fools.
[20.10.2021 17:56:12] XA-Ridgenose:.: Was getting tired.
[20.10.2021 17:56:13] XA-Cobra: Defend the Freeport.
[20.10.2021 17:56:14] Omer.Darche: Oh. Well.
[20.10.2021 17:56:16] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Gunnery, spin up the point defense. Defensive fire only.
[20.10.2021 17:56:17] 46th|Sam;Gorski: *laughs* lets party then !
[20.10.2021 17:56:17] XA-Ridgenose:.: Copy.
[20.10.2021 17:56:22] XA-Bull: Feel the fury of the scorned!
[20.10.2021 17:56:23] XA-Ridgenose:.: Let's clean em' out.
[20.10.2021 17:56:27] XA-Cobra: Weapons are free, fire in defense.
[20.10.2021 17:56:32] 46th|Sam;Gorski: Moving in to attack
[20.10.2021 17:56:36] 46th|Tony_Storn: Weapons hot
[20.10.2021 17:56:41] A/)-Revenant: Well.
[20.10.2021 17:56:46] Omer.Darche: Right?
[20.10.2021 17:56:49] A/)-Revenant: If you need help, I suppose shout.
[20.10.2021 17:56:55] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: *wears sunglasses*
[20.10.2021 17:57:22] Ark|Sariel: Sariel: *wears lightglasses with style*
[20.10.2021 17:57:30] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Helm, move us closer to the station.
[20.10.2021 17:57:31] XA-Ridgenose:.: So much for not wanting lackies.
[20.10.2021 17:57:59] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Gunnery, intercept torpedoes on a heading towards the station.
[20.10.2021 17:59:18] XA-Ridgenose:.: Maybe try a target you can hit.
[20.10.2021 17:59:37] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: Seems Sir Gorski have problems
[20.10.2021 18:00:06] Death: 46th|Sam;Gorski was put out of action by XA-Cobra (Gun).
[20.10.2021 18:00:10] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: and they are big
[20.10.2021 18:00:21] A/)-Revenant: Not sure what they hoped to achieve through this attack.
[20.10.2021 18:00:52] Death: 46th|Tony_Storn was put out of action by XA-Ridgenose:. (Gun).
[20.10.2021 18:00:56] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: Can i have their escape pods?
[20.10.2021 18:01:03] XA-Cobra: I'll handle the last lackey.
[20.10.2021 18:01:14] XA-Ridgenose:.: Well he did want the "Big Snake".
[20.10.2021 18:01:15] XA-Bull: Very well.
[20.10.2021 18:01:34] Omer.Darche: Sort of defeats the purpose if you want any escape pods that made it out..
[20.10.2021 18:01:34] Ark|Sariel: oh i am really sorry for that 46th pilot...
[20.10.2021 18:01:50] XA-Bull: Another gallic.
[20.10.2021 18:02:08] XA-Ridgenose:.: Great...
[20.10.2021 18:02:24] Ark|Sariel: ?: is better you don't try to anger to us... you sit, and we just "pass"
[20.10.2021 18:02:32] A/)-Revenant: Oh?
[20.10.2021 18:02:38] XA-Ridgenose:.: You just run off you mean?
[20.10.2021 18:02:40] Omer.Darche: Eh?
[20.10.2021 18:02:42] XA-Bull: Was I talking to you.
[20.10.2021 18:02:45] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: I would advise against threatening the Xenos on their own turf.
[20.10.2021 18:02:58] XA-Bull: You've had multiple minutes now to "just pass"
[20.10.2021 18:03:00] XA-Bull: Now go.
[20.10.2021 18:03:13] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: better do what they are saing
[20.10.2021 18:03:21] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: trust me ghaul
[20.10.2021 18:03:21] XA-Bull: Don't talk for us.
[20.10.2021 18:03:31] TCL|CSCO-Star.Stream: Sorry
[20.10.2021 18:03:33] XA-Bull: Tha goes for you and the Order.
[20.10.2021 18:03:44] Ark|Sariel: ?: You must not interfere Xeno, we have other "interests" to only draw attention to a loosely group
[20.10.2021 18:03:44] XA-Bull: Get your ass moving Sariel, since you wanted to "pass" so badly.
[20.10.2021 18:03:48] XA-Ridgenose:.: See Bennet.
[20.10.2021 18:03:51] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: I was not speaking on anyone's behalf.
[20.10.2021 18:04:00] XA-Bull: Then go, attend to those "interests"
[20.10.2021 18:04:02] XA-Bull: Get your ass, moving.
[20.10.2021 18:04:05] XA-Ridgenose:.: This is why the saying, "careful what you wish for" exists.
[20.10.2021 18:04:13] Ark|Sariel: ?: Actually us are doing my job... so....
[20.10.2021 18:04:16] XA-Bull: We just told you, that we're not going to bother you. And you can pass.
[20.10.2021 18:04:22] XA-Bull: So f*cking do it.
[20.10.2021 18:04:33] XA-Bull: Or did you want a goodnight kiss from me.
[20.10.2021 18:04:39] Death: 46th|Dayvon.Bennet was put out of action by XA-Cobra (Gun).
[20.10.2021 18:04:44] XA-Cobra: Go to hell.
[20.10.2021 18:04:46] XA-Ridgenose:.: Dumbass.
[20.10.2021 18:04:59] Unto.Nightfall|S8: Hawkins: Gunnery, stand down.
[20.10.2021 18:05:02] XA-Bull: Navy attacking in the freeport, never thought they'd stoop 'that' low.
[20.10.2021 18:05:08] XA-Cobra: They did the last time too.
[20.10.2021 18:05:12] XA-Bull: Really?
[20.10.2021 18:05:14] XA-Bull: Good lord. ☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - AuruemSaber - 10-23-2021
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Barrow Base, Hudson
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: "Ridgenose"
Recipient: "Cobra"
Subject: Permission to try and make sure Vince doesn't end up killing himself?
Boss, Vince told me about his little plan regarding Kepler and asked me if I'd watch his back for it and I figure I owe him that much at least. He said he talked to you about it but just wanted to make sure you were fine with me not being around for when it happens.
Oh and Sable was around Barrow earlier as well, asked me to tell you that she said hi.
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Hemlocke - 10-23-2021
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Ouray Base, Colorado
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Joseph "Bull" King
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Battle of Cortez lane
Today, we few stood tall in the face of overwhelming opposition. Today we showed that if we must choose between one evil and another, we reject, and overcome. We who give our lives gladly for the day that comes when no man must choose between cuff or collar. A battle occurred between tyrants of many faces, I am proud to have stood with those who hold Liberty to its name, and Freedom in favor over self gain. We who raised our fists and said "no more". No more will these tyrants darken the skies of our planets, no more will we be forced to live in shadow, our voices silenced by their machinations. That we are here to stay, death holds no candle to an idea.
The road to a truly Free Republic is a long one, we took a large step toward its realization in the large scale conflict today in California.
Liberty Navy:
- 46th|Dayvon,Bennet - Havoc class bomber - DESTROYED
- 46th|LNS-Argonaute - Atlantis class carrier - DISABLED
- 46th|LNS-Angelwings - Overlord class dreadnaught - DISABLED
- 46th|LNS-Dauntless Condor class gunship - DISABLED
- 5th|LNS-Akhetaten - Osiris class battleship - DISABLED
- 46th|LNS-Anchorage - Interdictor class battlecruiser - DISABLED
- 46th|LNS-Lemon - Atlantis class carrier - DISABLED
- [LN]-LNS-Mount.Hood - Interdictor class battlecruiser - DISABLED
- LNS-Resonance - Overlord class battleship - DISABLED
- LPS-Luxanna - Interdictor class battlecruiser - DISABLED
- Nelis.Brinckman - Upholder class bomber - DESTROYED
- LN-FallonPetraeus - Executioner class strike fighter - DESTROYED
- I]-Stepan.Zakaryan- Havoc class bomber - FLED
- I]-INS-North.Carolina - Arbiter class dreadnaught - DISABLED
- INS-Dominatrix - Inquisitor class battlecruiser - DISABLED
- INS-Supremacy - Arbiter class dreadnaught - DISABLED
- INS-Tallahassee - Interdictor class battlecruiser - DISABLED
- [IN]-Excommunicado - Interdictor class battlecruiser - DISABLED
- IN|H-INS-Discovery - Overlord class dreadnaught - DISABLED
Xeno forces:
- XA-Cobra - Rebel class superiority fighter - RETURNED
- XA-Contender - Havoc class bomber - RETURNED
- XA-Bull - Aggressor class bomber - RETURNED
- XA-Sidewinder - Aggressor class bomber - RETURNED
- XA-Ridgenose - Aggressor class bomber - RETURNED
- XA-Anaconda - Aggressor class bomber - RETURNED
- Free.Fighter - Aggressor class bomber - RETURNED
- Striker-One - Aggressor class bomber - RETURNED
- Tarantula - Rebel class superiority fighter - SHOT DOWN(RECOVERED)
REPORT: Xeno forces arrived in force to the rear of the naval blockade within the system, Naval and Insurgent elements were already engaged within the area, the Xeno Forces set fire to the rear of the Naval blockade, they began scattering amid the chaos and soon the Xenos found themselves in the middle of what could only be described as an equal opportunity slaughter. The Xenos fought back Naval elements and delivered swift retribution to those who threatened their brothers in arms, trimming back the Insurgents as they grew too bold. Hostile elements of both sides began pulling off from Xeno combatants as Naval elements were forced to chase the fleeing Insurgents, leaving many of their own behind in the process whom were taken down shortly after isolation by Xeno forces, who were then thereafter forced to whittle down the chasing party. The battle progressed far away from first blood and ended as the Xeno Alliance dug a grave for the remainder of either enemy force.
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - AuruemSaber - 11-03-2021
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Fort Ramsey, Ontario
☠ Opening video feed...
Sender: Nathan Stillwater
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications.
Subject: Ontario skirmish AAR.
I was preparing my ship for a patrol in the hanger at Ramsey, when I received the call that some of our fighters were engaged near Trenton and required assistance.
Upon my arrival at the scene I saw the Commander, Knight Bull, Airacobra and the Auxesian known as Revenant engaged with Bravo-88, Sam Gorski, Frederick Arnold and Dayvon Bennet of the Forty-Sixth Fleet.
I immediately joined the engagement and moved in on our first target Bravo-88. Next we switched to Sam Gorski who crumbled under the pressure and winded up going down due to making a mistake with his own ordnance. Now with only two hostiles remaining the rest of our forces pulled back while the Commander swiftly dealt with Frederick Arnold and I took care of Dayvon Bennet.
With the AO cleared out, Revenant went on their way and our ships then returned to Ramsey without suffering any casualties.
☠ Transmission signal lost.
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - von Stürer - 11-14-2021
![[Image: xSpsZRu.png?1]](
» To: Xeno Alliance communications
» From: Inspector General von Stürer
» Subject: Camp Gore: Report #02
Good day, Commander "Cobra"
I apologize for the delay in updates on this channel. Training the militia has been more time consuming than I would have anticipated. However, the efforts have borne their first fruits. We have had a considerable influx of recruits these past four months, bolstering the militia's numbers significantly. Continued supply shipments and several new volunteer instructors have allowed us to accelerate training considerably.
I am, therefore, pleased to announce that the militia has formed its first functional brigade. Consisting of three mobile infantry battalions, each made up of four companies (A through D), and a headquarters company, you are now the proud commander of 2,500 trained soldiers.
A further two hundred skilled men and women have been promoted to militia instructors. They will serve to train the next batch of soldiers. This will, hopefully, lead to an exponential growth in ready fighting men and women - if supplies and recruitment can keep up. I will leave that to you.
I will also leave the assignment of the brigade's officers up to you, as I assume you will want some of your most trusted and experienced men leading the troops. Otherwise, I do have some promising militia officers ready and willing. I would also recommend naming the brigade - and the ones to follow. It is a not insignificant boost to pride and morale for troops to have a name to identify with instead of a mere number.
That is all for now.
Sigmund Erich von Stürer.
Inspector General of the Free Republic Militia
Generalinspekteur der Freien Republikanischen Miliz