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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - Malenka - 06-02-2010

// sorry I redo my application

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Tabris - 06-02-2010

When the body hit the floor Ben immediately went to the wall and hit the Bio-Hazard Alarm, a pair of marines in containment suits barged into the room not more than a moment later, one held a flammable chemical while the other had a small flamethrower, the first Marine sprinkled the powder-like substance onto the small body, beckoning Ben and the other applicant to stand back while his partner lite his weapon. After the body was sprinkled entirely the other marine start setting it ablaze, the material catching fire easily and causing the corpse to burn to ashes much faster, even the bones stood no chance as the body slowly disintegrated and was turned into a fine ash, after they got a broom/dustpan, swept up the ashes and put them in a Bio-Contaminant baggie to take to the lab for study.

As fast as they started they finished, leaving the room with a small scorch mark on the floor as the only tell that somebody had died.

After the buisness was done Ben looked towards the new applicant and sighs.

"That is why you don't die in my office, you get torched." he commented calmly before reaching back into the desk and pulling out the folder he had been looking for the last time.

"So name, age, house origin and why the hell should we want a punk like you in the Coalition's Fighter Corps?" he asked while pulling out the file once more, letting it drop onto his desk.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Vogel - 06-02-2010

Konstantin tried not to stare as the burly marine dragged the man next to him into the recruitment office.

He also tried to avert his eyes when a pair of them in biohazard suits stormed by and then came out of one of the rooms with leftovers in a suitable container. God only knew what the Hell happened there, and as far as Kostya was concerned it ought to have stayed that way.

Another individual, as a matter of fact two, tried crowding towards one of the offices at the Next call. More people were filtering into the lobby even as this happened.

The man at the desk had fumbled around and had not budged from his position for a while.

Kostya gritted his teeth.


Taking to his feet, Konstantin walked over to the secretary's desk, taking a position in front of it that nearly shoved the other man over a meter.

"Excuse me, Ma'am," he began, "I'm sorry to not have introduced myself properly. My name is Konstantin Petrovin, a worker at the Zvezdny Gorodok Fighter Production Facility, assembly and testing wing. I was granted an allowance to make an application into the Fighter Corps and was sent here along with a supply ship to do so." He frowned a bit. "I'm not sure if any preparations got beyond that.. May I proceed?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Nitram - 06-02-2010

***FROM: Harris Wilford***
***LOCATION: Planet Eire***

Good-day Gentlemen,

Let me introduce myself. I am Harris Wilford, ex-Captain of the Independent Miner's Guild Argus Class Battlecruiser "Dolomite". My vessle was recently lost in a debris field, the exact location and nature of this are classefied, but I it's location is no secret to me or the 86 other survivors. However I doubt this would be of any interest to you.

I have seen the Coalition's exploits, and read your messages sent to civvilians. My pension is gone along with my job and ship; so I offer my services to you. So that citizens of Sirius may live in freedom and under a united banner. The Coalition banner. I am still quick enough to fly a fighter, or whatever ship you may see fit to assign me, as long as it means liberation from the opression of the capitalist goverment, and their corporations.

Name: Harris Wilford
Sex: Male
Age: 47
Place of birth: New London
Biography: Born on New London, I come from a military family. Father, Grandfather and Great-Grandfather were all Warship Captains. I joined the IMG to make a little extra cash. Eventually I made my way into the IMG's defence division, where I progressed in rank. First as Captain of the Dolomite, a Hydra Class Gunboat, and then the Dolomite II, a Argus Class Battlecruiser. The Dolomite (both) operated out of Freeport 4, and after receiving a request from an old friend, the ship was lost in a Ice Field. Now I come to you as I have nothing else worth my time to do.

That is my resume. Of-course, Dolomite may be salvaged, however it would take vast amounts of recourses, which I simply do not have access to and I doubt it would be worth the Coalition's time recovering it.

You may contact me on this frequency if you wish to meet me in person.

Good day.


Coalition Recruitment Thread - Lucas_Fernandez - 06-02-2010

Vasily sat patiently waiting to be called in for the interview noticing a lot of young faces but no one of them seemed to have any ties to the Coalition Itself. Some of them were nervous, some of them even looked scared but fear was justified, he knew what was happening behind this doors, and he knew that he might leave this cursed ship in a body bag. He stood up and started to walk up and down the corridor playing with his pencil.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Luis - 06-02-2010

Rhys looks at the Officer, and stood up there to answer the following question he was asked to answer.

"The name is Rhys Tamos, 25 years of age. House of origin - none, I am a Zoner - well.... was." Rhys stopped for a while, as he fastly thinks why he really wants to join the SCRA...

"The SCRA wasn't my type of army until I decided so a few months back. My decision was made when I heard a few rumors about the Coalition fighting with the Government of the Houses and for those who are trying to get away from them. That is why I stood in the Zoner Home Systems - freedom. I also found out that the Zoners and SCRA maintain a nuetral diplomacy - but that is out of the situation. My rights to join the the SCRA is to help those who are escaping the Government laws, helping the hand of the people who needs it, serve the Coalition with all my honor and to bring down the Government Laws." He clears his throat a bit, and said a few final words ...

"Thats why I risk my life to come here, to fight the Government with Honor!"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - PhantomBlade - 06-03-2010

Joesph Williamson walks in to a dark, humid waiting room. He looks around curiously wondering if he is in the right place when he sees a door labeled "Recruitment". He walks in casually, full of confidence.

He sees an officer look up and sternly ask him. "Name?"
"Joseph Williams, Sir" he replys.
"And why would you be suited for the Coalition?" Said the officer.
"Because I am going to defend the Communist way and do what i can to teach others it is the right way." Said Williams.

The Officer stares at him for a second. "Hmm, where are you from?"
"Liberty originally, Sir. But ive seen how their capitalist ways are destroying them." Replies Williams.
The Officer stared at him for another minute and pointed him back towards the waiting room. "You will be called when we feel like it."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Tabris - 06-03-2010

Ben calmly picked up the pistol, inspecting it for any dirt or grime on the surface, standing up slowly while still examining the pistol he walked around the applicant, his tone calm and even.

"Interesting, however we don't fight for honor Mr Tamos." he explained, raising the pistol to the back of the man's head, but not pulling the trigger.

"We fight for the people who are oppressed, honor has nothing to do with this, we are not the Blood Dragons, we are the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army, the Combat Arm of the Federal Socialist Republic of the Coalition!" He shouted, pushing the barrel of the gun into the back of the man's head, letting him know he meant business.

"What do you know of these things?!" he continued, his eyes showing hints of anger, tempered by cold logic thought patterns and determination. "When you see the poor, the sick, the weak, do you feel pity for them or do you feel anger at their plight, that nobody in the Governments are willing to help these people?!" He shouted, pushing the barrel harder into the back of his head, his TT-33 having significant pressure upon the head now, he would definitely know it was there, if he didn't he had nerve damage. "What of those who are oppressed by the very corporations they work for with their unsavory conditions and being forced to work faster and harder for very few benefits?!" he growled softly, rotating the pistol so the hilt of the gun was sideways instead of towards the floor.

"Answer me Mr Tamos!" was all he said, the questions posed...Now he must choose his answers wisely...Or face the wrath of Ben's TT-33 Combat Pistol...

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Shagohad - 06-03-2010

Her mouth turned down, frowning wryly. "Say you and three comrades are trapped in an escape pod. There is enough rations for two people for two days, but you know that the four of you won't be rescued for at least three. What do you do?"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Elven - 06-03-2010

"I'd allow my comrades to share my food between themselves, pointing to the weakest of them, of course. I know I can survive in the name of well-being of others".