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Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Archive - Printable Version

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RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Radio Freies Rheinland - 06-05-2020

Name of player(s)/faction(s): [RHA], Red Hessian indies
Name of Player Owned Base: Nebula Complex
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Radio Freies Rheinland - 06-08-2020

Name of player(s)/faction(s): [RHA], Red Hessian indies
Name of Player Owned Base: Neue Hoffnung
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Radio Freies Rheinland - 06-08-2020

Name of player(s)/faction(s): [RHA], Red Hessian indies
Name of Player Owned Base: Silver Creek Storage
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Radio Freies Rheinland - 06-08-2020

Name of player(s)/faction(s): [RHA], Red Hessian indies
Name of Player Owned Base: Duisburg
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 2

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Radio Freies Rheinland - 06-08-2020

Name of player(s)/faction(s): [RHA], Red Hessian indies
Name of Player Owned Base: DHC Aluminium Storage
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 2

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Radio Freies Rheinland - 06-08-2020

Name of player(s)/faction(s): [RHA], Red Hessian indies
Name of Player Owned Base: DHC Aluminium Giesserei
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 2

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Radio Freies Rheinland - 06-08-2020

Name of player(s)/faction(s): [RHA], Red Hessian indies
Name of Player Owned Base: Fort Umbra Processing Plant
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - darkwind - 06-14-2020

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Lawful Liberty Forces
Name of Player Owned Base: JunkersScrapResting
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - Lythrilux - 06-14-2020

Name of player(s)/faction(s): The Core
Name of Player Owned Base: Cap Verde Refinery
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1

RE: Player Owned Bases Attack Declaration Thread - The Gen'an Chrysanthemums - 06-18-2020

Name of player(s)/faction(s): Golden Chrysanthemums
Name of Player Owned Base: Longfellow Repository
Link to RP showing intent to attack: Core 1, but Link