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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version

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RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 11-18-2021

[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
[Image: I9zgX5U.png?1]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: g3e7Byz.png]

Sender: Alliance Commander "Cobra"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Pest Control


I've branded them the Knights of the Lonestar on account of their pervasive mindset and rigid principles. I'm honestly a little surprised at the nature they've developed and how committed they are to this idea, people seem to be inclined to respect them and that's a good thing. Train the next batch to be environmental specialists, Atka's probably a place that reminds you of home.

Take Glass and Rossi with you and put a pirate going by the name of "Nenet Mido" on ice, they've been bothering our associates on our turf and inside Ames' zone.

"Liberty or death."

☠ Transmission signal lost.

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - AuruemSaber - 11-18-2021

[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Barrow Base, Hudson
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: Atka.png_1.png]

Sender: "Ridgenose"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Nenet.

Well, I should've known this was the inevitable outcome. I'll fix it for those pretentious bastards, I just hope they are worth it.

Rossi and Glass, you'll want to make your way down to Nome, I'll meet up with you two there, and then we'll do the hard work for those who can't.

☠ Transmission signal lost.

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - James Greed - 12-06-2021

[Image: 73mYOZr.png]
[Image: I2jkzM2.png?1]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: 6RNFINX.gif]

Sender: Knight of Labor "Contender"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Status report


Out with the old, in with the old. Here's a report on the current museum piece we misuse. Don't expect any combat reports, I'm not touching the rebel in a combat situation. I work on those ships all day, I'd prefer not to deal with them out in flight. Now, let me get to the point of this message.

I'm slowly making progress, hammering in the "new" maintenance procedures into all of the alliance members. As you know, some are not exactly technical. It took me months to get some of them to figure out the upkeep of an eagle, now I had to do it all from the start. Some have to learn through trial, error, and a bootprint on their foreheads.

About the craft maintenance. There isn't too much to it. The parts we kept from the original design are fairly easy to keep functional. Replacements are about as easy as an eagle, only differing in methods. The engine is a whole different can of worms, the whole assembly likes to wear out quickly. We made some adjustments to the installation process accordingly. Wears out quick, relatively easy to replace. Same goes for most of the other overdriven components. I'd reckon a few more months, and we'll have streamlined most of the issues.

Thus, here's a correction to the statement I made. The rebel isn't hard to maintain. Some of the crew are, but that's just a headache for me.

"Liberty or death."

☠ Transmission signal lost.

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - mm33dd - 12-10-2021

[Image: shield1.png]
[Image: 2266443-200-png-4.png]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: xa3.jpg]

Sender: Viper
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Patrol report.

I went out to patrol the Copperton Field early in search of supplies aboard the armored Forty Mile, after bringing arms and ammunition to Ramsay I immediately returned to Ouray and on passing through Pueblo I picked up a signal from an undesirable, a pirate; the bastard was collecting some junk nearby. It took a couple of good bites and escaped on fire, I doubt it will bother us again ... I have to admit, this is the first time I have seen a ship of that design, quite fast.

"For the Republic."

☠ Transmission signal lost.

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Karst - 12-20-2021

[Image: SPSvnmI.gif]

To everyone;

Stracke here.
I've been researching various teambuilding exercises and I'm intent on trying something - live action theater, specifically. I'm not really set on the details yet, but I have a few ideas. I've gotten rather fond of the classic "The Pauper's Warrant", by Forrest Licktend, 763 A.S. It's a classic tale of the underdog worker suffering under the system, and ultimately breaking free from the restrictive contract they were under. Spoiler alert, I suppose.

Anyway, I'd just like you all to read the play for now. It's around eight thousand words, really nothing fancy. I'd strongly consider putting on a live theater performance of the play crewed by ourselves at whichever locations we can evacuate from swiftly enough.

This is encouraged but not mandatory for everyone except Moretti.

P.S.: Just to be clear, it is encouraged for everybody, and it isn't mandatory for anybody except for Moretti, for whom it is.

~ Milk

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - von Stürer - 01-12-2022

[Image: xSpsZRu.png?1]

» To: Xeno Alliance communications
» From: Inspector General von Stürer
» Subject: Camp Gore: Report #03

Good day, Commander "Cobra"

I am pleased to inform you that training is coming along at an exceptional rate. Several new battalions will soon be ready for deployment, only awaiting delivery of uniforms and gear. Supply shipments have been struggling to keep up with increased recruitment. Please see that this issue is rectified as soon as possible.

You will also find a new brigade under your command. Regrettably, fewer trainees than hoped for took to the increased challenge of becoming environmental specialists. Hence, the unit consists of only two battalions, three companies each (A through C), as well as a headquarters company. Thirteen-hundred men and women. While small in number, they are by far the finest soldiers to have come out of Camp Gore thus far and I am sure you will be more than satisfied with their performance in the field once deployed. I advise highly mobile, hit-and-run tactics to be employed by this unit. Suitable officers have been granted commissions.

Again, I would recommend naming the brigade.

That is all for now.

Sigmund Erich von Stürer.

Inspector General of the Free Republic Militia
Generalinspekteur der Freien Republikanischen Miliz

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - James Greed - 01-29-2022

[Image: 73mYOZr.png]
[Image: I2jkzM2.png?1]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: 6RNFINX.gif]

Sender: Knight of Labor "Contender"
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Brief overview of our "new" multitool


There’s a reason I don’t go to Ramsey all that often. You’d think everything runs smoothly at HQ. This is more or less true for basic maintenance, repairs, and construction of smaller craft. What about the mail ordered multitool we got? A whole different can of worms I tell you.

You’d think putting together this oversized puzzle wouldn’t be too complicated. Time consuming, yes, but most definitely not complicated. Apparently, you’d be wrong. The crew managed to put it together, but there are some alarming signs. A large pile of unused parts. The crucial reinforcements and other parts regarding structural integrity are all in place. What seems to be left out are some redundant system components, and other miscellaneous parts. There are also some familiar looking bits and pieces, regulators, wires and other lines. Here’s the real kicker. Redundant systems are not something one should leave out.

Let’s say the ship gets hit by a salvo of EMP, and some of the less resistant wiring gets fried. Without a secondary line being in place, this might just mean a paralyzed ship. Same goes for auxiliary thrusters, battery backups, and extra ammo feed lines. Not all of these were left out, but a fair chunk of them is not present. Another issue is the forward gun. Even if it was assembled perfectly, I’d go through it at least one more time. Plus, I’m fairly certain some idiot removed the safety from that one. Which, knowing some of the rather enthusiastic crew, would be fired while the ship is mooring to a friendly installation.

This is just my superficial analysis. If you swing by to see the ship for yourself, I implore you to use that old IT knowledge of yours on the computerized systems. Something a little more than just… turning it off then on again.

"Liberty or death."

☠ Transmission signal lost.

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - von Stürer - 03-29-2022

[Image: xSpsZRu.png?1]

» To: Xeno Alliance communications
» From: Inspector General von Stürer
» Subject: Camp Gore: Report #04

Good day, Commander "Cobra"

Brigade number three is ready for deployment. A full complement of four four-company battalions plus headquarters company, giving you twenty-five hundred men and women. Seeing as the Militia will be up against a professional, well-supplied military, I decided to train these units in rapid deployment and shock tactics - to take utmost advantage of our limited supply lines and avoid prolonged engagements. "Shock and awe," I believe is what you Libertonians call it.

I am afraid, however, that the system of voluntary assignment to training regimens may have reached its limits with this batch. The soldiers that joined this brigade are ... unusually aggressive. During combat training, tactical exams, and psychological evaluations, they have shown little regard for collateral damage or offering quarter to enemies. I am sure they will perform very effectively in the field, but their deployment may result in actions detrimental to the LFR's public image. I strongly advise taking this into consideration when assigning a commanding officer to the brigade.

Training and processing of the next brigade is well under way and should be completed in the upcoming weeks.

That is all for now.

Sigmund Erich von Stürer.

Inspector General of the Free Republic Militia
Generalinspekteur der Freien Republikanischen Miliz

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Erremnart - 03-29-2022

[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: Belle_3_Comm.png]

Sender: Captain Virginia Belle
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Introductions


I guess it's time for my introduction - I'm Captain Virginia Belle - some may still remember me from the 'before', however I will now be fighting alongside you as an officer of the Liberty Free Republic.

I don't think we'll see each other on the battlefield for a while, and my presence will be more theoretical than practical, as the 'change of heart' has required more damage to my ship and crew than I had originally anticipated, and we'll have a lot of work to do before Roanoke is operational again - for now, it's just sitting wired up next to Fort Ramsey.

Yes, that's right - I'm a big ship officer, not a pilot, but I'm not afraid to lend a hand if I'm able.

-Captain Virginia Belle

☠ Transmission signal lost.

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Erremnart - 04-07-2022

[Image: Lc48rCo.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
☠ Incoming transmission.
☠ Signal source: Free Republic relay, Liberty
☠ Opening video feed...

[Image: Belle_3_Comm.png]

Sender: Captain Virginia "Ember" Belle
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications
Subject: Ontario Abandoned


I noticed that Liberty has left Ontario and it doesn't look like they are looking to return anytime soon. They left behind an abandoned fairly large station - Toronto Station, which I understand was used as a base for ore processing as well as a major base in the system for blueshirts.

That means only one thing - we should take an organized look around and see if they've left anything useful to us - station weapons, ship maintenance tools and equipment, ore processing equipment and so on - before the Junkers get there and start dismantling it themselves.

-Captain Virginia Belle

☠ Transmission signal lost.