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Sunbucks Cafe - Talbott - 04-17-2010

Frank walked into the bar in his duty uniform, a hard-sheet printout of a radio communique in his hand. He headed for Deputy Chief Hull O'Brian, saluted and presented the sheet.

"Latest little drama in our furry problem, Chief. Looks like she broke outta some secret LSF Zoo. There's honestly no record of her in any government database. You want I should forward it on to the spooks?"

Sunbucks Cafe - exlibrismortis - 04-17-2010

Out of no where a random trader comes rolling in. More like crashing in. Stumbling half way across the floor, he made his way to standing up and panting heavily. Trying to catch his breath the best he could, he knew he wouldn't, being as fat as he was. He locked eyes with the bartender and pointed straight at the TV and signaling channel 3. He managed all this before passing out on the ground.

Then the TV began its repertoire...

"We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a special news bulletin! An Interspace Commerce convoy of mid-ranked personnel has been hit by what seems to be a car bomb of sorts. It is unclear who or what has caused this, but all we know is that there are few survivors. This attack happened right outside the sunbucks cafe in downtown New New York...."

Sunbucks Cafe - john kimble - 04-17-2010

John Kimble's usual spot at the bar was disturbingly empty at a time when it was usually filled.

Unbeknownst to the rest of the LPI enjoying their beers at the time, Kimble was currently having a drink by himself in a cell somewhere in Bretonia. Apparently, after his latest binge over fears of being punished for disorderly conduct, he had absorbed himself in his search for Sarah Conner, a criminal he had been tracking for the last three years.

While his judgment was still recovering from the effects of alcohol, he had taken it upon himself to track Sarah Conner into Bretonia undercover. Naturally, this was not a very wise thing to do, but then, Kimble was a not a very wise person.

Fifteen minutes and a few questions later, Kimble found himself sitting in an interrogation room at Newgate prison. Caustic personality that he was, Kimble refused to cooperate with the BPA officials, and it was decided to detain him there indefinitely.

Kimble hoped his superiors would save his ass once again, but he began to worry. He had caused more trouble in the past month than most cops see in a lifetime. It would be very convenient for the brass at the LPI if he were to disappear somewhere in Bretonia.

Kimbles spot at the bar might remain empty for a long, long time.

[Image: KimbleUnderArrest.jpg]

Sunbucks Cafe - Nitram - 04-17-2010

Norman sighed, stood up and walked up to O'Brian. "Yes sir?"

Sunbucks Cafe - collins - 04-17-2010

Art Collins entered Sunbucks. He looked around while walking up to the bar. Some faces already looked familiar, but he still knew only few.

He still felt a little bit dizzy and the headache hadn't stopped yet. Yet he had to cope with the fact that after his first day of duty his ship was scrap metal. Art still felt bad about the whole thing.

When he had arrived, Art had put on his uniform and had gone straight to Sunbucks; he felt part of a big team and he wanted to get to know them better.

When he reached the bar he said to the bartender: "Give me a large whiskey, Joe." The bartender grinned: "My name's not Joe, but I've always liked that song." Art smiled back "Ooh-eeh" he muttered and picked up the glass the bartender had put in front of him.

He took a mouthful of whiskey and swallowed it. Art turned around, leaned with his back against the bar and looked around.

Sunbucks Cafe - Kazinsal - 04-18-2010

Recruit Officer Scott Cooper sat down at the bar counter in Sunbucks and ordered an extra-extra-large coffee and three glazed donuts. He looked around. He knew no one here. It was rather strange to him.

"Here's your coffee, sir," the man behind the counter said, putting an extremely tall cup of steaming hot coffee in front of Scott. He pulled out a tray of donuts and put three on a napkin and put the stack next to the coffee. The smell was very pleasant.

"Thanks," said Scott, placing twenty-five credits down on the counter and taking a sip of his coffee, followed by biting into a donut. The flavour swirled through his mouth and slid gently down his throat. He wiped his glaze-covered fingers on a napkin before grabbing his order and walking out towards the landing pad where his Liberator was sitting.

Sunbucks Cafe - stardust47 - 04-18-2010

Recruit Officer Zoey Wanderer ordered a medium coffee and sat down to check her e-mails. Nothing in the inbox, but thousands of messages in the spam. She checked the spam folder.

"h0t grlz t4k3 1t 4ll 0ff!"
"3nl4rg3 ur m3mb3r!"
"h41l 3r15!"

She deleted it all. Putting her PDA back in her pocket, she ordered a glazed donut. The coffee was horrible, but she was new to the police. The donut was not much better but Zoey would get used to it.

Sunbucks Cafe - collins - 04-18-2010

Art Collins entered Sunbucks, walked straight to the bar and said to the barkeeper "Give me a Sunbuck's Chocolate with double cream, please."

When the bartender brought the hot chocolate he asked: "Everything ok, sir?"

Art looked at him and said: "Well, my ship got shot again. I guess wrong situation management. Probably I'd better ignore those thugs that hang around in Liberty space who are out for a fight only."
"At least without heavy navy assistance." He added with a grin.
"That's the right spirit." said the barkeeper and turned to the next client.

Art looked around. He wasn't in the mood to stay very long.

Sunbucks Cafe - collins - 04-20-2010

When Art returned to Starbucks he looked around. It was quiet. Art knew that it was pretty early, but he had to leave duty earlier this day. He approached the bar and ordered a whiskey.

While waiting Art rubbed his elbow and massaged one hand. He had done a lot of flying around and done a lot of turns and maneuvers. First fight training, then actual fighting.

The barkeeper brought the drink. "Here you are, enjoy." he said. "Thanks" Art replied and paid for the drink. Art had the impression that he might not be a hopeless case when it comes to fighting, but he still had to become more effective and dodging could use some improvement, too. And good fighting skills were needed indeed when standing against madmen and veterans flying all fighter classes, sometimes even gunboats himself having just a plain light fighter.

Oh, yes of course, at some point of time he'd also have to write a short report. Art took the last sip. He looked around and still saw no one he knew. He put the glass on the counter, nodded shortly and went to his quarters.

Sunbucks Cafe - alphadog - 04-21-2010

John Smith was bored after a very eventless patrol. He decided it was time to go to the Sunbucks, as he had never been there. As he walked in, he noticed it was just as empty as his patrol.

He ordered a double espresso deluxe and sat by the window watching the very few ships that passed Fort Bush.

15 minutes later, 1.23AM, It was time to go home. Maybe tomorrow could bring him more excitement.