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SF Message Dump - Printable Version

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SF Message Dump - Hyperwave22 - 03-07-2007

Transmit to: Admiral Firebird
Comm ID: Captain Hyperwave

Leeds was a candidate, however the SFMF-Horizon finished its tour to this location, and it is currently being serviced by other medical units in Bretonia and the facilities you have spoken of (OOC: Figured it is BAF's home, they'll have something out there right now [I was going more for the aid of a foreign "nation," or house in this circumstance). California is a legitimate candidate for this mission, thus we will consider it. Talks may begin with the SA about this if it is deemed adequate by my humanitarian relief specialists.

As for escort, this will be very important. Although the attack of medical ships is considered a war crime, and/or an act of war, I doubt that the Corsairs or Outcasts will care much about this. The most appropriate would most likely be the Bretonian Knights, which would provide overlapping coverage depending on where the mission is appropriated to (i.e. - Bretonian Knights and Liberty guard may overlap if the chosen candidate is California).

We are still taking ideas for anyone else who wants to contribute.

Captain Hyperwave out...

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 03-07-2007

Transmit to: Beta4
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

I'd prefer having the bombers remain in the vacinity of Bretonian space. However, if the whole squadron wishes I can have Beta Squadron transfer into the Bretonian Knights.

Transmission Ended

SF Message Dump - Koolmo - 03-07-2007

Transmit to: Admiral Firebird
Comm ID: Beta4

Excellent. The squadron will continue to base itself out of Cambridge, and will return there after our ventures. Rearmament nearly completed.

Beta4 out

Transmission Ended

SF Message Dump - BestFlyerHere - 03-07-2007

Incoming Transmission

As part of the Knights squadron, I will assist in the defense of the Horizon. We cannot let the pirate scum ever damage her again!

Transmission Ended

(Really sorry about that guys.)

SF Message Dump - Ant - 03-08-2007

Transmit to: SF Command
Comm ID: SFB Beta3.

Beta squadron
assisted SFGB-Longbow in a deep strike into Kusari space late yesterday.

Serious resistance was encountered in Tau 29 and Kyushu. My ship lost a Countermeasure dropper to enemy fire.

Entering New Tokyo, we lined up a shipyard and took out it's supplies. With any luck, this helped slow production of new ships.

Returning though Tau 29, Beta two was knocked out by a Kusari Destroyer patrol and the pilot had to eject. He was able to reach a replacement ship and rejoined us near Holmann where things were getting a bit hot. Eventually we had to withdraw, although we captured a significant number of Kusari Naval officers during our strike.

Beta three out.

SF Message Dump - Firebird - 03-08-2007

Transmit to: Beta Squadron
Comm ID: Admiral Firebird

Well done, especially on limiting fire to military targets while in New Tokyo. Reducing their ship producing capabilities, should prove beneficial in reducing the number of KNF forces building in Tau-31.

Be advised a recent bombing occurred on Leeds, repairs are being conducted and investigations are being done to identify those responsible based on security survailance and reports.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - OsoRojo - 03-08-2007

To: SF High Command

From: Admiral RedBear Govenor of Texas

Re: Disturbing Intel


Your excellent intel service may have already made you aware, but I must inform you of disturbing news. It has come to my attention of possible negotiations between the HF and the KNF for an alliance. I am not privy to the full details, but the slightest whiff of possible alliance has me concerned. In addition, I write to restate SA's continued friendship with Bretonia in these coming and trying times.

My respects,
Admiral RedBear

SF Message Dump - pchwang - 03-08-2007

---Incoming Transmission---
From: Liberty DoD
To: SF High Command
RE: Possible Alliance Between KNF and HF

I have issued an ultimatum to the KNF in our dump that I would like the SF High Comm to second.

Thank you.


SF Message Dump - Firebird - 03-08-2007

Transmit to: SF Personnel, SA Personnel

While patrolling in Manchester received broadcast notifications of attacks occuring in California. I arrived to investigate the situation and found the SA and LSF forces defending California surpressed by an HF gunboat and fighter flying under the supervision of the AW dreadnought Luciaden. Eventually, joined by a [F.E.A.R] gunboat but still no match for a dread, we were forced to watch as the HF conducted bombing runs against military targets on California. Diplomatic discussions were fruitless with the AW demanding that the SF declare neutrality with Liberty and pardon the HF for their crimes. As typical with the AW, the request also came with the threat of attacking Bretonia.

Ordering us out of system, we held our position until provoking action was taken by the Luciaden. Still outgunned, I took evasive action as best I could but suffered heavy damage. With the arrival of [F.E.A.R], SF and SA reinforcements the tide of battle turned with losses suffered on both sides. Eventually the AW and HF were forced to withdrawl from California back to Magellean due to superior numbers.

SFBS-York will remain on station in California to render assistance in the recovery operations on California until such time that she is recalled or asked to leave by the Liberty government.

End of Transmission

SF Message Dump - Ant - 03-09-2007

Transmit to: All SF personnel
Comm ID: Lieutenant Harris, SFFG Exeter

Got back from leave today.
Rejoined refitted Exeter. Sounds like things went all blue and slimy in Excaliber group during my absence.
Back on the job now anyway.

Nomads vaporised in Unknown system.

Beta bombers Beta3 and Beta4 were both outfitted with Nomad Energy Blasters.

End of Transmission

(OOC Edit: By leave, I'm referring to character development work done elsewhere. Character was on holiday, not me.:D)