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Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 10-13-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to The Rheinland Military
CommID: Vice Admiral Meric Freelamen

Well then, the Vineta as been at practice today assisting our newest private, Lukas Meyer. His Wrath has been fully set up to par and is ready for combat. I shall be training him within my own personal fighter when he returns from allied space. All for now.

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Send
Terminate Program


Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to Chancellor Reinhardt, Admiral Hiltraud, Admiral Krieg
CommID: Vice Admiral Meric Freelamen

Sir's, Ma'am, I've noticed a new pilot flying around with our identification. His comm signature shows as 'Elyots'... I currently can not find any history or background about this pilot. I require information about him/her in order for him to acquire his ship. A channel has been opened on private comms about this matter, awaiting a reply. Freelamen out.

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Send
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 10-13-2007

Subject:New Vessel

I am preparing to purchase and arm a Rheinland Bomber. It will be using Mini Razors, as I have a source saying that they will be upgraded soon. ((I'll be turning in my Wrath for a short ammount of time, then I'll bring it back on a new char))

Will report anything else new on the new Comms.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Shadowstorm - 10-14-2007

Transmission to: RM HQ
Comm ID: Private Lukas Meyer
Location: New Berlin Imperiales Krankenhaus (New Berlin Imperial Hospital)

Message: Kommandanten, i am recovering well in the closed ward at the hospital after the battle last night. The doctors assure me that i will be fit again to serve in our Chancellor's navy in a few days time.

Glory for Rheinland!!!

Message Ends...

Rheinland Military Message Dump - caylith - 10-14-2007

Message to: All RM

Comm ID: Admiral Kaiser

I've spent the past few days in the war room, coordinating our forces againt the TBH scum. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to join my men in battle last evening. So far we've managed to hold them back. You make me proud. You make Rheinland proud.

We stand united. We will be victorious.

Fur Rheinland!

Admiral Kaiser out-

Rheinland Military Message Dump - pipboy - 10-15-2007

Message To: All RM
Comm ID: Wilhelm von Engel

I have a rather unfortunate report for this evening.

Dieter Schprokets and I were on patrol in New Berlin tonight. Unfortunately I was docked and having Hessian stains cleaned off my ship when a Coalition VHF entered Dieter engaged him. By the time I arrived Dieter had been destroyed. Fortunately I was able to tractor in his pod before I engaged the fighter. After a furious but somewhat short battle, my ship was destroyed as well. A battle group arrived at that moment to rescue us and managed to chase off the Coalition criminal.

We were able to refit and get into new ships when the smugglers arrived. Both NightbladeCH and SU Freedom were carrying Cardamine to Pl. New Berlin. We engaged, but do to our lack of cruise disruptors - both smugglers managed to escape to Sigma 13. We couldn't follow as that system is full of Corsairs, and we didn't want to have to report the loss of 2 more Wraths.

I promised Dieter I would handle the paperwork in regards to the smugglers, and they will shortly have a felony smuggling charge added.

Wilhelm von Engel out.

Rheinland Military Message Dump - mjolnir - 10-15-2007

Comm ID: Private First Class Walter Krupinski

Patrol Report

While on patrol in Dresden system my long range sensors detected suspicious activity in the New Berlin system:

[Image: p1t.jpg]

I went at flank speed to New Berlin but at the time of my arrival there was only one LWB pirate there attacking
a trader:

[Image: p2t.jpg]

I quickly engaged and destroyed the pirate in a short fight while the trader landed safely:

[Image: p3t.jpg]

Some time after that a Red Hessian Cruiser came to my sensor range. I engaged and he fled from New Berlin to Dresden system where he made his stand.

[Image: p4t.jpg]

My Wrath proved impossible to hit for his turrets but my weapons weren't able to get down his shields. After a while a friendly battleship came to assist me. The pirate coward then fled the system trough the Omega 11 jump hole.

End of Report

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Dieter Schprokets - 10-16-2007

Schprokets Reporting

I regret to inform Command that I was defeated in battle by El Diablo, a Xeno who was piloting a Raven'sTalon.

I launched from patrol to see him about 13 k out from Planet New Berlin, heading to the planet.

I challenged him as he engaged our brave Police pilots, who were hopelessly outmatched.

He flew towards the sun and I engaged him about 20 k from New Berlin.

I would like to report that I destroyed his vessel, and that he was in a holding cell, but I'm afraid that is not how it turned out.

Instead of him in a holding cell, its me in the healing vats, again, in Hospital, planetside.

Schprokets out

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 10-17-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to The Rheinland Military
CommID: Vice Admiral Meric Freelamen

Well, a quick transmission. With the outstanding work our pilots at The Battle of Fulda the other day, I have one or two promotions to hand out.

Lance Corporal Dieter Schprokets has been promoted to Corporal

Private First Class Walter Krupinski has been promoted to Lance Corporal.

Congratulations on your promotions.

Freelamen out

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - bluntpencil2001 - 10-19-2007

To: RM
Comm. ID: Commander Jan Richthofen

Message Begins//

This is for those that will be present in today's hostilities against the Corsairs in Frankfurt...

I have suggested a possible strategy for the upcoming battle. It requires some risk, but should give our pilots an immense edge in terms of resources available in the conflict.

Please review this potential plan in the War Room.

-Richthofen out

//Message Ends

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Jack Archer - 10-21-2007

Comm ID: Lance Cpl. Archer
Reciving ID: Rhienland High Command -high encryption level-
Subject: Hostile target - non-biological.

Encountered a strange target after the battle. I had lunched in my bomber to patrol New Berlin Unable to ID a pilot, I managed to damage the ship pertty badly and retrive the pilots in the hold, but a self destruct was activated. My recomendation is that this ship be aprocheed with EXTREME caution, and only enage in groups. The Cyborg seemed to be talking about clenasing Siirius of organic life.

Lance Cpl. out....