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Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Printable Version

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RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Teerin - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 07:51 PM)Anaximander Wrote: Well the things is, Disco tries to mimic real life government and military structure, i.e. in roleplay it will be next to impossible for a wealthy entrepreneur to assume command or even gain indirect control over naval vessels. Neither in Liberty, nor in Gallia. In roleplay all the houses have megacorporations that are far richer than any 1 individual in the game, and even those are left out of the chain of command.

As a rich Freelancer all you can really do, except from trying to bribe Naval commanders to aid your cause, is make an army of mercs using FL ID's and associated tech, which excludes capital class ships I am afraid.

Or, alternatively, you could create a new character for yourself. Don't limit yourself to one character or one faction, have fun doing whatever.
With the /restart, /givecash, and /drawcash commands, it isn't hard to do.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - GrnRaptor - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 05:04 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: First I would like to say thank you to whoever developed this mod and who runs the servers. I heard about this game through Star Citizen. Every day I play I feel like I learn something new. A whole lot of friendly players too. I'm a leading officer in a clan that plays Mount and Blade Warband and have since mitigated a lot of my players to this game. Were hooked, lol. I have nearly 150 people in my clan and have got about 50 of them to download this game.

Welcome to Disco. That's quite a few people. I hope you and your friends enjoy the game.

(06-21-2013, 05:04 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: You might have noticed us in game, usually were flying with a trade convey of about 10-12 ships when we play. A few large transports, fighters ect.

Always good to have activity here, though I can't say I've seen your group in particular. You have a common tag or something we could recognize?

(06-21-2013, 05:04 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: Anyway we have been playing about 2 weeks now and I wanted to learn the game, the politics of the community, and amass a small fortune before we got involved. We've managed to amass about 7 trillion with a fleet of large transports and fighter escorts.

Anyway we usually have trouble in Rhineland for some reason so I decided to get us involved in Liberty. I made a post in their forum section about 36 hours ago and have yet to receive a response......Is the faction still active?

I would think a nation would jump at the opportunity. To bring that much money and that many players on board.

Here's where things start getting wacky. See, there are just so many things wrong with that "story" post of yours. #swagger aside, let's break it down, shall we?

1.) You start off by saying OORP(and in here) that you have 5-7 trillion in game cash. That's 5,000 to 7,000 billion. Now, I have a trader who does a lot with ores, one of the most profitable products in game, and on my uber trader I have around 2 billion right now. And that's after months of work. That you and several of your friends have 2,500 to 3,500 times that amount in only a month or two tops is something I find to be absurd. I don't buy it, OORP or RP wise.

2.) Your character would have been arrested/gunned down LONG before reaching any H.C. room, especially if he came in with 15 armed to the teeth Freelancers. The Liberty military aren't children inRP, and they're not "charmed" into yielding their posts.

3.) You've powergamed yourself into somehow obtaining a few of the most closely guarded secrets in Liberty; that of her warship designs. That's not how we play this. You're a freelancer, and potentially a rich one, but you're not an uber spy with access to the LSF's darkest secrets or the most closely guarded military tech we have. What you can "buy" in game doesn't mean you have access to inRP.

4.) Oh, and here's the kicker. If we don't graciously accept your completely generous and kind offer, you'll just send our deepest secrets to our enemies. I'd hand you over the LSF just for considering such a thing were I take any of this seriously. This isn't an offer, it's extortion.

5.) And finally, you claim not to challenge H.C.'s authority, but you pretty much state that you'll do what you want anyway and are looking for some kind of blessing to do as you will. lolno!

For all of these reasons I can not and will not answer your post. You are of course welcome to make your own indy group of Liberty Navy vessels, which will fall under the purview of [LN] authority if required. For the most part indy pilots are welcome to work on their own within the bounds of the Liberty Navy lore.

There are plenty of trading factions about as well, including some in Liberty. There's a link to one of them in my signature if you're interested. You'll want to turn down the presumption quite a bit though before you apply.

Hopefully this addresses the "Is Liberty Navy still active?" question you had.

(06-21-2013, 05:04 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: Are there more active factions? Forgive me I am very new to the game and this community.

If you click the "Player Faction Activity" button under the "Menu" to the right you'll find that [LN] is one of the most active factions in game.

(06-21-2013, 05:04 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Where can I donate to help out with the server? I would like to show my appreciation and support to the people who run this server.

There's a "Donate" tab to the right as well if you look for it.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Alley - 06-21-2013

You don't need anyone's approval, Lucas. Just use common sense, don't be a dick and you'll be fine and have fun.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Govedo13 - 06-21-2013

You should not mix the RP with the OORP situation.
The OORP situation is that only Gallia can take 50 active players without creating pressure and problems in our really small server. Most of the factions here have 5-10 active players. Liberty Navy is full of official and unofficial pilots adding 50 more would make the things more dull only both for liberty navy and their enemies.
On the other hand Gallia is quite empty:
As you can see the GRN- gallic official military faction activity is mainly made by 2-3 people. In RP the Gallics must the the numerous and powerful forigin power that attack the other 4 Sirian Houses. RP and reality are quite different here sadly.

If you really have 50 people that want to play active in our small server with declining numbers( mind that you all together could be the 1/4 of the full server pop if you log together) you need to do some specific things in order to avoid the trolling and the typical bad situation where you would end considering the bad way that discovery treats new players. There are people around that play since a lot of time this game and think that they can do whatever they want together with their friends- they can bore you to death with people that are extremly good in PvP( one of them could be worth let say 5-6 new players) and then complain why you does not play fair vs them bringing the same numbers and other similar moves like sanctioning your group for not understand the complicated rules of the server by putting you in situations where you would break the rules. Sadly this community is not one of the best around but there are worse, you just need to find some old players to guide you in order not to fall under the troll traps.

If you need help drop me a PM. Also if you are Doj or other troll don't bother to loose my time. My general advice for now is not to fly under same name or with same tag at the beginning till you get the basics,so you cannot be targeted by such people that are around only to spoil the gameplay of others.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Teerin - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 08:00 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote: Well in real life government military contractors are the ones creating this technology. In real life people can be bribed, military secrets stolen, and wealthy individuals can place themselves up on enormous positions of power and influence, even to the point of buying a pres. election.

In real life money greases wheels. Those caps ships are built by workers. Are those workers paid well? There are a whole list and reasons of how a rich individual supported by several other rich individuals can gain power. Look at all the military and financial coupes going on in the world right now.

Interesting point, but I disagree with your logic.
You cannot simply claim to be able to bribe everyone into doing what you want. Some bribery, of course, does work but it must be done with prior RP and consent of the faction(s) involved. Same goes for "stealing" tech designs. Otherwise, it is considered powergaming around here.

Oh, and again, I suggest making another character if you go to Gallia. You can move your cash between them using the server commands I showed above.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Govedo13 - 06-21-2013

Here we go with the said "community", one can RP and claim everything as long as he is within the rules. It is quite within the rules to steal tech from any faction, however you need to suffer the power regen nerf described in this table because you need to use the stolen tech with other ID:
You cannot attack the faction that you stole tech from with their own ID. You just need to act and stay in your ID described possible actions, whatever tech you use is not matter of the rules as long as it is not closed faction tech. The regen nerf is the penalty for using other tech, there is no such rule penalty.
There is no rule that states that you need to inform anyone if you steal his tech. Powergaming is something quite different- it would be to claim things in RP that are not possible to happen in server within the rules- like that you blasted some planet for example or the said up ID attack the same ID using RP claims.
He could use his character in any way that he likes as well.
You have no chance to apply normal logic to the bigger part of the population here as well.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

Thanks for all your useful advice! Big Grin

We have avoided using any kind of tag as we knew this was a roleplay server and we didn't want to step on any toes or get involved in the politics until we had the money to do so. Trading uninhibited was the best way to accomplish this goal.

You would be surprised what 50 or so people can accomplish together. There are several trade routes you can make about 50 mil per route in about 35-40 minutes. Your a vet and uber trader so I am sure you know about these, and if your not politically involved its a lot easier to trade. Kusari is great for that as they are not enemies with any of the major houses. We've been using that house and id with large transports.

Back to the tag, I've done a little bit of research and know people talk on Skype a lot here, and I didn't want us hindered by any vindictive players looking to thwart our efforts.

We all use team speak, and until we decide exactly what we are going to do I'm going to keep that to myself.

At the moment its been suggested we go to the galia faction as its inactive. I intend to keep us low key for another week or so, I feel we need a little bit more money, to make up for our inexperience.

I love math and would like to share a little formula with you. I assure you it is possible.

50 players
50 mil per trade route per 45 minutes
Average of 3 hours a day per player(Some play more, some play less)
2 weeks(14 days)

50players*14days*180/45three hours divided by 45 minutes*50,000,000mil(credits per trade route)=140,000,000,000
140 trillion is a lot more than the 7 trillion we have made, but we also have fighter escorts and we had to learn the game.

As for handing my character over to the police, be my guest. As for now we are all trading. And as for power gaming we did destroy a Rhineland fighter zooming out of liberty space, and he did claim he was doing intell for Rhineland and why do we care. Were looking to get involved politically and I felt I could do a little bit of the leg work now. And feel free to not respond, ignoring Lucas isn't going to make him go away, and several players have suggested we go to the Galia faction.

I look forward to seeing you in the server and your attempts to apprehend Lucas. And you not responding to the post would be the same as you denying it. Either way will accomplish an rp end

You seem fairly hostile so I believe I'll keep my trading char and that of my clan mates to myself until we are capable of defending ourselves.

That being said thanks for the warm welcome and I am sorry if I sound abrasive, but entrenched vet groups don't intimidate me. Were competitive in any game we play and we are a mature group, we don't mind roleplay, we love competition, and we love a challenge.

I look forward to you giving me one.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Thyrzul - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 08:30 PM)Govedo13 Wrote: Here we go, one can RP and claim everything as long as he is within the rules. It is quite within the rules to steal tech from any faction, however you need to suffer the power regen nerf described in this table because you need to use the stolen tech with other ID:
He could use his character in any way that he likes as well.

Stealing ONE ship in-game for in-game usage is one thing, stealing blueprints and design plans of a capital vessel for later inRP usage is an other. If you would not mix these two... that would be great.

Yup, GRN would indeed require a bit love currently, and yup, using a Gallic character there could greatly raise your inRP chances compared to a non-Gallic one.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Govedo13 - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 08:40 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: Stealing ONE ship in-game for in-game usage is one thing, stealing blueprints and design plans of a capital vessel for later inRP usage is an other. If you would not mix these two... that would be great.

(06-21-2013, 08:30 PM)Govedo13 Wrote: Powergaming is something quite different- it would be to claim things in RP that are not possible to happen in server within the rules- like that you blasted some planet for example or the said up ID attack the same ID using RP claims.
Learn to quote right next time. He can claim whatever he wants in RP, achieving it in game is quite different thing. If he cannot achieve it in game via legal means then he is powergaming. He can claim that he stole the blueprints of all of Sirian ships, but he cannot produce it by legal means in-game only by illegal means ( via just buying the ships by rightful owners vendors and claiming that he produced it ) he is quite all right to claim whatever he wants, he also can claim that he simply stole the said ships so he is coming out of the rules violation trap that you are so "nice" to set to him as new player.
The line is quite blurred if you does not have the experience with the local flawed way of thinking-sadly the biggest part of the server population is not mature enough.
Also healthy competition is one thing, organising bad stunts in order to get the new guy in trouble or to forbid him to do something that does not suit your faction interests but it is perfectly within the rules is other thing.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Sabru - 06-21-2013


kill it! kill it with fire!

Now thats out of the way, as said before, you cannot just come into disco and start doing things you want.

first off: for your little stunt, there could be repercussions from LN.

2. NO-ONE CARES HOW MUCH MONEY YOU HAVE! so stop waving your e-peen around.

3. Your "competitive"? seems like you like to think yourselves a dominant group. reality check: in Disco that aint gonna fly.

4. We already have a group of ******s who think they can metagame to get themselves what they want. so we don't need another.

5. if you want people to be more friendly to you, how about spreading your people about. there are plenty of factions who could use a few members. having them all join one faction wouldnt be good.