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5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Printable Version

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RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Charos - 01-21-2015

Name: Mason Rennard
Age: 31
Short Biography:

Mason was born in Bretonia and relocated in his early years to Liberty because he lost both his parents in a tragedy. His special school recommended him to the Navy academies and West Point accepted him. He graduated and enrolled as a secondary fleet officer in the New York system. Having encountered many tight spots, his tactical awareness and combat skills have grown to the rank of 7/10 according to West Point's latest SK1LLS Evaluation test.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet:
The 5th fleet has shown potential and true mastery when it comes to Liberty issues.

What kind of experience do you have on Discovery:
Soooo many Smile

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - George Anderson - 01-21-2015

Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Medium
Origin: 5th Fleet HQ | Juneau Shipyard
ID: Rear Admiral George Anderson
Subject: Recruitment

Mr. Rennard,

We have received your application and after a discussion within the high command, we have decided to ACCEPT your application to the 5th Fleet.
Pilot, report to our desk at the fleet headquarters ASAP - Your uniform and transponder will be awaiting you.
Welcome aboard and do Liberty proud!

George Anderson, 5FLT

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - HighHopes - 01-22-2015

Name:Allan Dylon
Short Biography:
I was born on Planet Manhattan on a small town called Bronx. We are 2 brothers and one sister. I am the youngest one. My mother is a doctor on the planet and my father, mechanic engineer. In the 2nd grade, my father had the opportunity to work for a bigger company on Baltimore Shipyard to repair damaged ships and improve their engines, so we moved there (the company gave us a home there and everything we needed). I have continued my studies there.
Because we were on a shipyard, my father taught me everything about ships, every component, how it works and how to fly them, because some day I will be a good engineer just like he is. So from a young age I started to fly small vessels and familiarize with flying.
After I've finished secondary school I went to West Point Military Academy to learn how to become a great pilot, despite what my father wanted to do (mechanical engineering). After I've finished school I was hired by a company to escort trading vessels to Bretonia. Everything went good until a day when I have encountered some Gallic ships in Dublin (we were outnumbered, like 10 to 1) and they killed most of the crew from trading ships and threatened us if we come back there will be not even the wreck of our ships left behind. I think I was lucky to get alive from there, or ... I don't know...

What's your motivation for joining our fleet:
After that horrible 'event' I've decided to join a group and defend the Liberty Space from Gallic forces and other unlawful vessels, so here I am.

What kind of experience do you have on Discovery:
// At the moment, I can't say I have a lot of experience, I played a year ago and then left the game for some reasons, and now I am back from scratch, 3 months ago and I have a couple of trading ships and fighters.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - George Anderson - 01-22-2015

Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Medium
Origin: 5th Fleet HQ | Juneau Shipyard
ID: Rear Admiral George Anderson
Subject: Recruitment

Mr. Dylon,

We have received your application and after a discussion within the high command, we have decided to ACCEPT your application to the 5th Fleet.
Pilot, report to our desk at the fleet headquarters ASAP - Your uniform and transponder will be awaiting you.
Welcome aboard and remember, our duty is to Liberty first. We have little room for personal vendettas!

George Anderson, 5FLT

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Connor - 01-22-2015

Name: James Boucher
Age: 34
Short Biography:
James was born on Planet Los Angeles where he group up into a family whom had their own vehicle servicing company. They had nothing to do with Space ships, just small and simple cars and transportation vehicles. In James' teens, he decided to join the Liberty Ground Forces Army where he continued his vehicle servicing, repairing and servicing vehicles that had come back from patrol. During his time in the Ground Forces, his Commanding Officer came up to him and spoke to him about joining the Space Academy for Engineers and eventually joining a Fleet to help service their ships. James completed this course and started to look for Fleets to join.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet:
James needs a Fleet to help out. He's looking for a fleet that would take him on and the 5th Fleet caught his eye.

What kind of experience do you have on Discovery:
A lot. 2 and a half years of Discovery.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - George Anderson - 01-22-2015

Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Medium
Origin: 5th Fleet HQ | Juneau Shipyard
ID: Rear Admiral George Anderson
Subject: Recruitment

Mr. Boucher,

We have received your application and after a discussion within the high command, we have decided to ACCEPT your application to the 5th Fleet.
Pilot, report to our desk at the fleet headquarters ASAP - Your uniform and transponder will be awaiting you.
Welcome aboard and remember,l if you have some safe idea for upgrading our ships, do so!

George Anderson, 5FLT

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - sindroms - 01-30-2015

[Image: qxbpKGX.png]
Name: Henry T. Chakste
Age: 74
Short Biography:
With the war effort slowly picking up speed, it wasn't odd that some of the more experienced personnel were invited back from their well-earned retirement. One such man was Henry.

Being at a well-respectable age, Henry takes up more of an observing and advisory role to his peers. What makes him different from all of the other geezers, who are drowning in their medals and rewards, was that the man always kept an open enough mind to consider and try the suggestions of the younger generation- no matter how odd they were.

Usually found taking the back-seat during assault operations and known for his almost obsessive consumption of peppermint tea, Mr Chakste has earned enough respect to continue serving the Liberty Navy well into his old age.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet:

What kind of experience do you have on Discovery:
I've flown with the best, I've flown with the worst. Take it for what it is worth.

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - 5th Fleet - 01-30-2015

Communication channel opened...
Encryption: Medium
Origin: 5th Fleet HQ | Juneau Shipyard
ID: Fleet Admiral Jack O'Neill
Subject: Recruitment

Greetings Mr.Chakste! We have received your application and after a discussion within the high command, we have decided to ACCEPT your application to the 5th Fleet. However i have to say it was a very big suprise that a veteran at your respectable age is willing to fly again. Please report to Juneau Shipyard where you will recieve our transponder codes and your uniform. Welcome within our ranks.

FADM Jack O'Neill, 5FLT

Application to join the 5th Fleet - DraconAUT - 03-01-2015

***Incoming Transmission***

From: John Armada
ID: Liberty Navy, 2nd. Fleet
Rank: Private
Division: None

To: 5th Fleet High Command
Priority: High
Subject: Application to join the 5th Fleet

Name: John Armada
Age: 26
Short Biography:
Born 26 years ago into a wealthy family on Manhattan. The only son of LPI Lieutenant Matthew Armada and Sarah Armada, a successful businesswoman. Both were murdered, dying in an explosion of their ship caused by pirates during a holiday vacation, witnessed by the 14 years young John.
He attended to private/elite schools in order to set his future to become a successful politician. His father's best friend, a Freelancer named William Seeker took care of him. During the years in school John also received a training in self defense, weapons training, combat training on ground and in a vessel in outer space.
After graduating from the High School John decided to become a Freelancer, doing various jobs and missions for the Liberty Navy, Liberty Police and Liberty Security Force, until he eventually joined the ranks of the Liberty Navy.

Link to John Armada's Personal ID Data/CV:

What's your motivation for joining our fleet:
The first and true reason why I've decided to join the Navy was my wish for revenge, but this has changed.
I've noticed that revenge is not useful, instead I've begun to understand that my home Liberty, needs honorable skilled and conscientious pilots, willing to do everything and give everything needed to protect the inhabitants, the tourists and systems of Liberty. I wish to serve Liberty and protect Liberty and its people from all the current threats, like Gallia, Rheinland, the Nomads and the Criminals, as well as any threat in future.

What kind of experience do you have on Discovery:
//I've started playing on January 1st. 2015, but in this short time I've experienced various sorts of rp and situations.

***Transmission terminated***

RE: 5th Fleet - Recruitment Office - Shaggy - 03-01-2015

Name: Mark Webb
Age: 19
Short Biography:
I was born on Planet Manhattan, completed university and my basic bomber training out of West Point, where I completed and was one of the ace students. Once I completed my basic I was informed to go into military training and I completed that with cease. In university I completed basic science and engineering but it was not my thing. I want to join the Navy to fight for the people of Liberty.

What's your motivation for joining our fleet:
Defending the citizen and innocent people of Liberty

What kind of experience do you have on Discovery:
Lots and was also informed to join as Bomber Pilot by 5th| Pilots