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Junker Bomber - Printable Version

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Junker Bomber - Tenacity - 08-20-2008

Ok, how's this for the nose - I moved the sides of the lower portions in slightly, and made the angled part on the top wider to match. It looks more in-line with the cockpit now but kinda makes the front end look a bit skinny...

[Image: 288wpdh.jpg]

Also, thanks to turkish, I've figured out how to turn the 120+ individual primitives that made up this model into one single editable poly/mesh! So now it's ready for export and hardpointing... I just gotta find someone who can do that.


here's the ship now:
[Image: 312cvnt.jpg]

After converting it to an editable poly, the ship is now made up of only two parts - one for the majority of the ship model, and the second for the windows (must be kept as a seperate object for transparency purposes as far as I know - all the vanilla models are done that way).


An image of the new cockpit with transparency on, I removed the chairs =P they'll be replaced with hardpointed chairs like the other bombers.

[Image: 2vwzprb.jpg]

Junker Bomber - Tenacity - 08-20-2008

And new size comparisons to the nephthys and saber VHF's. I have no model files for any of our bombers, but for the most part bombers are equal in size to the VHF's here - the falcata is only slightly larger than the sabre, the sehkmet bomber is being made only slightly larger than the nephthys, etc.

[Image: 33049zt.jpg]
[Image: aep4bt.jpg]
[Image: 2vwydxt.jpg]
[Image: 5ceveq.jpg]

Keep in mind that if size is an issue balance-wise, the hitbox can always be made slightly larger than the ship to reduce it's ability to dodge fire as well... though I dont think it will be a problem with this ship, especially as a 'light' bomber.

Junker Bomber - Turkish - 08-20-2008

Very Tenacity, this fits in with the CSV and Collector perfectly:)

If you need any other advice or tips just ask, I've been getting pretty well versed with how Freelancer handles its ships. I'm no Treewyrm, but I get along :cool:

Junker Bomber - Culebra - 08-20-2008

Looks good to me. I like the wings and the tail. Very Junkerish

Junker Bomber - Tenacity - 08-20-2008

bump! still looking for someone who can take the model and texture it, hardpoint it, and give it a spin in game (and let me give it a spin in game :P)

Junker Bomber - Jinx - 08-20-2008

if you can convert it to the metasequia format, i can texture it - but i m afraid that i can only do it when its metasequia, cause i don t know the other programs. ( or you send me the model and i ll "remodel" it myself in metasequia )

but - i don t do the transparent windows... since thats a large part of the ship, you might wanne get someone else.

Junker Bomber - Tenacity - 08-20-2008

hm... we've been over that before i think =P I can only export to 3ds or 3dsm formats.

Maybe jazz can convert it. I know he's been able to turn some vanilla .cmp models into .3ds versions for me, perhaps it can be done in reverse as well.

Junker Bomber - Jinx - 08-20-2008

still - i don t do transparency. - doom gave me a tutorial, but honestly, i m too lazy to learn it at that time. - ... if i did it, it was only the "simple" variant without a neat cockpit.

Junker Bomber - Tenacity - 08-20-2008

you're a genius with this stuff turkish, want to give it a try?

Junker Bomber - Tenacity - 08-21-2008

*poke dying thread with a stick*

C'mon, I need someone who can finish this thing =(