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A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Printable Version

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RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 06-29-2014

Doc smiled a moment as he looked a bit skyward, swirling his drink as he thought.
"I miss riding," he explained, "I rode my ranch so much on my caballas (//horses) back home. I would grab a rifle, wear my side arms and just ride. I felt so at ease when I did that."

He looked back to her, "I moved my livestock to Erie. I have my peace there even if it's in space controlled by the Liberty government. It's isolated. There's no better feeling than just exploring the unknown, alone or with a friend or someone you care about."

He raised his glass again, smiled and finished it's contents, "It's worth drinking to for sure."
He refilled it. Doc's tolerance to alcohol was strong but he was quite tipsy but at ease. He enjoyed Thing's company more and more.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 06-29-2014

She nodded I can honestly say that's something I've never done.... Not because I haven't wanted to, mind you." She too finished her drink before continuing "When I came here, I wasn't exactly aware of how limited things would become. The only unknown I get to explore now is the depths of space.... I find that more often then not I do miss being planet-side."

She looked across at Doc, lost in thought for a moment. She felt completely at ease with him, and she couldn't figure out why. Shaking her head slightly and dropping her gaze once she realized that she was just simply looking at him.

"Ashlea." She frowned slightly, it was strange to say that name again. "My name is Ashlea."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-01-2014

Doc put his empty glass on the table next to him. Leaning forward, he gently placed a gentle finger under her chin to lift her head up. To Doc, for someone living such a harsh life, she had nice skin. Once they made eye contact, he gave a soft, re-assuring smile, "Ashlea is a pretty name. Never be ashamed of it or afraid to admit it." He then moved his finger to her forehead where he moved a few strands of hair, "Never be ashamed. I see a pretty young lady beneath that hard exterior."

He then leaned back to sit in his seat. As he reached for the bottle, his com badge sounded. It was his chief engineer.
"Well, Doc, main power is back online and stable but with the damage on upper decks, I don't dare power it up until we do some repairs," he explained.
"Fair enough," Doc replied, "How much time do you need?"
"Well, I can't be certain but conservatively, I'd say a week and that would involved shutting most things down in the process to include life support station wide."
Doc nodded as he told him to stand bye.

Doc thought a moment and looked at her seriously, "Let's take a few days on Erie and let them work. No one will know they're here and we'll have somewhere safe to stay. What do you think?"

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-01-2014

His touch had caught her off guard, but her reaction was considerably different to earlier. Instead of taking a submissive stance, she smiled and kept eye contact as he moved her hair. She blushed at his comments "I... Thanks."

She listened to their conversation, it sounded promising. She was surprised at the speed things were progressing. Had this been a team of Rogues working on the station, they would have been lucky to have done this much in a month. Once the engineer mentioned they would need a week, she shook her head slightly, a part of her didn't want him to leave. Not wanting to read too far into it, she decided it was because she was just enjoying his company.

Once he mentioned spending time on Erie, she bit her lip and thought for a moment before nodding slowly, "You wouldn't mind if I came along? I mean, I don't want to intrude. After all it is your place to escape."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-01-2014

"I wouldn't make the offer if I felt you were being intrusive," he replied. "No one will know that you're there and even if someone did, they wouldn't care."
He gave that soft, re-assuring smile again, "I promise you that for at least awhile you will be totally at ease...." He quipped as he finished, "...and that I will be on my best behavior."

He thought about re-filling his glass as he reached for the bottle but stopped just short of it, realizing that anymore and his ship would be on auto flight.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-01-2014

"Well, if you don't mind." she couldn't help but giggle at his last comment, "I am sure you will be, Doctor Holliday. I couldn't imagine you behaving any other way...."

She noticed his hesitation with the drink, being around the Rogues where flying drunk was considered to be normal she didn't connect this as the reason for him deciding against another. She chose not to question it. "I would like to spend time with you, um, on Erie. I can't remember the last time I was able to just relax."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-02-2014

He just gave a smile and stood up from the table, "We can resume drinking when we get to Erie."
Doc collected what few things he had to include his guns, handing Ashlea hers. While she got her things together, Doc prepped his ship for flight, eventually escorting her on board his transport. He let her look through his old Borderworld's transport as she desired.

The trip to Erie itself was uneventful besides a couple of Xenos disrupting a trading lane between Pueblo Station and the jump gate to New York to which they left the empty transport ship alone. Arriving in the Pennsylvania system, it wouldn't take long before they reached the docking ring to Planet Erie.

"Good afternoon, Marshall Earp,, proceed to landing," said the voice from landing control, "Welcome back, Doc. Anything to declare?"
Doc just gave a soft smile to Ashlea and simply answered "no."

As he escorted her to the small shuttle that they would take to his cabin, he wanted to be sure his new friend was comfortable, "Do you need anything here before we continue on? We'll be away from civilization for a bit."

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-02-2014

For the first time since she she had set foot on a Rogue base, Ashlea removed the ammunition from her gun, pocketing it before putting her gun back where it belonged in the holster on her hip. She couldn't justify why it was a good idea, short of that it felt wrong to leave it loaded.

While the trip was uneventful, the closer they got to Erie, the more visibly unsettled she became. Trying to distract herself, she walked through the ship again, biting her thumb nail. While she trusted Doc to keep her safe, she couldn't help but think about what happened if something went wrong. After he announced he had nothing to declare, she took a seat again, running her hand through her hair. She didn't like the feeling of fear, and as much as she refused to admit it she was scared of what would happen if anyone found out she was there. It would be difficult enough explaining it to the other Rogues.

"I.. Well, I should probably at least get a change of clothes." She smiled slightly, not too sure about whether it was a good idea or not once she realized what that would mean. She wasn't sure if she would fit in to normal society on Erie, and the last thing she wanted was to draw unwanted attention to herself or Doc.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Doc Holliday - 07-02-2014

"I kind of figured you would need a change...or two," he answered humorously. "Let's get out of the city. I know of an outpost where you can get all you need and then some. I'll need some goods myself. Get what you need as I'll get the check."

A short shuttle hop to a landing pad outside the city limits to a place called "The Crooked Sky" and they found themselves surrounded by all they would need.
[Image: 0front0.jpg]

While Ashlea was being assisted by a clerk for a wardrobe, Doc spoke to the proprieter of the store whom he had greeted with a handshake. It was obvious they knew each other well as they caught up on times and shared a laugh. He took a quick look towards Andrea and turned back to Doc, continuing their chat.

"New lady friend?" he asked.
"Acquaintance," Doc replied, "that's all you need to know."
"Fair enough," replied the proprieter.

Doc was looking at ammunition, food stuffs and feed as well as some other gear and tools. There were other patrons in the post but they were mostly Zoners since Erie had a large Zoner population on it. Even though Doc was shopping, he didn't ignore Ashlea. He would give her a passing smile or a wink of the eye.

He also loaded up on some field medical supplies and various beverages. It was obvious, Doc intended to enjoy some time out as well.

RE: A Meeting A Foster Base (//Doc and PLR ONLY) - Widow - 07-03-2014

Ashlea disliked other people paying her way, but she didn't argue it. She had no credits so it would be pointless to do so. After talking to the clerk for a while, she was seeming to relax again. However she was avoiding eye contact and interactions with the other patrons. She was browsing the store, trying to figure out what all of the knick-knacks were. Every so often she would glance across at Doc, catching a wink or a smile. Eventually she decided on a few changes of clothes that she liked, including a pair of shoes. Her reasoning for that was her flats were already starting to fall apart. She knew they wouldn't last long outside of a station.

Ashlea thanked the Clerk for her help, and went to find Doc. She found him near the alcoholic beverages, she raised an eyebrow seeing the selection they had available "Well." She rubbed her forehead slightly "I can honestly say I am impressed. I didn't realize there was this much of a choice in drinks." Shaking her head she glanced around the shop, everyone was busy carrying on with their own lives, no one was making a big deal out of her being there. The thought that had been hounding her stopped once she saw this. No one cared she was there, no one was going to find out she didn't belong.