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Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Printable Version

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Mon'Star Feedback Thread - me_b_kevin - 12-23-2008

' Wrote:We should start a Consortium of Evil ...

well, Mon'Star is known to "not play well with others" unless they have something useful to offer him.....which in most cases is very unlikely as his idea of useful is a bit skewed.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Niezck - 12-23-2008

But if we worked together as the Consorium, we could get so much murder done in a day, it'd be epic!

Greater good and all that. Well, I say good ...

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - me_b_kevin - 12-23-2008

' Wrote:But if we worked together as the Consorium, we could get so much murder done in a day, it'd be epic!

Greater good and all that. Well, I say good ...

much more murder....but not by Mon'Star's hands, he likes to do the killing himself...for the most part

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Niezck - 12-23-2008

Damn, he sucks at teamwork, eh?

You should send him to one of those workshops.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Dra1003 - 12-23-2008

fine drey but just dont kill carla or zio ..and ill give you tons of targets to kill:)

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - me_b_kevin - 12-23-2008

' Wrote:Damn, he sucks at teamwork, eh?

You should send him to one of those workshops.

no, he can work with others. quite well actually as long as it benefits him. once the usefulness of the people he's working with runs out he tends to kill them....unless he feels he can use them again in the future.

it's a whole mess of complication :D

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - BlackHole92 - 12-29-2008

I had a great time in-game with Monstar 2 months ago when i was a beginner here.

I was in Omicron Delta system and with a Hammerhead (30 or 31 level i am not sure) with a Civilian ID and I saw far behind me Monstar following me. He asked me to stop and I stopped. When he reached me he stopped behind me and didn't say anything. After 5 seconds of silence, I started writing a message, but he suddenly opened fire and I was destroyed with 3 shots. He didn't say anything afterwards too...

I don't have any screenshots, but I can assure you I tell the truth. That's my great in-game meet with the prestigious Monstar. :lol:

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Xing - 12-29-2008

No much experience with Mon'Star. Mostly, I just see him blowing stuffs and yelling HAHAHA all over sys channel.

Never read his forum story, so to me, its just very random I guess.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Exile - 04-05-2009

Abit disapointing if you ask me, realy. Just encountered him in Omicron Theta. He cd'd me, I sat still to try and do some roleplay, have some fun. But he thought it would be much more cooler to blow my armourless borderworlds transport up and type 'HAHAHAHAHAHA'. Abit, meh there considdering the fact that Dreygon is a longstanding and respected member here. Would expect more.

I'm not saying I'm mad or pissed about it or whatever, my cargo wasn't worth all that much and it was to be expected, but you might want to work on that, isolate your victims to just those who can fight back or pose a threat, rather than murdering every transport and figther in a big ship.

Mon'Star Feedback Thread - Knuthetal - 04-05-2009

I haven't been here a week, and I've already heard a few Mon'star storied on the server, and I know I should runrunrunrunrun if I ever see him... You seem to have achieved a legendary status, so you must be doing your job right.