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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Blodo - 10-13-2008

CID: Finn Hopkins, BAF-P
To: Bretonian Armed Forces et all

Well gents, a lad by the name of Angus.McLintoch paid the required five million for Nomad transportation clearance today. I immediately wired the fee to the treasury and hereby request that all pilots note his contribution. I already transmitted to the pilot that he is formally cleared to transport Nomad equipment and/or life forms through Bretonian space. Respect it.

Also, me, Regi and the guv'nor went to Kyushu today to stir a hold up. We went and halted the entire route down, before this lone farmer comes charging straight at us. Well, long story short he was in an eagle, and we had a percheron, a royal liner and myself in a bomber. The noodlefarmer ate a supernova soon after.

[Image: xm93eh.jpg]

We disrupted the run some more, including robbing one of the less lucky ones a total of three times. That will make him change his mind surely. We went back to Bretonia carting a truckload of diamonds and deuterium. It will finance those few extra fighters for the war effort, eh?

Long live the Queen!

Hopkins out.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Patriot - 10-15-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID:Armed force hospital,Leeds Planet]

Greetings Admiral

Im the Colonel Bransburg,Doctor in charge of the armed force hospital,i have to annouce you,today at 13h20 a cryer Transport enter in leeds orbit whit several emergency lifepods in is cargo bay,All these lifepods are identified to the HMS.Victory.

The Commander Wellington are highly injured,but he survive,we have also 87 members from is crew,we know the Victory got 125 members crew.You will find a list of the patient we have here whit this communication.

The Commander Weellington send is regard to the familly members of the dead crew members,he will be out of services for at least 2 weeks.

Ohhhh and the cryer ship retreive a information box from the Victory,hope thats help you:
[Image: screen101.jpg]

Whit all my respect

Colonel Bransburg Dr

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 10-15-2008

[Incoming Field Transmission]
[Comm ID: Commander Stanley Neslon]
[To: BAF Admiralty]

Just discovered 2 Molly Republic fighters near New London. They were attempting to launch several long-range torpedoes at Thames Outpost. Fortunately none of their weapons hit the station successfully. Before they could fire any more, I moved to engage them in my Challanger, and successfully destroyed both their vessels in a swift combat. Sadly I was unable to locate their escape pods afterwards - it is possible that they were picked up by a passing junker. Nontheless, I am pleased to say that the defences of New London have been saved, at least for the time being.

[Transmission ends]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 10-16-2008

Incoming Message
From the Office of the Minister of Defense, James Ralston

Dear Mr Davik Hujuk

Your proposal, having been clarified, is acceptable to us.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reply at your convenience. I remain

Yours Truly

James Ralston, Minister of Defense

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Linkus - 10-16-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Davik Hujuk]

Minister, you have my humble thanks and my pledge to uphold my promises. You have done us and Bretonia a great service this day and I hope that we can work together to create a stronger, unified Bretonia.

- Davik Hujuk

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 10-18-2008

The screen faded to black. The Bretonian flag was then shown flying in the wind, the ancient Union Jack.

"This is a public service announcement from the Minister of Defense."

The theatre went quiet. Minister of Defense James Ralston showed on the screen, and he began speaking immediately.

"Citizens of Bretonia, On occasion, one of our own commits an act of selflessness, an act which uplifts the nation, both by its significance and by its example."

"I speak today of one of Bretonia's own, Sir Charles Wellington, who has made good for himself in business in Liberty, and has, in this time of need, come to help his countrymen."

The Minister paused for effect.

"Today, Sir Charles donated a large number of codenamed weapons to the Bretonian Armed Forces. Enough to equip an entire bomber wing. The estimated credit value of these rare and powerful weapons is 200 Million credits."

The crowd began to murmur in appreciation. That was a generous donation to the war effort.

"With such people born and bred in Bretonia, we cannot help but be victorious!"

The Minister ended his speech with the new Ministry catchphrase, which was catchy, but somehow a bit disturbing..

"Bretonia Prevails!"

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - dr lameos - 10-18-2008

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: George Harrington]

Tomtom2 was halted for smuggling counterfeit software, he fully cooperated and paid his fine without complaint. I allowed him to sell his cargo.

Taking a rest now to refresh myself, will continue patrols later on.

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - monsterlancer - 10-18-2008

James had received orders to get to the Ministry of Defense on New London straight from Fleet Admiral Nellis. As James approached the MoD building, he meet the Fleet Admiral just outside the entrance.

Good Morning , Sir, as Lieutenant Commander James Flint came to attention.

Good Morning Lt Cmdr. Shall we go in? Fleet Admiral Nellis gestured him into the building.

As military courtesy, James opened and held the door for the Fleet Admiral, then followed him through the bureaucratically maze to a door towards the back or the building. Going past the sectary with her head down on the desk sleeping, Fleet Admiral rapped twice and then walked right on in motioning Flint to follow. Inside , at his desk was the Ministry of Defense James Ralston. The minister had a glass of red port in his hand and it was only 0800 hrs. Seeing James look at the glass of port with a frown, the Minister smiled and said. With this job you never know what time it is. I have four sectaries and none of them can keep up with me so far. Have a seat gentlemen.

Turning his head towards the Fleet Admiral he asked, This is the gentleman selected for the mission?

The circumstances be what they are, yes. was the Fleet Admirals reply.

Seeing Flints eyebrow show an inquisitive, the Minister carried on, Flint, my boy. Your family has given us a special opportunity. By us, I mean both Bretonia and Liberty. Through some contacts, you will be placed on detached duty and will basically go on an extended leave. You will join your father on his transport for some special recon missions. There has been rumors of some other group or groups of humans in the sector. Intelligence has suggested that these may very well be the same people that destroyed your fathers task force so long ago.

That sounds good sir, but how does Liberty fit into it? My Father is an independent running under a Liberty license. asked James.

Liberty has agreed to send an Liberty Security Force Agent along to keep both of you out of trouble. The Minister had to chuckle as he took a sip of port, Your son will be the Liberty member of this little expedition.

Do you accept this mission Flint? Asked the Fleet Admiral.

Yes sir, I do. But I wonder if one ship can hold three Flints on it?


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Dieter Schprokets - 10-22-2008

A Flight Safety Message from the Ministry of Defense

[Image: BAFbabe2.jpg]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Derkylos - 10-30-2008

Combat Report, 30/10/816

Name/Rank: Aldwyn, Ensign

My first patrol with the BAF today, quite a lot of activity. Noteworthy events:

First encounter of the day was with a large transport, callsign "Warcraph", who was carrying light arms. Upon further questioning, it was ascertained that he intended to go to "Omicron Theta", wherever that was, and sell them to the Zoners. As i know for certain that Corsairs operate in the Omicrons, I attempted convinced him to turn around. He did so, then picked up some VIPs for the trip, instead (I do wonder, however, if they appreciated the "luxuries" of a transport ship).

Next I encountered a Bounty Hunter battleship, callign "BH Crocodile". As I was checking his paperwork, the most disturbing thing happened-a corsair fighter docked with the battleship HMS Norfolk. I immediately alerted the ship's crew, and the corsair undocked rather rapidly. He was promptly destroyed by the Crocodile, but this development rather perturbed me. He also appeared to be carrying nomad weapons, I suggest the Norfolk is checked for infection, just to make sure.

I also encountered a Clydesdale, callsign "Jan Tleskac" who was flying around, seemingly aimlessly, above london, with a hold full of illegal software. I ordered him to drop said cargo, but he merely continued to fly in circles. A nearby Bounty Hunter mentioned something about him being unable to dock, so I guess the ground crews were doing their job. Eventually, after many attempts to open communications with him, I was forced to open fire and destroy his ship. Sad, the lengths to which some people will go in order to make money.

I then hooked up with Commander Nelson, and we commenced several patrols of Bretonian space. He interdicted a few Deuterium sumgglers, and then noticing many Molly Republic ships on long range scanners, we proceeded to Dublin to investigate. It seemed that they didn't wish to leave their lair, saying that they wanted to "make terms".

Later, however, Commander Nelson was called to a meeting, and I was left to patrol by myself. I noticed several =CR= ships in Leeds, and, investigating, they revealed that they wished to travel to the Hood, rather than engage. Seeing as I was severely outnumbered (4 or 5 to 1), I allowed them to proceed, so long as they didn't cause trouble. As they were en-route, a number of Bounty Hunters turned up, aiming to collect the BPA bounties on the =CR= ships. So we headed towards the Hood to bring them down. However, upon engaging, the Mollies decided that they did wish for war, by attacking us. we managed to bring down a gunboat and several fighters, before my ship was critically damadged while trying to disengage.

Fortunately, my ship was quickly found by a passing BMM vessel, and was towed to New London for repairs, where I am now waiting for the mechanics to pronounce her flight-worthy.

Attached are several images that my on-board recording apparatus collected. Unfortunately, it was not working during the battle with the Mollies, so I have no pictures of that.

The ship seems to be in good condition and working fine (well, it was until some Molly punched a hole in it), however, the electronics seem to be a little dodgy. Hopefully those tech chaps can fix it up for me before my next excursion.