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Virgin Application

Name: Leonard Montgomery
Ship Name(s): Sanctioned.Parts.List
Who are you?: I'm a veteran tradesman and occasional mechanic who's been out of work for quite a while until recently. I lived off of savings and odd jobs in odd corners of the sector until I managed to get my credit ratings high enough for a loan. I bought myself a Sunburst and paid the bank off in short order. Now that I've been at work a while, the money's been steady and I'm piloting a Bumblebee. But credits don't buy good company, just the next load of cargo.

Why do you want to join?: I'm looking for some more mobility. Your pilot had docking rights I didn't and shared the goods. I'm interested in those kinds of connections. Exclusive markets mean big money, and it's clear you folks already know that.

If you need goods hauled, I'm your man.

Skills & Interests: Improvised repair, discreet goods transportation, and dissuasion of nosy concerned persons.

Name Your Arrow: Eight Rounds Rapid

What have you done or what can you do that would make you valuable to the club?: One point along the line, I met one of your pilots -- the one who flies the vessel Plastidipped. We shot the breeze on a cruise around the Omegas and in what seemed like good faith, they hooked me up with some Cobalt Ore from a nearby base. I paid what I could at the time but it wasn't enough. While I do have interest in padding my own bank account, I'm not opposed to helping fund your ventures. Tit for tat, that kind of thing.

And I'm game even if you need me to garage the Bumblebee. I'll fly that one on my own time. It won't get in the way unless you need a Kusari party bus with a broken bathroom.

Requested Chapter to join: Bering
Are you friends with any cops?:
No, but I can see to changing that if we need someone to look the other way.


Have you been sanctioned before?: Yes, ages ago.
How good do you believe your RP is?: 8 or so. We'll have to test that empirically. I've been on a long hiatus and it's likely I'm a bit rusty.

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT [OPEN + NEW-ish] - The Archangels Fighter Club - 03-06-2016

[Image: xaI0W9q.png]

So ... 'mobility', is it?
I can understand. The AFC have connections other civilians below us may not have.
Part of what it comes down to is respect and trust. Things which we are looking if you have from us.

I am assuming now that the pilot of the Plastidipped will show up to sponsor you, though I am to understand as well that you owe some money for that ore there? I will not get into the business between you two, but I hope you are keeping good in connections. We support each-other in the club, after-all.

Anyway, I am first going to wait for your sponsors to show up before moving forwards.
Thank you for your application and it is being considered.

//ps i did a typo with the applications. Doesn't matter now but i'll just fix it real quick. Dont worry about it now.
The chapter request thing should be in step 3 :S woops.


:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::Establishing video feed:::
:::Video feed: Live:::

ID: Kotomi Isogai
Location: Blackport 66

Yea, I'll sponsor the guy. The ore is an investment, as long as he keeps his nose clean in the Bering chapter I'll get the value back if not more.

:::Closing Transmission:::


:::Incoming transmission:::
::: From {AFC}-Spring.Break[C] :::
::: ID: Bonehead :::
::: Location: The Black Cherry :::

This guy is good. He can keep his head cool even in tough spots. I say let him try out.

::: Transmission Ended :::

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT [OPEN + NEW-ish] - The Archangels Fighter Club - 03-07-2016

[Image: xaI0W9q.png]

It looks like you have earned some trust.
From what I have seen from one of the pilot's report, you've preformed well.

Congratulations are in order.

You've earned yourself a cut with it's bottom rocker as virgin. Impress us more and you will go far.
That being said, here is an assignment for you as your official mission from HQ to complete:

You have showcased yourself as a veteran tradesman. Time to test those skills you say you possess.
The Black Cherry is in need of more stocked supplies for hosting the parties inside. We need booze, dope, and fix.

Liberty Ale
Synthetic Marijuana

Not only do we need these supplies but we also are looking for getting them from the best venders. Quality is key here.
Use your judgment to get a hold of the best quality supplies that are listed.
Note that they don't need to be taken from from their initial source of production such as the weed.
It is recommended that you meet the venders in person to ensure quality.
You will be rewarded with an extra bonus for this. If there is no option then you can go into their bases for trade.
We expect 200 cases if each shipped to Blackport 66. The doors will be open to you.

A good Archangel knows where to get the best goods for the best party and to bargain well.

Good luck and you know the drill. Work up to get yourself an Arrow with the right stuff as well.
We will be waiting for positive results.


Virgin Application

Name: Zen Storm
Ship Name(s): Rhino, Bird
Who are you?: Well, lets see... Where should I start? I was born on Planet New London. My parents both served in the Armed Forces at the front line between Bretoria and Galia, so I was raised by my older brother. Since our parents would send us money regularly, I never started a job career or worried about money. One day the money stopped coming and before we knew it, we were living on the streets of New London. Our childhood started to turn into a struggle. Soon after, we realized that I had a natural gift for stealing and getting away with it. I was fast, quick to act, cunning, deceptive and without hesitation. We used this talent to make a living and to get food on the table. Quickly I had built up quite some wealth. That's when I started to realize that our parents were still missing. The thought of them being in trouble or even dead, motivated me to go on a journey to find them. At the age of 22 I did the basic pilot license which allowed me to fly a civilian shuttle in space. Seeking an adventure I named my ship, "Bird". It did not take long until I realized that space was a harsh environment. Police and Military trying to keep the peace, the Gallic threat that seemed to be coming closer and closer, pirates who lurk around every corner... This was not at all what I had imagined. With my basic Pilot license I would not get very far, that much was clear to me. At this point I was stranded at Freeport 1 in Omega 3 with almost no money and fighting experience. I bought a fighter ship that I named, "Rhino". I started out doing what I could do best. Stealing, just this time, in space. Within 2 years I learned all what there was to combat and to escaping tight situations. I had stopped caring about my parents and started to care about that now. I started to realize that I did not like pirating and that there was more to life. I gave up as a pirate and started exploring the depths of space as a Freelancer. One day I heard of a AFC sponsored race near the Gallic Borders. "Bird" was perfectly set up for racing so I decided to give it a shot, since I could use the money and it sounded like fun. I was surprised how fun it was and how much the AFC cared about each other. They would look out for each other in anything but the race. This inspired me to join the AFC.
Why do you want to join?: After getting to know the AFC better in that race, I got to know Sunny of the AFC. He convinced me to hang around the AFC since they covered all my needs. I now had a family I could count on and I could live out my newly found passion: racing. A sense of belonging and security returned that has been missing for a long time. This is where I belong.
Skills & Interests: Being a pirate has made me a decent fighter and racer. Since I have never really studied I can't say I have many other skills.
Name Your Arrow: Raven'sClaw
What have you done or what can you do that would make you valuable to the club?: I believe the club could profit from my fighting experience, as escort missions are not seldom in the AFC.
What ship to start out with?:
Are you friends with any cops?: Nah


Have you been sanctioned before?: No
How good do you believe your RP is?: 7


:::Incoming transmission:::
::: From [P] :::
::: ID: Sunny :::
::: Location: Barrier Gate Station :::

Yea I remember this guy. Not a bad racer too.
I'll personally give him my vote.
someone else should go check him out too, but yeah he is good in my books.

::: Transmission Ended :::

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT [OPEN + NEW-ish] - The Archangels Fighter Club - 03-29-2016

[Image: xaI0W9q.png]

Looks like you got the approval of the boss himself.
You've been racing, eh?

Well tell yeah what. We of coarse need some new men that know how to work their guns.
But we are also needing to know if they are loyal as well.

So here's the thing. Get your jacket and get yourself a Kingfisher. You're going on a mission for us.

You have two options:

1) Complete an escort mission with at least 2 transports in the convoy.
2) Take-out a Rogue.

For mission #2, you have the AFC bounty board at your disposal. Take a time stamp of the kill and note the location.

Report back when you are finished.

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT | Step 1 is now optional - The Archangels Fighter Club - 05-09-2016

We've made step 1 be optional

RE: {AFC}- ||| OFFICAL REGISTRATION | HANG-AROUND RECRUITMENT | Step 1 is now optional - nOmnomnOm - 08-29-2016

*achhoooo* need new blood *AHHHCHOooo!!!*