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GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 09-21-2008

"Muwhahahahahahahahahahahahahehahaha!" Watsas announced his return with his trademark 'evil laugh' as he carried a large piece of equipment into the room.

"Well, after a bunch of shooting and Protien Dying, we have everything we need for our holovision set! Also, we should be on the 10'o'clock news for this. Fun stuff!" Watsas set several boxes down on the floor in the center of the room.

"Now to install it. Someone has to affix the Tachyon Reciver Unit onto the outside of the station, while we put the HV phototransmitter array together."

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-22-2008

"oooooh good work John, ill go over those schematics later and read that report... Those Prisoners should have a rather enjoying time meeting me later" *evil Smile*
" And nice one Watsas, but i aint going outside of the station to attach it..." Saigo Then goes to the bar and helps herself to another drink.

GC Tea House - thierry007 - 09-22-2008

A beautiful Young Girl Walked in.. is this The Tea House? Takara Asked While Looking Around.. She Took Place at an Empty Seat In one of the Corners and Asked for a Drink I dont Mind what Kind of Drink if its atleast something to drink!.... Preferably Tea or Water

GC Tea House - CCI45-px/Probe149 - 09-22-2008

*very well dressed (why can a piloting uniform look that good?) and beautiful woman walks into bar*
*sees Saigo sitting at the Bar and walks over to her*

"BARTENDER! Hand me a cup of warm Sake! Now! And it's a shame, that a very good lady like Saigo has to get herself her drinks personally! And i hope you don't want that Kaede has to make the Sake warm herself, no?

Now Saigo, how's been your day?"

*takes some Cardi*

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 09-22-2008

"Kurokawa, the meat wants drinks!" Watsas yelled as he was lifting a large componant of the Holovision projector into place in the center of the room.

The large, circular array was disassembled and in 3 big metal crates. Watsas had only begun to set the largest componants about to begin assembely.

"Kat, please go affix that Tachyon transmitter to the station hull. And make sure it's pointing at New Tokyo. So we can get a signal for this thing."

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-23-2008

*Saigo looks distressed*
"Mhm... im alright just annoyed and very busy today... People arguging, People Complaining, Mostly because i was given the right to manage GC while Ai.Takeda is on buisness for a while, saying im only a Taii, fair enough, But still not very enjoyable listening to people argue.
Anyway how goes your leave sister?"

*Saigo takes a large dose of Cardi and Takes a large gulp of tea*

GC Tea House - Kontrazec (Somni) - 09-23-2008

*Neko Dori-Mingu,accompanied by Dori-mu Takai,walks into the tea house*

Ahh,Watsas,I see you have already started installing the holovision.I'll be hanging over here to catch the 10 o' clock news.I think Dori here would like to see it as well,after all,he IS a part of the news.Oh,and by the way,bartender,give Dori some cardamine,his last dose is an hour off.He gets nervous and trigger-fingered after some hour of apstinence.*Neko sits at the corner table*-Ah,my old bones...*Dori walks off to the counter,but spots Saigo and Takara,and salutes clumsily,smiling like an utter idiot*

GC Tea House - Ironwatsas - 09-23-2008

Watsas gets up and points at Neko.

"No, you come help me with this thing. Or it'll take hours to put togther because it has like ten million little wires and gizmos and doodads that need to be installed properly." Watsas announced as he began wiring up several componants of the TV to some kind of expression chip.

"Wait, what? Who's going on about Saigo being the new commander?" Watsas announced suprisedly.

GC Tea House - Saigo.Watanabe - 09-23-2008

*Saigo Sighs*
"Konnichiwa Neko n' Dori, yes well i would suspect that Watsas will need help with putting that thing together, and yes Watsas, i am, for the time being... once Ai.Takeda is free from her buisness, She will be back to command us..."
*Saigo stands up and starts walking away from the bar towards the corner of the room, staying in the shadows for she is busy*

GC Tea House - thierry007 - 09-23-2008

Takara felt Sad for No Aparent Reason... She stood Up and Walked towards a Dark Corner and went to sit there on the ground.. Takara started to Think about thigns Alot of things She seems troubled..