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Top 10 tips for traders - Printable Version

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Top 10 tips for traders - Cerberus - 08-05-2009

All real good advice:D

Top 10 tips for traders - Elsdragon - 08-06-2009

true, too many people F1

Top 10 tips for traders - Weedalot - 08-06-2009

' Wrote:Well. I know i cant fly in liberty anymore, too many pirates.....
you can fly in liberty, but you must know how to avoid the pirates or find a common ground with them.

Top 10 tips for traders - Gemini893 - 08-07-2009

' Wrote:3. Don't dock on an unlawful base at the start of a system with pirates in it
If you're going through a system which either has pirates in it (hey, we all look at the player list) or is a common pirate haunt, then contrary to belief it is not a good idea to dock on a pirate-aligned base at the start of that system. Sure, if the pirates kill you then you can respawn in the same system and try to get through to the other end of your trade run in order to go somewhere else (assuming you use a trade run with more than two stops of course). However, the pirates can demand tax from you again and again. If you get killed again, you respawn at their base again.

Within a couple of cycles of this, the pirates will be right outside waiting for you and your only period of life will be the short period of 'post-launch control' required by the dock killing rule. You then either have a choice between going to do something else until the pirates go offline, and repeating the respawn-die-respawn to infinity. Believe me when I say that you will get bored of the latter before the pirates do. We have a name for people who try this - supernova practise.
That would get the pirates involved sanctioned and/or banned. Read the rules, if you kill someone and they respawn in the same system you MUST allow them to leave unhindered. That goes for traders, opposing forces, anyone.

Second, I don't see many pirates who actually RP. "2 mil or die"? I choose death, it'll cost me much less than that to refill my hold after I respawn. However, if the demand is actually reasonable and, what I consider, in role play, then I'll have a little fun and end up paying in the end. Many of the encounters that pirates complain about is their own fault for not being reasonable.

If you see any of my traders, Fantasma and Independence are my primary traders, and you are about to demand 2 mil then you may as well hit the guns. I will never ever pay that much. Especially considering you're, most likely, not the only pirate along the route aiming to demand as much.

Every time I pirate I only demand 100k. I'm not trying to earn a living as a pirate to buy the next best ship, I'm out there to role play. I don't even care if it's a 5k ship, all I'll ever demand is 100k. AND I'm not rude either. I say please and thank you at every encounter. Remember that Pirates being bad is what they do, not always who they are. They have family they're trying to feed, not an empire to build.

Top 10 tips for traders - Gemini893 - 09-05-2009

Just for reference to those pirates that don't know how to look up rules about engagement:

' Wrote:5. General PvP Rules

5.5 Dock-killing when player is undocking/launching from a planet/base is not allowed.

5.7 A player who was killed in a PvP fight must not enter the system where the fight took place with any of the characters on his/her account(s) until four hours have passed from the time of his/her destruction.

If the player respawns in the same system, he/she must leave the system within 10 minutes of his destruction without engaging anyone, except in self-defense. Other players are not allowed to attack one who is leaving.

5.12 Sanctions for violating PvP rules include a credit/equipment fine (no less than 50 million credits), placing character inside the prison system, banning up to 7 days.

Now you know what NOT to do as a pirate. Do NOT do as Carzor Stelatis says or you'll run across any number of players that will file a sanction report before you're done patting yourself on the back.

Top 10 tips for traders - Exsiled_one - 09-06-2009

Actually if you go to dock to the pirate base, and pirate spots you, tells you to stop and you dock anyway, you are violating the rules of roleplay and will probably be reported.

Also, if you trade lets say.. XY material from California, and you get killed in California for not paying, and you spawn from the base where you bought XY, if you dont want to be pirated, dont buy it again.

If you undock again with the full cargo hold, you're actively participating in activity in that system after your destruction and pirate should be able to do whatever he wants with you.
So don't find loopholes in the trade law, because they aren't there to protect traders, but enforce equality.

Top 10 tips for traders - DarthCloakedGuy - 09-06-2009

I've been known to sneak past pirates by going 20k above the system plane and simply cruising to above the other jump hole (I don't use jump gates, what with smugglering and all)...

Top 10 tips for traders - Grumblesaur - 10-24-2009

Ask the pirate questions. You may get around him or buy yourself time until the cavalry arrives.

Top 10 tips for traders - jxie93 - 10-24-2009

' Wrote:Ask the pirate who can RP questions. You may get around him or buy yourself time until the cavalry arrives.

Top 10 tips for traders - jammi - 10-24-2009

Hmm, but I know for a fact that when I'm pirating, if you haven't paid and the law turns up, I'm giving my notice and killing you. Sucks if you didn't call them and they arrived of their own accord, but that's life. I will proportionally knock down the price based on the quality of RP I'm given though.