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RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Alex_Holmes - 01-11-2013




[Image: 68007184.jpg]


**** FROM: Alexander "Nutter" Holmes ****

**** TO: Sabah Shipyard ****

'ello lads of the Colonial Republic. My name is Alex Holmes, or "the nutter" by my friends, don't know why though...

Anywho, I am sending this message to you guys to see if I can purchase your beautiful looking bomber, the Pytho. If you need to know who I work for, it would be IMG. I also have the goods ready to go, and the cash in hand ready for payment.
So, if there's anything else you need, let me know.

Oh, and did I say how much I admire the design of the Pytho?


RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 01-12-2013

[Image: LiamAnders.png]

Miss Silverfall,

Your payment has been received and registered, the Nyx is awaiting pickup at Sabah. May it serve you well; I am sure my brother will be hearing of your work alongside our pilots in the Taus.

Mr. Holmes,

I am not personally a fan of the Pytho, at least compared to the Nyx. However, it is very functionable and well-designed. Then again, I am only a civilian and the Celestra is most to my tastes...

Post the logs of all deliveries and payment here, and I shall let you know when the ship has been finished.

Liam Anders

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Venture - 01-13-2013

Quote:Right, I suppose even the Zoners are admirers of our ship design. Send over the triple construction costs and we'll make the next hull for yourself. Mind that you'll need to put the power systems and weapons in yourself, which might mean things aren't quite as good as they could be. You're also very likely to have problems with any Outcasts, Gauls or Kusari guys that you run into on the way out, when you're out fighting the Nomads, or whatever.

Now was that so hard?

Frost out.

Sorry for the late response *shrugs* i had a emergency and had to return to my home
planet New London,i shall send the whole amount of the 'Thanatos' to you in three more days,until then,ciao!

-Kind Regards
Daniyal Altaf


RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Sanguines - 01-15-2013

*** Incoming message. ****
*** Encryption: Extremely High. ***
*** Subject: Thanatos class cruiser headed for the tau's need to be constructed ***
*** No visuall: Only audio. ***[/color]


We have met earlier, I am Samantha again. I request the build of a Thanatos class cruiser. Yesterday, a outcast dreadnaught was spotted near Java. This indicates that Outcasts are going to do something big. Therefore, we require this ship for additional defence of Tau 23 and Tau 37.

Its a big request, I know. Therefore, I wont just pay the triple amount, as we need it faster build. I'll be sending down a transport, as well as Captain Serana Fang, which is a cruiser pilot, capible of commanding, with the transport as well. The transport should arrive in 12 hours, if allready respond, from this post.

Name of the cruiser is to be called The Glider.

p.s The Nyx is a very nice craft, and have helped alot lately.
Samantha, Out.
*** End audo transmission ***

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 01-18-2013

[Image: LiamAnders.png]

Mr. Altaf,

If you are indeed still interested in the Thanatos hull, we can start construction as soon as your payment arrives.

Mr. Holmes,

Dockmaster Shepard is still waiting on the materials before commencing the work on your requested Pytho.

Miss Silverfall,

That is good news about the Nyx, I am glad it is serving you well.
As for a cruiser-class vessel, does the Guild not work with repurposed Sagarmatha exploration vessels? The Thanatos is generally considered more useful, but there will be the possibility of repercussions with the Gallic Royal Navy. If approved by the Guild though, construction can begin after the materials and payment are received.
Captain Fang and her crew can also be briefed by a couple of our Fleet Officers on the correct operation of the vessel upon their arrival.

Liam Anders

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 01-20-2013

[Image: EricPearce.png]

Eric Pearce here, calling in from Dounby Station,

I've admired the design of the Nyx since before using my own as a member of the ICMG. Managed to lose it to the Maltese, so I'd put in an order for a new one a while ago.
Gathered all the required materials, sent the payment, and have flown it out to keep up the good fight against the Outcasts. Already thanked Shepard, nice to see he's made it to Dockmaster there.

For the Guild,
Eric Pearce

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Venture - 01-22-2013

Quote:Mr. Altaf,

If you are indeed still interested in the Thanatos hull, we can start construction as soon as your payment arrives.

Alright,the triple construction costs are sent to the following account: CR|-Treasury.
From: =LSF=Eclipse.

This is the link to the transaction:

Awaiting codes.

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Sanguines - 01-22-2013

*** Incoming message. ****
*** Encryption: Extremely High. ***
*** Subject: Reply ***
*** No visuall: Only audio. ***[/color]


I agree, We do have a sargamantha... but the thing is, that craft Serena thinks is pretty darn bad. I prefer my old friend to have a good ship, rather then a rather... well poorly designed one.

Surely, Serena could also get another cruiser if she wishes, but she believes its a fine asset in the asteroids. The sargamantha doesnt have a good design.

Also, Please do not tell the guild about this. It will not be officially tagged as an IMG vessel. Serena is going to deal there with the Outcasts. If the Galic Royal Navy will be mad, so be it. I am good at diplomatics. Thats how I got Serena over in the first place. She's pretty darn stubborn. Heh.

I dont expect to much problems with the Gallic Royal Navy. Remember, I am flying a Nyx too. The only thing I hear is talk, but no fighting whatsoever. Pretty sure that is gonna be the same deal with The Glider once constructed.

Now, To the point of delivering goods, Where should they go and what goods do you require?

Samantha, Out.
*** End audo transmission ***

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - Gypsie - 01-23-2013


Source: Baffin
Encryption: Godly

>>>>> ACCESS GRANTED <<<<<

RE: Sabah Shipyard - Colonial Defense Industries - SummerMcLovin - 01-24-2013

[Image: LiamAnders.png]

Mr. Altaf,

The hull has been finished after the funds were used on the materials, it can be transferred to you when available.

Miss Silverfall,

Very well, you have at least thought this out. As for the Gauls, it seems only to be a problem with larger ships, at least from what the defence coordinators have told us. I hope you know your captain, and that she knows the risks.

We can construct the ship for you, after you transfer the 25 million credit fee and deliver the following parts here at Sabah Shipyard:
Quote:Engine Components x500
High Temperature Alloy x800
Iridium x600
Nanocapacitors x800
Optronics x600
Optical Chips x500
Polymers x1000
Quantum Multiplexors x600
Ship Hull Panels x1200
Super Alloy x600

Ms. Agrippa,

An Eros for Eris...
Our discordian allies have been friends of ours for some time, and you are most welcome to use one of our lighter fighters after it has been constructed.
The triple construction costs, totalling 15 million credits can be transferred to CR|-Treasury and your ship can be picked up after its completion.

Liam Anders