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Coalition Mission Board - Printable Version

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RE: Coalition Mission Board - Ilya - 01-09-2021

SCRA Mission Orders

[Image: UY0VruA.png]

To: SCRA, SCEC, Friends and Allies of the Revolution
Sender: Commander Ilya Kutuzov
Subject: Mission Orders

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]

I have need of scouts to reconnoitre Bretonia and Rheinland for Modular bases to be compiled into a database. Visuals of bases for details of armour and shields are desirable. Secondly, with increased hostilities in the Dublin system, our allies the BRR are outmatched if alone, however we can only respond so fast, I need you to investigate possible forward operating base locations for Gold Wing to to have a rapid response to aid requests. Existing Molly may be considered if we can supply it with Coalition munitions.

Additionally our activists in Bretonia have not been as vocal as I would like, so go and spread news of the People's Revolution, Do try to avoid combat when spreading the word, we cannot win hearts and minds of people we shoot, however you are free to defend yourself.

Glory to the Coalition!

1, Reconnoitre
5,000,000 SC per system, provide visual scans if possible and state, name and sector details of modular base.

2, Forward Base
5,000,000 Details of allied bases, allied modular bases and possible secure locations for a Coalition Base.

3, Spread the news
Spreading the glorious news of the Coalition is its own reward.

Commander Ilya Kutuzov
[Transmission End]

RE: Coalition Mission Board - Ilya - 01-10-2021

[Transmission Begins]
From: Commander Kutuzov, Gold Wing Commander
To: Sirius Coalition Mission Board
Priority: High
[Image: qxvLLHG.gif?dateline=1524834999%5B]
[Message Begins]

Gold Wing pilots in cooperation with Coalition Intelligence have scouted several Bretonia Systems, No changes in New London, Poole, Leeds or Cambridge, additional intelligence below. In line with my instructions, the Coalition Security and Intelligence group have started to compile detailed database, access restricted and shared via Encrypted Data Packet to high ranking officers of the SCRA.

Omega 3 - Several Bases in system
Cronics Trading
Geneva Shipping
Omega Palace
Dreamland Harbour
Faroe Shipping
Globus Holding
Medway Dock

Manchester - only one base
Old Trafford

Newcastle - no modular bases

Bases in Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt and New Berlin
Wismar Shipping
Ruhrpott mining
Soul Shipping
Mining Factory Neuss
Swift Mining Co
Nuremberg Border Station
Ansbach Station

Commander Kutuzov

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminated]

RE: Coalition Mission Board - Ilya - 01-14-2021

SCRA Mission Orders

[Image: UY0VruA.png]

To: SCRA, SCEC, Friends and Allies of the Revolution
Sender: Commander Ilya Kutuzov
Subject: Intelligence Gathering

[Image: CoalitionFlag.png]


Intelligence and Security KBK, requires our services, we have need to know our enemy, more specifically Command officers and Capital Ships.

Supporters in many house systems report difficulty receiving Coalition News service, head out and also spread the news and and remind them that they are not alone.

Mission Details to follow;

Glory to the Coalition!

1, Intelligence Gathering
Provide details of Ships and where possible Commanding officers names of leading and flag ships of Bretonian Navy. Pay particular attention to sector and flag officers, fleet command officers whether in Snub or Capital ships. Visual Scans are optional when practical and not likely to endanger scout. Social Credits will be offered as incentive.

2, Spread the news
Spreading the glorious news of the Coalition is its own reward.

Commander Ilya Kutuzov
[Transmission End]

RE: Coalition Mission Board - Carys - 06-29-2021

Mission: Detection and elimination of the target. Task code name: "Big Catch"

Task briefing: Attention pilots of the Sirius coalition. Omega 49 is one of the important systems for penetrating Breton territory. But at the moment, in the system, let's say, the forces of the corsairs in this system are "forced to be in charge". Your goal will be to locate and eliminate one of the legate class flagships. we know his callsign. the call sign of this ship is Taurus | CNS-Reina.Isabel.

for completing this mission, the pilot will be rewarded with 15 million standard Sirian credits.

Alexander Shmatko.
end of communication.

RE: Coalition Mission Board - Oleg Knyazev - 10-21-2021

[Transmission Begins]
From: Oleg Knyazev
To: Sirius Coalition Mission Board
Priority: High
[Image: qxvLLHG.gif?dateline=1524834999%5B]
Zdraviya zhelauy! Today, when I was on an extraordinary patrol of the Omega-48 system, I came across a rather strange signal near the hole in Omega-3. And he seemed suspicious to me, because the man (who was chatting with someone else talking about the exchange of goods, clearly resembled an ordinary Rhineland in his manner). Arriving at the supposed place of the signal, I saw a cargo ship in Rhineland, which, upon seeing me, started its sustainer engines and wanted to hide. By radio, I ordered him to turn off the cruise engines, but there was no reaction. I caught up with him already in the Omega-3 system, where his death overtook. As it turned out, he was carrying the Coalition prisoners, for which he went to Hell. The prisoners were released and taken to Volgograd.

Sirius Coalition
Коалиция Сириуса
[Transmission Terminated]