RE: BMF| Bretonian Mining and Fabrication - Communication Internal - ViciousJeff - 01-12-2025
▤ ENCRYPTION == █ █ █ █ █
▤ RECIPIENT == Internal Communication - BMF Report
▤ SENDER == Ashleigh Pearson
▤ LOCATION == BMM-BMF H.Q. Isle of Skye
▤ SUBJECT == Back and Ready to Work
Ashleigh Pearson reporting in, once again, after a truly total relaxing vaca that I just didn't want to leave!
But life calls (aka savings ran dry) and it's back to what I know best... mining and hauling for good ol' Bretonian interests...
I've signed on for a number of operations already, and expect to see everyone out there on many more!
Glad to be back!
Best regards,
RE: BMF| Bretonian Mining and Fabrication - Communication Internal - Hitman-76 - 01-13-2025
▤ ENCRYPTION == █ █ █ █ █
▤ RECIPIENT == Security Wing
▤ SENDER == Lock
▤ LOCATION == Isle of Skye,New London
▤ SUBJECT == Patrol
Greetings, I have some news for the security board.
Recent pirate incursions have been increasing throughout Bretonia, and as of such we got some action today. Two pirate vessels named "Bort_Sneed" and "Makaan" ran into a Fortisec patrol gunboat moving in to escort some longhorn classed frigates. The discussion between the patrol ship and the pirates got heated, and everyone started opening fire. The skirmish was short and sweet, with both pirate vessels destroyed. I'd advise that we have more assigned escorts with our transports to ensure their safety, that will be all.
Following evidence below, proof of pirate vessels destruction.
RE: BMF| Bretonian Mining and Fabrication - Communication Internal - ViciousJeff - 01-15-2025
▤ ENCRYPTION == █ █ █ █ █
▤ RECIPIENT == Internal Communication - BMF Report
▤ SENDER == Ashleigh Pearson
▤ LOCATION == BMM-BMF H.Q. Isle of Skye
▤ SUBJECT == Field Report
Finally managed to get a few minutes on base to get a quick report together!
Between short hops supplying our local base assets in Bretonia, to long exports of Gold to different houses with their precious commodities returning to supply our needs, and finally working those Niobium deposits in Tau-23... you guys are gonna push to look back into those precious OS&C getaways! It didn't help that we had that OS&C Tour group along with the Niobium mining - great memories rushing back in while dodging stray asteroids in cold space!
Have you ever heard of 'easing' back into our workload?
Enjoying the work though and getting back with the crews! Added some outtakes from our travels... we often listen to tunes to help keep the energy high... unfortunately it drowns out much of the Blackbox audio...
[15.01.2025 02:57:03] BMF|Fs-Longbow: We are meeting at the planet
[15.01.2025 03:02:10] BMF|Truck: Greetings
[15.01.2025 03:03:05] 2025-01-15 03:03:01 SMT Traffic control alert: BMF|Fs-Crossbow has docked
[15.01.2025 03:03:23] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: welcome
[15.01.2025 03:04:06] BMF|Royal-Charter: buy gold sell at planet harris and come to tau 23
[15.01.2025 03:05:21] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Captain James Robinson : Greetings
[15.01.2025 03:05:22] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: Good day OS&C!
[15.01.2025 03:05:41] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Capt. Robinson : How are you today ?
[15.01.2025 03:06:06] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: Busy as usual! The boss has us going out to Tau-23 today for a run of ore!
[15.01.2025 03:06:18] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: Where ya headed?
[15.01.2025 03:06:28] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : Oh how exciting!!!!
[15.01.2025 03:06:37] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Greetings there OS&C
[15.01.2025 03:06:41] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : May we watch your mining operation?
[15.01.2025 03:06:46] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Captain James Robinson : Greetings
[15.01.2025 03:07:00] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: It would be a pleasure to demonstrate our mining prowess!
[15.01.2025 03:07:16] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : Amazing ... Captain can we ?
[15.01.2025 03:07:20] BMF|Fs-Longbow: You are more then free to join us, however we do fear that your guests might not be engaged by the boredom
[15.01.2025 03:07:30] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Capt. Robinson : Yes of course, Lead the way BMF
[15.01.2025 03:07:54] BMF|Royal-Charter: Hey bro
[15.01.2025 03:07:56] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Greetings From Orbital Spa & Cruise
[15.01.2025 03:08:02] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Hello hehe
[15.01.2025 03:08:09] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Greetings to the Queen Britania and her Crew
[15.01.2025 03:08:17] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Ah excellent! Now the convoy has hot tubs!
[15.01.2025 03:08:18] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: I bring passengers to see the might of BMF operations
[15.01.2025 03:08:29] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Hottubs and clean showers
[15.01.2025 03:08:46] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Oh yes you are all welcome aboard!
[15.01.2025 03:09:12] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Listen when you're dealing with ships, both of those things are like the biggest gifts
[15.01.2025 03:09:18] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: I have lots of whisky also if you would like some !
[15.01.2025 03:09:36] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Thank you Long Live BMF!
[15.01.2025 03:09:43] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Pulling up to Harris, be there soon
[15.01.2025 03:10:21] OSI-Pork.Chop.Express: Ahoy mates!
[15.01.2025 03:10:30] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Greetings Zoner, want to make a quick buck?
[15.01.2025 03:10:33] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Captain James Robinson : Greetings
[15.01.2025 03:10:40] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Capt. Robinson : How are you today ?
[15.01.2025 03:10:58] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: This operation is getting larger by the minute
[15.01.2025 03:10:58] BMF|Golden-Sunset: not worthy to carry any of those gold to harris
[15.01.2025 03:11:11] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Alrighty, coming to 23 with an empty hold
[15.01.2025 03:11:53] Rules Tip: This is a roleplay server, so keep your ship's name in line with the setting. Do not use references to pop-culture such as memes or distasteful subjects.
[15.01.2025 03:12:21] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: closing in on ore field... 15k
[15.01.2025 03:12:53] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : As you look out your windows you will see lots of rocks! what wonders lay inside?
[15.01.2025 03:12:54] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: Reporting for duty!
[15.01.2025 03:13:06] BMF|Fs-Longbow: So Queen Britannia, how do your passangers fair a mining system compared to the exquisit routes?
[15.01.2025 03:13:14] BMF|Royal-Charter: Gretings Spa and Cruise
[15.01.2025 03:13:32] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Please do stand outside the mining area as the radiation might sour the journey
[15.01.2025 03:13:34] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Captain Robinson : Greetings BMF Thank you for having us!
[15.01.2025 03:14:08] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: R : We will try not to get in your way. Oh I'm sure the passengers are very happy to see a real life mining op up close
[15.01.2025 03:14:11] BMF|Fs-Longbow: More then glad to have you with us today, you are the rare sight of or daily opperations
[15.01.2025 03:14:15] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: R : This is not the norm at all
[15.01.2025 03:14:54] BMF|Golden-Sunset: This is BMF Gold 1-3, requesting permission to join the ongoing operation.
[15.01.2025 03:15:04] BMF|Fs-Longbow: If they have any curiosities about our general activities please let us know
[15.01.2025 03:15:12] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: R : We have Bretonian passengers onboard and they are very happy to see their lads in action!
[15.01.2025 03:15:13] BMF|Golden-Sunset: Greetings Queen Britannia
[15.01.2025 03:15:38] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Permission granted Miner, get in here and put on your best performance for our guests
[15.01.2025 03:15:49] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: R : I will hand off to the tour guide then. Good luck on your operation.
[15.01.2025 03:16:12] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : Oh my gosh that rock is so big!
[15.01.2025 03:17:09] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Ah thank ya muchly!
[15.01.2025 03:17:10] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : Now if you look closely you will see the Royal Charcters mining array he is blasting rocks like they are IMG
[15.01.2025 03:17:46] BMF|Fs-Longbow: This beloved miners, is our private contractor for today
[15.01.2025 03:17:54] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: [COMMS] BMF Mining Convoy this is Courier Ship Spirit of Vega on approach.
[15.01.2025 03:18:18] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : Oh how wonderful!
[15.01.2025 03:18:34] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: Receive you loud and clear Spirit of Vega... welcome
[15.01.2025 03:19:02] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Welcome to your assignment today. Grab the ores and we will be delivering this ores to Fortitudine back home in New London
[15.01.2025 03:19:08] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : Now I don't know these two vessels Longbow and Crossbow but look passegers as it comes aside, Such power.
[15.01.2025 03:19:22] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Happy to get here, it's been a turbulent day. Beginning collection operations.
[15.01.2025 03:19:56] BMF|Fs-Longbow: This ships, are the newest additions to our long expedition fleet, ships capable of both defending themselves against bigger
[15.01.2025 03:20:04] BMF|Fs-Longbow: threats and hauling cargo
[15.01.2025 03:20:15] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : See how sercuity provides protection and the miners mine with such grace and oh look the transport is pulling in
[15.01.2025 03:20:41] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : Oh my how intresting do you get a lot of threats out here?
[15.01.2025 03:20:42] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: Our friendly miners need aggressive escorts
[15.01.2025 03:21:03] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Starting on my first delivery, can you confirm the location of Fortitudine?
[15.01.2025 03:21:04] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: Often just our presence is deterrent enough from hostilities
[15.01.2025 03:21:27] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : thats so sad but you gents are so brave to face these dangers. You are the pride of the nation I am sure.
[15.01.2025 03:22:26] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Roger, apologies for that. Ship's NAV data isn't exactly...modern.
[15.01.2025 03:22:33] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: Fortitudine is often spotted from farther out by just the sparkle of gold in its holds, as it catches the sun's light through
[15.01.2025 03:22:36] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: windows
[15.01.2025 03:22:48] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : Now the transport leaves on its dangerous jounery carrying the ..... sorry what are you mining?
[15.01.2025 03:22:51] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Our goal is to provide to the hard working tax payers that finance our activities, so we do not want risk anything
[15.01.2025 03:23:11] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Niobium ore, that will be later refined into Niobium
[15.01.2025 03:23:27] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : Oh yes of course and work hard we see that you do!
[15.01.2025 03:23:27] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Used in many a technical exploits we undertake
[15.01.2025 03:23:28] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: I'm eager to see it though my bridge windows me'self, so far your facilities have been quite impressive!
[15.01.2025 03:23:45] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Tour Guide : Gosh!
[15.01.2025 03:24:08] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Vega make sure your cargo is full, as we are nearly ready to depart
[15.01.2025 03:24:33] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Cargo loaded, awaiting just alongside the ore field.
[15.01.2025 03:24:50] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Queen Britannia, do join us on our way back, as we can and want to ensure your safety
[15.01.2025 03:24:58] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: Operations completed - heading out group
[15.01.2025 03:25:06] BMF|Golden-Sunset: BMF Heavy Armored Convoy, Move on!
[15.01.2025 03:25:08] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Alrigh lads, move out, I will take rear point
[15.01.2025 03:25:16] BMF|Royal-Charter: Greetings apolagies for not speaking to much but you know how work is.
[15.01.2025 03:25:22] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Vega in formation.
[15.01.2025 03:26:11] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Roger, holding position.
[15.01.2025 03:26:24] OS&C|Queen.Britannia: Captain Robinson : We will try to meet up on your next trip up. thank you for allowing us to see what you do up close!
[15.01.2025 03:26:36] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Glad you enjoyed the sight
[15.01.2025 03:27:41] BMF|Fs-Longbow: So tell me Vega, how does a private contractor feel about the size of our movements?
[15.01.2025 03:28:48] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Definitely there's a scale of movement that I'm not used to, the logistics are quite impressive.
[15.01.2025 03:29:38] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Well, these are not rare sighs with us, but we are quite glad to have you with us today, and we enjoy your service
[15.01.2025 03:29:44] BMF|Golden-Sunset: Our shipyard is thrirsty for niobium
[15.01.2025 03:30:11] BMF|Golden-Sunset: We have a barge and a bustard on the production queue.
[15.01.2025 03:30:47] BMF|Golden-Sunset: Isle of Sky shipyard complex is working on max
[15.01.2025 03:30:49] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Happy to be of service, and please call me Robert. The job market in Liberty outside of Naval positions is...less than ideal.
[15.01.2025 03:31:28] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Griff: Glad to have you with then Robet, I am Griff Johnson
[15.01.2025 03:32:44] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Pleasure to meet you Captain, I hope this will be the first of many projects to be working on with you.
[15.01.2025 03:33:13] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Considering a change of pace, might put an application into your firm actually!
[15.01.2025 03:33:24] BMF|Fs-Longbow: We enjoy the service of all our private contractors, but we do have priority for our own
[15.01.2025 03:33:51] BMF|Golden-Sunset: you are most welcome *smiles*.
[15.01.2025 03:34:02] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Of course, understandable.
[15.01.2025 03:34:10] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Do please register on the neural net as we require workforce anytime, anyday
[15.01.2025 03:35:42] BMF|Fs-Longbow: The job safety at BMF is equal to none, you can trust us on that
[15.01.2025 03:38:55] BMF|Fs-Crossbow: Fortitudine... ready to dock
[15.01.2025 03:39:08] 2025-01-15 03:39:04 SMT Traffic control alert: BMF|Fs-Crossbow has docked
[15.01.2025 03:39:56] BMF|Fs-Longbow: If you manage to find a scratch on her, do let me know
[15.01.2025 03:40:22] BMF|Royal-Charter: Shall we?
[15.01.2025 03:40:33] BMF|Golden-Sunset: understood, moving on
[15.01.2025 03:40:35] BMF|Fs-Longbow: Over yonder you have the great flotilla,that keeps us safe, and do place your trust in us, the security divison
[15.01.2025 03:41:12] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: Ah of course, apologies I meant no disrespect!
[15.01.2025 03:41:28] BMF|Fs-Longbow: *Chuckles* None taken there...We understand
[15.01.2025 03:41:56] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: But leeeeet's just say one wall of Molly guns is plenty for me, aha!
[15.01.2025 03:42:13] LCS-Spirit.of.Vega: That was an expensive day...
[15.01.2025 03:42:33] BMF|Fs-Longbow: They have learned they place, as we have taken their ships down
[15.01.2025 03:43:03] 2025-01-15 03:42:59 SMT Traffic control alert: BMF|Fs-Crossbow has docked
Best regards,
![[Image: Jg5oqve.gif]](
![[Image: 243dAVS.png]](
RE: BMF| Bretonian Mining and Fabrication - Communication Internal - Hitman-76 - 01-23-2025
▤ ENCRYPTION == █ █ █ █ █
▤ RECIPIENT == Security Wing
▤ SENDER == Lock
▤ LOCATION == Isle of Skye, New London
▤ SUBJECT == Encounter in New Lodon
Greetings, today was an interesting warmup.
An encounter with a Molly from Dublin happened today, and one of our miners called me in to take it out. I haven't flown a fighter craft in a while but was a good shot, I think. It was an ugly ship if I am honest, but it was taken care of. The callsign of the ship was "Neil.McLoughlin" flying a fighter craft vessel from whatever they get them from. It was armed with lots of missiles, missiles galore, so many annoying warnings of "incoming missile" it was such a nuisance. Luckily the piloting wasn't as good, and he was eventually dispatched from mines and my weapons, civilian weapons, but better than what they had I suppose.
End of report, proof of destruction below.
RE: BMF| Bretonian Mining and Fabrication - Communication Internal - ViciousJeff - 01-27-2025
▤ ENCRYPTION == █ █ █ █ █
▤ RECIPIENT == Internal Communication - BMF Report
▤ SENDER == Ashleigh Pearson
▤ LOCATION == BMM-BMF H.Q. Isle of Skye
▤ SUBJECT == Field Report
Another report in your inbox... better late than never!
I had joined the convoy, using an alternate vessel White-Star, that was headed out from New London delivering parts to the Bristol station in Bering.
Along the way, we encountered one of the Bristol supply ships - first in Texas and next outside of the very base we were selling our cargo! We displayed fabulous BMF manners and came away with the knowledge that their base is always in need of Niobium for it's operations - please pass those details up the chain! Maybe that's another convoy in the future!
Our return home was routine and I was able to dock this vessel on Fortitutine, hoping my own ship is available for the next foray out of the system. This one pulls a bit to the right...
[18.01.2025 01:37:45] BMF|White-Star: Good day Bristol!
[18.01.2025 01:37:52] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Hello there.
[18.01.2025 01:37:56] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: Greetings!
[18.01.2025 01:38:08] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: Safe Travels!
[18.01.2025 01:38:13] BMF|White-Star: To you as well!
[18.01.2025 01:38:19] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : Aye you too mate
[18.01.2025 01:52:01] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: Hello again!
[18.01.2025 01:52:11] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Hello there.
[18.01.2025 01:52:12] BMF|White-Star: Hello again Bristol! We've been supplying the base!
[18.01.2025 01:52:30] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: Ah, the help is much appreciated!
[18.01.2025 01:53:13] BMF|White-Star: Ah, we come for the profit, but stay for the Bering atmosphere!
[18.01.2025 01:53:40] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: It is nice! Peaceful out here away from the traffic, too!
[18.01.2025 01:54:08] BMF|White-Star: It is quite lovely with the Sun against the multiple asteroid formations.
[18.01.2025 01:54:13] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : It is peaceful out here.
[18.01.2025 01:54:28] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : Dont normally come this way really
[18.01.2025 01:54:53] BMF|White-Star: Any further suggestions on what products we can help source?
[18.01.2025 01:54:57] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : I hear this place used to have a problem with pirates actually. is this true?
[18.01.2025 01:55:17] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: Ah, fair. I dont often run into BMM either. But let me check what we need
[18.01.2025 01:55:28] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: One moment
[18.01.2025 01:55:29] 2025-01-18 01:55:25 SMT Traffic control alert: Profit.Margins has docked
[18.01.2025 01:56:25] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: Well some Niobium would be good, But thats the furthest trip I believe
[18.01.2025 01:56:51] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : Oh yeah thats a wee bit long of a trip from here aye.
[18.01.2025 01:57:00] BMF|White-Star: Well, we mine it. I can toss the idea up to the brass and see if they bite! We may be back if supply available...
[18.01.2025 01:57:19] BMF|Gold-Kitty: Greetings laddies
[18.01.2025 01:57:31] BMF|Ebejer: Greetings gents
[18.01.2025 01:57:32] BMF|White-Star: Finally! We thought we lost you...
[18.01.2025 01:57:36] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : Oh hello dear
[18.01.2025 01:57:44] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: It certianly would be helpful!
[18.01.2025 01:57:45] BMF|Gold-Kitty: Never, just the detour has take as a bit longer to manage
[18.01.2025 01:57:46] BMF|Ebejer: Well i took a wrong turn
[18.01.2025 01:57:50] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: Greetings!
[18.01.2025 01:57:51] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : Hello mate
[18.01.2025 01:57:54] BMF|Ebejer: That Gin was too good
[18.01.2025 01:58:04] BMF|White-Star: You guys and your 'scenic' routes...
[18.01.2025 01:58:21] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : Well the bar tender must love you haha
[18.01.2025 01:58:26] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: Quite the convoy today!
[18.01.2025 01:58:49] 2025-01-18 01:58:44 SMT Traffic control alert: BMF|Gold-Kitty has docked
[18.01.2025 01:59:00] 2025-01-18 01:58:56 SMT Traffic control alert: BMF|Ebejer has docked
[18.01.2025 01:59:08] BMF|White-Star: BMF rolls with full complement when we can!
[18.01.2025 01:59:33] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: I would too, If I was coming all this way! The numbers always help
[18.01.2025 01:59:53] BMF|Gold-Kitty: Well ladies and gentleman, we must proceed with our dealings
[18.01.2025 01:59:55] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : Well it makes good company aye
[18.01.2025 02:00:03] BMF|Ebejer: Glad to meet you
[18.01.2025 02:00:11] BMF|White-Star: Thanks for the information! Safe skies!
[18.01.2025 02:00:12] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: Best of luck to you all! Nice meeting you aswell!
[18.01.2025 02:00:13] BMF|Gold-Kitty: Form up and let us proceed as I do believe we will make a hasty return here
[18.01.2025 02:00:19] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : Take it easy there mate
[18.01.2025 02:00:30] BMF|Jock.Stewart: Jock : see you
[18.01.2025 02:00:31] BMF|Gold-Kitty: You will catch us back here soon, take care and safe skies
[18.01.2025 02:00:46] Profit.Margins: Ramsey: Safe skies to you aswell, I look forward to it
[18.01.2025 02:03:48] BMF|Jock.Stewart: here
[18.01.2025 02:04:04] BMF|Jock.Stewart: in formation
Best regards,
![[Image: Jg5oqve.gif]](
![[Image: 243dAVS.png]](
RE: BMF| Bretonian Mining and Fabrication - Communication Internal - ViciousJeff - 01-27-2025
▤ ENCRYPTION == █ █ █ █ █
▤ RECIPIENT == Internal Communication - BMF Report
▤ SENDER == Ashleigh Pearson
▤ LOCATION == BMM-BMF H.Q. Isle of Skye
▤ SUBJECT == Field Report
Each report filed is another off the list on the datapad! I'll get through them all I swear!
This trip had my trusty old Shetland ready to head out with the gang to the Taus - put in some time in the Niobium fields to supply Bretonia's need for the resources.
Fairly routine convoy until we reached our mining destination - to find an IMG operation with a Zoner hauler already underway.
Fortunately they saw fit enough to vacate the area and allow our mission to continue without incident. That didn't stop the boys from puffing out their chests a bit - give 'em some ships with guns and they think they own the sector!
All in all, a successful harvest, all dropped back at base for processing before it gets used in Isle of Skye's busy shipyards.
[21.01.2025 02:06:08] BMF|Fs-Longbow: ?: Greetings... IMG.
[21.01.2025 02:06:46] BMF|Fs-Longbow: ?: Ahem, I have some news for you.
[21.01.2025 02:07:12] BMF|Fs-Longbow: ?: *unrolls a scroll* According to this Royal Charter, BMF rightfully owns the system of Tau-23, and all of its resources.
[21.01.2025 02:07:55] |TIP|Mike_One: that is hard to believe according to nav data and info links
[21.01.2025 02:08:36] BMF|Golden-Sunset: Maddog: Well let's put it this way, we can offer you a one time pass to behave and move away from here based on our good will
[21.01.2025 02:09:08] BMF|Golden-Sunset: Or we can show the other side of the scroll
[21.01.2025 02:09:18] BMF|Fs-Longbow: ?: Agreed, considering this is your first time offence, we will just let you go home.
[21.01.2025 02:09:31] BMF|Fs-Longbow: ?: Or that. *sips tea*
[21.01.2025 02:10:05] BMF|Golden-Sunset: Maddog: We are going to be taking away your little thefts and we can let you continue elsewhere
[21.01.2025 02:10:12] |TIP|Mike_One: well well you leave me no choice.. but could my hired hauler at least finish his job?
[21.01.2025 02:10:27] BMF|Fs-Longbow: ?: *raised eyebrow* Hauler?
[21.01.2025 02:10:35] BMF|Fs-Longbow: ?: You mean, this Zoner?
[21.01.2025 02:10:41] BMF|Golden-Sunset: Maddog: Okay, he can but do it fast
[21.01.2025 02:10:42] |TIP|Mike_One: him yes i hired him
[21.01.2025 02:10:48] BMF|Fs-Longbow: ?: Fine, fast.
[21.01.2025 02:11:11] BMF|Fs-Longbow: ?: Will that be all?
[21.01.2025 02:11:15] BMF|Ashleigh.Pearson,: See boys, I knew they'd be cooperative. There's no need for conflict today
[21.01.2025 02:11:20] BMF|Golden-Sunset: Maddog: Ok guys lets clean up and see to our exploits
[21.01.2025 02:11:41] BMF|Fs-Longbow: ?: Good, gunners, secure the perimeter.
[21.01.2025 02:11:48] BMF|Golden-Sunset: Maddog: Indeed Miss Pearson, but they generally do not act that good willed
Best regards,
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RE: BMF| Bretonian Mining and Fabrication - Communication Internal - Vlaicone(Ted) - 02-05-2025
▤ ENCRYPTION == █ █ █ █ █
▤ RECIPIENT == Internal Communication||CC: Dylan Hunt
▤ SENDER == Mark "Maddog" Harris
▤ LOCATION == Isle of Skye,New London
▤ SUBJECT == Expeditionary Fleet
Good day, Mr Hunt.
I am pleased to announce that the final preparation for the expeditionary fleet. Today we've done the first incursion within "Tau-23". All readings were optimal as we have managed to move the fleet in it's near entirety, as we have managed to bring the Bustard Class Carrier "Mob Office" the sister ships from Bristol "Catapult" and "Ballista" and our mighty strong "Archons"
We are also glad to report that we have experimented with the recently build jump drive that was outfitted to the "Mob Office" which gave us the head start and a quick entrance within the Taus and cut the duration of our mission by nearly fifty (50) percent which should be the desirable standard strategy for our expeditionary missions for the foreseeable future.
The convoy was also very fruitful as we have manage to bring somewhere north of ten thousand (10.000) units of the needed "Niobium Ore" which should put us back on schedule with our production. For future reference we are going to venture more into Tau-23 as we have already established a presence and it seems that the Independent Miners Guild and associates, have yet to show their heads to us which given the capabilities of the fleet, we are quite sure that won't stand a chance.
With tremendous respect, your truly,
RE: BMF| Bretonian Mining and Fabrication - Communication Internal - Shoebill - 02-16-2025
▤ RECIPIENT == Internal Communication - BMF Employees
▤ SENDER == Jock Stewart
▤ LOCATION == Fortitudine, New London System, United Kingdom of Bretonia
▤ SUBJECT == Training Complete - Full Membership - Passing Out
▤ PRIORITY == P-4 Low
▤ AUDIO == On
▤ VIDEO == On
▤ TEXT == Subtitled
Hello there,
Jock Stewart here lads and today is a new day and I start it off with bringing news of congratulations success and achievement for two of our new recruits have passed muster completing their basic training and successfully returned on their initiation mission alive.
Recruits Voss Orion and Aaron Hunter you have successfully passed out, Well done gentlemen our hats are off to you. I didn't make it easy on you and put you to work. Both of you were sharp and steady and eager to learn and did your part and earned your keep. That is exactly the type of people we are looking for, enjoy all the success riches and kinsmanship coming your way.
I know we surprised you both in different ways and only people who enter on this journey will understand this. That is the BMF way its what we do and we pass this spirit on to you both to carry forward in your work effort and how you treat others that join us and cross our paths.
You were both brave in the face of the unknown today, all your skills were put to the test on that last mission and you succeeded in the dark depths of the unknown and returned victorious even with jealous and greedy eyes were upon you. Unable to work hard themselves and so they would rather steal, Where they failed you succeeded.
Never forget you are a cut above the rest.
Your paper work gentlemen...
˃ 01
Surname : Voss
First / Middle names : Orion
Training : Passed
Status : Full Member
Out of Roleplay Information
Passing Out Ship :BMF|Randy.Bills
˃ 02
Surname : Hunter
First / Middle names : Aaron
Training : Passed
Status : Full Member
Out of Roleplay Information
Passing Out Ship : BMF|Faraday
• > Mining Operations / Hauling Gold Ore √
• > Transporting Gold Bars √
• > Collecting & Returning Fabrication Items √
• > Base Supplies √
• > Mining - Hegemon √
• > Mining - Archon √
• > Mining - Clydesdale √
• > Mining - Exotic Materials √
• > Hostile Evasion √
Notes : Both candidates exceed operational expectations one would expect of a cadet and should be rewarded for their efforts. I furthermore recommend the advanced combat instructors look them over to see what they got or give some pointers.
Jock Stewart
RE: BMF| Bretonian Mining and Fabrication - Communication Internal - Shoebill - 03-01-2025
▤ RECIPIENT == Internal Communication - BMF Biff Dickenson
▤ SENDER == Jock Stewart
▤ LOCATION == A Pub, New London, New London System, United Kingdom of Bretonia
▤ SUBJECT == Training Complete - Full Membership - Passing Out
▤ PRIORITY == P-4 Low
▤ AUDIO == On
▤ VIDEO == On
▤ TEXT == Subtitled
Biff Mate how are you?
I've got good news for you mate there is no need for you to do a Passing Out Mission or Parade your a old veteran just like myself and I've already seen you in combat and worked with you on many mining ops now and smuggling intercepts, not only that I see you teaching people tricks of the trade as we work, not only that you have completed all of your training and already went to that very special place we would do your finial mission... I hereby give you a field promotion and full membership to BMF congratulations brother and I'll order us some New London gin while I wait for you to get here.
˃ 01
Surname : Dickenson
First / Middle names : Biff
Training : Passed
Status : Full Member
Out of Roleplay Information
Passing Out Ship :BMF|Biff.Dickenson[R]
˃ Training Completed
• > Mining Operations / Hauling Gold Ore √
• > Transporting Gold Bars √
• > Collecting & Returning Fabrication Items √
• > Base Supplies √
• > Mining - Archon √
• > Mining - Clydesdale √
• > Mining - Exotic Materials √
• > Hostile Evasion √
• > Combat Exercises √
• > Smuggling Interceptions √
Well done again mate, Cheers!,
Jock Stewart