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To: [FL-ER] »» From: Nebula Complex - Printable Version

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RE: To: [FL-ER] »» From: Nebula Complex - Langolier - 02-20-2017

[Image: qpJd0MJ.png]

[Image: PJzqych.jpg]

<<<User ID ::: Cpt. Jack Burton>>>

<<<Encryption ::: Standard>>>

<<<Location ::: Planet New London>>>

<<<Recipient ::: Mr. Wrex Kennedy>>>

<<<Subject ::: Reinforced Alloy>>>

[Image: eSl6SVB.png]

Hello Mr. Kennedy! Just taking a moment to send you the info on that Reinforced Alloy we made a deal on. I've sent my report to HQ of your desire to continue the contracts that were in place with the previous administrator, so they should be in the loop now, expect to hear from someone soon.


Again, it was very nice to meet you Mr. Kennedy and I hope all goes well for you and Nebula Complex in the future.
Until next time...

Cpt. Jack Burton

[Image: wbx8bAZ.png]

[Image: h3HOjdf.png]