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Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Printable Version

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RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Thyrzul - 06-30-2017

It's still weird that you call yourselves foreign legion while not being entirely foreign.

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Royal Navy Foreign Legion - 06-30-2017

(06-30-2017, 06:57 AM)Thyrzul Wrote: It's still weird that you call yourselves foreign legion while not being entirely foreign.

Hey Thyrzul.

I see what you mean and the idea initially was to have that but with the way in which gallic lore is set out where the nobility are largely xenomorphic made that idea unfeasible.

So I think being a foreign legion where a large part of our conscripts are foreigners but with the commanding officers and high command being of gallic origin made a lot more sense. We have become a focal point of recruitment for Sirians that want to serve in the Gallic Navy that would otherwise have had no other means to join up.

SO I feel we still fill the role of a Foreign Legion, it seems more ordered now Smile

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - sindroms - 07-06-2017

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Skorak - 08-17-2017

Reopened for feedback.

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Tunicle - 08-26-2017

"We realise you have waited a while, which in some respects allowed the potential to vigourously strengthen your submission, however currently your approach in game and on forums is not setting the levels of example we would hope for in an Official Faction."

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Black Widow - 08-26-2017

Well if you had voted on our request when it was due to be voted on ie start of july our activity was much higher in fact we dominated the gallic scene. But instead we got excuses that they were being put on hold because of the tracker. Even this was knowledge to the admins before we made our request to be official. Thus being put on ice meant we got bored of waiting hence our decline is in part the greens fault.

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Teresa Brooks - 08-26-2017

Alas, we didn't make it for reasons. Kindly make public the vote like you did to/for MRG|. I'm curious.

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Black Widow - 08-26-2017

Exo there is no need to see any public vote here the vote means nothing to me, fact is when we posted our request we actually waited the full 2 months without word from the admins about any kind of tracker requirement only to be dropped 2 days before our vote was due in july because of the tracker being off.

During those initial two month after our request had been made we dominated Gallia and brought it to life.

Only then did others the MRG and AG| start to follow suit perhaps fearing the dominance we may have mustered if they had not started up too.

The fact is Royal Navy Foreign Legion is Gallia its a new face for it with fresh ideas and a new approach it is a step away from the dark ages of the closed GRN| elites and their rebirth as MRG|.

Our decline in presence as is all other factions that have posted is requests is purely due to the admin pause on our requests for an 'indefinite amount of time'

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Thunderer - 08-26-2017

Everyone can fall. But if you deserve what you are asking for here, you will rise again.

Also, do you mind raiding Bretonia? For the past few months, all raids involving the GRN were invasions on the GRN, and none by the GRN.

RE: Royal Navy Foreign Legion - [RN] - Black Widow - 08-26-2017

(08-26-2017, 05:47 PM)Tunicle Wrote: "We realise you have waited a while, which in some respects allowed the potential to vigourously strengthen your submission, however currently your approach in game and on forums is not setting the levels of example we would hope for in an Official Faction."

What does this even mean Tunicle? No, yes, maybe?