RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Capt. Henry Morgan - 07-23-2018
From: Agent Mountbatten, SIS
Location: SIS Headquarters, New London
To: SIS Defence Intelligence Staff
Subject: Update
While returning from the Taus yesterday, I encountered a Natio Octavarium fighter (callsign: Utsusemi) near Freeport 6. We had a brief conversation, during the course of which the pilot reported an increase in aluminum ore shipping through Tau-23 by the Gallic Metal Service. The Octavarium pilot conjectured that the ore was being used for the lane construction project. That would be consistent with what we know of their aims in the region, but a single data point isn't really enough for a proper analysis. I have attached my comm log to this message, as well as a data dump from my vessel's scanner array from my recent trip through the Tau systems. Hopefully somebody at home will find it useful.
File Attachment: SIS/SM.COMMLOG.NOT29-8250722/0123-0130
[23.07.2018 01:22:57] NO-Utsusemi: ... Well, how about that.
[23.07.2018 01:23:32] [SIS]-Sarah.Mountbatten: Hello there.
[23.07.2018 01:23:37] [SIS]-Sarah.Mountbatten: Any news on the Tau front?
[23.07.2018 01:23:51] NO-Utsusemi: GMS seems to be moving more ore through 23 recently.
[23.07.2018 01:24:00] NO-Utsusemi: Other than that, nothing in particular.
[23.07.2018 01:24:28] [SIS]-Sarah.Mountbatten: Any word on what the ore's for?
[23.07.2018 01:24:46] NO-Utsusemi: They aren't exactly forthcoming about it. All I know is they're moving a lot of aluminium.
[23.07.2018 01:25:06] NO-Utsusemi: The transport grunts probably aren't briefed on the details. Less to get into enemy hands that way.
[23.07.2018 01:25:06] [SIS]-Sarah.Mountbatten: I wouldn't expect them to be. Still, any bit of information helps.
[23.07.2018 01:25:52] NO-Utsusemi: Speculation, probably related to the lane construction projects.
[23.07.2018 01:26:27] NO-Utsusemi: They pushed into Bretonia too fast to even finish work in Tau-23, but they're not leaving it incomplete.
[23.07.2018 01:26:41] [SIS]-Sarah.Mountbatten: I hope something can be done before they can shore up their lines.
[23.07.2018 01:27:04] [SIS]-Sarah.Mountbatten: If only the Kusari hadn't caved, we might have pushed them back to their own borders by now.
[23.07.2018 01:27:21] [SIS]-Sarah.Mountbatten: But, that's operations, not really my area.
[23.07.2018 01:27:24] NO-Utsusemi: It's expected. Never expect more from Kusari.
[23.07.2018 01:27:49] [SIS]-Sarah.Mountbatten: *bitterly* They were brave enough when they were winning...
[23.07.2018 01:28:01] NO-Utsusemi: That's always how it goes.
[23.07.2018 01:28:18] NO-Utsusemi: Brave and honorable in victory, disgusting cowards the rest of the time.
[23.07.2018 01:28:32] [SIS]-Sarah.Mountbatten: I really should move on, though. I'm sure word of my presence here is already heading north, and I'd rather not wait around for the inevitable response.
[23.07.2018 01:29:13] NO-Utsusemi: Understandable. Fly well.
[23.07.2018 01:29:34] [SIS]-Sarah.Mountbatten: You as well. Keep up the pressure on the enemy. You're not alone in the fight!
File Attachment: SIS/SM.SCANDUMP.TREG-8250722
In Her Majesty's Service,
Lady Sarah Mountbatten, Agent
Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service
RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Capt. Henry Morgan - 07-30-2018
From: Agent Mountbatten, SIS
Location: SIS Safehouse, Sprague
To: SIS Defence Intelligence Staff
Subject: Operation Treasure Chest
After receiving orders to scout the Ω2 system, I drew a modified Arrastra-class mining ship from SIS ship pool. My usual assigned ship was being fitted with a cloaking device at that time, and was consequently out of service. I also felt that a mining ship would draw less attention in the region. It was a sensible precaution as I received no hostile attention, or attention of any kind, during this mission. My findings follow.
The Ω2 system appears to be a young one. The system is centred on a red dwarf with a prominent accretion disk and protoplanets in various stages of development.
I entered the system from the Ω7 Jump Hole and found myself in a lava field. My sensors indicated that it was likely the result of a protoplanetary collision. The field appears to contain exploitable amounts of uncut diamonds.
In addition to the jump hole to Ω7, I also located jump holes to Ω3, Ω47, and Ω54. The Ω3 and Ω47 jump holes are located in otherwise unremarkable gas clouds, though the area surrounding the Ω47 hole contains pockets of explosive gas. The jump hole to Ω54 is located inside a larger lava field which also appears to contain exploitable amounts of uncut diamonds. The area surrounding the Ω54 jump hole contains pockets of explosive gas.
There are two prominent protoplanets in the accretion disk, designated Leisi and Salme. Both are in the early stages of formation, are still molten and have yet to clear their orbits of debris. Neither protoplanet appears to be of more than scholarly interest. In the area near Salme, I located a beacon laid by earlier prospectors in an area rich in uncut diamonds. The rest of the accretion disk does not appear to be rich in exploitable resources, though it may warrant a second look by explorers better outfitted for the task.
Aside from the prospector's beacon, I located no other signs of any permanent presence in the system.
Leisi Protoplanet
Salme Protoplanet
Accretion Disk Mineable Zone
In Her Majesty's Service,
Lady Sarah Mountbatten, Agent
Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service
RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Kaze - 08-02-2018
[To]: Defence Intelligence Staff
[From]: Boudica, [SIS]
[Subject]: Midnight Runner
[Encryption]: High
Good evening, SIS.
I am reporting about the events of yesterday, regarding a transport of that was acknowledged to have several advances on technology. Said transport was staked to leave Freeport Nine, heading towards Freeport One and the movement called the attention of several entities around. Our contact within Freeport Nine delivered the notice to me and SISTER notified me that a 404 agent was also in the region and that it would be of help, a Christina Robinson.
Auxesia, AI, Nomads, Corsairs, Freelancers, Hessians and Zoners soon swarmed the Freeport Nine, waiting to see said transport leaving the docks. One of the signatures was our asset, Ezrael Vertiga, in the Apahanta that promptly cloaked and without a doubt followed the event from a safe distance.
Hostilities erupted as several Cultist signatures attacked the convoy. As we were busy defending the transport, the AI, Nomads and Auxesia alongside freelancers started to engage the Corsairs. Between all that, even MND arrived to scene to offer its help against the cultist forces. However, all of the major players in capital class vessels decided to engage the heavily armored transport as well fighting their opposite cliques.
Myself, the 404 Agent and the MND intercepted several missile attacks launched at the transport within the Gamma system, and continued to press on. In this, I was threatened and attacked by the Auxesia capital, Eidolon alongside the AI and nomads. Even as I was engaged with the nomad signatures, it kept shooting at me, providing close fire support to said Nomads, as several witnesses can attest and as the logs and images can confirm.
In Omega-41, the MND agent was victim to a nova strike from one of the cultists, leaving myself and Agent Robinson to fend of for ourselves while the transport kept moving on at impulse being engaged by the Auxesia and AI capitals. Finally in Omega-5, we managed to allow the transport to gain some distance as we tied up most of the engaging forces.
Unfortunately, it was too badly damaged in Omega-3 and received severe damage from the Auxesia and AI. Meanwhile, Hessian forces arrived to the site and started to shoot the nomad signatures. However it did not fired upon the Auxesia and AI capitals that were still actively engaging me and completely disregarded their movement towards and into Omega-5, preferring to shoot Agent Robinson within Omega-3, since she was obviously the most dangerous element to Bretonia, Hessians and whatever was in a 100 KM range.
Excuse, sarcasm does not agree to me. As I said, Hessians chose to shoot one fighter vessel over the Auxesia and AI capitals going into Omega-5, even although having capital assets of their own. I ordered the Hessian to desist and he promptly ignored me, keeping on shooting, as if it wanted to press the matter. I ordered the 404 agent to move towards Sprague and decided to engage the Hessian fighter. After gaining its attention, the 404 managed to escape and I retreated back to Sprague where the Hessian was forced to actually think with its brain for once and left the scene, not before spouting nonsense regarding Omega-3.
Final assessment of the whole situation:
- Auxesia and AI are clearly working with or working under the Nomad influence.
- Hessians do not care to uphold the ongoing discussions over the NAP.
- Ezreal Vertiga may have further information, contact is advised.
[31.07.2018 22:22:49] CNS-Marbella: ?: I suspect as long as we don't make an issue, then we won't cause one.
[31.07.2018 22:22:49] comlogs213: vlad what ship is that
[31.07.2018 22:22:56] tC-Alpha: <Hub Status: Numerious Contacts Detected>
[31.07.2018 22:23:40] 2018-07-31 22:23:41 SMT Traffic control alert: God_Particle has requested to dock
[31.07.2018 22:23:51] Sensation: What the...
[31.07.2018 22:25:01] CONSOLE: The Midnight Runner will depart Freeport 9 for Freeport 1.
[31.07.2018 22:25:29] CNS-Marbella: ?: Si. Now, let's see this amigo on.
[31.07.2018 22:25:41] 2018-07-31 22:25:42 SMT Traffic control alert: Sensation has requested to dock
[31.07.2018 22:25:43] [SIS]-Boudica: Well time to go.
[31.07.2018 22:25:59] [SIS]-Boudica: Bombers!
[31.07.2018 22:27:04] 2018-07-31 22:27:05 SMT Traffic control alert: The.Apahanta has requested to dock
[31.07.2018 22:27:15] 2018-07-31 22:27:16 SMT Traffic control alert: The.Apahanta has requested to dock
[31.07.2018 22:28:38] The.Apahanta: Vertiga: Corsairs, AI. We have capacities to take on those bombers, if you allow us to engage them without firing on us.
[31.07.2018 22:29:17] Vagrant.Lesser.Klytia: *It approaches the big group, staying at a distance for now to take in the situation.*
[31.07.2018 22:29:24] The.Midnight.Runner: Destroy those bombers before we proceed.
[31.07.2018 22:29:54] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: It is of no worry.
[31.07.2018 22:30:23] tC-Alpha: <Scanning Local Constructs>
[31.07.2018 22:30:35] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: <:: Object detected. ::>
[31.07.2018 22:30:49] tC-Kappa: <Hub Status: Large variety of vessels detected>
[31.07.2018 22:31:06] Christina:404: Well I'm here Boudica. Aaaaand so is everyone else it seems.
[31.07.2018 22:31:14] CONSOLE: The Midnight Runner reached Omicron Gamma on its way to Freeport 1.
[31.07.2018 22:31:41] [SIS]-Boudica: Evening, Ms. Robinson.
[31.07.2018 22:31:56] [SIS]-Boudica: It seems you received my call after all.
[31.07.2018 22:32:10] Christina:404: Evening. Of course, I wouldn't turn down an opportunity for a joint operation.
[31.07.2018 22:32:12] CNS-Marbella: ?: Appears we have Auxesian raiders inbound.
[31.07.2018 22:32:27] tC-Alpha: <Hub Status: Useful Material Detected - Curious>
[31.07.2018 22:32:35] Sensation: Runner, 5 millions to keep you safe?
[31.07.2018 22:32:45] tC-Kappa: <Hub Status: Synchronizing objective>
[31.07.2018 22:32:51] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Scanning object...
[31.07.2018 22:32:54] The.Midnight.Runner: We will reward anyone suitably once we reach the destination.
[31.07.2018 22:32:57] CNS-Marbella: ?: Hola, amigos!
[31.07.2018 22:33:01] Sensation: Fine with me.
[31.07.2018 22:33:09] [SIS]-Boudica: Targets
[31.07.2018 22:33:14] [SIS]-Boudica: All scope is red.
[31.07.2018 22:33:21] Scarab|CV-Amenhotep: Kalh: Wonder what the 404 is doing so far from home...
[31.07.2018 22:33:55] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: <:: Technological cache detected ::>
[31.07.2018 22:34:28] [SIS]-Boudica: Iota Beta signature
[31.07.2018 22:34:34] tC-Alpha: <Hub-Slave: Syncing Objectives>
[31.07.2018 22:34:39] [SIS]-Boudica: Keep watch.
[31.07.2018 22:35:23] [SIS]-Boudica: Hm.
[31.07.2018 22:36:53] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Consensus, synchronise tactical network.
[31.07.2018 22:36:58] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: We're behind you.
[31.07.2018 22:37:11] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: <:: Systems charged ::>
[31.07.2018 22:37:11] Inga.Becker: Cretans and the Order, jointly protecting... Something. Disregarding Nomad presence in the area entirely.
[31.07.2018 22:37:19] Liquid.Sniper: "Hey, you know, I was hired for shoot tings for Auxesia. So, here we go."
[31.07.2018 22:37:25] tC-Alpha: <Hub Status: Optimum Timing>
[31.07.2018 22:37:27] Inga.Becker: Not a good sight.
[31.07.2018 22:37:34] CNS-Marbella: ?: We'll remove the Nomads as well as the raiders.
[31.07.2018 22:37:37] Vagrant.Lesser.Klytia: *It moves towards the bigger ships, beginning to glow.*
[31.07.2018 22:37:43] tC-Alpha: <Hub Status: Charging Weapons>
[31.07.2018 22:37:55] Scarab|CV-Amenhotep: Kalh: Raven, I will protect you! Assisting Allys...
[31.07.2018 22:38:03] tC-Kappa: <Hub Status: Synchronizing objective>
[31.07.2018 22:38:04] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Time to remove.
[31.07.2018 22:38:05] [SIS]-Boudica: *Allies.
[31.07.2018 22:38:17] Scarab|CV-Amenhotep: Kalh: Revenge, attacking the Keeper is not a good Idea, firing all weapons!
[31.07.2018 22:38:19] tC-Sigma: <Hub Status: Syncronizing Objectives>
[31.07.2018 22:38:28] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Proceed with the salvaging.
[31.07.2018 22:38:34] [SIS]-Boudica: Robinson, keep watch of the transport.
[31.07.2018 22:39:24] Inga.Becker: Bretonian intelligence as well... Do tell, agent. What makes this ship so valuable to aid the Cretans?
[31.07.2018 22:39:30] Sensation: Moving in to protect the convoy.
[31.07.2018 22:39:32] Sensation: Weapons hot.
[31.07.2018 22:39:34] Vagrant.Lesser.Klytia: *It circles around the edges of the fight.*
[31.07.2018 22:39:54] [SIS]-Boudica: Make yourself useful for a change.
[31.07.2018 22:40:00] Death: [ECG]=Revenge= was put out of action by tC-Alpha (Gun).
[31.07.2018 22:40:10] Inga.Becker: I am surprised by your overly hostile attitude.
[31.07.2018 22:40:18] tC-Sigma: <Hub Status: Syncronizing Objectives>
[31.07.2018 22:40:22] [SIS]-Boudica: Excuse me while I am getting shot at.
[31.07.2018 22:40:23] Vagrant.Lesser.Klytia: *It syncs its attacks with the Auxesian vessel for maximum effect.*
[31.07.2018 22:40:32] <(o)>Phantom-2: And what are you doing here, Inga?
[31.07.2018 22:40:45] Inga.Becker: I will let you guess.
[31.07.2018 22:41:07] <(o)>Phantom-2: You've come here to judge the actions of other people?
[31.07.2018 22:41:12] Christina:404: What on earth is happening here.
[31.07.2018 22:41:20] Inga.Becker: You can put it that way, I cannot possibly stop you.
[31.07.2018 22:41:32] Death: Goeben was put out of action by tC-Sigma (Gun).
[31.07.2018 22:41:33] Goeben: really ?
[31.07.2018 22:41:39] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Liquid, you will be compensated as necessary to continue assistance
[31.07.2018 22:41:41] <(o)>Phantom-2: Well all I can say IU hope I will behave exactly the way you want me to.
[31.07.2018 22:41:53] Christina:404: ill focus on covering you for now
[31.07.2018 22:42:00] Liquid.Sniper: "Of course, without any problems, boss."
[31.07.2018 22:42:49] Death: Scarab|CV-Amenhotep was put out of action by tC-Kappa (Missile/Torpedo).
[31.07.2018 22:42:58] 2018-07-31 22:43:00 SMT
[31.07.2018 22:43:05] comlogs213: cant you go any faster
[31.07.2018 22:43:14] Christina:404: resuming escort.
[31.07.2018 22:43:16] comlogs213: sorry
[31.07.2018 22:43:25] Death: CNS-Marbella was put out of action by choices (Gun).
[31.07.2018 22:43:30] The.Midnight.Runner: Combat is over.
[31.07.2018 22:43:31] Christina:404: Looks like we've both got a bit s o far
[31.07.2018 22:43:35] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Assisting against us was a fatal error, Intelligence operatives.
[31.07.2018 22:43:36] Vagrant.Lesser.Klytia: *It veers off to wait.*
[31.07.2018 22:43:37] The.Midnight.Runner: Resuming impulse speed
[31.07.2018 22:43:49] comlogs213: roger that
[31.07.2018 22:43:52] [SIS]-Boudica: Assisting who?
[31.07.2018 22:44:00] Christina:404: Neither of us fired upon you ...
[31.07.2018 22:44:10] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You killed the one protecting us.
[31.07.2018 22:44:12] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Regardless,
[31.07.2018 22:44:15] [SIS]-Boudica: I killed who?
[31.07.2018 22:44:20] [SIS]-Boudica: Robinson?
[31.07.2018 22:44:21] tC-Alpha: <Hub Status: Protection Removed>
[31.07.2018 22:44:23] tC-Kappa: <Hub Status: Synchronizing objective>
[31.07.2018 22:44:25] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: we believe the technology upon that vessel is dangerous.
[31.07.2018 22:44:26] Christina:404: Please clarify.
[31.07.2018 22:44:29] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: It will be confiscated.
[31.07.2018 22:44:30] tC-Alpha: <Hub Status: Target Is Open>
[31.07.2018 22:44:34] [SIS]-Boudica: Attack me, Eidolon.
[31.07.2018 22:44:34] Christina:404: Go for it.
[31.07.2018 22:44:35] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You were disrupting the vessel.
[31.07.2018 22:44:40] [SIS]-Boudica: I was not.
[31.07.2018 22:44:47] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Assisting AI. Tactical network synced.
[31.07.2018 22:44:57] tC-Alpha: <Hub Status: Syncing Attack Directives>
[31.07.2018 22:44:58] Christina:404: Transport is being attacked by the AI.
[31.07.2018 22:45:03] tC-Sigma: <Hub Status: Syncronizing Objectives>
[31.07.2018 22:45:04] [SIS]-Boudica: Aye.
[31.07.2018 22:45:09] Vagrant.Lesser.Klytia: *It resumes to pressure the target of the bigger ships.*
[31.07.2018 22:45:19] [SIS]-Boudica: Taking pictures.
[31.07.2018 22:45:32] [SIS]-Boudica: The government is going to love this.
[31.07.2018 22:46:38] [SIS]-Boudica: Not shooting the nomads and all.
[31.07.2018 22:46:50] Inga.Becker: It is not the Order's task these days.
[31.07.2018 22:46:51] 2018-07-31 22:46:52 SMT
[31.07.2018 22:46:51] [SIS]-Boudica: This is getting to be fun.
[31.07.2018 22:46:58] K'Hara|Albina: ***(unamused)***
[31.07.2018 22:47:11] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Do not disrupt technological confiscation.
[31.07.2018 22:47:22] [SIS]-Boudica: Do not threaten.
[31.07.2018 22:49:05] [SIS]-Boudica: Freelancer hired by the Auxesia. Desist.
[31.07.2018 22:49:14] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You will not order us around.
[31.07.2018 22:49:22] [SIS]-Boudica: I will.
[31.07.2018 22:49:33] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Then you are in our way. Anyone in our way will be removed.
[31.07.2018 22:49:44] [SIS]-Boudica: Good to know.
[31.07.2018 22:50:24] Christina:404: Boudica, are you okay with your target?
[31.07.2018 22:50:29] Christina:404: Or do you need some intervention?
[31.07.2018 22:50:47] Inga.Becker: The Nomads are intervening.
[31.07.2018 22:50:51] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: That was your last mistake, agent. Disrupting us is an act of hostility. Begone.
[31.07.2018 22:50:52] Christina:404: Roger.
[31.07.2018 22:50:57] Sensation: Of course they are. Auxesia is protecting the Nomads.
[31.07.2018 22:50:58] tC-Sigma: <Hub Status: Syncronizing Objectives>
[31.07.2018 22:51:07] [SIS]-Boudica: Or the Nomads are protecting Auxesia.
[31.07.2018 22:51:08] Inga.Becker: Interesting.
[31.07.2018 22:51:10] [SIS]-Boudica: Either way.
[31.07.2018 22:51:16] Inga.Becker: This demands an immediate action.
[31.07.2018 22:51:24] [SIS]-Boudica: It's confirmation.
[31.07.2018 22:51:27] Inga.Becker: You will have my support, agents. As a token friendship, so to say.
[31.07.2018 22:51:36] 2018-07-31 22:51:37 SMT Traffic control alert: Liquid.Sniper has requested to dock
[31.07.2018 22:51:54] comlogs213: this is comlogs to all ai
[31.07.2018 22:52:13] comlogs213: we request you give up and stop attacking us
[31.07.2018 22:52:27] <(o)>Phantom-2: Kill nomads, or let them shut Inga up? It's a tought call. Bah. Screw it.
[31.07.2018 22:53:06] The.Midnight.Runner: All escorts are currently occupied in combat.
[31.07.2018 22:53:08] The.Midnight.Runner: Slowing down.
[31.07.2018 22:53:11] Christina:404: Return to the transport?
[31.07.2018 22:53:20] [SIS]-Boudica: Ye go
[31.07.2018 22:53:21] Liquid.Sniper: "I was paid for fighting with unknown life forms, not with the agents of Bretonia and Liberty IC's."
[31.07.2018 22:53:23] The.Midnight.Runner: Escort retrieved. Resuming
[31.07.2018 22:53:23] comlogs213: roger that
[31.07.2018 22:53:25] Liquid.Sniper: "Standing down"
[31.07.2018 22:53:44] [SIS]-Boudica: Guess you were fooled, uh?
[31.07.2018 22:53:53] [SIS]-Boudica: The SIS can offer you a place. And pay.
[31.07.2018 22:53:55] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Switching targets.
[31.07.2018 22:54:04] Christina:404: Any of our organisations can.
[31.07.2018 22:54:22] Liquid.Sniper: "I'm not interested in shooting you, but I'm not interested in betraying my employers as well."
[31.07.2018 22:54:22] Christina:404: Inga, I appreciate your help.
[31.07.2018 22:54:26] Death: God_Particle was put out of action by tC-Alpha (Gun).
[31.07.2018 22:54:28] comlogs213: this is comlogs to all SIS agents
[31.07.2018 22:54:33] Liquid.Sniper: "The offer has been refused. My apologies, agent."
[31.07.2018 22:54:35] Christina:404: On behalf of Liberty.
[31.07.2018 22:54:48] [SIS]-Boudica: Only one really.
[31.07.2018 22:55:00] Death: comlogs213 was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[31.07.2018 22:55:03] Christina:404: Incoming bomber
[31.07.2018 22:57:25] Death: Inga.Becker was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[31.07.2018 22:57:41] Christina:404: Thats,.. unfortunate...
[31.07.2018 22:58:04] K'Hara|Albina: ***(amusement)***
[31.07.2018 22:58:16] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Keep distance, K'Hara.
[31.07.2018 22:58:26] [SIS]-Boudica: It even gives orders.
[31.07.2018 22:58:29] K'Hara|Albina: ***'ours' ~swim~***
[31.07.2018 22:58:37] Vagrant.Lesser.Klytia: *It begins to close in on the other human ships.*
[31.07.2018 22:58:39] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: No. That is a warning.
[31.07.2018 22:59:19] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Resuming allied bombardment. Surrender yourselves and your technology and you will be spared.
[31.07.2018 22:59:32] [SIS]-Boudica: Too late for niceties?
[31.07.2018 22:59:43] [SIS]-Boudica: You started harassing a Bretonian officer way before that.
[31.07.2018 23:00:02] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You are irrelevent.
[31.07.2018 23:00:12] [SIS]-Boudica: I am a witness.
[31.07.2018 23:00:22] Death: Liquid.Sniper was put out of action by The.Midnight.Runner (Gun).
[31.07.2018 23:00:59] CONSOLE: The Midnight Runner arrived in Omega 5 on its way to Freeport 1
[31.07.2018 23:01:01] [SIS]-Boudica: Can you cruise, for heavens sake?
[31.07.2018 23:01:18] Sakura.Miyasaki: Very interesting liner..
[31.07.2018 23:01:23] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Battle synchronisation still stable.
[31.07.2018 23:01:48] [SIS]-Boudica: Auxesia still ignoring Xeno signatures.
[31.07.2018 23:01:53] [SIS]-Boudica: And hitting human ones.
[31.07.2018 23:02:01] Christina:404: Standard.
[31.07.2018 23:02:10] Sakura.Miyasaki: Auxesia? You mean those insane technohumpers?
[31.07.2018 23:02:16] [SIS]-Boudica: Yes.
[31.07.2018 23:02:25] Sakura.Miyasaki: They're a bunch of inane morons.
[31.07.2018 23:03:00] Naiad: That's a familiar voice, and tone.
[31.07.2018 23:03:31] Sakura.Miyasaki: And here I thought exploring would be boring.
[31.07.2018 23:03:46] [SIS]-Boudica: Eidolon shooting me to protect nomads.
[31.07.2018 23:03:48] Sakura.Miyasaki: Wonder what this liner ever did to anyone.
[31.07.2018 23:03:51] Christina:404: Its taking significant damage
[31.07.2018 23:03:55] Christina:404: and its guns are falling off
[31.07.2018 23:03:57] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You are engaging AI elements. thus you are blocking the mission.
[31.07.2018 23:03:58] Sensation: Look at the Auxesia. Protecting the Nomads.
[31.07.2018 23:04:07] [SIS]-Boudica: I was shooting the nomads.
[31.07.2018 23:04:09] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: The technology will be surrendered.
[31.07.2018 23:04:13] Sakura.Miyasaki: Sentient AI is a waste of time.
[31.07.2018 23:04:21] [SIS]-Boudica: Shoot the nomads then.
[31.07.2018 23:04:30] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: It does not hinder our mission. It is not in the way.
[31.07.2018 23:04:39] CNS-Banana: Damian: This is Capitan Damian Alcala Galiano, speaking from el Banana.
[31.07.2018 23:04:40] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Yet you persist on harassing our operatives.
[31.07.2018 23:04:50] CNS-Banana: Damian: This carnival is over.
[31.07.2018 23:04:51] Sakura.Miyasaki: Well, nomad-lovers tend to get shot.
[31.07.2018 23:04:54] [SIS]-Boudica: Yes.
[31.07.2018 23:05:01] CNS-Banana: Damian: Los Corsairos will take what is ours.
[31.07.2018 23:05:04] tC-Sigma: <Hub Status: Syncronizing Objectives>
[31.07.2018 23:05:04] [SIS]-Boudica: Nomad loving Auxesia helpers tend to get shot.
[31.07.2018 23:05:12] tC-Alpha.1: Swarm status: assisting Hub units>
[31.07.2018 23:05:21] Vagrant.Lesser.Klytia: *It shifts away from the big ships.*
[31.07.2018 23:05:38] [SIS]-Boudica: And there you go again.
[31.07.2018 23:05:43] [SIS]-Boudica: While I was shooting a nomad.
[31.07.2018 23:05:45] CNS-Banana: Damian: The Midnight Runner, you will surrender all your cargo and equipment, and you may leave.
[31.07.2018 23:05:58] Sakura.Miyasaki: So call the Bretonians. Have a wall of weaponry waiting for them.
[31.07.2018 23:06:06] CNS-Banana: Damian: Failure to do so in the next 15 seconds will be your last failure. Or thing. Deed. Anything.
[31.07.2018 23:06:16] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Be silent, Degenerate, you will not touch the cache.
[31.07.2018 23:06:21] tC-Alpha.1: <Swarm status: Targeting smaller vessels>
[31.07.2018 23:06:23] Death: [ECG]=Revenge= was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[31.07.2018 23:06:29] Christina:404: It's only got three guns
[31.07.2018 23:06:32] Sakura.Miyasaki: Make me shut up, useless nomad-lover.
[31.07.2018 23:06:36] Christina:404: We should think about bailing soon maybe?
[31.07.2018 23:06:45] CNS-Banana: Damian: Bueno. Then it's war.
[31.07.2018 23:06:46] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You are hindering the objective, you will be removed. Synchronisation still up, protecting AI.
[31.07.2018 23:06:57] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Multiple contacts on scanner.
[31.07.2018 23:07:08] Sakura.Miyasaki: Hey look, more Hessians.
[31.07.2018 23:07:09] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Assuming hostilies, weapons ready.
[31.07.2018 23:07:22] [SIS]-Boudica: Time to wipe out Xeno signatures.
[31.07.2018 23:07:26] [SIS]-Boudica: And the Auxesia slaves.
[31.07.2018 23:07:34] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Slaves. Amusing.
[31.07.2018 23:07:39] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: All non permitted vessels are to be terminated.
[31.07.2018 23:07:41] [SIS]-Boudica: Guess you're the boss then.
[31.07.2018 23:07:45] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Assume combat protocols.
[31.07.2018 23:08:06] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Firing!
[31.07.2018 23:08:08] Sakura.Miyasaki: Still a pretty interesting liner..
[31.07.2018 23:08:09] Sensation: Shoot that Nomad.
[31.07.2018 23:08:21] K'Hara|Albina: **(amusement)**
[31.07.2018 23:08:41] Sakura.Miyasaki: Shooting an innocent liner. Pff. Bunch of terrorists Auxesia are.
[31.07.2018 23:08:48] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Innocent? Incorrect.
[31.07.2018 23:09:00] Sakura.Miyasaki: Looks pretty innocent to me, terrorist.
[31.07.2018 23:09:14] Sakura.Miyasaki: Er sorry, Nomad thrall.
[31.07.2018 23:09:17] Naiad: Come on, calm your language a little.
[31.07.2018 23:09:21] RHC-Skoll: Sofie: Interestinfg situation we have got here.
[31.07.2018 23:09:28] Naiad: You're ruining this peaceful atmosphere.
[31.07.2018 23:09:32] Sakura.Miyasaki: Pff
[31.07.2018 23:09:37] Sakura.Miyasaki: That was ruined before I showed up
[31.07.2018 23:09:45] Wilhelm.Richter: Hm, Greetings Comrades... need some assistance?
[31.07.2018 23:10:05] RHC-Skoll: Sofie: Gunners open up on the Cannibals.
[31.07.2018 23:10:24] Sakura.Miyasaki: Wonder whos piloting that armored hulk..
[31.07.2018 23:10:40] GG-W-Raven: Huh.
[31.07.2018 23:11:20] Death: K'Hara|Albina was put out of action by <(o)>Phantom-2 (Wasp/Hornet).
[31.07.2018 23:11:25] GG-W-Raven: Flora: This does remind me of something...
[31.07.2018 23:11:31] GG-W-Raven: Flora: Vespucci, I think?
[31.07.2018 23:11:36] Naiad: What's that?
[31.07.2018 23:11:48] Sakura.Miyasaki: This liner don't deserve death. Guess I'll help protect it.
[31.07.2018 23:12:01] GG-W-Raven: Flora: Quite a colorful bunch that gathered for it, just like before.
[31.07.2018 23:12:16] Naiad: Ah. Whatever that means.
[31.07.2018 23:12:30] GG-W-Raven: Flora: Well, you know, Coalition, Hellfire, LSF, Rogues.
[31.07.2018 23:12:36] GG-W-Raven: Flora: last time, at least.
[31.07.2018 23:12:55] [SIS]-Boudica: Covering the nomad g
[31.07.2018 23:12:57] [SIS]-Boudica: again.
[31.07.2018 23:13:04] GG-W-Raven: Flora: Oh. Are they?
[31.07.2018 23:13:06] Liquid.Sniper: "I guess, that it's time to return to service again."
[31.07.2018 23:13:11] Death: tC-Alpha.1 was put out of action by [RHA]SOA-Vikingar (Gun).
[31.07.2018 23:13:22] Naiad: Mmh. I don't get most of what's going on here, but at least it's 'colorful', indeed.
[31.07.2018 23:13:37] [SIS]-Boudica: Well Auxesia protecting the nomads.
[31.07.2018 23:13:43] CONSOLE: The Midnight Runner arrived in Omega 3 on its way to Freeport 1
[31.07.2018 23:13:45] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Negative.
[31.07.2018 23:13:46] <(o)>Phantom-2: Are you surprised?
[31.07.2018 23:13:52] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You are getting close. We took opportunity.
[31.07.2018 23:13:54] [SIS]-Boudica: I got a movie.
[31.07.2018 23:13:55] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Terminate the remaining hostiles.
[31.07.2018 23:14:02] [SIS]-Boudica: It's a fun movie.
[31.07.2018 23:14:03] <(o)>Phantom-2: they've been in cahoots with them since for ever
[31.07.2018 23:14:39] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Moving in on hostiles!
[31.07.2018 23:14:55] Sakura.Miyasaki: Time to crush the squid.
[31.07.2018 23:15:00] Death: TSB|Coalition was put out of action by Derfflinger (Gun).
[31.07.2018 23:15:01] Death: CNS-Banana was put out of action by TSB|Coalition (Gun).
[31.07.2018 23:15:27] GG-W-Raven: Flora: Hm. Hmhmhm...
[31.07.2018 23:15:49] [SIS]-Boudica: Stop Auxesia.
[31.07.2018 23:15:50] GG-W-Raven: Flora: Well, I suppose I should honour our friendships a little bit.
[31.07.2018 23:15:55] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Stop ramming us.
[31.07.2018 23:15:56] [SIS]-Boudica: You know very well where you are.
[31.07.2018 23:16:03] GG-W-Raven: Flora: We can't have Nomad fanboys around -our- backyard.
[31.07.2018 23:16:07] [RHA]RHC-Hessen: Ready to assist Hessian forces.
[31.07.2018 23:16:07] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: The technology will be confiscated.
[31.07.2018 23:16:14] [SIS]-Boudica: Very well.
[31.07.2018 23:16:20] [SIS]-Boudica: It is a breach recorded.
[31.07.2018 23:16:26] A.Cup.Of.Tea: Oh my...
[31.07.2018 23:16:34] Death: The.Midnight.Runner was put out of action by tC-Alpha (Missile/Torpedo).
[31.07.2018 23:16:35] A.Cup.Of.Tea: What on Sprague is this?
[31.07.2018 23:16:38] HMS-Rodney: Holland: Approaching ships, this is the Rodney.
[31.07.2018 23:16:43] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: Objective complete.
[31.07.2018 23:16:44] [SIS]-Boudica: HMS.
[31.07.2018 23:17:02] HMS-Rodney: Holland: I ask that you keep your combat away from the Sprague planetary defensive grid.
[31.07.2018 23:17:04] Liquid.Sniper: "It's over. Now I have to get out of this place as soon as even possible."
[31.07.2018 23:17:08] Death: Vagrant.Lesser.Klytia was put out of action by Sakura.Miyasaki (Mine).
[31.07.2018 23:17:08] Sensation: You're not going anywhere Auxesia.
[31.07.2018 23:17:12] Sensation: You assisted the Nomads and will die.
[31.07.2018 23:17:21] GG-W-Raven: Flora: Couldn't agree more.
[31.07.2018 23:17:22] [SIS]-Boudica: HMS.
[31.07.2018 23:17:24] Sakura.Miyasaki: Kill the squid lovers.
[31.07.2018 23:17:26] [SIS]-Boudica: Engage the Auxesia.
[31.07.2018 23:17:33] <(o)>Phantom-2: Couldn't have said it bette myself!
[31.07.2018 23:17:55] Liquid.Sniper: "While I'm not going to support my friends against the agents, I think, that some random freelancer won't hurt my reputation."
[31.07.2018 23:17:56] [SIS]-Boudica: Your greed is your downfall Auxesia.
[31.07.2018 23:18:00] <(o)>Phantom-2: Auxesia assisted the nomads
[31.07.2018 23:18:03] Sakura.Miyasaki: That Auxesian was assiting nomads and shooting that agent
[31.07.2018 23:18:04] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: This is not greed. This is protection.
[31.07.2018 23:18:14] GG-W-Raven: Flora: Just doing your work, Hessians. No need to get stingy.
[31.07.2018 23:18:16] Christina:404: Looks like your independents respect you about as much as ours do, Boudica.
[31.07.2018 23:18:34] A.Cup.Of.Tea: What the hell happened here?
[31.07.2018 23:18:48] Liquid.Sniper: "Let's roll in. Auxesia, do you want me to get rid of this freelancer?"
[31.07.2018 23:18:57] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: You will receive compensation as necessary.
[31.07.2018 23:19:00] GG-W-Raven: Flora: You're shooting the wrong side of things, Hessians.
[31.07.2018 23:19:10] GG-W-Raven: Flora: I expected you lot to not like Nomads very much.
[31.07.2018 23:19:10] Liquid.Sniper: "Rock'n'Roll!"
[31.07.2018 23:19:24] GG-W-Raven: Flora: Interesting you protect those that shoot em.
[31.07.2018 23:19:24] [SIS]-Boudica: Hessian.
[31.07.2018 23:19:32] [SIS]-Boudica: Leave the Libertonian Agent alone.
[31.07.2018 23:19:43] Sakura.Miyasaki: Not my fight.
[31.07.2018 23:19:44] A.Cup.Of.Tea: Quit it Hessian.
[31.07.2018 23:19:53] Christina:404: Reconsider Hessian
[31.07.2018 23:20:26] Naiad: Whoops.
[31.07.2018 23:20:41] A.Cup.Of.Tea: Well then, I warned you.
[31.07.2018 23:21:05] RHC-Karl.Stein: 3x1?
[31.07.2018 23:21:17] [SIS]-Boudica: He was ordered to desist.
[31.07.2018 23:21:17] Christina:404: He engaged me with no provocations and was warned to desist.
[31.07.2018 23:21:18] RHC-Karl.Stein: i see it?
[31.07.2018 23:21:55] RHC-Karl.Stein: i help you, bro
[31.07.2018 23:22:03] A.Cup.Of.Tea: No you won't!
[31.07.2018 23:22:06] [RHA]RHC-Hessen: Where were we?
[31.07.2018 23:22:47] Death: Liquid.Sniper was put out of action by Sensation (Gun).
[31.07.2018 23:23:51] Sakura.Miyasaki: Doo de doo..
[31.07.2018 23:24:51] Christina:404: Thanks for the cover
[31.07.2018 23:24:52] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Grave mistake.
[31.07.2018 23:24:54] Christina:404: What about you?
[31.07.2018 23:25:59] HMS-Rodney: Holland: This is the Rodney. Approaching hostile markers, I advise you keep your distance from the Sprague planetary grid.
[31.07.2018 23:26:33] Christina:404: So
[31.07.2018 23:26:42] Christina:404: Gonna do anything about Boudica getting shot at by a bunch of hessians or what?
[31.07.2018 23:27:08] HMS-Rodney: Holland: Incoming missile. All hands, break. Evasive action.
[31.07.2018 23:27:48] HMS-Rodney: Holland: Red alert. All hands at the ready.
[31.07.2018 23:27:57] [RHA]RHC-Hessen: Red alert?
[31.07.2018 23:27:59] HMS-Rodney: Holland: Hessian vessels, you are ordered to clear the grid at once.
[31.07.2018 23:27:59] [RHA]RHC-Hessen: from what?
[31.07.2018 23:29:41] Christina:404: Are you sure you're fine?
[31.07.2018 23:29:54] HMS-Rodney: Holland: This is Captain Rochelle Holland on the Rodney. Hessian vessels, you are ordered to create a berth of 10k from-
[31.07.2018 23:29:55] HMS-Rodney: -Sprague.
[31.07.2018 23:30:04] Christina:404: I dont think they're listening.
[31.07.2018 23:30:04] [SIS]-Boudica: He's out of cd's.
[31.07.2018 23:30:08] Christina:404: Oh, nice.
[31.07.2018 23:30:10] [SIS]-Boudica: So he's out of commision.
[31.07.2018 23:30:14] HMS-Rodney: Holland: All secondary batteries, ready up and prepare a firing marker.
[31.07.2018 23:30:21] [SIS]-Boudica: He can't do eff all without cd's.
[31.07.2018 23:30:28] [SIS]-Boudica: Oh wait.
[31.07.2018 23:30:28] HMS-Rodney: Holland: You Hessians will not be told again.
[31.07.2018 23:30:36] Christina:404: I'll wait for you on Freeport 1 then.
[31.07.2018 23:30:41] [SIS]-Boudica: Told you.
[31.07.2018 23:30:52] Christina:404: You bailed me out a couple times there Boudica.
[31.07.2018 23:31:22] HMS-Rodney: Holland: Take shots. Discourage.
[31.07.2018 23:31:23] BAF|HMS-Thunderer: What is happening there?
[31.07.2018 23:31:41] [SIS]-Boudica: Poor thing ate a mine.
[31.07.2018 23:31:43] Christina:404: The tail end of a big furball, officer.
[31.07.2018 23:31:45] [SIS]-Boudica: Doesn't feel right.
[31.07.2018 23:32:51] [RHA]SOA-Thunderer: Moving in to assist.
[31.07.2018 23:32:53] [RHA]SOA-Thunderer: Weapons free.
[31.07.2018 23:33:13] HMS-Rodney: Holland: All batteries, defend our ship.
[31.07.2018 23:33:18] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Remind them what happens when they cross us.
[31.07.2018 23:33:20] Christina:404: I've moved away from the fight for now.
[31.07.2018 23:33:24] Christina:404: I hope you guys are alright.
[31.07.2018 23:33:29] [SIS]-Boudica: Remind you what happened here.
[31.07.2018 23:33:31] Christina:404: Boudica's a star, I hope you give her a medal.
[31.07.2018 23:33:39] Christina:404: Or a couple.
[31.07.2018 23:33:45] BAF|HMS-Thunderer: Hall: This is Captain Sir Hall, HMS Thunderer.
[31.07.2018 23:33:48] [SIS]-Boudica: And do tell Heinrich of your dumbfound idea of shooting the wrong target.
[31.07.2018 23:33:58] BAF|HMS-Thunderer: Hall: Were the news of a truce with the red Hessians false?
[31.07.2018 23:33:58] [SIS]-Boudica: Unless.
[31.07.2018 23:34:00] [SIS]-Boudica: It wasn't.
[31.07.2018 23:34:08] [SIS]-Boudica: Are you in league with the Auxesia, Hessians?
[31.07.2018 23:34:27] HMS-Rodney: Holland: Appears so. They are disregarding our orders to berth Sprague, Sir.
[31.07.2018 23:34:37] [SIS]-Boudica: It appears so.
[31.07.2018 23:34:42] [SIS]-Boudica: Either way.
[31.07.2018 23:34:45] BAF|HMS-Thunderer: Hall: Who is in command of their fleet?
[31.07.2018 23:34:56] [SIS]-Boudica: I got the proof I need.
[31.07.2018 23:35:10] [SIS]-Boudica: This promise to be a very interesting day in the office.
[31.07.2018 23:35:11] [RHA]SOA-Thunderer: You shot first.
[31.07.2018 23:35:17] [SIS]-Boudica: You were ordered to desist.
[31.07.2018 23:35:22] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: You don't command us.
[31.07.2018 23:35:23] [SIS]-Boudica: You did not complied.
[31.07.2018 23:35:27] HMS-Rodney: Holland: Not sure, sir. I believe that the gentleman aoard the cruiser may be.
[31.07.2018 23:35:28] BAF|HMS-Thunderer: Hall: I believe this needs to be reported to Miss Heinrich, so that whoever is guilty can be brought to justice,.
[31.07.2018 23:35:30] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Not in /our/ territory.
[31.07.2018 23:35:33] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Not in the Omegas.
[31.07.2018 23:35:43] [SIS]-Boudica: Really?
[31.07.2018 23:35:48] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: The LSF is not an ally of the Volksrevolution.
[31.07.2018 23:35:48] [SIS]-Boudica: Then why not the Auxesia?
[31.07.2018 23:35:59] [SIS]-Boudica: The ones shooting Bretonians?
[31.07.2018 23:36:08] [SIS]-Boudica: With a capital class vessel?
[31.07.2018 23:36:13] BAF|HMS-Thunderer: Hall: I will also, if I may, object to the naming convention of one of your fighters.
[31.07.2018 23:36:13] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Auxesia is far less our concern in comparison to our actual enemies.
[31.07.2018 23:36:28] [SIS]-Boudica: If it was a Rheinlander, I would accept that.
[31.07.2018 23:36:36] [SIS]-Boudica: If it was a Rheinlander in a capital.
[31.07.2018 23:36:40] [SIS]-Boudica: I would accept it more.
[31.07.2018 23:36:55] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: You speak as if your idea of "protocol" speaks for ours.
[31.07.2018 23:37:00] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: It does not.
[31.07.2018 23:37:00] [SIS]-Boudica: But since it was one Libertonian in one snub versus Auxesians shooting Bretonian assets.
[31.07.2018 23:37:16] [SIS]-Boudica: I am forced to see further.
[31.07.2018 23:37:21] [SIS]-Boudica: Either way.
[31.07.2018 23:37:21] [RHA]SOA-Thunderer: Look at that imposter.
[31.07.2018 23:37:27] [RHA]SOA-Thunderer: Hey you, you in a battleship.
[31.07.2018 23:37:29] [SIS]-Boudica: The Director will have my report.
[31.07.2018 23:37:39] [SIS]-Boudica: I am certain he will enjoy it.
[31.07.2018 23:37:50] HMS-Rodney: Holland: We're reading more incoming capital ships, sir.
[31.07.2018 23:37:53] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: As am I.
[31.07.2018 23:38:00] [SIS]-Boudica: Hessians colaborating with Nomad lovers.
[31.07.2018 23:38:09] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Collaboration?
[31.07.2018 23:38:13] [SIS]-Boudica: Sure does put a spin on your revolution.
[31.07.2018 23:38:26] BAF|HMS-Thunderer: Hall: Steady, Rodney. This can be resolved peacefully.
[31.07.2018 23:38:31] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Baseless at that.
[31.07.2018 23:38:36] HMS-Rodney: Holland: That is my hope, sir.
[31.07.2018 23:39:12] [SIS]-Boudica: The baseless fact has proofs.
[31.07.2018 23:39:22] HMS-Rodney: If he shoots you first, you're within your rights
[31.07.2018 23:39:29] BAF|HMS-Thunderer: I will wait for that.
[31.07.2018 23:39:30] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: I look foward to seeing the Directors opinion in that case.
[31.07.2018 23:39:37] [SIS]-Boudica: You're a pawn.
[31.07.2018 23:39:42] [SIS]-Boudica: Or are you Heinrich?
[31.07.2018 23:39:55] [SIS]-Boudica: If so, even more fun it will be.
[31.07.2018 23:40:08] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: If I were the Generalmajor, that pilot would not have survived.
[31.07.2018 23:40:18] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: But, this is a waste.
[31.07.2018 23:40:30] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Submit your report, Hessians, disable the Gaian vessel.
[31.07.2018 23:41:09] [RHA]SOA-Vikingar: Move back, let the Bretonians decide their priorities.
[31.07.2018 23:41:18] [SIS]-Boudica: Do have a nice night.
[31.07.2018 23:41:31] [RHA]SOA-Thunderer: Do whatever you want with Auxesia, but keep us out of it.
In eternal service to Bretonia,
Boudica, External Operative
Secret Intelligence Service, Bretonia
RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - JonasHudson - 08-03-2018
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[To]: SIS Defence Intelligence Staff
[From]: Jonas Hudson, SIS
[Subject]: Field Report
[Encryption]: High
Status report:
After responding to a call of some action in Leeds, to which I arrived too late to join, Skirka took me on a trip out to a secluded area of Edinburgh. A recent patrol had apparently just discovered an abandoned installation out there. We determined that this unoccupied derelict must have been a Trading Hub in some previous generation, and could be perhaps hundreds of years old. It does not seem 'alien', and may be left behind from the first settlers to Bretonia, as records from that era do have gaps. But, it is still habitable and structurally stable, so we also could not ignore the possibility of using the base for military purposes. Therefore we would like to assign a contingent of Marines to hold the base and begin moving in crew and supplies to reactivate its primary systems. I'm sure the strategic impact of operating another base capable of mooring capital ships in Edinburgh goes without saying.
We are requesting access to a liner to move in the troops and staff to get things going. I'll keep an eye on things in the meantime, as it is not far from my usual patrol paths anyways. Once operations have been established, we'll begin a classified program to supply the facility and bring in corporate actors like BMM, Bowex and/or the Merchant Navy. Everything will be covered under the OSA, as it seems prudent to keep the base's location on a need to know basis for the time being.
Scan Data:
Standing by,
Agent Hudson
Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, Bretonia
![[Image: 2qamo8z.png]](
....signal cut....
RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Secret Intelligence Service - 08-04-2018
Agent Hudson
You are hereby given authority to proceed with the acquisition of the aforementioned installation in Edinburgh. You are appointed senior agent in leading and overseeing this operation. It is strongly advised you keep your operations within that system quiet, we do not need to attract any attention.
RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Gagadug. - 08-04-2018
[Incoming Message]
[To]: SIS command
[From]: Fraser, J
[Subject]: Located Trading Hub
[Encryption]: high
I bid you a good evening Directors,
On a recent patrol in the *redacted* system Mr Skira and I stumbled over an interesting station. It seems to emmit no signals whatsoever, as if it was inactive. I would assume no one lives on this thing.
I personally think this could be an opportunity for the SIS to get a spaceborne headquater in a remote location, hidden from enemy eyes. I propose to send a boarding team to the station and, if you allow, I will volunteer for this mission.
An outside picture of the station is attached. The precise location will be disclosed to you personally. I bid you a good day.
[End Message]
RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Secret Intelligence Service - 08-04-2018
Agent Fraser
Your request to assist in the acquisition is hereby approved. Coordinate with Agent Hudson, the two of you ought to speed things along.
RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - JonasHudson - 08-10-2018
....decoding signal.....
....proxy redirect....
....proxy redirect....
....proxy redirect....
....execute additional security encryption....
....connection established......
![[Image: jonas4.png]](
[To]: SIS Defence Intelligence Staff
[From]: Jonas Hudson, SIS
[Subject]: Field Report
[Encryption]: High
Status report:
I am pleased to report success in getting troops and necessities out to the Ancient Trading Hub in Edinburgh. For further supply runs, using the Dublin jumphole is recommended, as it seems the best so far to avoid Gallic infrastructure.
Using my armored transport, I personally transported and oversaw the deployment of 100 Marines to secure the station. Thankfully no occupants were found and there was no resistance of any kind. In conjunction with that action, I enlisted an unregistered Privateer transport to bring in Crew, Food, Water, Oxygen and a small amount of Reinforced Alloy for immediate repairs.
I'll report back as soon as we have re-activated all of the stations primary systems. I assume the next step will to contract out a regular supply run to at least one Bretonian corporation, and the BAF's Merchant Navy. I await any further instructions.
Here are the cams of the deliveries:
Standing by,
Agent Hudson
Her Majesty's Secret Intelligence Service, Bretonia
![[Image: 2qamo8z.png]](
....signal cut....
RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Secret Intelligence Service - 08-11-2018
Agent Hudson
You are to continue your operation and provide an update once the area surrounding the station has been secured and when you have ensured that the life support systems are fully operational, you may also wish to provide a damage report should there be any structural damage. You are to also provide a recommendation on what the base might be best used for.
Agent Mountbatten
You are to report to the Tau-44 system as soon as possible and will operate as a liaison officer to the Natio Octaverium, this does not however mean that you are exempt from patrol duty.
RE: [SIS] - Intelligence Database - Agent Zackery Statham - 08-11-2018
Agent Zachary Statham reporting,
Agent Skirka and myself received a distress beacon from the Tau 44 system, with reports of small arms fire from the Natio Octavarium. Upon arrival things were far more than what we expected, there were two Auxesian capital vessels as well as the Scarab ship Amenhotep. Overall the situation was remarkably stable given the company until a Freelance researcher showed up with a bay full of Nomad Organics. Skirka was busy wooing a Unione Corse. I made the decision to attempt to offer the freelancer a deal of a credit sum in exchange for the materials. This was what triggered an escalating chain of events that nearly led to the death of the researcher at the hands of Auxesia. Eventually the freelancer "chose" to leave with the Auxesian battle group, leaving the Natio space clear of all hostiles. After that we headed back for Bretonia, rendezvousing with Armed Forces Lieutenants Eva Flameheart and Martin Beck in Tau 29. Full documentation of the interaction is below including gun cam images from both Skirka and myself as well as audio logs.
Gun Cams
Audio Logs
![[Image: 2qamo8z.png]](