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L.N.S. Omaha cells - Printable Version

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RE: L.N.S. Omaha cells - Morosz - 07-21-2017

The damped rythm of his heavy boots echoed through the corridor as he slowly but surely approached the brig of the Omaha. The enlisted men and officers
when noticing him stood in attention and saluted to wich he repplied with a quick nod or with tipping his hat.

Finally he arrived at the brig where two marines stood who were guarding it. They quickly opened the door and he stepped in noticing Ethan in one of the cells."What on earth is happening here? Why is an officer of mine in the brig? Anyone? I hope you have a good explanation because within thirty seconds heads will start to fall."

RE: L.N.S. Omaha cells - Ikarus_Hagen - 07-21-2017

There stood the Admiral. Taylor was relieved and strained. He saluted to the Admiral, but kept silent.

RE: L.N.S. Omaha cells - DarkTails - 07-21-2017

"Insubordination, conspiracy to desert, and sabotage if you count adding in an unplanned device to each bomb, rendering them useless unless we do what he says, Sir." Phoenix said, standing to attention. "His ego got the better of him and it got him here."

RE: L.N.S. Omaha cells - Spectre - 07-21-2017

Murray walked back in, stopping and saluting Sader.
"Sir.. Welcome.. I know this looks.. edgy, but rest assured it's just what he deserves."

RE: L.N.S. Omaha cells - Morosz - 07-21-2017

Sader looked at Murray."What he deserves? Intresting answer. Tell me what exactly happened. Also its intresting that you did not mention this in your report on basilisk."

RE: L.N.S. Omaha cells - Spectre - 07-21-2017

"With all due respect, sir, it was action taken after the project was completed. Still, it forced me to take administrative action as his CO."
She clasped her hands behind her back, eyeing him.
"Firstly, he got antsy after his second was harmed in a safety fault of his own, and proceeded to backsass both me and Operative Nova. Then he attempted to remove himself while under the bounds of R&D's control of the situation, forcing me to give him verbal warning."
She took a sigh, continuing.
"After that,he refused to obey my order regarding the detonator switches."
She reached into her pocket, pulling out Taylor's rank pins and his R&D patch.
"I took these from him, since he decided to just keep up his attitude. If you want me to give his rank back, then I'll do it. But I'm not having him in my division anymore."

RE: L.N.S. Omaha cells - Morosz - 07-21-2017

"Listen to me Murray and you better listen good. As much as you have every right to remove someone from R&D you have and had no right to demote any officer within the fleet. Only the High Command has authority for that. Release Taylor immediatly. He will be removed from the division as a punishment for his insubordinate actions. No other warning or punishment for now. Unless there is anything else i need to know about. AM I CLEAR?!"

RE: L.N.S. Omaha cells - Spectre - 07-21-2017

She eyed him coldly, completely unphased by his yelling and loss of anger management. She merely gazed back, silent until he was finished, nodding in confirmation.
"Yes, sir."
She motioned for a marine to open the door, walking in and grabbing Taylor by the arm. She yanked him out of the room, standing him before her as she reclasped his ranks back on, and rather firmly slapped his arm.
"There. Now go, LC. Make someone else proud."
She glared at him even colder than she did to Sader, evident fury held back in a cold, emotionless shell.

Hunter merely stood back, watching the whole thing. She whispered to herself, unheard by anyone.
"Holy shi.."

RE: L.N.S. Omaha cells - Ikarus_Hagen - 07-21-2017

He was shocked. This reaction wasn't that what he expected. But when Murray took him out he got himself again.
Thank you, darling. Give me my Datapad and I will unlock the bombs when I'm away from here.
Whipering the words to her, he stood there and waited for Murray to react.

RE: L.N.S. Omaha cells - Spectre - 07-21-2017

She grabbed his datapad and firmly shoved it into his chest, whispering to him slightly angrily.
"Remember who you're talking to.."