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Ship Suicides - gekerd - 01-31-2009

then don't use F1 in space:P

Ship Suicides - Leadcrows - 02-01-2009

I do not accept to rebuy my expensive gun equipment each time after a fight against players who think it is fun to make setups for ''Neutralization'' (what a bad excuse) of enemy weapons.

Ship Suicides - Grumblesaur - 02-01-2009

I don't suicide on purpose often, unless my bomber takes more than a sunny to the hull.

As for suicide in PvP fights, there's no point in hanging around if your only weapon is an empty mine dropper. Missile and mine spammers irk me. When people fire missiles at you on every pass, it'll strip you fast, if not, kill you. Mine spammers aren't as difficult to deter, however. Just CD spam them.

Zeinstruktor is right, in my opinion. I've played with him so long, I've heard his rants on people sending obscene amounts of fighters and caps after him. Being in a Falcata, and being chased by two fighters that have more weapons and agility than you gets old, especially when all you hear is "incoming missile" and "X component lost". If a person is fleeing without any standard guns or missiles [or ammo], let them go. They're gonna kill themselves anyway.

Ship Suicides - zeinstruktor - 02-01-2009

Well, I don't mind 2, 3, or even 4 fighters in fact...

But when 2 of the 4 are Raven Claws with 4 missiles each, yea it tends to get to you :/

A funnier alternative is running into Virginia, and if they try to missile you there, boom!

Got 2 LN killed like that, hehe. Mind you, I died first.

Ship Suicides - Grumblesaur - 02-01-2009

' Wrote:Well, I don't mind 2, 3, or even 4 fighters in fact...

But when 2 of the 4 are Raven Claws with 4 missiles each, yea it tends to get to you :/

A funnier alternative is running into Virginia, and if they try to missile you there, boom!

Got 2 LN killed like that, hehe. Mind you, I died first.

New way to suicide: fly into a hostile guard system.

Ship Suicides - Blodo - 02-01-2009

The only reason people suicide after fights is because missiles are too overpowered when it comes to blowing stuff off of fighters. As soon as that ends, you'll see far less suiciding.

Ship Suicides - reavengitair - 02-01-2009

Unfortunatley, All my files have a tendancy to commit suicide whenever possible (flying into manhattan, crete, numerous stars, etc), and I do see your point.

However, Im sure every ship has a very good escape pod, and a very reliable insurance company to pay for damages after suicide.

Ship Suicides - Carlos_Benitez - 02-01-2009

If everything of value on my ship has been torn off, and the ship is unservicable, I'll happily dispose of it into the atmoshpere of Crete and claim a new one on insurance. Is that fraud?