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max size transports - Slainte - 02-06-2009

Wait..hold on...gimme a sec...been a hard day at work and my brain is mush. Are these the house trains that will be in 4.85? cause if they are my Gateway char is going to be very pleased.But im sure i saw a pic of another Bretonian transport in another thread for 4.85. Is that going to be in as well?
Someone explain as my head hurts!!!

max size transports - RHYS_DALLOWS - 02-06-2009

' Wrote:The Whale (the basis for the new Whale) does not need defensive turrets - it is cheap and has a high cargo space. It's designed not to have turrets as its downside...

Well,.....that sucks:(. However I like its design, looks like a Zoner Juggernaught; but in a smaller version.:)

max size transports - Silent_M - 02-06-2009

awesome designs, the Rhineland train will be mine har har:D

max size transports - stewcool - 02-06-2009

Well it looks like I'm sticking to my Adv. Train

max size transports - Doom - 02-06-2009

' Wrote:Wait..hold on...gimme a sec...been a hard day at work and my brain is mush. Are these the house trains that will be in 4.85? cause if they are my Gateway char is going to be very pleased.But im sure i saw a pic of another Bretonian transport in another thread for 4.85. Is that going to be in as well?
Someone explain as my head hurts!!!

max size transports - Slainte - 02-06-2009

Well thats good news indeed.
I will attach a sponge to my chin to soak up the drool in anticipation :crazy:

max size transports - Skoorb - 02-06-2009

Wow, each one of those designs is jaw dropping. Looking foreward to see them flying around Sirius.

Thanks for sharing and creating these great looking ships.

max size transports - FraserTE - 02-06-2009

That's fine and dandy and all but what about my generic pirate train? perhaps make it look like a well not a box i can say that mutch ya its great for dodging rocks witch is what smugglers do but seeing as how it wont be allowed to land on lawful bases witch is complete bull honkey make it not look like a box for me i see those old world war 1 boats delivering those soldiers to normandy on d-day all u did was take out the bottom and the 50 cal rack and and a gas container us tole off a semi truck and boom made a pirate train. change it around leave the container maybe a few spikes ? bull's horn perhaps a wing? small even. if ure gona pimp my ride on a lawful transport make the pirate train looks like its gona run ure a** over if u dont get out the way.

max size transports - jammi - 02-06-2009

' Wrote:Wait..hold on...gimme a sec...been a hard day at work and my brain is mush. Are these the house trains that will be in 4.85? cause if they are my Gateway char is going to be very pleased.But im sure i saw a pic of another Bretonian transport in another thread for 4.85. Is that going to be in as well?
Someone explain as my head hurts!!!
Looks like we'll be getting the Bret Container Transport and a Bret Train!:ylove:However, I have got to echo previous sentiments that it doesn't look very Bretonian-like. That could just be the angle though. Maybe it will look more abstract from another side?

Oh, and is there a horse name for it? the other's are horses. I think. Clydesdale, Percheron and the Shire(?).

max size transports - Jinx - 02-06-2009

well - its too smooth for a genuine bretonian design - here are side / top / front views of the bret train. - it should still look bretonian enough though - or at leat not be mistaken as a train from another house....

[Image: brettransallsides.png]

funny enough - this was the one that took me the longest to make a concept of.