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Games that have changed the world - Printable Version

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Games that have changed the world - bluntpencil2001 - 04-26-2009

I'd say...

1. Pong. Obvious reasons.
2. Doom. Blamed for high school shootings.
3. World of Warcraft. Destroying a generation's social skills.
4. Online Poker. Revolutionised gambling.
5. Microsoft Flight Simulator. Every budding terrorist's favourite game.
6. GTA series. Controversy IRL. Can't beat it.
7. Mortal Kombat. First mainstream game to show brutality to children. Get some.

Games that have changed the world - RingoW - 04-27-2009

They have forgotten Star Wars Rebel Assault. The first game available on CD only.

There was also a local german game called "Patrizier". A very nice economy simulation game settled in the hanseatic age.

Whats about "Pirates" and the "Monkey Island" serie.

And one of the first FPS game was Dungeon Master (with swords, bows and spells). Castle Wolfenstein came later.


Games that have changed the world - reavengitair - 04-27-2009


Games that have changed the world - Doc Holliday - 04-27-2009

Regarding the Yahoo comments on the game, "Doom," has anyone else but me noticed than whenever politicians want to criticize something for violent behavior, they blame video games and heavy metal? Oh yes, I'm SSSOOOO violent!!! I play BF2142 and because of it I go on shooting rampages:rolleyes:
This all started with the PMRC (Parental Music Resource Center) back in the 90's when Tipper Gore, Al Gore's wife, went to war against the music industry. And Liberals wonder why I hate em' so much.

Games that have changed the world - Towli123 - 04-27-2009

Half-Life anyone?

Games that have changed the world - Doc Holliday - 04-27-2009

' Wrote:Half-Life anyone?
Yes, I have it although I don't play it much anymore. I used to play in Team Fortress Classic tournaments with my old game clan. God that was fun!

My first game was Starsiege. Old as it is, I still miss it.

Games that have changed the world - Zig - 04-27-2009

Neverwinter Nights, the game that introduced me to roleplay when I was barely in elementary school. Utterly bloody fantastic.

Games that have changed the world - Marburg - 04-27-2009

' Wrote:They have forgotten Star Wars Rebel Assault. The first game available on CD only.

There was also a local german game called "Patrizier". A very nice economy simulation game settled in the hanseatic age.

Whats about "Pirates" and the "Monkey Island" serie.

And one of the first FPS game was Dungeon Master (with swords, bows and spells). Castle Wolfenstein came later.

Actually, Dungeon Master (although an early attempt at 3D, & pretty damn cool back in the day) was not a first person had far too many point & click pauses in it to qualify. & Castle Wolfenstein was a top down 2D game...Wolfenstein 3D came later & was indeed the first three dimentional FPS

Games that have changed the world - sn!p3r - 04-27-2009

Space Invaders!!!!!

Games that have changed the world - Linkus - 04-27-2009

Brian is alive?!? O.o
Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time.
That game