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Missions are not worth it anymore - Printable Version

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RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Titan* - 09-23-2018

NPC Behaviour is not really hardcoded, you can give capital ships fighter behaviour and they will act like a fighter. Event NPC Caps using fighter behaviour btw

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Lythrilux - 09-23-2018

The ammo changes should also be reverted, Hurricanes are too expensive as is (or it should at least be brought down to something like 50k). As has been proven, the issue was with Xi and specifically Heavy Battleships, not all mission hotspots. Making Hurricanes expensive is punishing for Light Battleships. Also all the armour buffs should be reverted not just Cruisers. It's something like a BC has/had more armour than a Cau8 Mako.

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Kazinsal - 09-23-2018

Sorry, patch notes were vague because I mentally lumped cruisers and battlecruisers together due to that being how the ID rules handle them. Battlecruisers are reverted as well.

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Lythrilux - 09-23-2018

Battleships and Carriers too?

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - sasapinjic - 09-23-2018

(09-22-2018, 10:46 PM)Riehl Wrote:
(09-22-2018, 10:38 PM)Kazinsal Wrote: This was an incorrect attempt at a fix for the situation regarding mission farming and I sincerely apologize for it. I'm pushing a revert to cruiser armour to the repository now and I'm hoping we can hotfix this into the live game sooner rather than later.

The actual issue at hand has been more properly identified and I am leading an effort to find a solution that utilizes either additional time investment in transit or profit sharing in order to maximize profit from missions. In the meantime, please bear with us. I can't even remember the last time we looked at missions from a holistic point of view so this is going to be a major undertaking for the development team.

A really smart decision indicative of the quality of the current dev team.

It takes a lot of commitment to first change something controversial, then secondly to realise when something doesn't work and reverse it in accordance to feedback. Keep it up with the experimentalism.

Agred , +1

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - StDH - 09-23-2018

Nightmare: > cost: 30k | damage: 1'750'000 | power: 4'000'000 | refire: 0.03
Hurricane > cost: 100k | damage: 700'000 | power: 3'000'000 | refire: 0.03

Both are torpedoes.
Both require same amount of time to reload.
Hurricane which has 1'050'000 less damage costs 70k more credits than Nightmare and takes 1'000'000 less power.
So we're just going to use Nightmares, to strip NPC's of their weapons completely, right?

(09-22-2018, 10:38 PM)Kazinsal Wrote: This was an incorrect attempt at a fix for the situation regarding mission farming and I sincerely apologize for it. I'm pushing a revert to cruiser armour to the repository now and I'm hoping we can hotfix this into the live game sooner rather than later.

The actual issue at hand has been more properly identified and I am leading an effort to find a solution that utilizes either additional time investment in transit or profit sharing in order to maximize profit from missions. In the meantime, please bear with us. I can't even remember the last time we looked at missions from a holistic point of view so this is going to be a major undertaking for the development team.

Then please revert the changes completely so some of us can actually enjoy doing missions again, and some which are new can actually make some money. We've given enough feedback and opinions to make it solid (please exclude Antonio, we're not him).

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - sasapinjic - 09-24-2018

^ Use of Nigtmares against NPC at 2.5 k range or closer in missions do need some skill and very , very precise aiming tough .

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - Antonio - 09-24-2018

(09-24-2018, 09:25 AM)sasapinjic Wrote: ^ Use of Nigtmares against NPC at 2.5 k range or closer in missions do need some skill and very , very precise aiming tough .

This got linked in the Corsair chat, after the mission change and before the hotfix.

RE: Missions are not worth it anymore - sasapinjic - 09-24-2018

You dont have to show me how to use Nightmares against NPC swarm, i was first to figure that out loooong ago on my Valor lol !
Anyway, it only work on some ships , which have at least 2 heavy slots on same side of ship , so not all ships can use it , and you DO need to fire missiles at nearly perfect 90 degree angle .
So my point stays , you need SOME skill and precise aiming.