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Blocking Jumpgates - Printable Version

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Blocking Jumpgates - FraserTE - 02-19-2009

Smuggling is suppose to be more profitable for the time but but it's not there arnt many decent routes out there so u want me to add 30 minutes to my route just because liberty wants to sit on there Battleship butts and block jump gates i think not. Its abuse using game mechanics to ure advantage as far as fast docking goes yes smugglers / traders use it yes were in it for the money becuause ure going to rp and run at the same time i always do. and the drop power smugging crap i just said my route is rather large dont be jelous that the navy cant do there job so i gotta pay for it by a retard on a bs blocking a gate. Tell ya what tenacity u go be the retard blocking the gate and ill have 2 corsair bomber blow ure but out the way since flak cannons arnt in affect yet. and then u can go qq about oorp and alaska and what not and be mad at the fact ure big ship is dead i can always pay somebody to kill you just get off the damn battleship and get on a gunboat wait on the other side problem solved. Jesus im tired of u ppl and ure redicolus crap.

Blocking Jumpgates - Tenacity - 02-19-2009

' Wrote:Smuggling is suppose to be more profitable for the time but but it's not there arnt many decent routes out there so u want me to add 30 minutes to my route just because liberty wants to sit on there Battleship butts and block jump gates i think not. Its abuse using game mechanics to ure advantage as far as fast docking goes yes smugglers / traders use it yes were in it for the money becuause ure going to rp and run at the same time i always do. and the drop power smugging crap i just said my route is rather large dont be jelous that the navy cant do there job so i gotta pay for it by a retard on a bs blocking a gate. Tell ya what tenacity u go be the retard blocking the gate and ill have 2 corsair bomber blow ure but out the way since flak cannons arnt in affect yet. and then u can go qq about oorp and alaska and what not and be mad at the fact ure big ship is dead i can always pay somebody to kill you just get off the damn battleship and get on a gunboat wait on the other side problem solved. Jesus im tired of u ppl and ure redicolus crap.

All I heard was "waaah, waaaaahh! you're infringin on my powertrading spree! waaaaaaaaah!"

Knock it off, I've been a smuggler on my junker since I joined this community 10~ months ago. I've never had to run through alaska with my cargo, I've never had to use an advanced train to do it, and I still have managed to fund numerous characters ranging from fighters to bombers to capships without issue.


Blocking Jumpgates - Dusty Lens - 02-19-2009

' Wrote:The most awesome kind of illegible wanking.

*points and laughs*

Blocking Jumpgates - FraserTE - 02-19-2009

Lazy 1 hour full circle for my route is hardly lazy tell u what dummy im in alaska right now come get me.

Blocking Jumpgates - Dusty Lens - 02-19-2009

It takes you a full hour to do the Malta/NY run using Alaska? What are you doing? Flying backwards?

Blocking Jumpgates - BaconSoda - 02-19-2009

' Wrote:Quit

My, oh, my, I could quote this advice for people attempting to use capital ships to kill transports all day long. Honestly, you folks can do with "downgrading" (:lol:) to a bomber from your capital ships, or, if you're extra lazy, you can go to a Gunboat. Sound fair? I hope so, because pirates haven't ever been able to police their space in anything bigger, so, tough luck for you, with things being fair and all, nowadays.

To edit something Tenacity said to re-iterate what I'm hearing (Also, some grammar editing):

' Wrote:All I heard was "Waaah, waaaaahh! You're infringing on my Transport Rampage! Waaaaaaaaah!"

Blocking Jumpgates - FraserTE - 02-19-2009

Ny to dublin to gamma to ny. is ma route

Edit i use this route because it's 30 mil an hour almost where as spamming diam/nob would be mutch faster but i choose not to i get to see mutch of sirius and rp with alot of factions most of witch that dont like each other.

Blocking Jumpgates - Dusty Lens - 02-19-2009

' Wrote:My, oh, my, I could quote this advice for people attempting to use capital ships to kill transports all day long. Honestly, you folks can do with "downgrading" (:lol:) to a bomber from your capital ships, or, if you're extra lazy, you can go to a Gunboat. Sound fair? I hope so, because pirates haven't ever been able to police their space in anything bigger, so, tough luck for you.

To edit something Tenacity said to re-iterate what I'm hearing:

There's actually been a great deal of discussion and, hopefully, some future moderation to the rules concerning certain faction's home state and the ability to utilize heavy capital ships to enforce the word of law. Corsairs smashing transports ferrying contraband with cruisers for example. Something that they've advocated strongly for... Which is worth keeping in mind before you go out of your way to divide the groups into them and us, Bacon.

Furthermore, Zone 21 and Alaska it a realm of Sirius that falls well outside of the normal parameters. Where in the rest of Liberty space a passing cruiser is keeping an eye out for hostile threats (while more mobile craft busy themselves with the issues of ensuring that those who turn a buck honoring vice are put to task), within Zone 21 and Alaska the rules are pretty simple: If it's not one of yours, blow it the hell up and ask questions later.

It's not a trading run. It's not a cruiser pirating for lulz. It's a war zone, political nightmare and ultra-sensitive testing ground for the cutting edge of Liberty's fighting forces. Any idiot who thinks it's clever to weave through a giant field of mines, ignore the warning signs saying death to all who enter and then get snapped over the knee of the first dread they pass is asking for it right between the eyes.

That or to be whisked away to a very dark room for a very very very very long time.

Blocking Jumpgates - MB52 - 02-19-2009

Ok i'm getting tired of everyone saying to downgrade to another ship. You know what? I worked hard raising the funds for this ship (took me over 4 months doing a in RP trade route)

I happen to enjoy flying this ship, so please don't tell me to use another.

Instead I'd like to see helpful criticism or advice on how to deal with these smugglers.

Personally I'd love to see pirates be allowed to use caps in defense of their homeworld (to catch smugglers) as long as they RP the situation out properly.

Blocking Jumpgates - Dusty Lens - 02-19-2009

' Wrote:advice on how to deal with these smugglers.

Nothing you can do at the moment, beyond advocate for another admin vote on the subject.