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Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 11-06-2006

majkp,Nov 6 2006, 03:05 PM Wrote:I also have a question to employ Fnordnet for a while:

How can the Goddess's virginity be proven if the next statement is valid: "There is no Goddess but Goddess and She is Your Goddess". Well I am assuming that the 1st of 5 holy laws ARE meant to be valid. Aren't they?? :unsure:

Hooboy! I'd give ya "Five Tons of Flax" on this one, but let's repair from the Zen and visit the Sufi:

Nasrudin was seen trotting through the village streets at a furious pace, looking bewildered. Now Nasrudin is normally a calm and accepting mullah, so the villagers were somewhat surprised at this display.

Five minutes later, Nasrudin gallops thru the village again. The villagers look at each other in wonder. "What is troubling Nasrudin today??"

Once again, he and his mount both lathered with sweat by now, Nasrudin lopes through the village, again looking in every direction.

Finally, a villager has the presence to call to the Sage: "Nasrudin! May we help? What are you searching for?"

Nasrudin reins up before the villager, and says, "I'm looking for my donkey!!"

Triple play:
1) We often miss the forest for the trees;
2) Consult YOUR Pineal, not someone else's;
3) Five Tons of Flax!

Discordian Q & A - Zukeenee - 11-07-2006

Malaclypse 666,Nov 6 2006, 04:58 PM Wrote:(Sheesh, one friendly hail to that "Brakelata" person, and you've gained a friend for life!)
Well, no, that's not the only reason for my interest. I've been interested in finding out more about it for a while now, but it was you who got me going on the path.

Also, he is offended by any abbreviation or shortening of his name. He is called Brakelatabasaasta and nothing else. Not my fault; it was his idea. :P

Discordian Q & A - Yngen - 11-07-2006

Ok, having read the wiki article, I get your name Mal. But what is the 666 for?

I would need some sort of pnemonic device to remmember what is hodge or podge. My pineal gland is silent on that score.

Caleb Gideon (the simple Gods fearing man from Gemini):

"No offense, but this sounds like dope smokin, Caprican-elite hyppie rules and morals are hard to follow so i'll invent a philosophy that allows me to do whatever I want."

David Helion (War hero):

"You bask in the freedom granted you by better men and women. Criminals are the last remnants of a lost war, still fighting."

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 11-07-2006

Yngen,Nov 7 2006, 07:55 AM Wrote:Ok, having read the wiki article, I get your name Mal. But what is the 666 for?
Check installment 2 of the story of Lightfoot's "conversion" by the Goddess:
Wherein you will find that F-23 Discordia has a friend in a parallel universe named "Gay Deceiver". Gay was responsible for giving our FNORD transponders sentience. She also used the "Burroughs Continua Device" to "enhance" Lightfoot's craft. The "666" is an homage to that universe's Creator.

Quote:I would need some sort of pnemonic device to remmember what is hodge or podge. My pineal gland is silent on that score.
Try this: Hodge ="hairy" (=Greyface); Podge = Playful Pie purveyors.

Quote:"No offense, but this sounds like dope smokin, Caprican-elite hyppie rules and morals are hard to follow so i'll invent a philosophy that allows me to do whatever I want."
I sympathize. Sounds like hedonism won the day on Caprical. Pineal augmentation with Kallisti Gold is a religious sacrament. Think ancient Terran Native Americans, or South American brujos/curanderos. One can see the Fnords without the assistance of entheogens.... it just takes longer.

Nice of you to join the class. If the Gods of Kobol don't mind a little female competition, we'll send over some Tomes and a missionary.

Discordian Q & A - Yngen - 11-07-2006

The Gods wont care, however the Goddesses might-is Eris beautiful? Aphrodite doesn't tolerate competition, ask Paris :)

Sometimes they are fickle and wrathful, other times gracious and loving.

I would leave the Geminon alone, they are definately Greybeards.

Hodge hairy/podge pie. I like it.

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 11-07-2006

Yngen,Nov 7 2006, 11:20 AM Wrote:The Gods wont care, however the Goddesses might-is Eris beautiful?  Aphrodite doesn't tolerate competition, ask Paris :)

Sometimes they are  fickle and wrathful, other times gracious and loving.

I would leave the Geminon alone, they are definately Greybeards.

Hodge hairy/podge pie.  I like it.

Ah, the old "Original Snub" is still a bone of contention, eh? Tell Aphrodite not to worry. Eris is an ugly old Hag, but with a Heart of Gold.

Interesting, that you and She should meet again out "here", where it all started all those dusty millenia ago. Dogon coinky dink fer sure. Is Sothis in your Pantheon as well?

Nix on the Mix, then. Purloined Principia Pending.


Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 11-07-2006

OK, Students,

Eris is not big on assigning homework....

But if you're into browsing and snatching little bite o' the Apple:

Discordian References and Links

And of course, the Eternal Bard of Eris Himself:

The Lives and Ideas of Robert Anton Wilson

Happy Nibbling!

Discordian Q & A - romer - 11-08-2006

I can't be bothered to read it all!

Besides, I probably wouldn't believe it anyway.

Maybe, just maybe, I'll write my own book.

"Born Again Atheists" or

"Mother Taurus and our Daughter of the Wholly Rock-and-Rolly Church of Bad Hair"

Whatdya think?

Discordian Q & A - Malaclypse 666 - 11-08-2006

romer,Nov 7 2006, 06:55 PM Wrote:Whatdya think?
..Get a damned good agent.

Discordian Q & A - Lt.Cmdr.Olsav - 11-08-2006

You know the idea of a dope smoking chaos spreading hippy colony that follows a loose belief systme that contradicts or is hypocritical appealing to me. Ive decided i follow Eris.

let the chaos roll....................