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The Osiris - Printable Version

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The Osiris - X-Lancer - 03-22-2009

' Wrote:Since half the players still have the old engine, I'd wait some time to see how they do with the much faster reverse.

much faster? how fast?

and maybe give Osiris a class 6 turret and it fires Train CD but with almost no turn rate?

The Osiris - Eternal - 04-26-2009

Although I'm not a fan of grave digging , I can't resist asking where any of my arguments and points even taken into consideration and tested?

It has been 2-3 new updates since this proposal was made and there is nothing to be found even remotely related to it.

The Osiris - tansytansey - 04-26-2009

I'm not gonna read back through all the pages to find out myself, but did anyone from the Dev. Team actually post here saying "Yes, okay we'll give this a try."
Cause if they didn't chances are your ideas weren't accepted.

The Osiris - Jinx - 04-26-2009

i m pretty sure the whole dev team has read the thread ( and many others that are related to the beta ) - now, the point is.... the osiris appears to be reasonably balanced as it is.

give more and you ll have to rebalance its most likely enemies, take more and you ll have to do the same. - even a tiny bit can unbalance it.

but mjolnir knows most about balance - i am certain he has read the thread though and also considered the points. - if nothing has changed, there re reasons for it.

The Osiris - Dashiell - 04-26-2009

Jure posted something about it in the revised BHG battleship thread I think.

The Osiris - Eternal - 04-26-2009

Although 6 pages of feedback is not a lot. I haven't seen anyone protest about the suggested improvements to the ship.

For people who don't wish to read thrue the entire threat , I'll repeat that the suggested changes do not affect the performance of the ship in PvP.

No one posted here explaining that the ship will be tipped of balance because of this and this and that , because of these changes.

edit - Dashiel : Jure posted after testing both ships in PvP that they where balanced at fighting each other. Although I'm not convinced about his results , because I didn't test it myself , that doesn't matter. Because these changes don't affect general PvP.

The Osiris - Mr.Fabulous - 04-26-2009

' Wrote:and i would perfer it has higher impulse speed (like 100m/s)..well..since it can go backward abit faster..why not go forward faster too?
This is a very controversial add to the Osiris...

In a war, sometimes the winners in many battles come not by the strength of the army, but in the speed on how it mobilizes. With the add of such greater speeds, not only could the Osiris be a significant recon battleship, it can also jump on the enemies a lot faster, which is a GREAT asset in any battle, particularly in a battle dealing with fighters needing reinforcements, or those that need a quick getaway...


If it did have higher speeds... that would make asteroid-avoiding very risky, meaning the Osiris would be SIGNIFICANTLY limited in asteroid combat... heh... a great weakness indeed...

' Wrote:sounds good, what makes me laugh though is the fact that most cruisers have more guns than the osiris an with a good cruiser pilot could kill it with ease.
Now that... is a very poor disadvantage, which is why the Osiris is very mobile to escape unwanted and needless battles against experienced capitals. This could be compensated with its mobility, but hopefully compensated enough...

I hope my suggestions were helpful... May the force be with you all.

P.S: if you'd like to know about my pic on if the Osiris is already balanced, I say it MAY need those extra Countermeasures...

The Osiris - reavengitair - 04-26-2009

The osiris is already one of the best battleships in the game (according to me anyway). I've tested it in single player, and I think it's reasonably good. I agree with the new stuff - But I don't think that it needs the impulse speed boost.

The Osiris - Dashiell - 04-26-2009

' Wrote:Although 6 pages of feedback is not a lot. I haven't seen anyone protest about the suggested improvements to the ship.

For people who don't wish to read thrue the entire threat , I'll repeat that the suggested changes do not affect the performance of the ship in PvP.

No one posted here explaining that the ship will be tipped of balance because of this and this and that , because of these changes.

edit - Dashiel : Jure posted after testing both ships in PvP that they where balanced at fighting each other. Although I'm not convinced about his results , because I didn't test it myself , that doesn't matter. Because these changes don't affect general PvP.

you are correct.

about the testing; maybe pm one of the devvies if he wants to go head to head with you.

about the suggested changes in this tread, I`ve no objections.