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Another Robot Faction? - Panzer - 04-28-2009

Me sez:

Make AI NPCs

Another Robot Faction? - tyro - 04-28-2009

I don't like harvesters (no offence), their RP goes to pvp. They demand something what doesn't exist and there is not other way than kill or die. Good is that they are a few only.

But. I like the idea of robot house/civilization. It is year 817 and I am sure that robots can be wise like on. eg. Data (Star Trek). They can make their own civilization.

Another and important question is whether in the future we will remain human/biologic kind. The robot kind of human will be in the future for sure, so it should be in Disco. Some of them will be simply machines with program - looped loop in another loop, but other could know about their own existence.

I like Tinkerbell's idea about "fear of human oppression/attack". We humans don't like things which we don't understand. We hate the situation when something could be wiser than us. We don't like independent robots because of we are afraid of them.

I don't mean about hostility between Robot and Human kind, rather neutral/unfriendly. Robots could need some raw materials which are only in the human space, and robots could produce some goods/weapons/ships which humans want to get. Some factions could hate robots. Some factions could cooperate with them, House authorities could treat them suspicious, etc.

There are many possibilities.

Another Robot Faction? - Jinx - 04-28-2009

in one point i have to agree with tyro. - many custom made factions are wishing for greater freedom - often greater freedom of pvp ( actually, every custom faction except the =CR= wants to achive more pvp freedom )

but the problem is that they often start out as hunters - and end up as hunted, unless game mechanics assist them in their task.

we do have one custom AI faction that is centered around more pvp freedom of sorts - and that has become a hunted of sorts. from that point of view - i think there is no necessity for another pvp centered AI faction.

i wonder if someone would come up with an AI faction that wouldn t pvp at all - but if attacked simply let themselves be slain. - in older concepts of AI, there was always a principle of AIs never to harm their masters or in general terms humans. ( asimovs laws )

an AI faction centered about simply RPing an AI, not fighting like one. - that would be a novel thing....

Another Robot Faction? - Unholy1 - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:I don't like robots.
Seriously I feel like kicking every single AI thingy I see out there. Speaking in code language is annoying and frankly, repeating scanning after 10000 time, I get sick of this. To me, AI has always been a poor excuse to kill stuffs with minimalist roleplay - because AI are that, right? minimalist.

I have to disagree with you,
Yes some of them have simple Rp, but a couple of them go the extra mile to make a dang good roleplay. Like for instance a certain harvester that the Outcasts controlled, that in my opinion was one of the best roleplays I was able to see and be a part of. And as far as the AI are just RPless trigger holders, that certain harvester didn't shoot unless being shot at or ordered to ..Unless he had Cardi in his hold. I think every form of life, humans, nommies, AI, etc on freelancer have plenty right to play here at discovery. As long as their Rp is good then there won't be a problem.

As far as the new Idea,
It sounds pretty good Dreygon. Keep working on the idea and knowing you it will turn out to be a great one.

Another Robot Faction? - me_b_kevin - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:I like the idea. But you need to have parameters on what they are capable of and what their common, unifying concern is. Almost all the new machine players want to inject their new tech. We have one unofficial faction bombarding and almost destroying bases for example now, cloaked ships that other players are obliged "not to see", alien technology superior to whats in Sirius, etc. I can see many players wanting to establish precedent for the machine house to be the greatest house.

Aside from that, idea has potential. I'd also like machines to be able to have their independent role play--not all forced into the same roles but with some unifying principle. For the Harvesters it was the source code for example. There needs to be some reason for AIs to form a "house" rather than just "being".

The most obvious thing to me is fear of human oppression/attack. Its logical to take steps to prevent it. I'm actually thinking more along the lines of X-men--robots who want to coexist, others who want to be left alone and others wanting to dominate all--but all with the same common threat that unites them at least somewhat.

yes i had a feeling that eventually the robots would be faced with prejudice, fear and contempt...much like mutants in's things like this that would flesh out the RP of the emerging robots society.

' Wrote:in one point i have to agree with tyro. - many custom made factions are wishing for greater freedom - often greater freedom of pvp ( actually, every custom faction except the =CR= wants to achive more pvp freedom )

but the problem is that they often start out as hunters - and end up as hunted, unless game mechanics assist them in their task.

we do have one custom AI faction that is centered around more pvp freedom of sorts - and that has become a hunted of sorts. from that point of view - i think there is no necessity for another pvp centered AI faction.

i wonder if someone would come up with an AI faction that wouldn t pvp at all - but if attacked simply let themselves be slain. - in older concepts of AI, there was always a principle of AIs never to harm their masters or in general terms humans. ( asimovs laws )

an AI faction centered about simply RPing an AI, not fighting like one. - that would be a novel thing....

no...PVP is the last thing on the list for this faction/house. i'd be lying if i said it would never be in there, as most have said without PVP you can't have RP. but i don't want the faction to be centered around PVP. PVP for this faction would come later on. they need to grow mature before even thinking such things.

the universe is brand new to them, life is brand new to them. as they experience things and learn they will begin to develop and emerge into their final form....the fun part is that the community will be the ones molding them.

but yes a solid foundation would need to be built so it doesn't get all crazy and stupid, but instead grows to be something the whole community enjoys.

Another Robot Faction? - Malaclypse 666 - 04-28-2009

Again, sir, the TAZ wish you well, having some experience with "artificial" intelligences, both our own and others, in the past.

But, let's get one thing straight from the get-go. The TAZ possess no magical mystical code that turns you on, off, or oppresses you in any way.

Never has, never will.


Another Robot Faction? - bluntpencil2001 - 04-28-2009

The idea has plenty of merit, although personally, I don't see the need for a faction, but having the idea spread across nearly all of the existing factions. I can see robots being used by DSE, hated by Xenos and the like for making human workers obsolete, used on mining bases et cetera.

Possible sources of inspiration can include the following:
  • Blade Runner/Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep. Good for making the difference between humans and AI questionable.
  • Star Wars, particularly the droid characters, some of which are more human than humans. See: Darth Vader, more machine than man, and R2-D2 and C-3PO, having human qualities.
  • Data from Star Trek: TNG. Everything he ever says or does can be applied to more advanced AIs.
  • The Matrix, particularly the cartoon extra 'The Second Renaissance' from the Animatrix. This highlights machines being oppressed.

Another Robot Faction? - worldstrider - 04-28-2009

One thought I had toyed with was a "Consortium"--sort of equivalent to the "Zoner Council". Made up of all current AI players characters.

It wouldn't control anything but act as a forum for discussion by AI of all sorts--sort of like "holy ground" in Highlander.

Again you need a singular reason that produces such unity but they could be the collective consciousness of all AI players--no authority--but a general consensus that all machines could agree is logical...maybe even serving as an Rped political body that non-AI parties could approach all AI through.

Another Robot Faction? - Malaclypse 666 - 04-28-2009

Pardon, but the concept of a "collective consciousness" sort of goes against the grain of what Dregon's faction would be striving towards, which would seem to be the evolution of individual indentities and sentience.

As to a Council of AI's, the idea rocks. If the Harveys ever come out of their conference, they can join too!

Another Robot Faction? - worldstrider - 04-28-2009

' Wrote:Pardon, but the concept of a "collective consciousness" sort of goes against the grain of what Dregon's faction would be striving towards, which would seem to be the evolution of individual indenties and consciences.

As to a Council of AI's, the idea rocks. If the Harveys ever come out of their conference, they can join too!

I meant that as a metaphor. Simply a discussion group to look for areas of mutually agreeable consensus.

Not literally shared consciousness...more in the way of "let's all agree not to do insanely stupid things with our AIs and at least talk here about it candidly if we do".