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RE: Hello - Kauket - 04-28-2024

(04-28-2024, 03:05 PM)Cortana Clark Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 02:59 PM)Kauket Wrote: think ur overthinking this one

they won't give a shit if ppl have an argument or say swear words in discords, or talk about soft politics, or posting porn

but they'll care if you're being a pedo/racist/extremist/plotting epic hacker activities

why should you be able to post porn? Like there could be minors here after all but calling a friend the n word goes to far?

You're literally not allowed to be on Discord if you're under 16 in most countries (some cap at 14)

And these channels usually have the 18+ marker. Which you need by TOS.

These rules are only applying to the public section of Discords, where new comers will see it.

RE: Hello - Swifty - 04-28-2024

(04-28-2024, 03:50 PM)TheSauron Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 03:22 PM)Swifty Wrote: I hear that. The problem is not the audacity of someone to bring the worst in me, its the purpose they do it with and quite often getting away with it. Triggering an explosion then acting like a victim for getting burned should also be sanctionable.

If two people argue with one another, then one pulls a gun and shoots the other, you do not arrest the one getting shot, even if they instigated the argument. You arrest the guy with the gun. Obviously, getting called a Nigel in an online argument is nowhere near as severe as getting shot, but the same principles apply.

In your examples, you're the guy pulling the gun. If you literally can't help yourself but shoot the guy you're talking to every single time, the solution is not for people to treat you with kiddie gloves, but for you to learn some trigger discipline or ideally stop carrying altogether.
Maybe shooting the guy is a bit overreacting, lets keep it at punching them in the face. We live in a world where people get way too comfortable insulting others online and not getting punched in the face for it. But hey that's only me, and i like a grown up will face the consequences of my actions. But what if the person in question insists on instigating fights? Do they get a free pass because they may or may not be in good graces with the staff? Cause then, we may be witnesses to the biggest raise of ass-kissery in history of disco to get in those good terms with the staff to get such passes. Maybe again im overreaching, but say, what if I'm not? Personally i never filed a report for harassment, only because the one time i did the person never got even a warning to say the least, so excuse me if im not particularly bothered to trust the system.

(04-28-2024, 03:57 PM)Jayenbee Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 03:53 PM)TheSauron Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 03:47 PM)Jayenbee Wrote: It's the feeling all of these sudden moves towards offenses presumed actionable by the staff has given many players, cheezus-f-ing-crust.

Why do these players feel this way, though?

That's what I'm hoping this discourse will elaborate on. However, that's highly doubtful since ironically a gun is being pointed at the likes of Swifty right now for daring to start as such.
They're only pointing that gun because it is unbelievable for them that the black sheep of the server has the audacity to bring this up for discussion and not trolling on it like some of the real role-models of discovery.

(04-28-2024, 04:40 PM)jammi Wrote:
(04-28-2024, 03:43 PM)Swifty Wrote: At this point you're proving me right and providing me more fuel as one of the people who consistently triggers people or gets on their nerves to get called slurs and then you wonder why it happens? There's also proof of that if you're asking for it, you've done it so many times i got bored counting them. Is this trial by forum or trial by Discord? If so I'll humbly accept my punishment. Can we return to the topic and not make it about you now? Thanks.

I'm sorry, but if you're so thin skinned that people upsetting you immediately triggers a barrage of slurs, you should probably spend more time working on yourself and less complaining about community moderation standards.

I will in fact keep this in mind. Perhaps I was always the problem and never truly realised it.

RE: Hello - Nodoka Hanamura - 04-28-2024

To be brutally honest, my time back when I was most active before my departure (2017-2018) was after the Heavy Decisions incident. That being said, the admin team has done, at least at face value, a wonderful job of cleaning shit up around here, and the attitudes that caused me to abandon Discovery years ago have seemed to at least, subsided. People like Ice Princess, Omicron and others, who I disliked due to my opinions of their ooRP (and even yes, bleeding inRP and OORP actions and statements, I will admit) actions and opinions. Time and even hardships that some of them have endured - again, my deepest condolences for Vitoniz - have softened my hostility, And it seems they too, from second-hand accounts from many of my friends who I left behind or even those who followed in my footsteps out the door back then, they have improved, at least somewhat. It is my hope that this time around, if I decide to stay, that We can leave the inRP hostilities at the door, and at least respect each other's decisions both in and outside of the roleplay environment.

That being said, as someone with community administration experience, the moderator's dilemma applies here - in a video script I have yet to actualize into a video on SL, I spoke the following:

Quote:The Moderator’s dilemma is twofold - If you govern too little, your platform becomes unruly, your authority easily questionable and puts question into the faith of the platform’s viability. If you govern too much.. The community becomes distrustful of you - speaks ill of you behind your back and questions the legitimacy of your actions, and looks to you with fear, rather than respect. They may even leave for sunnier shores - even if they aren’t shown the door.

In SL, we're dealing with our own little mess, which has brought about similar questions that are being raised here. Is what the DiscoveryGC Administration Team doing in our best interests? Are they acting too harshly, doling out nuclear-grade punishments for things that are at worst, worth only Bastilling or a week ban for? Are they not taking into account behavior that can be seen as abusive, harassing, that could prey on the less emotionally fortitudinous of our userbase, letting such things fly under the radar?

Back in my day, I could probably say that, with all due respect to the administration team - again, I have been in your shoes before - the admins were not as hard-assed as they are now. And that was a bad thing. We had people who saught to only make trouble for others, to see the community as not an outlet for creativity and exploring a vast universe that some of us grew up enjoying like yours truly with the original Freelancer - but as a way to get their kicks by trolling or annoying others in ways that were not easily caught by the administration team.

But now? They are more strict, but it's not without good reason. I left Discovery due to toxicity, me and Jadon both. Yes, this community brought us together as partners, but in the end we were both done with dealing with the drama and fighting that came from various members of illrepute. Whilst I hope in the intervening 6 years they have matured like I have and that a state of ooRP amicability can be ascertained, I know some amongst their ranks have decided that they want to push buttons, leading to the administrators doling out 'HEAVY DECISIONS' as the old meme goes.

Is the DiscoveryGC admin team's decision to start monitoring and reprimanding for actions in the discord servers of Official Factions a bit far-reaching? At face value, yes - but again, these are OFFICIAL factions. They, whether Auxesia's Nyx, or Order's Omicron likes it or not, are representatives of the best the community has to offer in terms of community-run organizations and they should be expected to be moderated and managed in such a way that it does not invite or promote the same toxicity and hostility that caused me to leave in the first place. They are expected to be held to a higher standard than some small UF you make with your friends for shits and giggles.

I will admit that were this rule implemented back then, I definitely would have been subject to sanctions. I have said some quite.. disgusting things in the past that I am not proud of now - quite the opposite. I think all of you in one fashion or another have done the same. Zephyranthes' character, Foulke, put it best.

William Foulke Wrote:Auxesia was made on fuck-ups. It's all about wanting to get better. Wanting to improve.

We need to do better. This is just the consequences of not doing so staring us in the face.

RE: Hello - Traxit - 04-29-2024

(04-28-2024, 04:40 PM)jammi Wrote: I'm sorry, but if you're so thin skinned that people upsetting you immediately triggers a barrage of slurs, you should probably spend more time working on yourself and less complaining about community moderation standards.
(04-28-2024, 04:23 PM)Haste Wrote: We're not "policing" your private Discords.
(04-28-2024, 04:23 PM)Haste Wrote: players clicking a link advertised by us on the official Discord and being confronted with some of the most toxic cesspools our community has to offer is simply unacceptable.