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Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Printable Version

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Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Apocalypse_Now - 05-25-2009

Few days?! Few days?!

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Death.RunningVerminator - 05-25-2009

you moronic buffoons... this isn't in flood! so stop flooding!

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - torchwood - 05-25-2009

patients patients! the admins are doing what they can! they just need our co operation and patients!

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Robert.Fitzgerald - 05-25-2009

Agreed - stop spamming to get your post counts up:P

I feel the identity of the attacker may not be revealed at all - after all, if it's a member of the discovery community then they'd be lynched (a facetious comment). Either way, some information when the situation is over would be great. Let's hope the server is not damaged.

Edit: added a smiley to boost the mood.

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Hell Hunter - 05-25-2009

Okay if you all are really that bored...
try the new tf2 update... its free for a bit but then you have to buy it... you can try other demos/watch trailers/ get more friends

this aint a advert.. i am just saying because you seem to be "bored" ?
( by the way there is achivements aswell)

another thing: when the heck is the server gonna come up?
CAnt you just switch it on then wola?

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - ophidian - 05-25-2009

Time to plan some events...

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - onca - 05-25-2009

People currently viewing this thread:

29 Members: onca, Zelot, notequinoxe, Cirren3341, jdftheman, KingSpade, Deaxy, ColdBreeze, Prototype, Laplase, Rand_Seith, underd0g, dead_shot, Sage, Roadrunner, Discovery UK, Tommy2103, Nathan, Grimly, Apocalypse_Now, Treewyrm, 11of10, Alexcomboy, Malexa, Thendon, --Charon--, rayne, BillG8s, Megiddo

I can remember when we didn't even have this many (active) members!:P

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Rodent - 05-25-2009

Ah well, got to find something else to do for a few days:P

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - CzeReptile - 05-25-2009

Darn atatckers! Me wanna pwn them wit BIG GANZ!

anyways, at least I can study without the evergrowing need to check the Taus

Admin Announcement: RP server has been attacked - Xank - 05-25-2009

This attack is surely from the COALITION of (evil) school teachers! To force us, disco junkies to study a bit.. :(