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"Cutlass" Bomber - Printable Version

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"Cutlass" Bomber - SevereTrinity - 05-30-2009

I personally love the model. But one thing does pick at me, that will be a nightmare later on.

The size, the overall shape is fine... but it has more holes than a swiss chesse. Look at a Titan, that's hard to hit with guns if it's strafing head on, due to it's thin shape.

Falcata had a bit more beef to it, and it was still incredibly hard to hit from the front.

Now, you can either add extra fattening material, or you could just cheat a bit and make the hitbox a bit past the ship on the inside.

Besides that, very nice ship, I give it a 9/10.

/end judging.

"Cutlass" Bomber - Benjamin - 05-30-2009

Looking at the size comparisons, it's really not that different. I mean, similar to the point where I would assume this would just use the currently existing falcata hitbox, which is obviously fine.

"Cutlass" Bomber - tansytansey - 05-30-2009

More updates. Added the support for the upper ring as seen on the Falcata and suggested by a few people here. Also removed the ugly thing on the upper ring, didn't like it any more.

[Image: Cutlass3.png]


"Cutlass" Bomber - gezza999 - 05-30-2009

Right, the model looks good. If other people can think of ways to make it nicer then go for it, but I can't think of anything else.

Just the name... Cutlass? It's a bit too, piratey, in my opinion. Makes me think of scurvy and peg-legs... Others please? Again, I can't think of any, we're running a little low on blade names that can be used...

"Cutlass" Bomber - Benjamin - 05-30-2009

Yeah I agree on the name. Shamshir or something maybe?

"Cutlass" Bomber - tansytansey - 05-30-2009

The name Cutlass is of course up to debate. I chose it because I thought it fit best with the Border World naming scheme, which are generally named after 'sinister' sorts of blades. Daggers, Stilettos, Sabres, Scimitars, Switchblades, Cutlasses, they're all weapons you'd find in the hands of criminals such as Pirates and the likes.

n00bl3t has already made a convincing argument towards naming it the "Rapier"

Shamshirs' appear to be an indian blade from what I gather. They also seem to be far too noble for the name of a Border World ship. I wouldn't name this bomber that.

Also, my info card example isn't that great either. I'd accept suggestions for improving it, also.

"Cutlass" Bomber - Benjamin - 05-30-2009

They're all duelling weapons, basically. Cutlass isn't. Shamshir and Rapier are. Falchion's already taken sadly.

"Cutlass" Bomber - tansytansey - 05-30-2009

' Wrote:They're all duelling weapons, basically. Cutlass isn't. Shamshir and Rapier are. Falchion's already taken sadly.
Daggers, Stilettos and Switchblades are not duelling weapons. Neither is the Scimitar, I believe. I don't think you can classify the Border World naming scheme as Duelling Swords when one out of three vanilla fighters is named after one.

"Cutlass" Bomber - Benjamin - 05-30-2009

I didn't call tham duelling swords. Duelling weapons. Daggers have been used in duels for as long as duels have existed. Haven't you ever read Hamlet? Stiletto is just a vaguely-defined type of dagger. Switchblade is just a modern equivalent, and non-vanilla anyway. Scimitars, it's non-vanilla again and I don't really know eastern history, but it's a one-handed sword with the same connotations.

"Cutlass" Bomber - Othman - 05-30-2009

Looks simpler and better.