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Liberty Police, Inc. Applications Office - Printable Version

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LPI Recruitment (iRP) - stardust47 - 08-12-2009

* Name: Mary.Idaho
* Age: 25
* Height: 6'2"
* Weight: 150 ibs.
* Previous Jobs: None
* Qualifications: Degree in mixed fighter/bomber training, degree in gunboat piloting.
* Brief Biography: Grew up in quite a well-off family on Eerie, but both of my parents were killed on the Battleship Unity during the Nomad War.
* Reasons for Joining: To protect and serve Liberty, protect civilians from pirates and all the other generic reasons for joining.

5-kyp-3: optimusdonutman

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Dejavu - 08-13-2009

****Incoming Transmission****

>>Comm ID: Dylan Shaw
>>Location: Planet Manhattan

>>To: LPI Recruitment
>>Subject: Joining the LPI

Name: Dylan Shaw

Age: 19

Height: 6'

Weight: 12st

Previous Jobs: Working in a cafe part time.

Qualifications: All school qualifications at grade C to A

Brief Biography: I was born on Planet Manhattan and grew up with my brother Oliver who is already in the LPI and my sister Molly who joined the IMG. When I was 12 I flew into space for the first time with my father, we went all around Liberty delivering goods to retailers, this is where I got my bug to be in space, on my travels with my father I saw many pirates, on one time we weren't to lucky... They cut the lane and pirated us for 500k. Ever since then I have wanted to protect Liberty from these scum!

Reasons for Joining: Protecting Liberty from the scum of the Badlands! I would also want to help my brother in the mobile Sunbucks. Also to make my brother and family proud of me!

Shaw out.

****Transmission Ends****

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Xareck - 08-15-2009

*~Incoming Transmission~*

[color=#FFFFFF]COMM ID: Alexandra Markey
SUBJECT: Liberty Police, Incorporated - Application

Hello, this is Alexandra Markey. I've included my application along with this transmission. I'd like to request that this -not- be sent to Jim Markey, for my own reasons.

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Transmission Ended.

--Opening Attached Text File.--

Name: Alexandra Jessica Markey
Age: 21
Height: 5'5
Weight: Approximately 120 pounds.
Previous Jobs: Worked on multiple jobs shipping and defending low priority cargo being sent to remote construction sites.
Qualifications: Four years of Pilot training academy, as well as several days of logged time in space.
Brief Biography: Alexandra never had much motivation to become a pilot in the voids of space, she only ever undertook the training, as it was required to become a contractor, as she had planned to be, to her family's relief. However, due to the recent dissapearance of her father, Jeff Markey, she has taken an interest in the LPI, in hopes to find more information on her father. Against her uncle's wishes, she is now hoping to be accepted among the LPI's ranks.
Reasons for Joining: To defend Liberty and her allies, as well as to find information on her father.

--Link terminated.--

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Boss - 08-15-2009

' Wrote:* Name: Mary.Idaho
* Age: 25
* Height: 6'2"
* Weight: 150 ibs.
* Previous Jobs: None
* Qualifications: Degree in mixed fighter/bomber training, degree in gunboat piloting.
* Brief Biography: Grew up in quite a well-off family on Eerie, but both of my parents were killed on the Battleship Unity during the Nomad War.
* Reasons for Joining: To protect and serve Liberty, protect civilians from pirates and all the other generic reasons for joining.

5-kyp-3: optimusdonutman

Jim grunts. "Sorry 'bout the folks. Do 'em proud with us, willya? Get down to the boys in Maintenance, they'll get ya kitted right proper in no time."

' Wrote:****Incoming Transmission****

>>Comm ID: Dylan Shaw
>>Location: Planet Manhattan

>>To: LPI Recruitment
>>Subject: Joining the LPI

Name: Dylan Shaw

Age: 19

Height: 6'

Weight: 12st

Previous Jobs: Working in a cafe part time.

Qualifications: All school qualifications at grade C to A

Brief Biography: I was born on Planet Manhattan and grew up with my brother Oliver who is already in the LPI and my sister Molly who joined the IMG. When I was 12 I flew into space for the first time with my father, we went all around Liberty delivering goods to retailers, this is where I got my bug to be in space, on my travels with my father I saw many pirates, on one time we weren't to lucky... They cut the lane and pirated us for 500k. Ever since then I have wanted to protect Liberty from these scum!

Reasons for Joining: Protecting Liberty from the scum of the Badlands! I would also want to help my brother in the mobile Sunbucks. Also to make my brother and family proud of me!

Shaw out.

****Transmission Ends****

"Brother o' Shaw, eh? He's a good 'un. Weeellp, We'll give his kid brother a shot."

' Wrote:
*~Incoming Transmission~*

[color=#FFFFFF]COMM ID: Alexandra Markey
SUBJECT: Liberty Police, Incorporated - Application

Hello, this is Alexandra Markey. I've included my application along with this transmission. I'd like to request that this -not- be sent to Jim Markey, for my own reasons.

[font=Lucida Sans Unicode]Transmission Ended.

--Opening Attached Text File.--

Name: Alexandra Jessica Markey
Age: 21
Height: 5'5
Weight: Approximately 120 pounds.
Previous Jobs: Worked on multiple jobs shipping and defending low priority cargo being sent to remote construction sites.
Qualifications: Four years of Pilot training academy, as well as several days of logged time in space.
Brief Biography: Alexandra never had much motivation to become a pilot in the voids of space, she only ever undertook the training, as it was required to become a contractor, as she had planned to be, to her family's relief. However, due to the recent dissapearance of her father, Jeff Markey, she has taken an interest in the LPI, in hopes to find more information on her father. Against her uncle's wishes, she is now hoping to be accepted among the LPI's ranks.
Reasons for Joining: To defend Liberty and her allies, as well as to find information on her father.

--Link terminated.--

Jim looked uncharacteristically vulnerable. "Alex...You don't have to do this. Jeff knew the risks--Hell, I'd like to go out and figure out where he went myself. But I can't, I've got this desk to keep pinned down. Look, I...awwww, hell, don't gimme those eyes. You sure you know what you're getting into?" Man...she looks so much like Crystal... Jim shook his head and reluctantly stamped the application.


LPI Recruitment (iRP) - hack - 08-16-2009

All new officers added to Roster in Wiki.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - deaxy - 08-20-2009

***Establishing connection***
**Downloading file**
*Opening file*

Name: The names Gindle, Will Gindle, but friends call me Willie.

I`m 27 right now. I just hope I'm not too old for this.

Height: 180cm


Previous Jobs: A corner shop in Los Grandes, Manhattan, selling donuts. I lost my job as a escort pilot because of a freak accident in Texas. I don't like to talk about it anymore.

Qualifications: Diploma in psychology. 3 years of pilot training.

Brief Biography: As long as I can recall, my life has been hard. First school, everybody picking on me, just because I was a little bit chubby, then high school, when I just wasn't good enough. I somehow finished school, got a nice job at a local, liberty based shipping company, as a escort pilot. All went well, till that day in Texas. Haven't been in a ship since then. I had to leave the company, and the only job I could find, was at a corner shop on planet Manhattan, a donut shop. It a nice job, but its just not the same as flying in space, I want to feel the rush again.

Reasons for Joining: I am feeling useless, sitting in this filthy, jet very satisfying place. I know I will miss the free donuts, but I really do feel like I'm ready to serve Liberty again.

If you wish to know more about me, please contact me via the 5kyp3 - janis.dzerve1, or just send a PM to my comms. mail box.
Willie out.

*End of file*
**Closing connection**

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Zapp - 08-23-2009

' Wrote:***Establishing connection***
**Downloading file**
*Opening file*

Name: The names Gindle, Will Gindle, but friends call me Willie.

I`m 27 right now. I just hope I'm not too old for this.

Height: 180cm


Previous Jobs: A corner shop in Los Grandes, Manhattan, selling donuts. I lost my job as a escort pilot because of a freak accident in Texas. I don't like to talk about it anymore.

Qualifications: Diploma in psychology. 3 years of pilot training.

Brief Biography: As long as I can recall, my life has been hard. First school, everybody picking on me, just because I was a little bit chubby, then high school, when I just wasn't good enough. I somehow finished school, got a nice job at a local, liberty based shipping company, as a escort pilot. All went well, till that day in Texas. Haven't been in a ship since then. I had to leave the company, and the only job I could find, was at a corner shop on planet Manhattan, a donut shop. It a nice job, but its just not the same as flying in space, I want to feel the rush again.

Reasons for Joining: I am feeling useless, sitting in this filthy, jet very satisfying place. I know I will miss the free donuts, but I really do feel like I'm ready to serve Liberty again.

If you wish to know more about me, please contact me via the 5kyp3 - janis.dzerve1, or just send a PM to my comms. mail box.
Willie out.

*End of file*
**Closing connection**

Sorry for the late response, certain backups in our filing systems (seems the hamsters decided to take a vacation) have made us very busy. We almost lost your application. We'll let bygones by bygones with the Texas incident and Accept you.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - deaxy - 08-24-2009

When will received the good news, he freaked out, throwing donuts everywhere, screaming out loud.

"Thank you sir, you wont regret your well made choice"

Then, suddenly the screaming and throwing stopped, and will silently whispered to himself with a weird look on his face.

"I know I`ll be a good boy.... No more killing... No more Texas"

Will twitched his head, and then turned back to normal, smiling and laughing.

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - Silver.2 - 08-24-2009

Name: Aaron Garretson

Age: 24

Height: 5ft, 11in

Weight: 173lbs

Previous Jobs: Engineer, often servicing the LPI ships on Philadelphia

Qualifications: I have received fighter training from an LPI officer, a lifetime friend of my dad's. I also know most LPI ships inside and out

Brief Biography: Well, lets see...I was born, and grew up, on Philadelphia (as you know, one of your bases), as my father was an engineer for the LPI. He originally wanted me to be an engineer, like him. For awhile I was, working on LPI fighters like the Patriot and Liberator. School was rough, as I was often considered 'weird'. I even got hazed in college on a regular basis. However, that changed during a raid by the Liberty Rogues. One of their bombers attacked a hangar, where we were working on a Liberator owned by a friend of my dad's named Smith Walker, only a recruit in his evaluation period. A torpedo landed a direct hit, shaking the hangar. Several of the lights fell, one striking Smith. In a burst of panic, I climbed in his ship and went after the bombers. I managed to take down two before I ran low on fuel. I was traumatized, and was on bedrest for several months. Afterwards, I was visited by Smith, who said the Liberator's neural net start up codes were now calibrated to mine, and then told me about here. He just told me that I 'would do more good than him'. I dont know why, but that made more sense than anything else thats happened in my life.

Reasons For Joining: I grew up around police, I've worked with police...oh yeah, and the Rogue incident

I do not currently have 5kyp3, but I will upload it. Please contact me on my currennt PM comms if needed.

Aaron, out

//OOC: I have not made this character yet, but I will upon acceptance. Also, I will set up a Liberator (it is available to all officers, correct?)//

LPI Recruitment (iRP) - hack - 08-25-2009

Hull O'Brian Picks up the folder marked "New Applicants" and starts reading:

' Wrote:Name: Aaron Garretson

Age: 24

Height: 5ft, 11in

Weight: 173lbs

Previous Jobs: Engineer, often servicing the LPI ships on Philadelphia

Qualifications: I have received fighter training from an LPI officer, a lifetime friend of my dad's. I also know most LPI ships inside and out

Brief Biography: Well, lets see...I was born, and grew up, on Philadelphia (as you know, one of your bases), as my father was an engineer for the LPI. He originally wanted me to be an engineer, like him. For awhile I was, working on LPI fighters like the Patriot and Liberator. School was rough, as I was often considered 'weird'. I even got hazed in college on a regular basis. However, that changed during a raid by the Liberty Rogues. One of their bombers attacked a hangar, where we were working on a Liberator owned by a friend of my dad's named Smith Walker, only a recruit in his evaluation period. A torpedo landed a direct hit, shaking the hangar. Several of the lights fell, one striking Smith. In a burst of panic, I climbed in his ship and went after the bombers. I managed to take down two before I ran low on fuel. I was traumatized, and was on bedrest for several months. Afterwards, I was visited by Smith, who said the Liberator's neural net start up codes were now calibrated to mine, and then told me about here. He just told me that I 'would do more good than him'. I dont know why, but that made more sense than anything else thats happened in my life.

Reasons For Joining: I grew up around police, I've worked with police...oh yeah, and the Rogue incident

I do not currently have 5kyp3, but I will upload it. Please contact me on my currennt PM comms if needed.

Aaron, out

//OOC: I have not made this character yet, but I will upon acceptance. Also, I will set up a Liberator (it is available to all officers, correct?)//

He reaches for a stamp, plunks down the stamp, and makes a notation:


Report for duty, have the Maintenance techs program a transponder that reads:


We start out in Patriots, takes a bit to get the Liberators due to the War. Eventually we get you into a libby.

Refer to the Links in the 1st message in the One Police Plaza Message dump, and the Wiki Link in the first message of this channel.

Good luck, and we will see ya out there.