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BH BS - Robert.Fitzgerald - 06-09-2009

Quote:You could fly the same direction as the opposing capital ship, engine kill, turn around while out of range of their primaries and hammer your long range weapons. But you would not be able to strafe, leaving you as bait for their long range weapons.

Battleship missiles act as CDs so this tactic wouldn't work very well against battleships with missiles. Admittedly, most battleships seem to mount just primaries and a heavy mortar, but yeah you wouldn't be able to dodge their fire so you'd die anyway.

I think what Jon Archer meant was to thrust past the opponent battleship so it'd have to spend time turning around to bring all its weapons to bear on you. So you'd have a little bit of a range advantage, depending on the time it takes for the other battleship to turn 180 degrees.

BH BS - globalplayer-svk - 06-09-2009

' Wrote:YET AGAIN, people use the corsair dreadnaut to pwn tonight even tho their was no reason. This is why we need a heavy bs or carrier to match and balance the BH standings its totally unfair for BH to get the short end of the stick. Now the ship in mind with have to be the model that was used in the beta that was replaced with the new one.

Because of this bs tonight that happened in O-49 i'm about to leave this behind and uninstall FL for good i try to rp but some people just want to make someone life hell
Endeavor OUT

dont forget that corsairs ships are supposed to be the heaviest in their class, in exchange, their are not so agile ...

when i use your tactic, then :

corsairs need gunship so small and agile as the bh one is to pwnt bombers... (and why you are not screaming that 3 of the bh gunships in front of crete are able to destroy like 10 fighters/bomberS????)
then we need bomber so agile and tiny as bh bomber, then we need a small destroyer, much more agile as current corsair is, then we need a light battleship to follow hunters in stone fields around holes in gamma (impossible with corsair dread) then we need a battlecruiser with thruster to destroy hutners. and the same ship class and types need order too.

will you be happy to have heavy bs, when your enemies around you have ships with stats as i typed above?....

and please, next time, try to type when you are calmed down. we all here can type how hunters indies use their caps, but for what is it good ???.... for nothing...

BH BS - NonSequitor - 06-09-2009

' Wrote:amen to that Jinx, amen.

caps fights are massive fun indeed. and stronger caps being attacked by 2 or more (far) weaker caps should be allowed.

example: a cap fights broke out about 2 days ago. 3 preafacts and 2 npc Osirisses vs 2 BHG BC and my Mako.

in the end it was my Mako vs 2,5 cruisers. that was a laugh and I didn`t consider it unfair for a second.

the mentality of people need to change; when faced by a powerful cap, lesser caps should be able to team up without being called names.

maybe the Core can lead this devolpment, seeing as "we" have the weaker caps.

I wouldn't count on the name-calling to stop any time soon. Human nature and all that.

As for utilizing our caps more, that sounds like a fine idea. I wonder how mayhem could be unleashed by 3-4 destroyers? Or BCs?

Oddly enough, I haven't seen many BSes around lately.

BH BS - Jonathan_Archer_nx01 - 06-09-2009

' Wrote:Problem is, all battleships are the same speed. Once you're in range of their weapons, that's it. You can't create distance between two ships travelling in the same direction at the same speed (without external factors like debris fields) only close it.

You could fly the same direction as the opposing capital ship, engine kill, turn around while out of range of their primaries and hammer your long range weapons. But you would not be able to strafe, leaving you as bait for their long range weapons.

I don't even fly a battleship and I can see that's not gonna work.

Big battleships take long time to turn. You have to exploit that to gain some distance.

BH BS - Tommeh - 06-09-2009

From my expirence BH BS are not so weak.A few weeks ago we were near BH station Dabadoru in Delta chasing BH BC in RP to skip the story..,bla,bla, the end backup camed for was 1 BH BS and 1 GB.we escaped back to Minor and as they followed us we prepared two Osiris class ships and 2 bombers as defense.One of our Osiris was pretty expirenced in flying BS and for other I don't know,because I haven't meet him many times.
So the point is that 1 BH BS and 1 GB took our both Osiris battleships.At the end BH BS also got destroyed,but he confronted 2 Osiris BS and destroyed them both with a GB help.
So I think that it is not so weak if the man who is piloting him knows what he is doing.

BH BS - Dashiell - 06-09-2009

' Wrote:I wouldn't count on the name-calling to stop any time soon. Human nature and all that.

As for utilizing our caps more, that sounds like a fine idea. I wonder how mayhem could be unleashed by 3-4 destroyers? Or BCs?

Oddly enough, I haven't seen many BSes around lately.

Maybe it`s got something to do with the fact that mainly Legates eat it alive. I dunno. I find it a good thing personally.

2 or 3 dessies in action is a lovely sight. bombarding all over the place.

and yes, the name calling will continue. but people who fly superior caps and are attacked by 2 weaker ones should think for a second and compare stats. buying the toughest ship with the most guns and armor doesn`t mean you can buy garantueed victories. some heavy cap owners have trouble to accept that when pitted against smaller caps that manage to kill their big, bad battleship.

BH BS - DW-FED - 06-09-2009

one question then, why can't the Bounty Hunters build its own ship that can defend against the legate. I personally believe in onevsone battles with equal chances to win.

just my opinion

BH BS - Robert.Fitzgerald - 06-09-2009

It's a waste of time and resources. The Guild Core are concerned with the Order and the Nomads. Corsairs are a secondary threat. Not to mention they have a battleship which is balanced against its major opponent, the Osiris, already.

BH BS - DW-FED - 06-09-2009

Even tho the R&D dept should be developing a better ship that the BH can launch a fighter and bomber squaderns against the nomad-order ships. The current light bs is only able to carry LF support or one bomber escort. truly, the core need a ship that supports such a demand that it needs to be put into development soon. I'm sure that the Core could come up with the funds to make such a ship in due time.

BH BS - Robert.Fitzgerald - 06-09-2009

RP or not, the Bounty Hunters do not need/will not get another battleship simply because the current pilots are not beating Corsair Legates...