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Carpal Tunnel - Shagohad - 07-10-2009

I. Must. Have. One.

Carpal Tunnel - Blighter - 07-10-2009

[font=Book Antiqua]Cap'n Eppstein, I'll go and fuel your ego here...

I really like the look of that thing. I can't fly those big chunks worth a rat's, but I swear if you get that thing done, make it end up as smexy as I think it will end up, and have those Maltese Crosses go all shiny like and such, daaaymn, I'll do what I can to beg my way up to one just so I can log on it and drool all day.

I just hope it won't go overkill with windows, else I'm going to have one hell of a problem explaining an [color=#FFCCCC]Outcast Dreadnought
serving as Sirius' biggest mobile Bar and Liquid Cardamine bathhouse.

Carpal Tunnel - Eppy - 07-13-2009

Right, posting an update, since I'm going to be leaving for a week and the connection where I'm going is...spotty, at best.

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Right now it's mostly finished. What remains on the actual texturing job is basically little details like the edges around windows (and applying the windows to the aft bridge. Big items include the passive sensor, the docking bays, and the engine (which I'm looking for a texture for. Whatever I use is going to have to be recolored, in all likelihood, but meh). It almost feels like the model's trying to do too much, but once it's in-game I think the lighting and the activity level will smooth that out. Also, don't mind the green Rheinland texture and the pale green color, that's what the BW textures look like naturally and they change tint in-game, and the Rheinland texture is used because it's somewhat similar to the BW skin and we can nicely recolor it to the appropriate bright red later in the process.

Carpal Tunnel - Sprolf - 07-13-2009

Absolutely beautiful.
The green might need some fiddling to fit, I think, but that's about the only problem I have with it.

The triple-hardpoints are great, and the bridge is, in my opinion, very fitting.

Carpal Tunnel - Seth Karlo - 07-13-2009

Sorry Eppy, it's just not my thing... might sell the Immortal Hunter for something else...

Nice model, I just don't really like it.



Carpal Tunnel - Montezuma/Kukulcan - 07-13-2009

Very nice, just one thing, that off-yellow-greenish colour doesnt look right on it, it makes it feel almost like a rheinland ship if you look at it for long enough.

Other than that, extremely nice.

Carpal Tunnel - Etaphreven - 07-13-2009

' Wrote:Sorry Eppy, it's just not my thing... might sell the Immortal Hunter for something else...

Nice model, I just don't really like it.



It's not like he's going to make yet a new model just for you, anyway. :laugh:

Lovin' it, Eppycake.

Carpal Tunnel - frozen - 07-13-2009

the texturing job so far is really good. you do have some distorted faces, and some screwed up texture mappings in certain areas. good to see you finally learned how to texture properly.:)

come on skype and we can take out the few kinks left

Carpal Tunnel - Eppy - 07-13-2009

Quote: Right now it's mostly finished. Also, don't mind the green Rheinland texture and the pale green color, the Rheinland texture is used because it's somewhat similar to the BW skin and we can nicely recolor it to the appropriate bright red later in the process.

Again, shall be no skyping, as I mentioned in my poast I leave shortly for The Place of Sporadic Connections.

Quote: it makes it feel almost like a rheinland ship if you look at it for long enough.

<.< >.>

I believe this would be the appropriate time to invoke "RTFM."

Carpal Tunnel - Eppy - 07-14-2009

Well, my mother decided to call off our unpleasant road trip until tomorrow morning, so I finished it.

Basically, everything's been plated in standard Borderworlds texture. The details are done in Rheinland Battleship baseplate - those are going to be recolored bright red later in the process (I think that happens in UTF editor). I decided to retexture the inset parts of the fins and planes in normal BW textures; I think it works better that way, personally, I decided it just looked a little TOO fancy with the whole thing done up in bright red. The engine is using the flat metal texture - I might darken it up, but I don't think it needs it, honestly, Neutronium doesn't look like anything as far as I know so plain dark grey ought to do it.

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