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Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Elsdragon - 07-02-2009

He insulted eppy.....

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Birdtalon - 07-02-2009

' Wrote:Excuse me? I've been at this for two weeks now, I've been playing on this server in excess of two years, I have made some of the Battleships that people fly,I'm in the process of writing down a long and excessive story for this thing (about eleven pages atm) and I'm only halfway there? Ehwat? The way I see it, I should be buying the damn thing right about now. I've achieved, and I'm doing all of my trading in real RP instead of getting a Zoner Guard Advanced Train like every other tit on the server! Let me have my damn BS!

And if you don't think I understand 'cap-spam,' then you haven't read up much, mate, because I was the guy who instigated the original Outcast Cap Registration. Hate to be blunt, bit if you think I want an 'easy' BS you're a maroon. I've DONE my work. Let me have my play.

Hate to correct someone who is insulting me but it is Moron, not maroon, that is a colour.

Dude... ive been grinding for hours and i still havnt got my BS, but when you get one surely it feels much better.

I aim to get 30 mil a day, which equals to 1 hour and 10 mins approx, with this I will get BS in 3 weeks, which is good enough for me.

And... if you think I trade OORP then you are wrong. 1. I dont have Zoner guard advanced train. I have firefly and I smuggle with Junker ID, after my 1 hour I hop in my cruiser and have some RP fun.

PS. See i avoided a semi-flame post unlike you.

EDIT: Oh and, while im on a roll, if you have been trading 2 weeks and are not close, i advise you get a better trade route.

As for Cap armor upgrade... rediculous

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Quorg - 07-02-2009

' Wrote:Definite no...

In my oppinion people that vote 'Yes' are just people who want an easy BS.

People that vote 'No' are either people who have a BS and undertstand the term 'Cap-Spam'. Or just people who understand 'Cap-spam'

Come on people, Battleships are meant to be an achievement, not something you can get after 2 or 3 hours...

I already have one and deal with capspam on a regular basis, and voted "yes".

The lollers on the server aren't discouraged by high prices. Now, those who want to RP out their trade routes and perhaps make less credits than they would otherwise might be discouraged.

In other words, higher prices --> less good RPers in cap ships.
Less good RPers in cap ships --> a higher proportion of lolcappers.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - ophidian - 07-02-2009

No, if a bomber costs like 40 m to outfit, giving 1 billion to a cap is not that high. And it should take some time to get it so that it will have a value before your eyes that you will give the care it needs and deserves in RP. (This sometimes turn into pure utopia though)

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Elsdragon - 07-03-2009

Still tho, A capwhore will power trade till he gets it. Look at the fact that no matter how much we increase the BS price, LOLcaps are the same amount. we just have fewer faction BS's

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - n00bl3t - 07-03-2009

' Wrote:No, if a bomber costs like 40 m to outfit, giving 1 billion to a cap is not that high. And it should take some time to get it so that it will have a value before your eyes that you will give the care it needs and deserves in RP. (This sometimes turn into pure utopia though)

Considering the mobility to firepower ratio of a bomber, I think if anything, bomber and SN prices should be raised to ridiculously ludicrous amounts.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Eppy - 07-03-2009

Quote: Hate to correct someone who is insulting me but it is Moron, not maroon, that is a colour.

...uh...mate...the misspelling was part of the insult.

And if you expect me to get a better trade route, let me shove this up:

There are no better trade routes for liners.

My liner gets 100 less cargo than your Firefly, on a GOOD day. With armor? Naaaah. And human cargo? Not as profitable as other normal cargo. Not to mention, one of the TWO routes we have (one of which I expect to disappear, because it's a back and forth that pays about the same as the other one) goes through California. Rogues. Efficiency? No such thing. Can't use the tradelanes. Have to go above the plane. Oh, and that vaunted firepower and survivability the liners are supposed to have to justify their 200 million pricetag? Got nerfed off. So! Crappy cargo, big targets for bombers and Ptranses. Sounds to me like sticking to my RP is making my trading experience pretty miserable as far as buying things goes.

Quote: No, if a bomber costs like 40 m to outfit, giving 1 billion to a cap is not that high. And it should take some time to get it so that it will have a value before your eyes that you will give the care it needs and deserves in RP. (This sometimes turn into pure utopia though)

The prices are still ridiculous, considering that three bombers can take down a Battleship. If you use that logic, a Battleship should cost 120 million, because that's what it takes to blow it up.

It is taking time. It is taking too much time. I have a life. I want to RP, and I think I've traded enough to justify being able to do that with the ship I want to and with the confidence that it's not going to get destroyed the minute some yahoo lolcap shows up.

We used to be able to buy a Battleship in three days. The armor? Three hours. Two weeks is plenty, I think. Plenty.

Quote: Dude... ive been grinding for hours and i still havnt got my BS, but when you get one surely it feels much better.

Mate, I have bought a Bretonian Battleship, a Liberty Dreadnought, a Bounty Hunter Battleship, an Outcast Battleship, and an Outcast Dreadnought. Count five. Those are the Battleships (and associated Cap Armor MK VII/VIIIs) that I have PERSONALLY paid for. Believe me, mate, I have done this before, and it is SICKENING, and when you're done, it is NOT this great epiphany. It sits there gathering dust waiting to get yanked out for a defensive operation and provide burst damage for five minutes before sitting on the shelf for a week again. No epiphany. No 'great feeling.' Just another ship. Caps are hard to RP, and if somebody wants to take on the challenge of doing it, they should be able to.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - AdamantineFist - 07-03-2009

I'm with Eppy on this one, though partially. I definitely agree that battleship prices should be lowered, though perhaps to the 250-350 mill range. And the cap armour... oooooh, the cap armour. Drop that baby down into the 100-200 mill range. 900 mill just for armour? That's rather annoying, I must say. Even if you don't drop the battleshp prices, just drop the friggin' armour prices at least.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Valtur - 07-03-2009

This is already good scrubbing with a long RP, okay with the price to be lower or raise prices if it is easy for some and for others it's hard to have the armor and bs, whether prices will rise much more difficult to buy both.
Simply to be facing prices that are already speaking, if we want something ents that capital ships are sold in systems guard and ready, whether that be hard to guard and if the Zoner instead of having the guard on Zoner bribe get three missions as the other factions against the enemies of zoners (Wilde and nomads, and I think coalition) to be equally difficult to be Zoner guard that the other factions.
And in case of RP, with time one learns the RP, they have to think that some communications in the capital ships are internal? I have, because if any big ship only apply external communications greeting, ordering the other troops and other things but not everything that says tripulacion.for example read some of the crew that lets you go to the bathroom open radio .
Watch the movie Star Wars and see that everything they say on the radio open, please RP as if they were real, get to thinking that there are more internal radio communications open.

Just stop and think that prices are already as.

Reduce the Prices on Battleships - Cosmos - 07-03-2009

I think BS's should only be given out after a Special Roleplay request tbh..Not a lul wutter grinding for a week and then buying 1 and saying:
