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Bomb/suicide ship class - dudeicoft - 07-25-2009


Reading this topic made me sad... and a bit angry at the people who show no compassion for fellow human beings. But I guess that is life, not everyone can be expected to act like a saint, and there will always be the dicks out there who have no feelings.

To everyone who has lost a loved one or been in a car bombing, I offer you my heart felt condolences. It won't mean much coming from some random guy on the internet, but someone should at least try to offer you brave souls something. And to the vets, thank you for ensuring our freedom. Without our men and women in uniform, our countries would not last long.

Bomb/suicide ship class - ... kur nubÄ—go? - 07-25-2009

Really somehow then I tried to speak about SCRA which are using the SOVIET UNION symbols instead of something new which should be in RP (what and idiot you should be to try convince teh people about ideas which already failed the world) No-one cared to listen.

But later I understood, that those people perhaps dont have a sense of clue whyat happened here. Neither that those symbols means. This my nations history, western european dont give a damn about that. All in all I get along with it. Besdies I can awlays blow up a commie scum in game, how cool can be that?:DBesdies some of them acting drunk brainless moorans about "revoliution" really makes me smile now.

Now more about offending. I survived a gunfire above my head while sitting in the bar. And what? YOu think I see ther eason not to play lets say counter strike?

And abouе sucide bombers. I tried to explain thos earilier, its much more like kamikaze technic, not suicid terorrists. Perhaps sometimes people sees that what they want to see. BS and Carriers are half stationary bases in RP. And about suicide, in kamikaze technic, 2x Nova torp s arent enought, you should be able to boom about 30 of them in one time to make a trick.

Get along with it its just a game. You cant delete everything becouse it offends you. Sometimes things have as much meaning as we give it to it.

Bomb/suicide ship class - Irra - 07-25-2009

Whole game is war or stuff like that ... idea is nice ... but if that offended you how that every day killing in game didn't ?

It funny result ... you have something against these bombs ... and nothing against all day shooting with nukes , torps , guns etc ...

What shuold i do now ... tell everyone to stop killing each other in game because my father died in war too? ...

Bomb/suicide ship class - Marcus Lindberg - 07-25-2009

The point is to not remind these people of such events. Which is why, having created the idea, am now against it myself.

Bomb/suicide ship class - Irra - 07-25-2009

Its bad thing in real life ... but ... killing is happening in real life too and no one have nothing against it ... that's a bit funny ... but ... never mind ...

No bomb/suicide ships class ... what about mine thats more powerful then super nova? ... antimatter mine ... you can have only 1 or 10 ... in cargo ... like ammo ... you have launcher like nuke ... but that one mine deals much damage ?

Bomb/suicide ship class - Linkero - 07-25-2009

I just thought of the stupidest question for everyone.....

Do you think professional game developers(from sony, EA, etc) care if you are offended by their game? They don't even check the general public to see. A person complains, 10 others are happy. Good results for the professionals.

Yea a small bit off topic, but still. Why is everyone HERE arguing about being offended? I re-read the topic(after a good night sleep) and.....the arguing is very very pointless. This is a community of maybe 300-400 active members. The developers here aren't professionals(for HERE that is) so they DO care what the "people" have to say.

Final thought: If you are offended by ANYTHING in this game, even THIS idea(due to walker suiciding), don't bother with it here, take it to the game developers theirselfs. The games great, lets keep it that way. The people are great, lets also keep it that way.

Very Final Thought(for now i think): Lets take this idea in a different direction. Suicide bombings are less common then everyone thinks. The people here are really offended due to roadside bombs, not PEOPLE actually running up to them, hugging em, and boom. So, if ANYTHING like this were to happen, how bout it be a self-destruct button. You get down to 5% hull, enemy says "surrender and come with me", in which you reply "never!" and press your button. Its like the eject button for loyalists. Of course, this version of the idea would still go with he 4 hour rule and blah blah blah, and the ship exploding.....doesnt have to do damage at all. It wouldn't matter in the end anyways, you would be "dead" so you wouldn't care if your side won or not.

Bomb/suicide ship class - 570580ss - 07-26-2009

Look, listen to what Linkero is saying, he's completely right. you know those nubz in Battlefield 2 who C4 the Humvees and ram them into tanks and blow em up? How come people do that if it offends them? I try to be as understanding as can be. Yes Trick, I think driving in a Humvee with crazy crap going is a bit nerveracking at the least but still this is a game, your here to have fun, not be reminded of something bad, it shouldn't have to remind you.

Seriously though, since alot of people are just so against it, I say screw it.

Bomb/suicide ship class - Belco - 07-26-2009

i cant see these being used by lawful factions at all for obvious reasons, as for the unlawful factions, apart from the corsairs and outcasts, which are a respectable size, all the other factions are quite small, some being found in only a few systems such as the Xenos and farmers alliance, and as such, they probably wouldn't want to be blowing their few members up.

Bomb/suicide ship class - Exsiled_one - 07-26-2009

How the hell did it turn from interesting topic to who's more screwed in life by tragic situations and living normally now?

I mean seriously people.
It is offensive, and it has the wrong concept here. because once you die, in real life, you're gone, forever. And those people (kamikaze, terrorists) made their choices knowing they're gone after that forever. (one of more popular questions is why do kamikazis wear helmets, right? ^_^)

So I'm asking you, how will you balance this? You want something small and powerful (think suicide scourges from starcraft), but you want to respawn and do it all again then.

cloning? maybe, sure go ahead, but I can't see spawning in the same expensive ship later.

Maybe starflea as the ship and some "explosives" as ammunition, that are few mil expensive, so when you die, you lose it all.