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Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Printable Version

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Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Birdtalon - 09-04-2009

Having read your first post, I am starting to think this is the wrong server for you.

First you post the thread about the "Endgame" and now this, wanting the "Biggest and the Best to go anywhere".

Somehow, while reading the server discription you missed out on the "RP" part.
Don't get me wrong, i havn't seen you ingame, you might be a totally brilliant RPer - but from the posts I have seen from you so far, I really don't think that goes together.

Quote:Once I have purchased the most powerful ship in the game, I desire to be able to take it all over Sirius and kill people who have inconvenienced my powertrader and thus have irked me quite considerably. I would like to know if there is any legal way to accomplish this goal of ultimate pirate rape. (Which I use to mean "epic pwnage" although anyone else would think I just wanted to be forcibly intimate with pirates.) I also intend to empower others to fly battleships around Sirius to hunt pirates because they interfere with my powertrading.

Exactly my point, this game is not about being the best ship to go around and kill people in your big badass battleship, It is about the RP.

And as for your question about Capships going anywhere, let me ask you this. Unless you live in a place that is ravaged by war, do you see other nation's Tanks and Millitary Vehicles rumbling about everywhere?

My guesses are that the answer to the above question is no, so why would It be true for Sirius?

Just my thoughts. Yes, I am getting a bit annoyed.

~ Birdy.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - jammi - 09-04-2009

' Wrote:Sprolf is going to buy a Barghest.
Good luck.

P.S. Pirates are free.
Battleship captains aren't.
Sprolf, you thread-winning person, you.:P

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - schlurbi - 09-04-2009

I really read every crap in here. And I heavily suggets that it should be closed before Silver makes another stupid post and people start raging. The most of them are already angry at him, and so am I.

I thought the Forum would stay lolwut free, but Silver even tops the Rogue Battleship Boy.
I'd suggest to you, Silver...that you change yourself quickly. Learn RP, stop being a PVP-Whore and get your ass into an Arrow.

PS: My Rogue is mostly outside of Liberty.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Exsiled_one - 09-04-2009

Let me note just something here guys...
for all those not thinking outside of the box. i was with you until 10 minutes ago. then i figured this!
He's active on the frikkin forums! Do you even know what that means? It means there's some chance out there that he'll actually be turned into a good member of this community, eventually. He wants to fit in, and he's ready to take orders as well.

I cannot believe there's not a single strict person in some navy out there that will take him and yell at the guy until he gets it in his skull.
but maybe i'm wrong, maybe those in game that act lul and have no forum account whatsoever win.
Your call. I say don't chase him away, but don't like him either. Be that drunk abusive father we never had.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - MrHeadphones - 09-04-2009

As people have said, there is no "totally free" group with capital ships. Also, the point of Discovery is that there is no "endgame" as you put it. My BAF pilots have no intention of getting GBs, my trader is quite fine with a Shetland (granted, it's as large as a dunkirk, but it's only got one gun for crying out loud), my newb helper is happy with his rhino, and my pirate loves his "pretty" Barghest, which by the way was involved in the destruction of multiple capital ships, including a cap VIII Liberty carrier. Now then, I think I'll tell you a little story about a capital ship pilot who thought he could go anywhere:

Once upon a time, there was a corsair cruiser commander. Since it was a lovely evening, he decided to go to Leeds, to see the smog clouds. However, he went too close to the planet, where the BAF were having a tea party in their fighters. "No problem" said the cruiser commander, "my ship is too big and shiny for them to scratch!"

But the BAF didn't like the corsair being there, so they stopped their tea party, and all 8 of them went to give the corsair some tachyons as presents. The corsair's cruiser, despite being the shiniest cruiser in the corsair fleet, couldn't deal with all the tachyons and so, within a minute, it had exploded.

The end.

And the moral of the story is: Capital ships shouldn't mess with massed fighters, let alone bombers. Many factions have the might to bring up at least a couple of bombers at any time, and so your capital ship, as said before, will be very vulnerable. Feel free to take a look at your battleship's shield and compare it with a cruiser shield: 1000 more regen per second? That's less than an extra fighter's worth. 100,000 extra health? going to go down in less than a minute more. 4x the armour? Maybe you've got 5 minutes, 10 at the best before you're destroyed, and that's just from a fighter group. Bombers are much harder hitters.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Quorg - 09-04-2009

Solution: Buy a cruiser or destroyer each for the BHG, IMG and for all five houses. You'll be able to hunt any pirates anywhere you please.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - DarthCloakedGuy - 09-04-2009

If you want to take on pirates, what you really want is a light fighter to take on their bomberswarms.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - JakeSG - 09-04-2009

' Wrote:I cannot believe there's not a single strict person in some navy out there that will take him and yell at the guy until he gets it in his skull.
but maybe i'm wrong, maybe those in game that act lul and have no forum account whatsoever win.
Your call. I say don't chase him away, but don't like him either. Be that drunk abusive father we never had.

Already started. You have no idea how pleasurable it is to scream at some idiot LABC with two Carriers sitting behind your bomber looking threatening. They were there by choice, too. Seems they thought it would be lulz xD

Child, lately I've been trying to be less openly discriminating towards people, but your complete and total lack of any form of common sense is annoying me. Silverleaf, if you don't start using the brain in ways that even a bacterium could, I'd predict your stay here is going to be cut short. I can speak for Liberty at least when I say that, lawful or not, if we find you abusing your 'statement of manliness' to actively seek and wtfpwn pirates, we will wtfpwn you.

There are people who would teach you, but you're going to have to meet them half way.

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Elsdragon - 09-04-2009

Really, Caps suck, Yu cant run around with them, BY nature, they RESTRICT you. THere is no Siris police.
You cant go building an Empire either. THere is No ENdgame. You just arent getting it

Any lawful group (with capships) that can go anywhere? - Elsdragon - 09-04-2009

IM double posting, But hunting down PIrates with Carriers will Get you dispised