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New screenshot contest - kiggles - 06-26-2007

Nice Explosion

Well that is all I can think of for now, will have a dig and see if there is anything else of interest.


New screenshot contest - Commodore - 06-26-2007

I have some!
(The prize should be 100000000$)
Heres my beloved transport:
[Image: screen215wb5.png]

[Image: screen147oa8.png]

Me in my Wrath:
[Image: screen206jf3.png]

My Gunboat:
[Image: screen152qi4.png]
And thats my entry. Maybe more soon.

New screenshot contest - Raven_Steel - 06-26-2007

Well some screens from me then

[Image: knfmasamotogx5.jpg]

one of the first scrn shots I made on here

[Image: novapggroupzc4.jpg]

NovaPG close to New york, on the way for vogtland

[Image: jayneaa0.jpg]

Nice lightshow if I may say

[Image: burelfightpn9.jpg]

first Gunboat vs me... I died on this one

[Image: kill2.jpg]

My second try on a Gunboat a month after the first...

Well some of my screens that I tought we're worthy to be posted here...

Yeah I like to see things blow up indeed;)


ps: scrn shot counter : 334

New screenshot contest - caylith - 06-26-2007

Here's one I took in the cut screen...sometimes use it as my desktop background:

[Image: screen177.jpg]

New screenshot contest - kiggles - 06-26-2007

I think it would be a good idea to make a new thread for people to post the screenies and have only 1 post each and just edit more pics into it also I advise using links they look neater and reduce page loading times for anyone that might be using dial-up.


New screenshot contest - Snip3rNife - 06-26-2007

' Wrote:LOL wtf james what ship is that and how did u get a libraty foward gun on it:P

cool pics though
(got my forum name changed BTW. Thank you whoever did it)

It's actually a Rheinland Gunboat Forward Gun. I got it by getting a Rheinland Gunboat, then getting some alien design Freighter from Rheinland. The Forward Gun got transferred when I got the new ship, but I can't put it in my cargo hold or fire it.

New screenshot contest - gemini_75 - 06-27-2007

Nice Screens, here's my two cents worth (actually 4 cents).

Traffic @ Cambridge
[Image: freight.jpg]

I caught a rock, I knew that cage was made for a reason.
[Image: Rock.jpg]

Extreme close up.
[Image: dock.jpg]

Missed me! Now you're going to die.
[Image: Missed.jpg]

[Image: sf-pic.jpg]

New screenshot contest - Snip3rNife - 06-27-2007


[Image: screen10tb0.png][Image: screen2kk6.png]
I had a wierd graphical glitch earlier today. The lighting was stuffed up majorly. I couldn't capture it well in screenshots because the light was flickering everywhere. But I did manage to get pictures of the broken up atmosphere.

[Image: screen7dn6.jpg]
Stop. Jackhammer time

[Image: screen12br2.jpg]
Kids. The Earth is FLAT.

New screenshot contest - Maranzo - 06-27-2007

Well my turn then

[Image: connecticutgroupjw7.jpg]

BSG doing a flyby trough liberty and then came to connecticut:)I love the Vipers...

[Image: novapgkeepinmecompanynq0.jpg]

Hehe that was also a nice meeting... NovaPG on the PvP server and my own Viper also:)

[Image: slipstreamqk2.jpg]

A magnificant ship which you don't see fly around that often... it was used in the last carnage and I decided to try it out

[Image: merdobattlestaruc3.jpg]

My Battlestar Mjerdo on the PvP, It did some nice damage to the Liberties

[Image: geofh4.jpg]

The succes of my first flight with the Xenos

Hope ya like them !


New screenshot contest - Exile - 06-27-2007

sorry to ruin the fun people but can we all use thumbnails pls?