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The Yukai Han - DeathsOverture - 11-11-2009

' Wrote:Your inability to spot a joke amuses me. Regardless, I was just saying that it seemed a bit ... off that GMG transports would be used for pirating. The Behemoths and other non-brand civilian transports are easy to purchase, so there shouldn't be any problems for even the most vile of pirate organizations get some. The GMG ships, however, are GMG. As in, used by the GMG. I don't think that miners outside the GMG, let alone pirates, could have access to them. Then again, I don't have a GMG character, so I might just be talking gibberish...

I'm under the impression that the GMG Miner has been manufactured by the GMG for a long time, and that its status should be analogous to the IMG-Raven Talon, rather than IMG-Viper.

Here's the infocard.

Quote:T-382-T "Kamome" GMG Transport

The Kamome has its roots in the first earnest attempts to harvest the gasses of the Crow nebula. The complex internal chambers and equipment used for identifying, filtering and storing the myriad forms of gasses through which it traversed are still considered a wonder of technological ingenuity to this day. The rich fortunes that these vessels yielded for the Gas Miners Guild paved the way for more efficient stationary harvesting centers resulting in fleets of mobile harvesters to be retrofitted into highly efficient, and more importantly safe, transport for the volatile gasses that move the fleets of the Sirius sector.

Samura maintains several fleets of the vessels, retrofitted from their days of prior service with the guild and now employed to serve the company's own ends.

This ship is equipped with the basic tools required to glean an additional yeild, when coupled with specially tuned mining equipment, of harvested alien organisms.

I'd say more but I can't stick around:(

(PS, I just noticed that "yield" is spelled incorrectly.)

The Yukai Han - Thurgret - 11-11-2009

' Wrote:Please note the ability of many of the corporate IDs to prey upon one another. Any of the DSE ships that we jumped could have easily done the same to us.
I checked this back when I first heard it, and couldn't find it on the ID. And here's a screenshot of what the ID currently says:
[Image: DSEID.jpg]

The Yukai Han - Drake - 11-11-2009

' Wrote:Well, a Kruger miner disappears in the Elbich Field. No one to blame it on? No proof of anything happened? Some random guy shows up with a ship full of Silver, but no one is sure how he got it? Sounds like a miner who got a little jealous, to me. But, then again, who says Kruger can't pick on the little guy in their Omega-7 field? No one would know...
Same could be said for a Universal trader hauling boron and disappearing in route to Bretonia, and his cargo happening to end up on an freelancer trade vessel. No one would know (though they would, since no one actually dies...).

The major mining companies are well known to be ruthless and horrible, horrible people. It would be expected for them to muscle out any competitors who tried moving in on their turf. An indie miner (not IMG), however, has no 'turf', they are by definition moving in on someone else's.

The way the IDs are written assumes that miners are ruthless, while traders are peaceful (at least towards anyone not a pirate). Why? It's the specific mining corporations which are ruthless. Sounds like the 'demanding ore' should be a 'perk' of using a specific corporate mining ID, rather than a feature of all miners. Even the IMG demanding ore is a little off, in my opinion, except maybe when dealing with BMM.

Edit: Also, where does it say generic miners can't land on mining corporation bases?

The Yukai Han - Dusty Lens - 11-11-2009

The ID has been changed by FLhook because of some bugs in the upload. It would reflect the proper text online.

' Wrote:Gibberish

The GMG miner is manufactured by Samura and Kishiro as a civilian transport and gas miner for both corporations.

To be honest if I really wanted to go to town I would have used Junker IDs and Pirate Transports. Tougher, more cargo, more guns. Could have sold the same stuff in Bretonia. Pirates would have left us alone.

Would have been much easier.

The Yukai Han - Thurgret - 11-11-2009

That would explain that. Cheers.

Does make me wonder on how house police would/should view independent miners. Should they be asking them to move along? Or should they protect them from corporate pirates? My guess is that they'd be looked on with a somewhat wary eye except in out of the way places where the House can't really claim to 'own' the ore (and by extension, grant exclusive permission to its - nationalised, in some cases - corporations to mine it).

The Yukai Han - Barrier - 11-11-2009

All I have to say is that I "learned the ropes" the hard way. Ahh well.

Funny how there are so many situations where my name comes in very handy. Like that Barge incident.
I would like to thank your group for pointing out the obvious mistake I and some other folks from the DSE were making. "We obviously require more <strike>minerals</strike> bombers".

On a side note, I was actually quite shocked when I heard about the Barge being very OoRP. That changes some of my viewpoints about some people... And frankly, miners as well.

Anyways, those are my 2 cents.

The Yukai Han - Grail - 11-11-2009

Try this on Rheinland. (For fun).

Dont come close to any Kruger station or field. None of you independent miners will survive.

Great idea you had.

But keep the mining mod working. In the middle of these all powermining i have seen lots of fun all. People are getting together, are working together, are enjoying convoys, etc. We are trying to give Kruger a bust, hiring new pilots, mining together, etc. I just havent seen (by far) the number of pilots on Rheinland on the same route, Narita New Tokio, that Pennsylvannia has. So if you gonna change anything, do has you say, reduce the profit form Penn to another locations, get some new selling spots.
And by the way, i once met one of your miners on New Tokio, no IFF and miner Id. The guy got me on my nervers (RPing), fun and interessting.

Give it time and congratulations all of you and all who gave the mining mod a new life

Double post deleted, no need to appologise. The forums do that sometimes. - Joe

The Yukai Han - pipboy - 11-11-2009

Just a couple points here, Ivan I for one have no intention of stopping. Of course with the server being down....

Also the GMG, first of all it is used by many people not just the GMG. That was already mentioned. Secondly, did you ever think that maybe we contacted the GMG way back in the beginning? Ever think that we contacted the AFA, the Black Dragons, the KNF, the KSP, etc... Trust me, we covered our bases where needed.

Pretty good for a group of lolpirates. I look forward to the server being restored, cause I intend to keep right on lolpirating. Also, I think we're going to have to start paying you Kruger boys a visit. I'm pretty sure we got the same kind of threats from the Liberty boys and we got rich off of them.

The Yukai Han - jxie93 - 11-11-2009

I feel like I just missed what could have been the greatest encounter between miners before Disco global shut down.

The Yukai Han - pipboy - 11-11-2009

' Wrote:I feel like I just missed what could have been the greatest encounter between miners before Disco global shut down.
No you didn't, the server will be back and so will we.