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Bounty Hunter Gunship - akka1000 - 12-11-2009

As far as i know, we cannot remove guns, as removing the hardpoint requires a server wipe, so it will have to stay with 6 turrents.
It doesn't need a mine dropper imo.

Quote:I bet no one will give it 5 turrets and leave everything else as it is, there always has to be some tradeoff.

The trade off was the over nerfing from .84. The old GS was over powered, this one is a bit under powered

Also, 2 razors dont kill a BH (light) bomber, I tested this in conn today

Bounty Hunter Gunship - ... kur nubėgo? - 12-11-2009

' Wrote:How many times do I have to tell people "don't fix what ain't broke"?

Bounty Hunter Gunship - Prysin - 12-11-2009

@Were did it ran
it's not that fixed either you know....

Why is a "fighter/bomber eating" gunship limited to fight 3 fighters (even if its 1 on 1) ????Its not right

Bounty Hunter Gunship - Dashiell - 12-11-2009

point is: it IS broken. a bomber killer that can't kill bombers and dies horribly against 2 of em is broken.

a ship that forces you to use a single setup, because all others are useless, is broken.

Bounty Hunter Gunship - Prysin - 12-11-2009

' Wrote:point is: it IS broken. a bomber killer that can't kill bombers and dies horribly against 2 of em is broken.

a ship that forces you to use a single setup, because all others are useless, is broken.

tripple signed

Bounty Hunter Gunship - cmfalconer - 12-11-2009

I don't think it's too harsh to say "Tough cookies" to sniping Bottlenose pilots. I am one.

With Tenacity's idea, it the Bottlenose would still have the ability to fire two Pulse and/or two Razors, but would NOT be able to fire anything else. It would, however, be able to fire BHG primaries for quite a while even if it had all six firing forward. This would give it the punch and staying power to be able to fight off it's primary opponent.

Problem is regen speed. 60k is WAY too much, regenerating a full core in 5 seconds? keeping it at 40k would be decent in my opinion, filling the core in less than 8 seconds. An OK tradeoff in my opinion.

Bounty Hunter Gunship - Prysin - 12-11-2009

nooooooooooo keep the tri razor.... id rather have it lose the rear guns then nerfing the powerplant....

Bounty Hunter Gunship - Grimly - 12-12-2009

' Wrote:I will accept that we buff the GS once someone defeat me in a 1 vs 1 with any ship up to gunboats.

This ship is just pure evil, if you don't feel it is, that mean you use it wrong.
Just a tip : rear view is the key
It's still on. I can even record the fight to show you I'm not a camera.ini cheater.
This ship is the best of its class, except maybe the OC GS, I never tried it.

When we tried the bomber guns when it was on development, the guns were at 400m/s speed (so faster than we have now) and with the power of an old colada (so better damages as well). I did fight against Karolis's praet in the BHG GS. He never could make me lose a single piece of hull while he died 7 times using all b/b !

Quote:This ship is just pure evil, if you don't feel it is, that mean you use it wrong.

I'm planing to get one by a really special RP request, once this story will be at this final state, we surely will hear the "Nerf the BHG GS !" or "Gank it !"

PS : I'm -NOT- using razors at all.

Bounty Hunter Gunship - Elsdragon - 12-12-2009

4 cerbs hit pretty hard, try em out sometime1

Bounty Hunter Gunship - ... kur nubėgo? - 12-12-2009

' Wrote:@Were did it ran
it's not that fixed either you know....

Why is a "fighter/bomber eating" gunship limited to fight 3 fighters (even if its 1 on 1) ????Its not right

2 decently piloted fighters (12k - 15 k powerplant ones) who co-operate can take down any cruisser. And you are asking me why a gunship can't stand 3 fighters?